Microsoft's latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power



  • Reply 141 of 520
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Apple's margin on everything is 32%. Microsoft's is 82%. Apple's software prices are the lowest in the industry for the products they sell.

    you are right to a point.

    but its not always 32%. the iPhone is thought to be bringing in over DOUBLE what apple spends to make it (which is amazing considering how good it is) their software is cheap and good though.

    as for the lowest? no.
  • Reply 142 of 520
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    the iPhone is thought to be bringing in over DOUBLE what apple spends to make it

    Really? A gross margin of 67%? Can you provide a cite/link?
  • Reply 143 of 520
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Then clarify your posts before posting next time-it was the Mac OS that caused the Gate's concern not the Mac itself.

    It's also history that Microsoft for the most part rules the world.

    The post was clear enough, where Apple products are concerned the platform is hardware and OS, not just the OS. I didn't feel the need to write a full article on the subject (although I've been less than brief before). You might want to try reading with a little higher level of comprehension before you respond.

    Microsoft rules the world? Ok, I think I have a better idea of the reason you are here.
  • Reply 144 of 520
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    Uh, you don't recognize my user name or some of the posts I've made in threads you've posted to as well do you? If you had, you'd know that I am far from a biased Apple fanboy. There is a difference between an opposing viewpoint, rational critique, and blatant flame bating.

    No, no I wasn't referring to you- you made it made it plain and clear that you were unbiased. And you gave me the answer I was looking for- biased Apple fanboy.

    Apple is a big part of my life as I have many Apple products. Number one is the OS which is second to none. The issue that I really have (ignoring the latest shuffle) is the fact that that Apple TV and MacMini should have merged by now because while ATV lack functionality (no Safari), the MacMIni lacks connectivity into your living room HDTV (no HDMI). Last night I was streaming video from Amazon and could not use the ATV and the realized that a Mac Mini has no HDMI and have been hearing that the image is not great for an HDTV.
  • Reply 145 of 520
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    The post was clear enough, I didn't feel the need to write a full article on the subject (although I've been less than brief before). You might want to try reading with a little higher level of comprehension before you respond.

    Microsoft rules the world? Ok, I think I have a better idea of the reason you are here.

    Pot meet kettle.

    You're the one with the stunted comprehension!-Do you actually think I literally meant that Microsoft rules the world?

    So what operating system does have the largest share % in the world ? Tell me? I would like to know your answer because I am so in the dark then. Enlighten me. Please.
  • Reply 146 of 520
    Bringing up again. Microsoft's roadmap from day 1 is selling their OS to PC builders and corporations. And now Windows can run on Macs. They also sell Microsoft Office on Macs too. This commercial is an ad for HP too. For all the people who keep on saying Microsoft can make more money on PCs, go do an audit on how Microsoft became what they today by selling licenses. In those days, there wasn't activation, and PC's were very very expensive. Most of their income was Windows NT and server software. But Still Microsoft dominated and became very rich. And let's see how much Microsoft spent on lawyers and court cases. They are advertising only HP. What about the other PC's that can run Windows? I'm not comparing PC to Macs, I'm talking about Microsoft and their BS.
  • Reply 147 of 520
    smilingoatsmilingoat Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Really? A gross margin of 67%? Can you provide a cite/link?

    sure. now this is all from memory, its been a good 8 months since i read the original article.


    the first gen.

    now thats the cost to MAKE them. not the cost to create them. however its selling far better than they expected, millions more than the projected, which the more they make, the less influence that initial cost effects the "per items sold" price.
  • Reply 148 of 520
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post


    Apple's margin on everything is 32%. Microsoft's is 82%. Apple's software prices are the lowest in the industry for the products they sell.

    That's because the cost of the overpriced hardware compensate for much a any new software costs- it a built in system. You can't use Apple software anywhere else but on Apple products. There is no licensing overhead and Apple probably eats it as GoodWill expense.

    Microsoft's on the other hand are used universally- wherever PCs are sold and includes a much higher licensing charge.
  • Reply 149 of 520
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Pot meet kettle.

    You're the one with the stunted comprehension!-Do you actually think I literally meant that Microsoft rules the world?

    So what operating system does have the largest share % in the world ? Tell me? I would like to know your answer because I am so in the dark then. Enlighten me. Please.

    Stunted comprehension? Kettle meet pot. I got what you meant, it just wasn't the most cogent of points. The computing "world" is ruled by neither MS, Apple, nor Linux. If one uses Apple products as their platform, then one's "world" as it pertains to computing, is the "Apple world", which Apple dominates 100%. Same goes for the "MS world", the "Linux World" (and the "etch-a-sketch world" for that matter). People use the products or mix of products as suited to their needs. Microsoft rules the Windows world, no more. Your "world" is not my "world."
  • Reply 150 of 520
    The problems begin once you take the PC home, not when you purchase it.
  • Reply 151 of 520
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    Stunted comprehension? Kettle meet pot. I got what you meant, it just wasn't the most cogent of points. The computing "world" is ruled by neither MS, Apple, nor Linux. If one uses Apple products as their platform, then one's "world" as it pertains to computing, is the "Apple world", which Apple dominates 100%. Same goes for the "MS world", the "Linux World" (and the "etch-a-sketch world" for that matter). People use the products or mix of products as suited to their needs. Microsoft rules the Windows world, no more. Your "world" is not my "world."

    So sorry that you're in denial.
  • Reply 152 of 520
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    no its not. its a closed minded way to think at a time where the global economy has shrunk over 10% in 1 year.

    personally i do own SOME brands. when i buy beer, i buy micro beers, by the brand i like. which do cost a little more. but i dont drink beer to get drunk, im paying for the flavor, not the effect.

    my clothes pretty much come exclusively from old navy, which is kind of a brand... they costs a little more than walmart, but they last for years. sure its doesnt have a giant A&F logo on the front, but maybe im just more comfortable with myself and my place in society being a college graduate, to not feel the need to show off wealth.

    Oh so because the economy is down I should stop living my life. I should only shop at Walmart, eat unhealthy cheap foods, buy everything from the dollar store, and just go the cheap route for everything in life from electronics to food. You said you wear Old Navy, well that's a brand, why aren't you buying all your clothes from a dollar store or even thrift store, after all the economy is down 10 percent.
  • Reply 153 of 520
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    now i agree to a point with MS software (which is why i only every buy it when i know a student that will purchase it for me at a small fraction of the cost)

    however when it comes to hardware? MS charges less than its competition most of the time. look at the Xbox and Zune. (both great products if you dont already have an iPhone, the 360 is the best gaming system this gen, and costs half as much as the PS3, and $50 less than the Wii)

    Irrelevant to me Apple just like Microsoft tries to find the highest possible profit margin.
  • Reply 154 of 520
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    You don't know what you are talking about.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That's because the cost of the overpriced hardware compensate for much a any new software costs- it a built in system.

    Wrong. The hardware is market prices, plus a standard retail margin. That was the main thrust of the post you are replying to but you still don't seem to get it. Standard cost plus standard margin. Repeat that to yourself about a hundred times before continuing.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    ... You can't use Apple software anywhere else but on Apple products. There is no licensing overhead and Apple probably eats it as GoodWill expense.

    Microsoft's on the other hand are used universally- wherever PCs are sold and includes a much higher licensing charge.

    This is just absolute nonsense. I can't reply because so much of it just makes no sense. "Apple ... eats (their licensing costs)?" What are you talking about?

    Is English your first language?

    Have you ever even *been* to a college or University?

    Why is it after months of posting dribble on Apple Insider you still think someone should listen to you or that you still have something to say?

    You are a very lucky guy not to be banned form this site for all the personal attacks you make, but even when you get "serious" like here, you just aren't worth talking to.

    Forums are for debates and conversations, the automatic shrill gain-saying of everything you read or hear is neither of those things. Your posts (overall) are cruel, empty of meaning, and not funny (despite the plethora of happy faces you attach to them.) Go away, please. No one wants you here or finds you amusing or interesting.

    Please do yourself and everyone on this forum a favour by deleting "teckstud," taking a deep breath and start over again with one of your alt accounts. It's part of the growing up process acknowledging when you've been behaving like an a-hole and deciding to move on. Please move on.

    You'll only be embarrassed when( as an adult), you look back on all the tripe and bile you spew on this forum.
  • Reply 155 of 520
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    sure. now this is all from memory, its been a good 8 months since i read the original article.


    the first gen.

    now thats the cost to MAKE them. not the cost to create them. however its selling far better than they expected, millions more than the projected, which the more they make, the less influence that initial cost effects the "per items sold" price.

    I am afraid it's totally FUD. Just to get the facts clear, I looked at all three of your cites - Gizmodo says 'BOM' costs (i.e., only the actual cost of material, it is neither the cost to make nor create them, as you suggest) may give Apple a 50% margin relative to sale price, CNET says 55%, and Intomobile implies it could be as high as 75%.

    Intrigued by the Intomobile number, I went to their source, which they say is a company callled Portelligent. Here is what the actual quote is, from the CEO of Portelligent:


    "I'd suspect the collective volume, learning and engineering changes to the display would mean that the whole touch screen assembly might be about half the $60 or so we estimated for Gen1 a year ago," Carey said. "In addition, the 8 Gbytes of MLC NAND is today around $20 compared to the $50 that might have been the case in June 2007," he added. Carey estimated Apple may have shaved another $25 off the bill of materials costs based on changes he observed in a teardown of the iPod Touch.

    Those changes are only slightly offset by new costs for the iPhone 3G. Carey said the additional cost of an HSDPA chip set are only about $15 plus another $5 for the GPS chip. He also noted that the $100 price increase for a model with 16 Gbytes flash adds to the profit margin because the additional memory chips probably cost Apple only about $20.

    Netting out all the changes Apple may have had a gross profit based solely on cost of hardware for the original iPhone of $229 and profits of just $99 for the iPhone 3G. "It's always important to point out that hardware BOM costs do not capture many other important facets of product cost such as development costs, software costs, licenses and marketing," he said."


    Huh?! If it's "profits" (sic) of "just $99 for the iPhone 3G" that's more like 33% - 50%, according to this guy.

    Or, I have no clue what he's actually saying.....
  • Reply 156 of 520
    gmhutgmhut Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    So sorry that you're in denial.

    So sorry you can't come up with a decent rebuttal. It was fun while it lasted.
  • Reply 157 of 520
    smilingoatsmilingoat Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Oh so because the economy is down I should stop living my life. I should only shop at Walmart, eat unhealthy cheap foods, buy everything from the dollar store, and just go the cheap route for everything in life from electronics to food. You said you wear Old Navy, well that's a brand, why aren't you buying all your clothes from a dollar store or even thrift store, after all the economy is down 10 percent.

    LOL, you just made it perfectly clear by using an example that i just stated i dont do myself. i DONT shop at walmart. in fact i purchase most of what i get at a farmers market, which is cheaper and better for the environment.

    do you really determine what your life is by what stuff you buy? its irresponsibility that got us in the mess we are in today, the reason people are hurting so bad is they spent more money than they should have been spending, so yes, because the economy is down, you and everyone else should be spending closer to their budget, we still have to spend money, but not waste it. this is a easy place to trip a lot of budget fat. which is a problem for companies like Apple that ask for a very large premium.

    Where do you get "unhealthy" food? hell like i just said, i eat most of my food from the farmers market (girlfriend is vegetarian... so i guess that pretty much makes me one too), we eat very healthy, we just cut back on stuff that isnt cost effect, less cheese, i often brew my own beer (which tastes better than most shelf beer) and we eat mostly veggies from the farmers market when there is a farmers market going on. past that we shop at local discount food stores that sell food that is slightly passed its "sell by" date. the store we mostly shop at specializes in organic veggie foods. and is the only place we get food that is Boxed/canned/already prepared. other than that we mostly just make the same 10-15 things, over and over again so we are constantly getting the same foods, this way we can buy them fresh, and enjoy them more, and eat more healthy.

    As for electronics? i have a;lst which i purchased for $1100, as i waited for a huge sale.

    i also own a 360 and a PS3, which i also got bundled equipment with and discounts through haggling. My PC is Gaming rig that i paid $1400 for 2 years ago, and still plays just about anything i want on the highest settings (save crysis).

    My Mac has been used for years, to the point that the thing barely works anymore, and is barely chugging along (which is why im about end up having to use only a PC)

    when i say that you need to watch your money, i say it in a relative manner. which would be obvious to anyone that wasnt backed into a corner because of their own stupid comments. i dont shop at a dollar store because that shit is unreliable and crap. but if i was making far less money, and needed some soap or something? sure i'd stop buy and pick some up to work with my budget.

    Why would i buy walmart jeans when they will fall apart in 6 months of use, when i can afford to spend $5-10 more at old navy and have them last 2-3 years?

    but hey, if when im making more money, i'll buy some things that are slightly more upscale, otherwise i wouldnt own an iPhone. but when times are tight, saving $1000+ on a computer that is just as capable as a macbook is a good way to trim the budget, so you can spend that stuff on other goods.

    its not rocket science.
  • Reply 158 of 520
    smilingoatsmilingoat Posts: 153member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    Irrelevant to me Apple just like Microsoft tries to find the highest possible profit margin.

    duh. thats business.
  • Reply 159 of 520
    Originally Posted by parky View Post

    How convenient of you to ignore the backlit keyboard, webcam, physical dimensions, weight, included software/accessories, etc. They are NOT personal preferences they are VERY important and valuable features, but to include them would blow your point. What a fucking idiot.

    Wow someone is angryyyyyyyyyyyyy.

    Starting weight: Macbook pro is 5.5 lbs

    Dell xps studio 6.4 lbs

    Display : 15.4-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit glossy widescreen display, 1440-by-900

    resolution, Built-in iSight camera

    Dell, Edge-to-Edge FullHD Widescreen 16.0 inch RGBLED LCD (1920x1080)

    W/2.0 MP camera.

    Seems to me you're also cherry picking to make your point. And cursing at someone who's making a valid point...stupidity doesn't begin to describe you.
  • Reply 160 of 520
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by GMHut View Post

    If I understand the point you are trying to make, you might want to pick up a copy of, "Economics for Dummies." Market share is not tied to quality or performance due to a multitude of variables. Generally, market share is higher for the low to mid range quality and price tier, while the high end tier has the lower market share.

    You don't have to have the higher volume sales to have the better product or to be profitable and successful.

    Too true.

    Market share has nothing to do with "better", etc.

    Apple prices its products out of certain markets for a reason. And makes some of the difference up on margins, not volume. A Mac is a premium product. It's a narrower market at the top of the pyramid. Dell customers, please stay away.

    Not everyone can afford an Apple product, yet they want the Apple experience. There are legions upon legions of PC users who would absolutely love to own a Mac. OS X has, and continues, to set the bar in terms of OS excellence. This has been an accepted reality for years.

    Very often, common = cheap.

    So, you're right.
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