Apple responds to Microsoft ads: "a PC is no bargain"



  • Reply 161 of 357
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    The extra cost of programs in Windows was something I had completely forgot about after using a mac for a few years. I recently built a PC because Apple didn't have what I wanted (HTPC with blu-ray and gaming capabilities). I was quickly re-introduced to the concept. The only program that will play blu-rays on my pc is the power dvd player that came with my blu-ray drive, but it wont output 5.1 sound unless you spend $100 on the "pro" version. Given macs don't do blu-rays right now, but when they do, I wont need to spend $100 to get a player with full functionality.

    Doesn't Quicktime function in a similar manner? (serious question?) The PC version requires a PRO copy to do anything useful with it beyond simply playing movies right?
  • Reply 162 of 357
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by Charel View Post

    I think your comparison is a bit off. A $12 bottle compared to the $10 is more realistic. Only the $12 one is bought on the recommendation of a wine expert and the $10 one is bought off the shelf and when opened is corked.

    My desktop PC (though nothing impressive) set me back 500 dollars (including a cheap case that has nothing on Apples designs but the power button works and it holds components so I don't care if it looks 'cool' )..

    AMD 5000+, 2Gb DDR2, 320Gb Sata II Seagate, 500w PSU, 9800GTX+

    Does everything I want and plays all the games I have... for the money I have into it I can afford to upgrade again in a few years if I think I need something more powerful.

    The only thing that a PC user has availabe over Mac users (notice I didn't say windows... ) is choice...

    If Apple opened up they would probably end up facing the same headaches MS is now but their market share would increase dramatically. I know I would have a copy running on something I own.

    I like OSX but like having choices a whole lot more...
  • Reply 163 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Finally, your implied assertion that Mac users are "dumb" is really off-base considering that more Mac users are professionals, more Mac users have higher education etc. Also, Microsoft is purposely targeting dumb "average" PC users with this campaign and purposely *not* targeting knowledgeable professionals.

    The ads more or less say:

    "You're not very rich, you're not very cool, and you're not that technologically competent, so ... a PC is just right for you! They're cheap!"

    I wasn't implying that Mac users are "dumb" I was saying if someone was dumb enough that they couldn't figure out their way around a PC, then yes a Mac might be a better choice, and you know why that is so give me a break. You know damn well I wasn't calling Mac users dumb, that's just you trying to start an argument.

    To say "more Mac users have higher education" is opinion not fact, and shows the typical arrogance I see from a LOT of Mac users. In fact, statistically speaking, it's impossible. Doesn't PC have 95% of the market? Correct me if I'm wrong but I've even seen Mac users here say that. If 95% of the market doesn't contain more educated people than 5% then we are in serious trouble folks!

    Here's an argument that has holes in it that Apple continues to push: Viruses affect PC's so Windows must not be as good as Mac OS right? Well if PC has 95% of the market, and I'm a virus writer, which platform do you think I'm gonna attack? Which would cause more damage? Is apple really saying their OS is impenetrable!? Highly unlikely.

    They completely contradict themselves with the iphone OS. Has anyone here EVER heard of Windows Mobile getting a virus? No. You know why? How many people have a WM phone? Not enough for virus writers to give a damn about. Now look at the iphone. So many people have this phone, and Apple has stated they won't let apps have the same kind of privileges as apps on windows mobile because of the potential for malware and viruses. But wait a second, I thought Apple doesn't make crap operating systems that can be attacked by viruses?

    What do you guys think would happen if it was the other way around and Apple had 95% of the market? You don't think there would be AV software for Macs? FFS wake up.

    Bottom line: Mac and PC are tools, and different tools have different jobs. Do you use a screw driver to loosen up a bolt? No. It's irritating when both sides attack each other for things that are a far stretch of the truth or downright lies, and it's ESPECIALLY irritating to see Mac USERS or PC users taking sides for stupid illogical reasons.

  • Reply 164 of 357
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    A number of you hit on this, and these ads are going right after this too....

    You all know why people who have no money and continue to have no money...

    They lack the ability/discipline to save money...

    They can not objectively determine what is important

    They can not objectively determine what has value

    They can not objectively determine what has quality

    So most people's buying decision goes something like this...

    They decide they want/need something, they look at what they have in their wallet/left on the credit limit and look around and see what the least expensive thing they can buy and buy it. They do not care how long it lasts, whether it really does what they need or is worth what they just paid.

    So when it finally breaks they go out and do it all over again... Thus got nothing for their money other than instant gratification. It is not unusual for these people to do this over and over again.

    How many of you know a person who owns a PC after a year or so when the thing becomes slow for numerous reason or things start to fail go right out and buy another one and replace the old one.

    These MS ads are targeting these people and these people are in the majority which none of them are on this discussion.

    Personally I tend to save and get exactly what I want and need and will pay extra for quality. With that said, I still use my Titanium Powerbook which is now 8 yrs old running Tiger and works just as good today as when I first bought it. I also have in my house an original Imac 20" Flat Panel which is running Leopard and 2GB upgrade which is 6 yrs old, add to that a Imac G5 running Leopard which is 4 yrs old, and a MacBook which now 2.5 yrs old. Compared to most of my friends who still use PCs, they're are all less then 2 or 3 yrs old because it was cheaper to just go get a new one.

    I can tell you I spent far less on my 4 computers which everyone in my house has one, than people who I know who have bought PC's for their house, which they have replace at least 2 or 3 times and bought extras for the family.

    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, thus the reason PC year over year must get cheaper to buy, it is the death spiral to the bottom.
  • Reply 165 of 357
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    You just made their argument for them...

    Why do I need to cough up for expensive hardware when I can spend less and still be happy? I also have AMD (which can be used to get great performance for the money) as a cheaper alternative.

    As far as the article... as a Windows user (primarily) well played sir...not much can be said to counter that IMHO.

    Uh nope. In the ads the people never hit their desired goals except in only one aspect... cheaper. They never got "better" screens, or better mobility with battery life, and they got the worst OS on the planet; Windows Home edition. Microsoft has moved from selling their OS to pushing cheap crap that has their OS installed on it. If they were really interested in making sure people got the cheapest experience they would shove them into Wal-Mart and have them buy a Linux based system.
  • Reply 166 of 357
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,686member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    To say "more Mac users have higher education" is opinion not fact, and shows the typical arrogance I see from a LOT of Mac users. In fact, statistically speaking, it's impossible. Doesn't PC have 95% of the market? Correct me if I'm wrong but I've even seen Mac users here say that. If 95% of the market doesn't contain more educated people than 5% then we are in serious trouble folks! nd, I thought Apple doesn't make crap operating systems that can be attacked by viruses?

    Actually there were several studies done that did prove that to be a fact. You are educated enough to know how to do some research right? Try if you'd like some help.

    And yes, PC's do have 95% of the desktop computer market, most of which belong to IT departments, not individual users. And Windows shares the same market share ONLY because it comes pre-installed on those computers.

    And actually, PC's have 90% of the US market share and 95% of the world market share. All that proves is that Apple is doing quite well for themselves with the itsy-bitsy share they have. And when you take into account all the people who actually place any kind of value in their computer purchase and spend a $1000+, 60% of them buy Macs.
  • Reply 167 of 357
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    You're so naive. Sending a keystroke log may produce enough activity to make your router blink for a few seconds, once a day.

    My router drops everything I don't ask for and I don't run as a privileged user on either machine I have.

    I've got both a macbook and a PC. I don't run anti virus on either.
  • Reply 168 of 357
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    Originally Posted by Galapagos View Post

    Microsoft´s add campaigns seem to be targeted to the "Sarah Palins" of the world, whereas Mac adds are addressed to the other "cool" guy who won the elections.

    Just a little political humor...

    Dunno about the Sarah Palins, per se, but a true conservative would want a solid investment that pays off over the long term -- like a Mac. It would be the socialist-leaning one that would want to spread the wealth -- to anti-virus companies, repair shops, imitation-iLife sellers -- whether or not the recipients merit it.
  • Reply 169 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Actually there were several studies done that did prove that to be a fact. You are educated enough to know how to do some research right? Try if you'd like some help.

    Wow a condescending mac user. Never met anyone like you before. Hey let me ask you, doesn't it bother you to be such a stereotype?

    Before you go off and make an even bigger jerk out of yourself for absolutely no reason, let me just say I did google it and I've read about 5 different articles so far. Not a single one of them stated there were MORE educated people using Mac than PC. Most of them simply said Mac users were more web savvy, and even one of them said Mac users have better vocabulary in the English language.

    Here's a pretty sound theory: Macs are expensive. College graduates on average make more money than non-college graduates so they generally can afford a Mac. SO, I wouldn't debate that your AVERAGE Mac user is smarter than your AVERAGE PC user, but to say that there are MORE educated mac users than PC users really is scary on more levels than you think.
  • Reply 170 of 357
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Actually there were several studies done that did prove that to be a fact. You are educated enough to know how to do some research right? Try if you'd like some help.

    Actually, that's true that I've seen, but if you're trying to have a conversation, telling someone to research your fact for you is a poor debate tactic. If it's really so easy to find this information, you can dig it up yourself too and you should if you're trying to assert something is true.
  • Reply 171 of 357
    cincyteecincytee Posts: 419member
    Originally Posted by jasondwelsh View Post

    Actually, he is correct. The contraction "there's" (there is) refers to "lot" which is singular, not buyers which is part of the prepositional phrase that refers to "lot".

    "There's a lot" is like saying "There's a Mac".

    Unless a "lot" is used in its literal sense -- e.g. "I'll stop by the warehouse to pick up the lot of power supplies I bought." -- it is a colloquial substitution for "many" and should be treated as a plural.
  • Reply 172 of 357
    Originally Posted by joe in miami View Post

    I tell my PC friends the same thing about cheap components and price of software and resolution, but they are happy with their cheap shit.

    It's like trying to get someone to go into a wine shop and select a $50 bottle of wine, when they are just as happy with a $10 bottle from the grocery store. It's just not worth the effort.

    You're absolutely right!! I'm one of them cheap-ass guys who bought a $699 lappy but am very happy with it. Does everything I need, no complaints what-so-ever. I do own a powerbook G4 too but it's getting a bit slow, that's why the upgrade coz I only had $800 to spend.
  • Reply 173 of 357
    huntercrhuntercr Posts: 140member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Microsoft makes an interesting statement in their ads, but I don't think they work, really. As I have been saying, people see these ads and most think: "oh yeah, I heard how cool those Apple's are, must check out the Apple Store." People know, in the end, usually you get what you pay for. These ads aren't clever enough.

    I disagree. I think Microsoft made the right call in acknowledging that the Macs were cool and desirable... they can't fight that battle, and to concede it up front is smart. The Ad's are not going to sway anyone who truly sees the value of a Mac, they're just going to prune off some people who are "mac curious" but are afraid, and are worried about spending their money on a possible mistake ( which we know wouldn't be true of course )

    These are the same audience, that lef tto their own devices would buy the wrong laptop anyway...underpowered, oversized, comes with the free printer... you know the type.
  • Reply 174 of 357
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    Microsoft had better not f**k up with Windows 7 or Apple is gonna be all over them like flies on s**t.

    If Vista wasn't enough, nothing will be.
  • Reply 175 of 357
    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I only have a few things to take issue with

    1) Most PC users worth their salt know that there are plenty of freeware AV programs out there. I personally use AVG Free, but there's also Antivir, Avast, and countless other programs that you DON'T have to pay for and work just fine.

    Why pay $150 over three years unless you're an idiot or just made out of money

    2) As for the other software titles, you can find freeware versions of just about any kind of program that you need to use on a PC (I use mostly freeware stuff on my Lenovo ThinkPad).

    That being said, I think it was a classy response from Apple. Microsoft needed to do something because of Apple's constant Microsoft bashing over the years.

    Microsoft could have done A LOT better with its current Laptop Hunter ads, but they seem to have made at least a bit of an impression and the fact that an Apple rep took the time to even talk about them says a lot.

    Microsoft had better not f**k up with Windows 7 or Apple is gonna be all over them like flies on s**t.

    I think your about spot on. Except for one thing. All those free apps, usually open source, are better used on the operating system they were designed on. A close cousin of OS X, Linux.

    But if your Microsoft you really don't want to play the "Cheaper is Better" role too hard, because a little penguin may start showing up in your ads making your "State of the Art" Vista/7 look pretty bad. Anyone else notice KDE 4.0 which has been out for for a few years looks a bit more like Windows 7? Ya think MS thought to themselves... "We can't copy Aqua, but this open source stuff looks pretty good and works well, let's copy that instead. It also looks like our 22 year old file system can hold up to it too! DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS (as he chants with his sweaty pits - I know, I was there in 03' it was a laugh, most memorable part of the show)"

    That same HP laptop could be sold with Ubuntu for less than $600, Ok Kubuntu and with a few decent open source apps pre-loaded would more than give Microsoft a run for their money.

    Oh you want Windows with that? VirtualBox with Vista preloaded, done. Now make an image of the system and distribute (also a free package).
  • Reply 176 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by xwiredtva View Post

    I think your about spot on. Except for one thing. All those free apps, usually open source, are better used on the operating system they were designed on. A close cousin of OS X, Linux.

    But if your Microsoft you really don't want to play the "Cheaper is Better" role too hard, because a little penguin may start showing up in your ads making your "State of the Art" Vista/7 look pretty bad. Anyone else notice KDE 4.0 which has been out for for a few years looks a bit more like Windows 7? Ya think MS thought to themselves... "We can't copy Aqua, but this open source stuff looks pretty good and works well, let's copy that instead. It also looks like our 22 year old file system can hold up to it too! DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS (as he chants with his sweaty pits - I know, I was there in 03' it was a laugh, most memorable part of the show)"

    That same HP laptop could be sold with Ubuntu for less than $600, Ok Kubuntu and with a few decent open source apps pre-loaded would more than give Microsoft a run for their money.

    Oh you want Windows with that? VirtualBox with Vista preloaded, done. Now make an image of the system and distribute (also a free package).

    I think finally this is something Mac and PC users can come together and agree on: Open source rocks!

    Here's a good read for anyone interested:
  • Reply 177 of 357
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    It is - just a really busy one.

    And, you might add, one with a thick skin. He's not going anywhere!
  • Reply 178 of 357
    Originally Posted by linapple_xp View Post

    This is "duck" tape:

    Used when you just can't take one more "AFLAC"!

    This is duct tape:

    As you can see it has many purposes and can be quite fashionable...

    Gotta go... Doing my morning wrap (around my head)... To keep it from exploding.


    Maybe it's because you were in a rush that you did not have time to google it (or, like wilco, you just did not know), but here are some links, fyi:

    I could go on, but this should do.....
  • Reply 179 of 357
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    And do you still think Macs are better built than average PCs? Or just better looking?

    Well, yes. I also have a unibody MacBook Pro that I'd say is built pretty darn rock solid. I also have a aluminum iMac that is solid as well. Just because there were some design flaws with one model does not mean the whole company is bad.

    It was my WhiteBook that got me to switch from PC to Mac (I'd been building my own PC's since 1996), so it's got a special spot in my heart.
  • Reply 180 of 357
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    Uh nope. In the ads the people never hit their desired goals except in only one aspect... cheaper. They never got "better" screens, or better mobility with battery life, and they got the worst OS on the planet; Windows Home edition. Microsoft has moved from selling their OS to pushing cheap crap that has their OS installed on it. If they were really interested in making sure people got the cheapest experience they would shove them into Wal-Mart and have them buy a Linux based system.

    Since when does being the owner the better of two products make that person happier?

    I see people everyday smiling as they drive a Prius... I don't even think I need to finish the point here.
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