New discoveries turn up in betas of Apple's iPhone 3.0 software



  • Reply 61 of 71
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    Yeah Apple strangely started using "scrub" in product language starting with iMovie/iPhoto.

    It is 'Seek' to everyone else accustomed to a CD player/mp3 player.

    Are you sure that's what it does here? It looks like it just pauses and seeks around the media like the iPhone does now.

    If you touch the nub and then drag your finger downward, THEN move it left to right on the current iPhone firmware it still moves with your finger. This looks like it adds (very naturally) the ability to move at dampened speeds if your finger drifts from the timeline. A smart application of functionality that already exists.

    Right, in the new OS, the behavior would properly be called "scrubbing." The "seek" of a CD player is just "fast", at a fixed rate.

    Scrubbing is a term that dates back to analogue days, when to find a particular place on a magnetic track you would grab it on either side of the playback head and move it back and forth as if you were "scrubbing" the head to get it clean. Then, as now with the digital versions, you could rock back and forth until you were on exactly the frame, sample or instant you were looking for, by listening for the breathing in and out of the attack and decay as you traveled over that particular bit.
  • Reply 62 of 71
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    As for Safari, I am hoping for a complete revision of the UI although nothing so far indicates Apple is thinking of that.

    This doesn't worry me in the slightest. As another poster noted (and I can't find it to quote sorry), Apple will want to surprise us with certain features when they demonstrate everything to the world.

    Anything that developers do NOT need to have in their developer beta is fair game for not being provided at all. Developers don't need to see changes to Safari, or ways of managing/grouping apps on the launch screen, etc.

    Hopefully we'll see both in June.
  • Reply 63 of 71
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    All well and good but new hardware is what is really needed

    Yeah, but it's a separate issue.

    I personally want, say, 500GB of storage on MobileMe, and then let me choose where I want to access my music, files, & apps - on my laptop, my desktop, my parents computer, my iPhone....

    Sync a subset of my stuff to my laptop. Sync a different subset to my iPhone. Don't sync much at all to my login on my parents' Mac. Use Time Machine to backup ALL my data to an external disk (since I don't trust the cloud).

    But I don't expect to see that in these hints
  • Reply 64 of 71
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Fantastic- I hope there is also an indicator when charging that states when the device is full charged.

    There is. The lightning bolt in the battery icon on the menu bar changes to a plug. If showing the large battery on screen, when it is solid green, it is charged.
  • Reply 65 of 71
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Ease up- that was not a criticism at all.

    It's just a preference I have for knowing when to unplug the charger. There would be no question whether or not it was fully charged- words in this case do make it more definitive to me- that's all. I simply prefer to not risk a chance of possibly wrecking the battery by leaving the charger connected too long.

    I guess the big green battery isn't good enough for you? The iPhone's battery isn't damaged by leaving it plugged in. There is no risk of overcharging.

    I read further posts in which you admitted that you don't have an iPhone. The iPhone and iTouch software are different, even though some features do carry over to the iTouch. You should have mentioned in your first post that 1) you own an iPod Touch, not an iPhone, and 2) your iPod Touch does not give you the basic battery indicators. I find that hard to believe since every iPod has had an indicator for charging, and fully charged. BW models showed a lightning bolt for charging, then a solid battery. Color models showed the lightning bolt inside the battery, then the plug indicator. I am also guessing that your iPod Touch doesn't offer the screen capture feature so you can upload pics of your battery icon when plugged in. (Press the sleep and home button at the same time and the screen flashes taking a screenshot of the current screen, then sync the photo to your Mac).

    iPhone Charging:

  • Reply 66 of 71
    Hello all!

    Hey guys and how to activate this new notifications menu? I don't see anything when look to my settings page...
  • Reply 67 of 71
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by Z][ANSWER View Post

    Hello all!

    Hey guys and how to activate this new notifications menu? I don't see anything when look to my settings page...

    I take it you're on iPhone OS 3.0 beta 3? In which case you signed an NDA?
  • Reply 68 of 71
    Originally Posted by Chucker View Post

    I take it you're on iPhone OS 3.0 beta 3? In which case you signed an NDA?

    Yes, I'm on iPhone OS 3.0 beta 3. And what?
  • Reply 69 of 71
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Z][ANSWER View Post

    Yes, I'm on iPhone OS 3.0 beta 3. And what?

    You Should probably know what you're doing first, then do.

    NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement, as most adults are aware, and you signed a legally binding one when you "signed up" for the developer program.
  • Reply 70 of 71
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Z][ANSWER View Post

    Hello all!

    Hey guys and how to activate this new notifications menu? I don't see anything when look to my settings page...

    I don't think you activate it. It's either there or it isn't. I am running Beta 3 on an iPhone 3G and I don't have the Carrier or Notification option under my Settings, either. This is either only turned on the other builds for another iPhone, or it's as screen that is in the system files but not activated in the Betas.

    Originally Posted by Chucker View Post

    I take it you're on iPhone OS 3.0 beta 3? In which case you signed an NDA?

    With websites posting screenshots and talking about features I don't think an alias of someone stating they can't see it is going to send up any flags.
  • Reply 71 of 71
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I don't think you activate it. It's either there or it isn't. I am running Beta 3 on an iPhone 3G and I don't have the Carrier or Notification option under my Settings, either. This is either only turned on the other builds for another iPhone, or it's as screen that is in the system files but not activated in the Betas.

    Thanks for the answer.
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