Apple's iPod touch sales double, nearly on par with iPhone



  • Reply 101 of 146
    Originally Posted by nizy View Post

    The article says that only 7 DS titles have sold upwards of 10M copies and 83 reaching 1M each. I assume most of the 10M+ titles are Nintendo games too. Its like the Wii, ridiculously profitable for Nintendo and maybe profitable for everyone else..

    I stand corrected.
  • Reply 102 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post


    4) All games are timewasters.

    That shows a real ignorance. How can you state that? Maybe they are to you. Not to those who play against each other, not if your learning something from the game, have competitions, etc, etc, etc.
  • Reply 103 of 146
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    I'd love to see some stats on those statements. That doesn't make any sense, people resell the iphone, but throw their DS in the trash? After a couple years? I doubt you can find any evidence to support that, here's a link supporting a much larger installed base than you claim:

    Feel free to post the link you got your info from, I would love to read it.

    That site isn't coming in properly. I get the page, but a big grey blank where the article is supposed to be.

    I have to leave now, so I'll leave it open incase it resolves itself while I'm gone.
  • Reply 104 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That site isn't coming in properly. I get the page, but a big grey blank where the article is supposed to be.

    I have to leave now, so I'll leave it open incase it resolves itself while I'm gone.

    That's funny mel, it came up fine and fast on my Windows XP machine at work.
  • Reply 105 of 146
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    That is great. Imagine now an iPod-touch-form devide twice as large and with the full Mac OS X inside (see first picture):

    Next Apple moves will be Books and Games?
  • Reply 106 of 146
    istinkistink Posts: 250member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    4) All games are timewasters.

    depends on who you talk to. I find work of any sort to be time wasting, while laying on a beach with friends enjoying a nice cold beer to be the best way to spend time. Other people find the best way to spend time is to click on dragons and wizards and gnomes or whatever the fuck else there is LOL
  • Reply 107 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    depends on who you talk to. I find work of any sort to be time wasting, while laying on a beach with friends enjoying a nice cold beer to be the best way to spend time. Other people find the best way to spend time is to click on dragons and wizards and gnomes or whatever the fuck else there is LOL

    All those things are timewasters. This forum is a timewaster. All of Teckstud's posts are timewasters. Except for the last one they can also be useful and fun, but they still waste time, unless their is some TARDIS technology I'm not aware of. Oh yeah, watching Dr. Who is a timewaster.
  • Reply 108 of 146
    Originally Posted by iStink View Post

    I bought one for my little brother this past Christmas and he went absolutely ape shit nuts for it lol. It's a great little toy.

    Ya it's pretty sick and definitely something Apple shouldn't have approved of. What I don't get is how an app like that slips in, but an app where you can put your friends pictures on trillion dollar bills and send it to them to be printed out got denied. Really a head scratcher.

    I wonder if certain app reviewers have certain reputations, like, "NOTHING gets past HELGA!" I could just see a fat woman barely paying attention, cigarette hanging from her lip, makeup smeared across her fat face, just going along stamping no on a bunch of papers saying "NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN!"

    Too true. I thought of that when I read the article earlier today. However, in this instance, Helga, was bribed by Greta with a carton of smokes
  • Reply 109 of 146
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    All those things are timewasters. This forum is a timewaster. All of Teckstud's posts are timewasters. Except for the last one they can also be useful and fun, but they still waste time, unless their is some TARDIS technology I'm not aware of. Oh yeah, watching Dr. Who is a timewaster.

    Thanks for for equating my posts with this forum and Dr. Who.
  • Reply 110 of 146
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    I'm waiting for techstud to somehow disparage the very apple products he claims to like.

    As Mel says, "give it time"....
  • Reply 111 of 146
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by camroidv27 View Post

    For me, the iPod Touch is the only Apple product I will consider purchasing. A very nicely done piece of hardware. I really hope they do unlock bluetooth in 3.0. I think the iPod Touch has sold well to those who wanted the iPhone, but won't switch to AT&T. I for one am in that category. Unlock bluetooth, and you have a killer little machine given you can tether it to your existing cell phone... think of the possibilities!

    I thought nothing of the 1st gen touch and decided to wait for the 2nd gen. I'm glad I did, I take the touch everywhere and consider it one of the most indispensable consumer electronics devices I've ever owned.
  • Reply 112 of 146
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    I'm pretty sure the next iPod Touch will have GPS and a camera.

    These components would add a few dollars to the cost of the device but Apple would more than likely make it back on the increased sales of apps that use the GPS and camera.

    Personally, I don't really care about the camera, but the GPS would be fantastic. I've got my fingers crossed... which makes it very difficult to type, by the way.
  • Reply 113 of 146
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by DimMok View Post

    Name one......And Im talking groundbreaking, great graphics/ Super Monkey.

    I seriously would love to purchase these types of games for my daughters for my Iphone.

    I sold there old DS's....was thinking of the new DSI...but will wait for the new touches..hopefully with a camera built in. That would be sweet. That seems to be the feature they really want. For some reason....

    Are you kidding me? Dim, there are now over 35,000 apps on the App Store, and they just passed 1 billion downloads about an hour ago.... you can't find anything appropriate? Try, try again.
  • Reply 114 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    I'm pretty sure the next iPod Touch will have GPS and a camera.

    These components would add a few dollars to the cost of the device but Apple would more than likely make it back on the increased sales of apps that use the GPS and camera.

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Personally, I don't really care about the camera, but the GPS would be fantastic.

    A camera and GPS addition are about marketing not about cost. If Apple doesn't include them it would not be difficult for a 3rd-party to make an attachment for either of these, but that wouldn't be ideal for the consumer.

    We are pretty certain that Apple will up the camera quality in the iPhone to at least 3.2Mpx. Would Apple include the 2Mpx camera in the extra thin touch so the iPhone maintains its current camera lead? If Apple unveils a front-facing camera in the next iPhone ?which I think is doubtful as an updated camera would be sufficient for this next generation? then the Touch will surely get a back camera.

    The A-GPS chip in the iPhone made sense the iPhone would mostly likely be connected to a network, but 3rd-party developers can include local maps so including it with the Touch now makes sense, unless Apple wants to keep those customers on the iPhone. I think they will include a GPS chip if it's small enough for the thin player. I already of someone who will use their iPhone as an iPhone and have a cheap Touch as their GPS device, assuming that it is included. I would rather have an inclusive device, but I can see why someone would want it separate from their phone.

    What about the magnetometer? I think that the Touch will include this regardless so that it can be used to determine stationary cardinal direction. Will Apple include a compass app or an API so other programs to use it?

    Also, we know that the Touch has had a NAND capacity lead on the iPhone, but that can't continue with exponential growth for much longer. Most are expecting 32GB iPhone this summer, and a 64GB Touch in the fall. The former is possible the later is still price and size prohibitive.
  • Reply 115 of 146
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    That's funny mel, it came up fine and fast on my Windows XP machine at work.

    Maybe so, but Safari has always been known to not accept web pages with poorly written code. Apple is fussier than some other browser companies.

    Sometimes, you have to hit it again, and it resolves itself. I'll look at it again shortly.
  • Reply 116 of 146
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Ok, it's there. Poor page design is actually the problem. That big grey blank at the top of the page actually has the article below.

    Anyway. I'm not impressed with the numbers. It says that by 2011 they will have 112 million installed base. That's another year and a half of sales, about. If Nintendo sold 35 million or so this year, adding another 55 million to that sales total, would mean that they should have over 150 million in the field, by conservative estimate, if many of their previous models were still out there. Actually, it should be closer to 175 million.

    But actually, as I said, most of them are not used after a while, break, get lost or stolen etc. So the total will be just 112 million.

    In addition, it seems as though half will be in Japan, if the 89% of households owning it is true. That means that the entire world will have just 50%.

    When Apple's products move into China, Apple will likely only have 25 to 30% in the US.

    Better distribution.

    This is also before Apple came out with the ver 2 software, or at least, at the same time.

    It's almost two years old, and contains estimates that we don't know to be true for today, much less for 2011.

    By the way, there are plenty of articles about used iPhone sales.
  • Reply 117 of 146
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    By the way, there are plenty of articles about used iPhone sales.

    OK, scanned it quickly, couldn't find anything about 90% of 1st gen iPhones are still in use. I'll give you that percentage, but I can almost guarantee you the new games coming out for the next iPhone won't run on 1st gen.

    Gotta run, just to reiterate my point, I'm not saying people won't game on the iPhone. The #1 game played worldwide on computers is solitaire, and I see Apple jumping right into that niche. To say that Nintendo is scared (when a single Mario game can sell millions of systems as well as games), is overstating what the iPhone has going for it right now.
  • Reply 118 of 146
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    OK, scanned it quickly, couldn't find anything about 90% of 1st gen iPhones are still in use. I'll give you that percentage, but I can almost guarantee you the new games coming out for the next iPhone won't run on 1st gen.

    Gotta run, just to reiterate my point, I'm not saying people won't game on the iPhone. The #1 game played worldwide on computers is solitaire, and I see Apple jumping right into that niche. To say that Nintendo is scared (when a single Mario game can sell millions of systems as well as games), is overstating what the iPhone has going for it right now.

    I didn't say they were scared. But they indicated at one point that they were concerned.
  • Reply 119 of 146
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    but I can almost guarantee you the new games coming out for the next iPhone won't run on 1st gen.

    If they won't run on the original iPhone then they won't run on the iPhone 3G. I can't imagine that many developers are going to exclude every iPhone currently being sold.
  • Reply 120 of 146
    cu10cu10 Posts: 294member
    Nokia N800 vs. iPhone = iPod Touch
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