OPTi wins $19 million from Apple in patent lawsuit



  • Reply 41 of 95
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Its ok, Apple can collect double that money from all the cell-phones companies who ripped iPhone IP and OS. (only if they wanted)
  • Reply 42 of 95
    I read the patent.

    In other words it IS general and nothing new and quite interesting they went after the biggest, yet less threatening target they could get in their sites.

    Apple is just about on top right now, and like hollywood and politics, everybody wants to knock down the king of the mountain.

    They didn't go after intel and the article states they intentionally dropped their case against AMD, but the Judge gave them apple and they won't get a dime in the end.

    When it hits appeals generality will be argued and precedence will be shown considering their previous cases and the fact they have produced nothing in the last 6 to 8 years.

    They will attempt to settle out of court and drop the licensing revenue attempt and it will be up to apple as to whether they will want to drag Opti through the streets or not.

    But I guess this short victory was sweet while it lasted, huh?
  • Reply 43 of 95
    Why do idiots come out of the woodwork every time this happens to say, "Wow, Apple sues people too! I sure am glad they got a taste of their own medicine!" Stop and think for a moment, people. These are companies creating broadly written patents specifically to sue other companies for revenue (or at least that has become the case with this company in question)—they don't even have products in most cases, and when they do, they're rarely more than superficial shams of a would-be product on a poorly created website. Apple, on the other hand, is creating patents to protect devices they have engineered and are marketing. Big difference. Think before you speak.

    I agree with others. These people creating patents specifically to generate income from our nation’s actual innovators are parasites, and this needs to be stopped.
  • Reply 44 of 95
    ckh1272ckh1272 Posts: 107member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    sorry you feel that way.

    Don't be sorry. Be informed for once. Like some other posters have said, when you state that you didn't even read the article and throw out silly statements, what little credibility you had left is now zip zero!! It just doesn't make any sense to think with that mentality and then expect other people to take you seriously!!
  • Reply 45 of 95
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This is the LAST time you are going to respond this way, correct?

    couldn't that question also be levelled at italian kid?

    why are obvious trolls tolerated here?
  • Reply 46 of 95
    jpklockjpklock Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by NeilM View Post

    It's irrelevant whether a patent infringer is aware of the fact or not.

    Not entirely-- if the infringer can be proven to be aware of the patent, the IP holder may be able to collect triple damages.
  • Reply 47 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    No insult to East Texas for one moment but companies who have given up their real business to concentrate on a law suit most likely scope out a jurisdiction to their particular advantage. It would seem to me if this is the case then Apple should appeal and try to get the case heard on a more neutral and tech aware aware court room. If it isn't the case and this judge was an up to date tech savvy person then it seems to be over. I know little of these matters other than I have read of certain jurisdiction are used for such cases, this may not be one of them. Anyone know if this is the case or not here?
  • Reply 48 of 95
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Please, we've gone through this before, keep the name calling to yourself.

    Melgross, are you sure these agitators that fire up the regulars with their inane comments such as italiankid are not plants from AppleInsider? What better way to boost the old hit counter eh?
  • Reply 49 of 95
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Really? I can think of one Apple initiated patent lawsuit in the last ten years. That was against Creative. That lawsuit, however, was in response to Creative suing it. Please enlighten us and tell me about all of these Apple initiated lawsuits involving patents.

    I could possibly see you agreeing with the results in the Creative lawsuit where Apple lost, but this lawsuit was from some patent holding company who doesn't even make anything. THese companies just sit around coming up with ideas that they have no idea of creating, but they want to hold it against people who do try to create such products.

    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    Apple loves to sue others and warn others of not to use their patents. Apple should listen to themselves. Glad they lost 19$ million.

  • Reply 50 of 95
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    Apple loves to sue others and warn others of not to use their patents. Apple should listen to themselves. Glad they lost 19$ million.

    There are some huge differences.

    First, they are usually going after people for trademark stuff more than patents I think. They are trying to stop companies from duping people into thinking their knock off product is an Apple product (there are many companies out there who shamelessly try to trick people in to thinking their product is made by a big name like Apple).

    Second, the patents they do usually go after are patents that are well defined & usually actually in use!

    We need serious reforms on frivolous law suits, they're about the only business growing in this economy & they stifle economic recovery.
  • Reply 51 of 95
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    OPTi (whoever the hell they are).

    OPTi was a maker of chipsets and such for PCs. They also made some USB controllers, although they don't seem to be at all common.

    The latest product of theirs that I know to have had popularity is the Viper chipset.

    If Wikipedia is to be believed, they now only have one employee. Whoever that is ought to be doing reasonably well for themselves.
  • Reply 52 of 95
    doroteadorotea Posts: 323member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    This is the LAST time you are going to respond this way, correct?

    I actually agree with the person who blasted the troll. He said exactly what I would like to say.

    However, I now know that there are IGNORE LISTS. I can now ignore the TROLLS and never have to read the TROLL posts again. A very helpful feature! Thank you.

    To those who respond to TROLLS. Stop - you are feeding the TROLLS. They grow big and fat when you feed them with comments. If no one replied to their posts they would eventually go away, because they would no longer be entertained.
  • Reply 53 of 95
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by UnexpectedBill View Post

    OPTi was a maker of chipsets and such for PCs. They also made some USB controllers, although they don't seem to be at all common.

    The latest product of theirs that I know to have had popularity is the Viper chipset.

    If Wikipedia is to be believed, they now only have one employee. Whoever that is ought to be doing reasonably well for themselves.

    Wow, I forgot about them. I think I might have an old board or two with their chipset.
  • Reply 54 of 95
    Aargh.... italiankid, teckstud, and the like: the moment they show up and throw their bombs, the entire thread starts to get hijacked. It's usually downhill after their first -- usually ill-informed and poorly written -- post.

    I pretty much stop reading when guys like these post, since one has to plow through so much subsequent back-and-forth to get to an occasional point where an insight might be buried.

    It's just too bad that admin folks don't have a way to filter this nonsense.
  • Reply 55 of 95
    gyokurogyokuro Posts: 83member
    SJ has $19 million in his wallet. Anyone who thinks they're going to derail the Apple train is mistaken.

  • Reply 56 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    couldn't that question also be levelled at italian kid?

    why are obvious trolls tolerated here?

    Trolls are bad enough, if they are trolls. But responding the way he's been doing is too much. I'm not known for being a shrinking violet in that either, so if I think it's bad, it's bad!
  • Reply 57 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Melgross, are you sure these agitators that fire up the regulars with their inane comments such as italiankid are not plants from AppleInsider? What better way to boost the old hit counter eh?

    I know you're joking here.

    But I don't like trolls either, and I say so strongly when they turn up. I think everyone knows that. We've even had arguments as to what constitutes a troll. But the flinging around of curses is going too far.

    I may ASK someone who has made a particularly deliberately provocative statement if they're being a wiseguy, or one or twice, a wiseass, if they were particularly egregious. If someone called ME an ass, I may even throw it back at them to let see how it looks.

    If someone says that someone else made an idiotic statement, that's fine. We all make idiotic statements from time to time, and being called out by someone who thinks we made one is ok. But if that person says that YOU are an idiot, then that's going overboard. If they use several four letter (or other number of letters) words that are not acceptable in any polite conversation, then it's NOT ok.

    We all know what those words are.
  • Reply 58 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Dorotea View Post

    I actually agree with the person who blasted the troll. He said exactly what I would like to say.

    However, I now know that there are IGNORE LISTS. I can now ignore the TROLLS and never have to read the TROLL posts again. A very helpful feature! Thank you.

    To those who respond to TROLLS. Stop - you are feeding the TROLLS. They grow big and fat when you feed them with comments. If no one replied to their posts they would eventually go away, because they would no longer be entertained.

    I agree with the sentiment, but not to the degree in which it was expressed. People here are smarter than that. We can express outrage without using schoolyard language.

    One post in response can be accepted if the wording is not over the line, but its not necessary to respond to every single post in the same way.
  • Reply 59 of 95
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Aargh.... italiankid, teckstud, and the like: the moment they show up and throw their bombs, the entire thread starts to get hijacked. It's usually downhill after their first -- usually ill-informed and poorly written -- post.

    I pretty much stop reading when guys like these post, since one has to plow through so much subsequent back-and-forth to get to an occasional point where an insight might be buried.

    It's just too bad that admin folks don't have a way to filter this nonsense.

    It's hard to filter because you don't know what is going to be said in advance, and the question comes down to allowing people to have their say. That's why we can respond to them, or ignore them.

    The only other thing to do is to ban them for a while, and no one likes to do that because someone is expressing an unpopular opinion. That wouldn't be right.
  • Reply 60 of 95
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I know you're joking here.

    But I don't like trolls either, and I say so strongly when they turn up. I think everyone knows that. We've even had arguments as to what constitutes a troll. But the flinging around of curses is going too far.

    I may ASK someone who has made a particularly deliberately provocative statement if they're being a wiseguy, or one or twice, a wiseass, if they were particularly egregious. If someone called ME an ass, I may even throw it back at them to let see how it looks.

    If someone says that someone else made an idiotic statement, that's fine. We all make idiotic statements from time to time, and being called out by someone who thinks we made one is ok. But if that person says that YOU are an idiot, then that's going overboard. If they use several four letter (or other number of letters) words that are not acceptable in any polite conversation, then it's NOT ok.

    We all know what those words are.

    Yes, what you are describing are ad-hominem attacks, which should not be allowed in a forum if you don't want every discussion to devolve into a childish tantrum and rant. However, from what I've seen here so far, such attacks are allowed and members who participate aren't reprimanded. A member named "iStink" is one example. To me, this is worse than annoying trolls trying to get a rise out of people by making outrageous claims. When it gets personal it shouldn't be tolerated. People should report these posts which should be removed by the Mods and the member warned or given a "time out."
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