An alternative argument for new iPhones at WWDC



  • Reply 61 of 86
    sirromsirrom Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Marvin42 View Post

    No one seems to be thinking there is the following possibility: if they want to pre-empt Palm, get developers ready and get a good release date Apple COULD have a special event ahead of the WWDC to announce the new iPhone and related product.

    That's because Apple does not NEED to preempt the Pre. The iPhone already has the dominant position and if Apple starts to react to competitors as if they are scared, people will see this and lose confidence.

    Apple knows what they are doing...
  • Reply 62 of 86
    bytorbytor Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I fully expect Jobs will come out on stage looking like this...

  • Reply 63 of 86
    iandeaniandean Posts: 23member
    How can this guy be so sure.. how can he argue something so offensively with no facts. Lets just wait and see shall we. I don't know who's right... neither do they. That's why smart people are agnostic!
  • Reply 64 of 86
    marvin42marvin42 Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by SirROM View Post

    That's because Apple does not NEED to preempt the Pre. The iPhone already has the dominant position and if Apple starts to react to competitors as if they are scared, people will see this and lose confidence.

    Apple knows what they are doing...

    Its a valid point, but this is not about that. If they did do such a thing and it blew away the Pre before it even left it would be stunningly damaging.

    Part of being dominant is what you do to stay that way.
  • Reply 65 of 86
    gyokurogyokuro Posts: 83member
    Originally Posted by iandean View Post

    I don't know who's right... neither do they. That's why smart people are agnostic!

    And why wise people are monotheistic. But I digress.

    iPhone 3.0 will be here in June. I think the wisest perspective is the one that makes note of contracts ending in June, allowing for immediate renewals with 3.0. Too much risk of revenue loss for Apple and AT$T if people defect to other platforms/devices.

  • Reply 66 of 86
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by iandean View Post

    How can this guy be so sure.. how can he argue something so offensively with no facts. Lets just wait and see shall we. I don't know who's right... neither do they. That's why smart people are agnostic!

    Munster has been wrong more often than he has been right in the past.

    He seems like a nice family guy, but a bit on the dumb side and kind of klutzy tho ....

  • Reply 67 of 86
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by Gyokuro View Post

    And why wise people are monotheistic. ...

    Dude, you just dissed like a billion people in India, (not to mention the Catholics).
  • Reply 68 of 86
    timmydaxtimmydax Posts: 284member
    Originally Posted by Gyokuro View Post

    And why wise people are monotheistic

    Wise, they may be. But ignorant? Possibly. Note, it certainly doesn't work in the reverse.

    Why do people think that people who have owned an iPhone since the day it came out, have received multiple free updates, no doubt have access, at least, to as many apps as touch owners, would not want a better version this year, with all the features they missed out on at 3G?

    Never mind that, why would they "jump ship" to another, un-proven platform such as palm (or a traditionally crappy one like winmob) on a different network, just to give it a try?

    I think people are misunderestimating the customer satisfaction ratings. Apple's lock-in, if not slightly nefarious, is certainly effective. Once you go iPhone, you don't go back. We'll see.
  • Reply 69 of 86
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Dude, you just dissed like a billion people in India, (not to mention the Catholics).

    Deleted post. Completely misread your response..... (embarrass).
  • Reply 70 of 86
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Ok- fine. iPhone -whenever.

    Can we please get the iPad announcement by the end of June? Netbooks are flying off shelves and Apple's new iPad would be great now. The iPhone has been getting a lot of negative publicity lately - jailbreaking for restricted Apps, AT&T's choke hold on 3G performance. An iPad, even if not available until 3rd or 4th quarter, would be a great announcement- cause a lot of buzz.

    You didn't do your homework Teckstud. Apple will never release the iPad because they would get sued by MadTV. They already did their product release for the Apple iPad, and I am sure they filed a patent for it.
  • Reply 71 of 86
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I don't believe a GD thing Munster says. In 3 weeks he's going to look like a fool.

    I don't believe the other jackass either.
  • Reply 72 of 86
    zeromeuszeromeus Posts: 182member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    You didn't do your homework Teckstud. Apple will never release the iPad because they would get sued by MadTV. They already did their product release for the Apple iPad, and I am sure they filed a patent for it.

  • Reply 73 of 86
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by pairof9s View Post

    All those original iPhones' 2-yr contracts expire at the end of June (at least those that didn't upgrade to 3G). Apple & AT&T would certainly not want these owners to wander over to Pre or whatever because there is no new iPhone hardware to entice them to renew.

    I wager at least an announcement at WWDC of new iPhones rather than at a later date.

    The phones don't explode when the contract expires. All you rumor mongers assume that you have to buy a new phone when a contract expires, or would for some reason go to another vendor and dump the iPhone (dumb move). I could care less about new iPhones. I have no interest in replacing my 1st gen phone. The phone is more durable than the cheap plastic 3G, and I pay less because I don't have 3G. Edge is fine for me, for the internet and mail usage that I do, and I will benefit from almost all the 3.0 improvements without having to waste money on new phone or higher priced contract. People usually upgraded their phones in the past because they were such pieces of shit, they didn't last two years.
  • Reply 74 of 86
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by SirROM View Post

    OTOH, large developers with a special relationship with Apple probably already have access to more ?complete? versions of the beta software and test hardware (such as companies like Tom Tom perhaps?) and have likely already been testing their software on the new iron.

    This was common practice on the hardware side in the past. I would tend to agree with you that it would make a lot of sense. Especially for those apps/hardware that Apple believes will push additional 3.0 sales.
  • Reply 75 of 86
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Even with a really cool Snow Leopard demo I still want hardware and I want it to be the next iPhone. I think there will be a lot disappointed people if they don't announce it.

    It doesn't matter what is announced at WWDC because most of the whiners here find a reason to bitch and complain and say how everything they announced sucked, even with new hardware announcements. So if they do announce new iPhones, everyone here will say the new phone sucks because Apple forgot to add the Flux Capacitor, or they changed the Home button from a circle to a square. They'll all say it was such a waste and a disappointment. So bring on the crybabies!
  • Reply 76 of 86
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by golakers View Post

    I think they are both right. iPhone 3.0 will be announced at WWDC and launched at the end of June / early July.

    Where have you been? Living in a hole? iPhone 3.0 was already announced, long ago, with a preview of new features.
  • Reply 77 of 86
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by slcossio View Post

    I think it's time for Apple to show the world they can manage without Steve Jobs, to show people that Apple CAN work when Steve Jobs decides to leave, and I think this is a perfect opportunity to do that.

    I don't think Jobs is leaving Apple anytime soon, but he's got to start backing up slowly so that the other big shots at Apple know how to run the company later on.

    SADLY I THING WE ALL UN-FAIRLY built up steve to much in the past . We set him on such a high pedestal.

    It took and takes an incredible well oiled tech team to create all of apple's past incredible devices like the ipod,iphone the mac' .Etc etc

    yes steve has an incredible vision. And is he main driving force behind apple's success . but there ARE dozen's of behind the scene's wizards at apple who do the creating.

    Steve jobs always wanted to have fun . Fun products that do amazing things . Look at pixar .. look at the shuffle .

    If steve does leave for a while to get better . That fantastic team will still be there And any new products have already been lined up yrs in advance. And even at home Steve's input will still be there .

    i love steve and he does bring magic to what apple makes . even when it's not so magical . but in truth the apple products right now are so great that a steve-less show would be ok too. i mean at the 15 in uni body pro mac !!!! Un fucking touchable . And my god that app store is a sleeping monster . And don't forget podcasts . There free . And there's a ton's of them. I could name so many more but we ll know them .

    i hope and pray that steve gets well soon .
  • Reply 78 of 86
    golakersgolakers Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Where have you been? Living in a hole? iPhone 3.0 was already announced, long ago, with a preview of new features.

    Please let me clarify. iPhone hardware 3.0 will be announced at WWDC with an availability date in late June / early July.
  • Reply 79 of 86
    you know, i like John's blog and John's comments on RoughlyDrafted, but is AI shilling for John or is this a really really really slow news day that you would give a blogger front page. I dont read anything that indicates John is an expert in any field like DED of RoughlyDrafted is.

    But than again, these "analyst" are guessing, anyways.
  • Reply 80 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    It doesn't matter what is announced at WWDC because most of the whiners here find a reason to bitch and complain and say how everything they announced sucked, even with new hardware announcements. So if they do announce new iPhones, everyone here will say the new phone sucks because Apple forgot to add the Flux Capacitor, or they changed the Home button from a circle to a square. They'll all say it was such a waste and a disappointment. So bring on the crybabies!

    You are correct. I am sure that we'll have someone create an account just to bash the iPhone because it doesn't with the non-existent 4G. Seriously, I'd be surprised if that didn't happen.
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