One thing Microsoft is very good at doing is hitting the "start" button on all their copy machines. It's really quite sad that the powers-at-be just don't get it.
Even if the product is made well to be worthy hardware-specs wise to an iPod Touch, Microsoft time and again has proven to be quite inept at providing a all-encompassing user experience. They will most likely continue their draconian DRM implementations and buggy software.
Um... you are aware there are likely more MS users that would never swap their miserable Windows experience for all-encompassing Mac experience, than all Mac users together..?
That being said, at the minimum it will keep Apple to continue innovation. It's pathetic that a company the size of Microsoft can put those billions of dollars in the bank to use and develop something that is actually original and unique.
Good luck M$. History has shown that you are consistently failing. Perhaps you will surprise us. Prove us wrong!
I think that this Zune actually has original and distinctive look. For me, it looks like iPod Touch as much as iPod Touch looks like some of the Palm (or other) PDAs. It is same basic principle, flat device with big touch screen and minimal number of hardware buttons. You can't really come up with something completely different looks wise (without seriously compromising functionality), so the only way to judge originality of Zune HD - as it was for iPod Touch - is basically software and features.
Doesn't change my mind . . . I would rather have something that just works (iPhone/iTouch) than something that has a slightly better black or white image.
No, you don't understand. The difference in picture quality between OLED and the best LCD technology is staggering. I didn't understand it either, until I saw one in person. Go to your local Best Buy with a Magnolia home theater center and look for the little 11" Sony OLED TV... it blows away everything (including Kuro Plasmas and LED LCD TVs) around it by insane proportions.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
Same old Microsoft. No innovation. It's like they never even heard of the word. This looks just like the first generation iPhone with the metal back and plastic bottom on the back, except its a candy bar shape.
Um... you are aware there are likely more MS users that would never swap their miserable Windows experience for all-encompassing Mac experience, than all Mac users together..?
If you comprehended my post, I was not referring to anything Mac. I specifically referred only to the iPod Touch. I did not mention anything in regards to comparing OSX to Windows.
I'm referring to the user-experience on the device itself. Zune failed miserably not because of the hardware, which was actually quite good but with the implementation of the software. Whether in OSX or Windows, Apple made the product easy to use and focused more on the consumer and how easy everything should be. Forget about Microsoft focusing more on putting everything (including the kitchen sink in it) but making their software too complicated and unusable for the average Joe.
No, you don't understand. The difference in picture quality between OLED and the best LCD technology is staggering. I didn't understand it either, until I saw one in person. Go to your local Best Buy with a Magnolia home theater center and look for the little 11" Sony OLED TV... it blows away everything (including Kuro Plasmas and LED LCD TVs) around it by insane proportions.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
I've seen OLED screens at the Sony store several times and I spent ample time checking them out. They're nice but not great, the main advantage of OLED is the thickness.
I'll be more psyched if someone came out with epaper that has high contrast and fast refresh rate, I know it's too much to ask, but epaper uses little to no power, is thinner than OLED, and is flexible.
Microsoft Bob and Clippy is the only original ideas Microsoft ever had.
Why do I get a sense that this article is absolutely uninteresting?
I think, I'll go watch another near free online movie from Netflix...
...yes I know it uses Silverlight...I can dump Firefox and reinstall it free of the plug-in later...
Just to be picky, Microsoft Bob and clippy are both rip-offs. Bob is a reaLy crappy copy of an idea that General Magic came up with and there were many comic avatar helpers before clippy.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
You're right. Apple should never have released anything until the really cutting edge technology is ready. Why wait for OLED? Don't introduce anything until Terabyte chips are out too. Heck, delay that until atomic batteries are out that will power a phone for 100 years between charges! Would that please you?
If the technology is that good as you say it is, why don't we see 52" OLED screen TV's yet? I'm sure the quality would blow away LCD's as you say right?
I'll tell you why...
Cost, longevity, and manufacturing limitations.
OLED holds a lot of promise and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Apple implements it but for the time being, it is still not ready for prime-time. Due to its organic qualities, it does not endure as long as an LCD does which is why they are currently limited to smaller displays such as tiny cell-phone screens and embedded screens. They are also quite expensive still and technological hurdles still need to be resolved to make the screens both bigger and price-competitive with LCD's.
If Microsoft introduces an OLED display, I'm sure Apple will be very close behind if they aren't already getting something ready. The ZuneHD has not come out yet so I will wait and see how it goes. Perhaps M$ thinks that the screen will be enough to sway users to its platform and put aside what may be very well a typical, horrible Microsoft user experience.
You need to be realistic and understand that Apple will not go OLED until it knows the technology can withstand the test of time and get the cost lowered. Otherwise, people like you will be the first to complain and file class-action suits that the display fades after a year, and you very well know that. No one sues Microsoft if that happens since most people know they make crappy products anyways and accept that when they make a purchase.
First of all, I started a thread about this first, in General Discussion where it belongs-- the Zune is not an iPod, iPhone or Apple TV, last time I checked. So blow me, Apple Insider.
Having said that: a heavily modified version of Windows CE and IE for the browser? Does not bode well. I actually don't mind the look, it's the usual MS "industrial/edgy" thing for their consumer stuff, but the look of thing only goes so far if the software sucks.
I can't see Windows CE spawning a touch UI that's anything but clumsy, or limited, or both. And there's a very good reason not a single other manufacturer of handheld internet capable devices use IE.
MS is trying to jam their existing products into a shape Apple has defined.
Go ask 10 people on the street if they want OLED in their PMPs... after u explain that a PMP is a fancy geek term for iPod, then after you explain what OLED is, you'll quickly realize nobody is truly clamoring for it.
When will the iPhone wannabees ever learn???? 40,000 Apps, 1 Billion downloads, Robust SDK....if you do not have a rich SDK and developers who are drooling to port their already developed iPhone apps to the new iPhone are DEAD IN THE WATER.
When Windows 1.0 was introduced in 1985 Microsoft had ZERO SHARE in the market for GUI-based operating systems. Obviously their persistence and aggressive marketing has paid off well over the past few decades.
In view of this history it's really silly to claim that Microsoft should just drop out of the music player market because their current market share is low. History can repeat itself.
When Windows 1.0 was introduced in 1985 Microsoft had ZERO SHARE in the market for GUI-based operating systems. Obviously their persistence and aggressive marketing has paid off well over the past few decades.
In view of this history it's really silly to claim that Microsoft should just drop out of the music player market because their current market share is low. History can repeat itself.
Umm you conveniently left out the fact the MS already owned the PC market with MS-DOS. How convenient is that to quickly own the GUI based operating systems for the PC market.
It doesn't look too bad, however, it doesn't really seem like MS incorporated one of the benefits of OLED into that Zune thing... OLEDs are really thin and that Zune is way too thick. I can't imagine how thin Apple could go with the Touch if it had an OLED screen.
I see it failing like all the other Zunes. Mainly because developers aren't going to be too interested in it. Dev's are the reason why the iPhone is as popular as it is today.
I hope the Apple lawyers are ready to make sure their multi-touch patents are not being abused.
I would hate to see the 'pinch' being copied by MS, if they do I expect a lawsuit.
Honestly, is Multi-Touch really something that is so sophisticated that it should be locked down to a single company? I understand that Apple was the first one to come up with it but having a little competition never hurt. Pinching for zoom in and out just seems like basic human nature to me. It's not like Multi-Touch is what is keeping the iPod/iPhone alive... There are plenty of other reasons why the iPod/iPhone is better than Zune.
Honestly, is Multi-Touch really something that is so sophisticated that it should be locked down to a single company? I understand that Apple was the first one to come up with it but having a little competition never hurt. Pinching for zoom in and out just seems like basic human nature to me. It's not like Multi-Touch is what is keeping the iPod/iPhone alive... There are plenty of other reasons why the iPod/iPhone is better than Zune.
Yes it is important. Apple spent the money and development on Multi-touch and should reap the reward. Are you saying that patents don't matter? where do you draw the line?
MS have been very keen to enforce their patents in the past!
Yes it is important. Apple spent the money and development on Multi-touch and should reap the reward. Are you saying that patents don't matter? where do you draw the line?
MS have been very keen to enforce their patents in the past!
I think you missed my point. Apple has seen the reward from Multi-Touch and they will continue to do so even if other companies start incorporating it. Patenting Multi-Touch is like patenting FM radio or whatever. Apple did come up with the idea but it's not like MS is using Apple's code... It's just another feature MS (and others) are significantly late on.
DR DOS starts gaining a foothold and Microsoft 'announces' their vaporware that will be 'so much better' and kills off DR DOS with FUD.
So they somehow think they can pull the same BS against the industry leader?
One thing Microsoft is very good at doing is hitting the "start" button on all their copy machines. It's really quite sad that the powers-at-be just don't get it.
Even if the product is made well to be worthy hardware-specs wise to an iPod Touch, Microsoft time and again has proven to be quite inept at providing a all-encompassing user experience. They will most likely continue their draconian DRM implementations and buggy software.
Um... you are aware there are likely more MS users that would never swap their miserable Windows experience for all-encompassing Mac experience, than all Mac users together..?
That being said, at the minimum it will keep Apple to continue innovation. It's pathetic that a company the size of Microsoft can put those billions of dollars in the bank to use and develop something that is actually original and unique.
Good luck M$. History has shown that you are consistently failing. Perhaps you will surprise us. Prove us wrong!
I think that this Zune actually has original and distinctive look. For me, it looks like iPod Touch as much as iPod Touch looks like some of the Palm (or other) PDAs. It is same basic principle, flat device with big touch screen and minimal number of hardware buttons. You can't really come up with something completely different looks wise (without seriously compromising functionality), so the only way to judge originality of Zune HD - as it was for iPod Touch - is basically software and features.
Doesn't change my mind . . . I would rather have something that just works (iPhone/iTouch) than something that has a slightly better black or white image.
No, you don't understand. The difference in picture quality between OLED and the best LCD technology is staggering. I didn't understand it either, until I saw one in person. Go to your local Best Buy with a Magnolia home theater center and look for the little 11" Sony OLED TV... it blows away everything (including Kuro Plasmas and LED LCD TVs) around it by insane proportions.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
Um... you are aware there are likely more MS users that would never swap their miserable Windows experience for all-encompassing Mac experience, than all Mac users together..?
If you comprehended my post, I was not referring to anything Mac. I specifically referred only to the iPod Touch. I did not mention anything in regards to comparing OSX to Windows.
I'm referring to the user-experience on the device itself. Zune failed miserably not because of the hardware, which was actually quite good but with the implementation of the software. Whether in OSX or Windows, Apple made the product easy to use and focused more on the consumer and how easy everything should be. Forget about Microsoft focusing more on putting everything (including the kitchen sink in it) but making their software too complicated and unusable for the average Joe.
No, you don't understand. The difference in picture quality between OLED and the best LCD technology is staggering. I didn't understand it either, until I saw one in person. Go to your local Best Buy with a Magnolia home theater center and look for the little 11" Sony OLED TV... it blows away everything (including Kuro Plasmas and LED LCD TVs) around it by insane proportions.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
I've seen OLED screens at the Sony store several times and I spent ample time checking them out. They're nice but not great, the main advantage of OLED is the thickness.
I'll be more psyched if someone came out with epaper that has high contrast and fast refresh rate, I know it's too much to ask, but epaper uses little to no power, is thinner than OLED, and is flexible.
Just how many times does Microsoft think they can keep pulling off this stunt?
DR DOS starts gaining a foothold and Microsoft 'announces' their vaporware that will be 'so much better' and kills off DR DOS with FUD.
So they somehow think they can pull the same BS against the industry leader?
For as long as the government allows them, for as long as the government takes the payout money rather than do the right thing.
Microsoft Bob and Clippy is the only original ideas Microsoft ever had.
Why do I get a sense that this article is absolutely uninteresting?
I think, I'll go watch another near free online movie from Netflix...
...yes I know it uses Silverlight...I can dump Firefox and reinstall it free of the plug-in later...
Just to be picky, Microsoft Bob and clippy are both rip-offs. Bob is a reaLy crappy copy of an idea that General Magic came up with and there were many comic avatar helpers before clippy.
If anyone is seriously anal enough to care about four screws on the back of the case (I actually like the look), then you cannot ignore the difference between the relatively crap iPhone LCDs and an OLED screen.
You're right. Apple should never have released anything until the really cutting edge technology is ready. Why wait for OLED? Don't introduce anything until Terabyte chips are out too. Heck, delay that until atomic batteries are out that will power a phone for 100 years between charges! Would that please you?
If the technology is that good as you say it is, why don't we see 52" OLED screen TV's yet? I'm sure the quality would blow away LCD's as you say right?
I'll tell you why...
Cost, longevity, and manufacturing limitations.
OLED holds a lot of promise and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Apple implements it but for the time being, it is still not ready for prime-time. Due to its organic qualities, it does not endure as long as an LCD does which is why they are currently limited to smaller displays such as tiny cell-phone screens and embedded screens. They are also quite expensive still and technological hurdles still need to be resolved to make the screens both bigger and price-competitive with LCD's.
If Microsoft introduces an OLED display, I'm sure Apple will be very close behind if they aren't already getting something ready. The ZuneHD has not come out yet so I will wait and see how it goes. Perhaps M$ thinks that the screen will be enough to sway users to its platform and put aside what may be very well a typical, horrible Microsoft user experience.
You need to be realistic and understand that Apple will not go OLED until it knows the technology can withstand the test of time and get the cost lowered. Otherwise, people like you will be the first to complain and file class-action suits that the display fades after a year, and you very well know that. No one sues Microsoft if that happens since most people know they make crappy products anyways and accept that when they make a purchase.
Having said that: a heavily modified version of Windows CE and IE for the browser? Does not bode well. I actually don't mind the look, it's the usual MS "industrial/edgy" thing for their consumer stuff, but the look of thing only goes so far if the software sucks.
I can't see Windows CE spawning a touch UI that's anything but clumsy, or limited, or both. And there's a very good reason not a single other manufacturer of handheld internet capable devices use IE.
MS is trying to jam their existing products into a shape Apple has defined.
Go ask 10 people on the street if they want OLED in their PMPs... after u explain that a PMP is a fancy geek term for iPod, then after you explain what OLED is, you'll quickly realize nobody is truly clamoring for it.
Well said mah boi!
When will the iPhone wannabees ever learn???? 40,000 Apps, 1 Billion downloads, Robust SDK....if you do not have a rich SDK and developers who are drooling to port their already developed iPhone apps to the new iPhone are DEAD IN THE WATER.
When Windows 1.0 was introduced in 1985 Microsoft had ZERO SHARE in the market for GUI-based operating systems. Obviously their persistence and aggressive marketing has paid off well over the past few decades.
In view of this history it's really silly to claim that Microsoft should just drop out of the music player market because their current market share is low. History can repeat itself.
Rather ironic since MS is supposedly a software shop.
Actually, Microsoft is that kid that rings your doorbell and leaves a flaming bag of dog crap.
When Windows 1.0 was introduced in 1985 Microsoft had ZERO SHARE in the market for GUI-based operating systems. Obviously their persistence and aggressive marketing has paid off well over the past few decades.
In view of this history it's really silly to claim that Microsoft should just drop out of the music player market because their current market share is low. History can repeat itself.
Umm you conveniently left out the fact the MS already owned the PC market with MS-DOS. How convenient is that to quickly own the GUI based operating systems for the PC market.
Can't imagine something as sloppy as that showing up on an Apple product, especially on a publicity photo.
Just another example of MicroSoft's fine inattention to detail.
I see it failing like all the other Zunes. Mainly because developers aren't going to be too interested in it. Dev's are the reason why the iPhone is as popular as it is today.
I would hate to see the 'pinch' being copied by MS, if they do I expect a lawsuit.
I hope the Apple lawyers are ready to make sure their multi-touch patents are not being abused.
I would hate to see the 'pinch' being copied by MS, if they do I expect a lawsuit.
Honestly, is Multi-Touch really something that is so sophisticated that it should be locked down to a single company? I understand that Apple was the first one to come up with it but having a little competition never hurt. Pinching for zoom in and out just seems like basic human nature to me. It's not like Multi-Touch is what is keeping the iPod/iPhone alive... There are plenty of other reasons why the iPod/iPhone is better than Zune.
Honestly, is Multi-Touch really something that is so sophisticated that it should be locked down to a single company? I understand that Apple was the first one to come up with it but having a little competition never hurt. Pinching for zoom in and out just seems like basic human nature to me. It's not like Multi-Touch is what is keeping the iPod/iPhone alive... There are plenty of other reasons why the iPod/iPhone is better than Zune.
Yes it is important. Apple spent the money and development on Multi-touch and should reap the reward. Are you saying that patents don't matter? where do you draw the line?
MS have been very keen to enforce their patents in the past!
Yes it is important. Apple spent the money and development on Multi-touch and should reap the reward. Are you saying that patents don't matter? where do you draw the line?
MS have been very keen to enforce their patents in the past!
I think you missed my point. Apple has seen the reward from Multi-Touch and they will continue to do so even if other companies start incorporating it. Patenting Multi-Touch is like patenting FM radio or whatever. Apple did come up with the idea but it's not like MS is using Apple's code... It's just another feature MS (and others) are significantly late on.