Microsoft says Zune HD is real, will get multi-touch



  • Reply 121 of 180
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yup, "freezing the market" as it is sometimes called. Used to happen in the telecom industry a lot in the early 2000s (Lucent Technologies used to be Exhibit A with this tactic). It used to work somewhat well when the do-er was big and do-ee was small. It's not going to work for Microsoft: Apple's way beyond this now.

    I agree.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Even though (I think) the US Department of Justice should really be looking at behavior like this, there is no law against it.

    Why should the US Department of Justice be looking into it when there is no law against it? Their job is to enforce the laws, not set precedents for new ones or govern ethics and/or morals.

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  • Reply 122 of 180
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    If you've never seen a modern OLED screen in action, you won't know what the fuss is about.

    I didn't until a couple of days ago when a friend showed me his new Samsung phone with a 3.7" OLED screen. I thought the display on my iPod touch was pretty good but the difference was staggering. The colours looked so much more vivid and lifelike on the OLED screen. My iPod touch's screen is incredibly pixelated and washed out in comparison.

    Do consumers care about acronyms? No. Do they care about picture quality? Yes! I certainly do. I fully expect the new iPhone (and hopefully iPod touch) will have an OLED screen.

    Is your Touch the 1Gen or 2nd? There was a significant upgrade between the two. That's not saying I wouldn't mind having an OLED instead nevertheless.

    And all this talk about they'll get it once it's proven, consiracy in the markets, blah , blah , blah- wasn't Apple close to last to get LED in it's laptops and close to last to switch from CRTs?
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  • Reply 123 of 180
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    wasn't Apple...the last to switch from CRTs?

    Nope. iMac G4 launched in January of 2002, (that would be over 7 years ago) complete with LCD screen, standard. People like you complained back then about how expensive the technology was at the time.

    Edit: nice edit on your previous post, adding "close to last"

    Edit#2: they did, however, continue the iMac g3 for a period, to accomodate those who didn't want to spend the extra money for the new LCD screen. But maybe I'm wrong, since Apple is all about high prices and limited choice, right?
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  • Reply 124 of 180
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by RichL View Post

    The price difference isn't significant. The Samsung i8910 8GB with 3.7" capacitive OLED screen is cheaper than the current iPhone 3G 8GB (£70 on a £30pm/18 month contract vs £100 on a £30pm/18 month contract).

    I am not asking about price after carrier subsidies and such. That might be comparing apples and oranges, for all I know.

    Specifically, by how much might it increase the cost of manufacturing an iPhone or Touch?

    And, if as you claim, the price difference isn't that "significant," why do OLED TVs cost so much more?
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  • Reply 125 of 180
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    What an ugly piece of shit. Throw some physical buttons on there and you have your grandma's remote control for her old Zenith TV! So they think yellow gold is the color of choice? Might as well go back to shit-brown. Typical Microsoft and their misleading advertising of Zune HD. Customers will ask, can it playback HD content? Uh, no.
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  • Reply 126 of 180
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,411member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    I agree.

    Why should the US Department of Justice be looking into it when there is no law against it? Their job is to enforce the laws, not set precedents for new ones or govern ethics and/or morals.


    That is why I prefaced it with "I think." Meant as short-hand for something along the lines of "if it was up to me," or "if I was making the law...."
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  • Reply 127 of 180
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Nope. iMac G4 launched in January of 2002, (that would be over 7 years ago) complete with LCD screen, standard. People like you complained back then about how expensive the technology was at the time.

    You should review your Apple History: after Apple claimed the CRT was dead in January 2002, they released the eMac in April 2002, with a big CRT inside, and continued to make the eMac until 2005.
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  • Reply 128 of 180
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Edit#2: they did, however, continue the iMac g3 for a period, to accomodate those who didn't want to spend the extra money for the new LCD screen. But maybe I'm wrong, since Apple is all about high prices and limited choice, right?

    Yes, you are wrong. Apple discontinued the iMac G3 when the iMac G4 was announced. The iMac G4 was not overpriced as you claimed. The iMac G4 was $1,299, the same price as the original iMac G3. No one complained about high prices of LCD-based iMacs.
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  • Reply 129 of 180
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    You should review your Apple History: after Apple claimed the CRT was dead in January 2002, they released the eMac in April 2002, with a big CRT inside, and continued to make the eMac until 2005.

    note my edit at 12:10...they continued the g3 design for those who couldn't afford the LCD (hence eMac). The point is they readily adopted LCD in their primary line of desktops.
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  • Reply 130 of 180
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Yes, you are wrong. Apple discontinued the iMac G3 when the iMac G4 was announced. The iMac G4 was not overpriced as you claimed. The iMac G4 was $1,299, the same price as the original iMac G3. No one complained about high prices of LCD-based iMacs.

    i'm curious where your pricing info is coming from

    Third paragraph - "However, the LCD iMacs were unable to match the low price point of the previous iMac G3s, largely because of the higher cost of the LCD technology at the time.

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  • Reply 131 of 180
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Typical Microsoft and their misleading advertising of Zune HD. Customers will ask, can it playback HD content? Uh, no.

    While it is a bit misleading it?s nothing that other companies wouldn?t do. The HD can mean anything they want it to, but they do include HD radio and 720p HD video output, which means that the device can playback HD content, just not output on HD from the internal display.

    Overall, it looks to be a good product (for MS) and hope that they come back with a version of WinMo that is more inline with their interface, which I think is much nicer than the iPod OS or iPhone OS X in many regards. That said, I?ll be sticking with my iPhone for the foreseeable future as the ecosystem convenience is important to me.
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  • Reply 132 of 180
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Widescreen aspect ratio would be cool...IF they did it in a way other than going to a LOWER resolution than the ipod touch. Great, instead of bars, we're just going to totally leave those pixels off.

    I do like the external HD playback although only having 720 seems like a stopgap measure, if you're going to make that jump, do it right.
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  • Reply 133 of 180
    Cool! Bring it on! The Touch is great, but perhaps I should have held out for the new Zune.
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  • Reply 134 of 180
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by Matt2624 View Post

    Cool! Bring it on! The Touch is great, but perhaps I should have held out for the new Zune.

    Depends what you use it for. The apps are a major selling point for the iphone and touch, and it remains to be seen if the zune will be able to match that. Especially since it's a chicken and egg situation - if you're a third party dev, do you risk coding for a platform that is so far behind in market share?
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  • Reply 135 of 180
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    i'm curious where your pricing info is coming from

    Third paragraph - "However, the LCD iMacs were unable to match the low price point of the previous iMac G3s, largely because of the higher cost of the LCD technology at the time.


    That info looks erroneous, according to MacTracker. The flat panel iMac, a design I still love, first arrived with a G4 at 700MHz in January 2002 starting at $1,299. Six months prior, the CRT G3 iMac arrived with a 700MHz processor and costing $1,499. The HDD drive size, RAM and pretty much all the other options look to be about the same.
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  • Reply 136 of 180
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    ...often they float these annoucements to create FUD...

    You beat me to the punch.


    Try always.

    Keep in mind that this is Microsoft's MO. Announce vaporware to freeze the market, then come out with crap after the competition has been frozen out by people waiting for the MS product. Started with Dr DOS and apparently continues as their business model through today.

    The difference is it won't work this time... they're trying it against the industry leader and that technique only works against upstarts that they can kill off.

    For god's sake, they can't even size their font properly to display a word properly IN THEIR PROMOTIONAL MOCK UPS!!!
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  • Reply 137 of 180
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Matt2624 View Post

    Cool! Bring it on! The Touch is great, but perhaps I should have held out for the new Zune.

    banging... head... against... wall...
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  • Reply 138 of 180
    shubiduashubidua Posts: 157member
    Hi everybody ! (my first post on AI )

    Just one simple fact to all those whining about the "low" screen resolution of the zune and/or other mobile devices :

    The human eye has a "resolution" of about 130 ppi at a distance of 25cm, so I think that 160 is pretty much, considering that this is more than what your eye is capable of seeing, unless you are using a microscope to have a look at it.
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  • Reply 139 of 180
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by jb85 View Post

    The fact that it can't play HD movies and tv shows on the actual device is deffinitely a turn off for me. I have purchased a lot of HD content from itunes for my iPhone and there is a significant difference between SD and HD. I think my iPhone picture looks amazing. What's the point of calling it a Zune HD if it can't even play HD content on the device itself?

    Uhhhh.... ...just for the record, you don't think you're watching HD content on your iPhone's 480x320 screen do you? As by all definitions of HD, that ain't happening.

    Also, I'm too lazy to look it up today, but there are devices/programs which squish files or use squished files from a large hard drive to better fit when downloaded onto a device which can't use all their resolution. Dunno (make that don't remember) where the squishing happens in the iDevice ecosystem (permanent/on the fly/during download/at playback), nor whether HD source material available in iPod readable formats actually looks better than SD, but in neither case are you watching HD, and theoretically SD downloads should be delivering every pixel you can see on your iPhone.
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  • Reply 140 of 180
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    You beat me to the punch.


    Try always.

    Keep in mind that this is Microsoft's MO. Announce vaporware to freeze the market, then come out with crap after the competition has been frozen out by people waiting for the MS product. Started with Dr DOS and apparently continues as their business model through today.

    The difference is it won't work this time... they're trying it against the industry leader and that technique only works against upstarts that they can kill off.

    For god's sake, they can't even size their font properly to display a word properly IN THEIR PROMOTIONAL MOCK UPS!!!

    So let me get this straight... You're now bashing Microsoft for announcing what the next zune will have? Listen buddy, I don't mean to be insulting here, but you're really reaching for reasons to hate Microsoft. Why don't you try thinking a little bit before posting? Here, lets apply your unwavering logic to something other than this geeky crap... CARS! Hey, that new Prius was announced, everyone stop buying hybrids! TOYOTA'S FREEZING THE MARKET! OH MY GOD.

    It's so much easier to go along with the crowd around here, isnt it? Reading this thread has been absolutely hilarious. Bashing this zune for the reasons I've seen shows complete idiotic fanboyism. I saw the same thing with the Pre threads.

    For as long as I live, I'll never understand fanboys. Do you people act so biased over everything? Seriously, please someone answer me this question! Do you eat nectarines and then bash prunes and act as though your decision to go with the nectarine instead of the prune makes you highly intelligent? What about fast food? Do you follow Chik-fil-a news and then blow shit all over your pants when McDonalds announces a new sandwich? Perhaps you only buy a single brand of car?

    All I can say is, nowhere else on the internet have I seen such lunacy. When news about Apple products pops up on PC forums, there might be a few slight biased posts, but nothing as extreme as I see around here. For the most part, PC geeks are technology geeks, while Mac "geeks" are just ignorant people who spent money on something and then convinced themselves they could do no wrong ever because of that purchase decision.

    I digress. This thing isn't even out yet and everyone's already flipping their lid over it. Why don't you people wait until a product is out before writing it off as something crappy because Apple didn't make it.
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