Early glimpse at Zune HD: "better" than iPod touch



  • Reply 141 of 268
    talksense101talksense101 Posts: 1,738member
    I think it is good. Apple needs to put more processing power in their device to make it the SNAPPY(TM). I think an iPod / iPhone update along with a tablet is what people are looking forward to this year.
  • Reply 142 of 268
    lfmorrisonlfmorrison Posts: 698member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    I missed to see any info on MS plans to discontinue Vista so quickly. It does make sense having only one new OS to support, though... but MS has a history about announcing discontinuation and prolonging product's life afterwards.

    Even if Vista is taken off store shelves tomorrow, Microsoft has commited to a minimum of 5 years of mainstream support (security and non-security hotfixes) for all of its consumer products. (Or 1 year after the release of the product's successor, whichever works out to be longer.) That means all editions Vista will be continue to have full support until at least 2012 (2007 general availability + 5 = 2012).

    Microsoft's business and development software (including the Professional, Business, and Enterprise editions of the Windows operating system) has an additional 5 years of extended support following the end of its mainstream support, during which time security-related bug fixes will continue to be developed. (Or 2 years after the release of the product's successor, whichever works out to be longer.) That means the business editions of Vista will continue to have security-related support until at least 2017 (2007 general availability + 10 = 2017).

    Heck, Windows 2000's extended support lifecycle will only just be coming to an end in 2010 (2000 RTM + 10 = 2010).

    Windows XP's support has been extended beyond the normal timeframe, likely due to delays in getting its successor to the market and slow market acceptance of that successor. But even if it hadn't been extended, XP Professional's normal support lifecycle would still have lasted until least 2011 (2001 RTM + 10 = 2011).
  • Reply 143 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Gizmodo is a respectable tech site - I would not take this lightly. If it even comes near to the buzz in what's being tauted this will be a very interesting attack. Add to that the Pre and it's now an all out war. Plus HP has a touch screen desk top already. Competition all around- a good thing. Can't wait to see what Apple brings to the table in 2010.
  • Reply 144 of 268
    dcolleydcolley Posts: 87member
    Microsoft has never made a quality product. I do not hold out much trust that they have finally been able to do anything that I would ever be interested in.

    Maybe, they will start losing as much money as Dell has making cheap netbooks.
  • Reply 145 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Its because window world products are so shit that apple looks even better .



    Put down the kool-aid drip and become a realist- if window products are all so sheet why do they dominate? People and corporation have had the opportunity to switch for how may years now (after how many "I'm a Mac' your a PC" " commercials forced down our collective throats - and they still haven't switched. Why? The closed eco-system being the main reason. Do I call that shitty- no I don't. You really can't compare the 2- one is open and the other is locked.

    Imagine if Windows ran an update which recognized Macs and locked them out. How would Apple windows users react?

    Apple is great but this constant vindetta against Windows ( they really shouldn't be compared) is both so idiotic and juvenile.
  • Reply 146 of 268
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by LonerATO View Post

    Porsche also is a part owner in VW, so it doesnt hurt them when they only sale around a 100,000 cars a year.

    Porsche is considering bankruptcy.
  • Reply 147 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by dcolley View Post

    Microsoft has never made a quality product. I do not hold out much trust that they have finally been able to do anything that I would ever be interested in.

    Maybe, they will start losing as much money as Dell has making cheap netbooks.

    The most foolish comment I've ever read on here and I've read many.
  • Reply 148 of 268
    mark2005mark2005 Posts: 1,158member
    Originally Posted by djdj View Post

    The Zune HD is coming out on September 5th.


    Every article I've seen says MS has only said "in the fall" and is not being specific about a date. "Fall" usually starts on Sept 21.
  • Reply 149 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    The most foolish comment I've ever read on here and I've read many.

    i guess you''ve never read your own.

    In any event, this Zune looks solid. As of now, it's clearly being touted as a PMP, not a mobile device (the Touch is essentially a mobile device which also plays your media - quite well i might add). Without the developer community getting behind the Zune, it will stick to being a very nice PMP. We'll see what MS has up their sleeves as far as xbox integration; maybe they'll go more heavily down the portable gaming road, whereas Apple only sort of dabbles in that arena. Looking forward to seeing what develops.
  • Reply 150 of 268
    drdbdrdb Posts: 99member
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    Porsche is considering bankruptcy.

    Porsche's problems are entirely to do with the financial games they were playing with VW, nothing to do with sales.
  • Reply 151 of 268
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I suspect the Zune HD will never be more than a PMP with fancy animations and inexplicably huge typefaces. MS has to save their big guns for WinMo, because that's where they compete directly with the iPhone and that's where all the action is. I believe MS has said as much-- that the HD doesn't have an "iPhone class" OS and isn't intended to.

    I'm not sure what they're going to do with all their various operating systems as they try to start merging things. WinCE is not WinMo is not XBox is not Windows. Apple, on the other hand, only has to contend with OS X, so integration across devices is a given.

    It's telling that Apple designed the iPhone OS to be a general solution for mobile computing, then migrated that over to a PMP (with other form factors to come). MS, meanwhile, now has a bifurcated (at least) approach, with a much more limited PMP getting all the groovy animation and typography love while their phone OS continues to play catchup. I guess they can throw in giant typefaces on WinMo 7, and some flippy stuff, but that's a much different proposition than having a coherent, integrated plan for addressing the new world of ubiquitously connected pocketable computers.

    Remember Origami? Apple was doomed because they didn't have an answer for Origami. Because there was a video that made it look cool. Some people never learn.
  • Reply 152 of 268
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    sorry if this was already posted - is it just me - or did it seem like in the video half the time the content was too big to fit on the screen and got cut off - and the other half of the time the content was too small and did not use the available screen area?
  • Reply 153 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    In any event, this Zune looks solid. As of now, it's clearly being touted as a PMP, not a mobile device (the Touch is essentially a mobile device which also plays your media - quite well i might add). Without the developer community getting behind the Zune, it will stick to being a very nice PMP. We'll see what MS has up their sleeves as far as xbox integration; maybe they'll go more heavily down the portable gaming road, whereas Apple only sort of dabbles in that arena. Looking forward to seeing what develops.

    Dude, you need to clarify that fanboy statment of yours with "your media that you've purchased from the iTunes store". To get my own media on there (Quicktime movies, DVDs, etc) is like re-inventing the wheel.
  • Reply 154 of 268
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member

    That transition is too fast.

    The reason is simple: the actual delay Apple has allowed is built into the OS. It's to avoid unintentional detection of a "orientation change" that isn't actually an orientation change, but some other form of force acting upon the device. For example, being in a car as you turn a corner, or turning to the side. Both cause the accelerometer to think, temporarily, that the direction of gravity has changed. Apple allows a delay to make sure that its not just another circumstance - variable forces have a way of leveling out and are rarely constant.

    Microsoft are picking on something that is done by design. Trust me, it will backfire on them.
  • Reply 155 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by PG4G View Post


    That transition is too fast.

    The reason is simple: the actual delay Apple has allowed is built into the OS. It's to avoid unintentional detection of a "orientation change" that isn't actually an orientation change, but some other form of force acting upon the device. For example, being in a car as you turn a corner, or turning to the side. Both cause the accelerometer to think, temporarily, that the direction of gravity has changed. Apple allows a delay to make sure that its not just another circumstance - variable forces have a way of leveling out and are rarely constant.

    Microsoft are picking on something that is done by design. Trust me, it will backfire on them.

    I prefer fast and snappy. It should at least be controllable. No big deal.
  • Reply 156 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Take a step back and look at what has happened in the past 2.5 years. In January 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone. With ONE stroke, they single-handedly DEFINED the smartphone market, as well as the PMP market. Now that they've defined it, they are in the process of Dominating it. It has taken Microsoft TWO and a HALF years (almost 3 by the time teh zHD comes out) in order to put up a respectable challenger. That just proves how utterly side-swiped the entire industry was. MS clearly had nothing in the pipeline before the iPhone came out. Everyone knew when the iPhone was announced that the Touch was right behind it. Even now that the zHD looks to challenge the Touch, it will only do so on a single front - the PMP market. It's not being touted as a mobile device. So the consumer is left with option a) Zune HD which we assume will play your media quite well, or the iPod Touch, which also plays your media quite well but also does SO much more.
  • Reply 157 of 268
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    Take a step back and look at what has happened in the past 2.5 years. In January 2007, Apple introduced the iPhone. With ONE stroke, they single-handedly DEFINED the smartphone market, as well as the PMP market. Now that they've defined it, they are in the process of Dominating it. It has taken Microsoft TWO and a HALF years (almost 3 by the time teh zHD comes out) in order to put up a respectable challenger. That just proves how utterly side-swiped the entire industry was. MS clearly had nothing in the pipeline before the iPhone came out. Everyone knew when the iPhone was announced that the Touch was right behind it. Even now that the zHD looks to challenge the Touch, it will only do so on a single front - the PMP market. It's not being touted as a mobile device. So the consumer is left with option a) Zune HD which we assume will play your media quite well, or the iPod Touch, which also plays your media quite well but also does SO much more.

    Dude, enough already- this early in the morning. Put down the kool-aid pitcher. No way is iPhone ever gonna dominate, stuck with one carrier- AT&T. And what OS runs on every other smart phone on every other carrier??Fuggetaboutit.

    And you leaving out the iPod classic- Apple's PMP device.
  • Reply 158 of 268
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I prefer fast and snappy. It should at least be controllable. No big deal.

    That's fine, till you jump into a car or other vehicle, or walk around with it.
  • Reply 159 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dude, you need to clarify that fanboy statment of yours with "your media that you've purchased from the iTunes store". To get my own media on there (Quicktime movies, DVDs, etc) is like re-inventing the wheel.

    I'm not being a jerk here but I'm not sure where you're heading with that (honestly).

    1) - All music on iTunes is currently DRM-free. If you have some older DRM'd music, either pay to upgrade or rip it to a CD then re-import it. Done.

    2) - iTunes video is still DRM'd, b/c of the studios. I'm not exactly sure where you manage to obtain legal DRM-free content, but be sure to let me know. Ripping your own DVDs is a given.

    Ripping DVDs is a pain in the ass, for sure. But that's the case no matter which PMP you're trying to get the content onto.
  • Reply 160 of 268
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dude, enough already- this early in the morning. Put down the kool-aid pitcher. No way is iPhone ever gonna dominate, stuck with one carrier- AT&T. And what OS runs on every other smart phone on every other carrier??Fuggetaboutit.

    You're right. iPhone will forever be strapped to AT&T.
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