Buying a new iPhone 3G S in twenty minutes



  • Reply 21 of 78
    johnnykrzjohnnykrz Posts: 152member

    I think a more appropriate word is pathetic.

    Wait til they start whining about each and every flaw- "the plastic cracks!", "the screen is too slippery!", "it's too hot!", "video drains my battery!", "my bill is too high!", etc.

    I'm sure we'll have a thread for each and every whine too.

    You do realize that those aren't necessarily the same people saying those things don't you?

    There are billions of people in the world. There are millions of iphone users. Some of them like the experience of waiting in line for something they really want. Some people like to complain about every flaw they find in anything, including things that are not flaws but a difference of opinion such as your opinion that it is pathetic to wait in line. I guess if you like to be a douche and go around trying to crash other people's parties because you don't like the way they do it, then that is your option as well. I guess that makes me one of those guys who is getting so fed up with comment trolling that he now feels he has to lower himself to these 'pathetic' idiots and make pointless comments like this one.
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  • Reply 22 of 78
    I was in an ATT store at 10am CST. I bought my 3G S as an upgrade to my 3G that I bought on launch day last year at an Apple store. I was in and out with an activated phone in 10 minutes. Absolutely perfect execution. I was reluctant because I like to use the Apple store for my Apple purchases, but it's a two hour drive for me and last year it was a hassle activating.

    Kudos to both Apple and ATT. Love the new iPhone.
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  • Reply 23 of 78
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    Me thinking AI've flown a bit off the handle in displaying Pre ads.

    Give them a break - the Pre needs the advertising...
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  • Reply 24 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JohnnyKrz View Post

    You do realize that those aren't necessarily the same people saying those things don't you?

    Not necessarily, but on this forum there are a couple I could point that often speak in such terms.

    The best is the complaint by one prominent poster stating that it’s too slow and laggy yet insisting that the device is more than powerful enough to run background apps just fine, because other phones have done it for years, even though those phones weren’t running OS X.

    Sometimes, it gets to be a bit much.
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  • Reply 25 of 78
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by bryanhauer View Post

    Why would you care what others are doing? I just don't get that. People wait in lines for concert tickets to their favorite band or show all the time. For some it's part of the fun and of course gets you the phone right away. In this case it's more important than a concert ticket or show cause it's something you'll spend tons of time on daily for work and personal use. I just don't understand all the worry about what others do and why some have to try to make themselves feel better by putting down others for doing something they enjoy when it sure as hell doesn't affect them.

    On a lighter note... I did go at 6:30AM this morning to an Apple Store in Minnetonka, MN and was surprised at how short the wait was. Of course with Best Buy and Walmart now selling the phone along with the home delivery option it's not all that much of a surprise. Doors opened at 7AM and me, my girlfriend and a buddy were all out of there by 7:20AM and didn't have any issues with activations.

    All in all it was a great experience. The employees were helpful, fast and most of all knowledgeable.

    As for my favorite new features... I'd have to say landscape keyboard across all apps (specifically mail and texting), the new video recording that works perfectly with iMovie btw and the new way Google maps shows you the direction you're actually going (can't wait for TomTom).

    ROFL! DUDE! I couldn't care less if I tried! I think its one of the funniest things ever to see a group of morons camping in the rain for this thing.

    The iPhone most definitely is NOT like a concert ticket. You see, in a concert, there is a limited number of seats. A concert can be sold out. You think Apple's gonna stop making the 3gs? Is it a collector's item of some kind? Bad comparison here. I remember when I wanted to see Dave Mathews band back when I was in the 11th grade, they sold out within half an hour!

    Look, I'm all for being a wild geek about something, and needing to have it right away, but this isn't practical at all. What's worse is eventually a couple of morons will get into an argument here over the iphone being "the best" and one of those morons will point to the lines formed for it and make a comment how lines didn't form for any other phone. There didn't need to be lines in the first place lol.

    So in conclusion, I feel so much better after making fun of people because I wish I had a 3gs
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  • Reply 26 of 78
    SpamSandwichspamsandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by neonsox View Post

    Some of us who preordered a week ago at an AT&T store are still waiting for our phones to show up at the store. Pre-ordering didn't give any priority at all.

    That would be consistent with the past. I'd rather go into the store and get it same day.
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  • Reply 27 of 78
    blond37blond37 Posts: 18member
    I got to the mall at 704am. Out side the apple store which had already opened was one TV camera crew, 4 or 5 security guards, 5 or 6 apple store employees, and two lines- one with 40 people, one with 5.

    You checked in with the concierge outside the store who checked your name off a list. The longer line was pre-orders, the shorter line was non-pre-ordered. I was directed to the longer one, which moved very quick.

    An apple employee would come out to the line and get you and take you into the store.. he asked what phone i ordered (16GB black), ok, he checked me off a second list, and rang up the order. Then he directed to another employee who did the activation.

    I was out by 745am. No activation problems.. lines moved quick..
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  • Reply 28 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    ROFL! DUDE! I couldn't care less if I tried! I think its one of the funniest things ever to see a group of morons camping in the rain for this thing.

    The iPhone most definitely is NOT like a concert ticket. You see, in a concert, there is a limited number of seats. A concert can be sold out. You think Apple's gonna stop making the 3gs? Is it a collector's item of some kind? Bad comparison here. I remember when I wanted to see Dave Mathews band back when I was in the 11th grade, they sold out within half an hour!

    Look, I'm all for being a wild geek about something, and needing to have it right away, but this isn't practical at all. What's worse is eventually a couple of morons will get into an argument here over the iphone being "the best" and one of those morons will point to the lines formed for it and make a comment how lines didn't form for any other phone. There didn't need to be lines in the first place lol.

    So in conclusion, I feel so much better after making fun of people because I wish I had a 3gs

    Amen! When we waited is line for Jaguar at least that was an historic day for a whole operating system. They all look so foolish waiting for something they can get tomorrow or the next day that is not that much different than the 3G. And one Dude waited and paid $400!!!
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  • Reply 29 of 78
    I've got a Best Buy gift card, so I was thinking about getting my iPhone at Best Buy.

    Can anyone think of any reason I should get it at an Apple Store instead?

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  • Reply 30 of 78
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I must have missed the theads on how "many iPhone ads in the papers", "getting your iPhone to talk to you", "which celebrities own the iPhone", "you iPhone is your new best friend", etc.

    Apple news , dudes, "real" Apple news.

    What would you know about an iPhone?

    I am sorry, I had to
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  • Reply 31 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by dak splunder View Post

    I've got a Best Buy gift card, so I was thinking about getting my iPhone at Best Buy.

    Can anyone think of any reason I should get it at an Apple Store instead?


    To avoid the Geek Squad at all costs!
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  • Reply 32 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by dak splunder View Post

    I've got a Best Buy gift card, so I was thinking about getting my iPhone at Best Buy.

    Can anyone think of any reason I should get it at an Apple Store instead?


    There are certainly reasons people prefer the Apple Store, but if you are asking then those reasons will not apply to you. Use the closest and quickest method for you.
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  • Reply 33 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There are certainly reasons people prefer the Apple Store, but if you are asking then those reasons will not apply to you. Use the closest and quickest method for you.

    Now I ask you - whose answer do you prefer? This loopty loop one or mine?
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  • Reply 34 of 78
    elrothelroth Posts: 1,201member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Amen! When we waited is line for Jaguar at least that was an historic day for a whole operating system. They all look so foolish waiting for something they can get tomorrow or the next day that is not that much different than the 3G. And one Dude waited and paid $400!!!

    You waited in line for Jaguar? Really? And now you criticize others. What a world.
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  • Reply 35 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by elroth View Post

    You waited in line for Jaguar? Really? And now you criticize others. What a world.

    That was an event. A revolutionary OS. This is hardly the same- no comparison. This is a 3rd gen device.
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  • Reply 36 of 78
    shadowshadow Posts: 373member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    ...They all look so foolish waiting for something they can get tomorrow or the next day that is not that much different than the 3G. And one Dude waited and paid $400!!!

    Today or tomorrow is up to them. I know you understand why, though. When someone is really excited about something, when someone really loves something he or she becomes somewhat irrational But you will never know what the feeling is!!!! I wish I could have it more often!

    On a different note, the 3G S is MUCH different than the 3G. The 3G was the old phone + GPS and, well, 3G. The rest of the hardware was the same. Those two things, especially the GPS, opened the doors for new kind of applications, and, in fact, made the big difference. The 3G S offers a revamped hardware which for many 3G owners is worth the upgrade alone (I am not questioning the upgrade from 2G - if you did not lost your job or otherwise are not in a financial trouble, it is a must ). The video and the magnetometer (a.k.a. compass) are the new functional additions. The magnetometer is widely underestimated as an add on. Using it as a compass is dead simple and straightforward, but it opens new possibilities for the developers as well. Just like the accelerometer straightforward use is for a 'level' application, but it is widely used in many apps. For example, with iPhone OS 3.0 it is used for undo system wide.

    And then the new version of the OS. It is much, much, more important than the new iPhone. Besides bringing new life to the old phones (something alien to the phone industry before Apple stepped in), it opens a new UNIVERSE for hardware add ons and will cement Apple's leading position for the years to come. Think about it: if a current user switches to a different phone he or she will say good bye to tens of apps (out of those 50000 and counting on the AppStore) and soon will have to ditch the hardware add ons they bought. Not tempting, isn't it? But there is "one more thing" you know! It showed unmatched pace of development and innovation and the huge potential of the OS. No matter how many phones RIM and Nokia sell, they are not in the same software league anymore.
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  • Reply 37 of 78
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There are certainly reasons people prefer the Apple Store, but if you are asking then those reasons will not apply to you. Use the closest and quickest method for you.

    Actually, I prefer the Apple Store myself, generally. It's just that I have this Best Buy gift card. My concerns are, if I have a problem with my iPhone that I bought at Best Buy, will I be able to bring it to an Apple Genius for help? What about down the line when I want to replace the battery? Stuff like that.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!!

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  • Reply 38 of 78
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    Good grief. It's so stupid how people are lining up for these phones. One day! Just wait ONE FREAKING DAY and there won't be lines.

    the GOTTA HAVE IT NOW crowd is hilarious.

    Or do like a lot of us did and pre-ordered and had it delivered, I had mine by 10am and it was active by 10:05, activated as soon as i plugged it in and put in my info, no hitches at all.

    This is my first iPhone by the way and i fucking LOVE it ..
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  • Reply 39 of 78
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by dak splunder View Post

    Actually, I prefer the Apple Store myself, generally. It's just that I have this Best Buy gift card. My concerns are, if I have a problem with my iPhone that I bought at Best Buy, will I be able to bring it to an Apple Genius for help? What about down the line when I want to replace the battery? Stuff like that.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!!

    All that takes place through Apple, so you can do all your genius stuff through Apple. If you take to an AT&T store and it?s a HW issue they will ship it to Apple for repair.

    It?s one of the things reported that Verizon would not allow. Apple controls their own servicing and call center for their phones. If you dial 611 you get to choose if it is an account issue that requires an AT&T CSR or an iPhone specific issue that funnels you to the US-operated call center. This is much nicer than someone having to deal with dozens of devices, especially if they are in India.
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  • Reply 40 of 78
    rgh71rgh71 Posts: 127member
    Originally Posted by dak splunder View Post

    I've got a Best Buy gift card, so I was thinking about getting my iPhone at Best Buy.

    Can anyone think of any reason I should get it at an Apple Store instead?


    I realized fairly late (last Friday) that I could pre-order from Apple and get my phone today (which I did) as AT&T was announcing that they couldn't guarantee any more pre-orders would arrive on the launch date. If there is a shortage at BB or AT&T, your best bet will still most likely be Apple to get it fast.
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