Buying a new iPhone 3G S in twenty minutes



  • Reply 61 of 78
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    1.) It was the first generation of the OS to be officially released commercially- which is a hell of a lot more important than a 3 gen phone device. So you are mistaken.

    2.( So why did you read it and obviously feel the need to respond regardless even though your response is inaccurate.

    1. I bought an iBook in 2001 that shipped with 10.1. Given that I paid for that computer, I consider the OS that came with it to be a commercial release. And either way, Jaguar wouldn't have been what it was if it hadn't been for the two prior releases, commercial or not. My "inaccuracy", therefore, is simply a difference of opinion/perspective.

    2. I read and responded to your post because I am member and regular visitor of this forum.

    3. I apologise for calling you a miserable git. I just wanted to point out that I feel you spend a lot of your time putting people down, which isn't very pleasant for the rest of us. It was meant to be more of an observation than a judgement, hence my apology.
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  • Reply 62 of 78
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by bryanhauer View Post

    So Dave Mathews is all of a sudden going to stop playing music and having concerts? It's no different at all. Plus, in the past if you missed opening day you'd sometimes have to wait weeks to get the phone. Again it's just fun for some people and doesn't affect you one bit. I for one waited about 30 minutes and got mine. If you want to be a douchebag to others then I guess it's just who you are. teckstud's already shown he is many times over!

    Oh please. It's completely different! Missing that concert meant people had to wait up to a year or longer to see him again (unless they wanted to follow the band to their next stop.) Missing opening day for 3gs means you just go in the next day lol.

    Again, I have to repeat myself since you don't read what I write: I couldn't care less if they camp out for the phone, and obviously it doesn't effect me one bit. My opinion that they are morons for doing so doesn't effect you or them one bit either. So who's being a douchebag here? Get over it pal.

    You waited 30 minutes in line, and that sounds normal. Waiting 8 hours in line over night is not, especially this go around. I understood it a little better last year, but this year's online ordering made things different.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have a little red button to click because someone decided to include a personal attack in their post.

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  • Reply 63 of 78
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    I agree with the previous commenter, people wait in line for concert , movie (see Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter fans) and Broadway tickets, and for a Wii or PS3, so what's the difference? A lot of people have their "thing," and sometimes waiting in line is part of the fun / experience. I feel sorry for people who've NEVER waited in line for any ticket/item in their life, you have no passion and in a way that makes folks of your ilk pathetic.

    I've been waiting 2 years for Apple to release this (32gb/video, enhanced) iPhone and waited in line for all of 15-20 minutes, so for me it was worth it. Better than the 6-8 hours I waited as a teen in the 80's for concert tickets only to have them sell out before I got to the window and had to buy from a scalper.

    This is a great phone / device, no other phone works or has all these options and so well done. That's why all makers are rushing to compete instead of sticking with their legacy phones.

    ya, you waited in like 15-20 minutes. That makes sense. Waiting in line over night in the rain doesn't.

    Think of it this way: At the front of the line you've got a couple of tools who started camping out at 11pm the night before. The next morning when the store opens, there's 40 people in line, and the whole process of getting everyone in that line in and out with a phone takes about an hour at most. So what was the point of wasting an entire night camping just to be in the front? Those are the people I'm calling moronic. Not people who simply waited in line for the phone. Last year, the lines with people waiting over night all seemed like a party. This year, from every single picture and video I've seen, it all just seemed like bragging rights.

    Whatever. I'm done discussing it. I've gotta get going anyways. Lego is releasing a Highlander series tomorrow morning, and I have to get out to Toys R Us and setup my chair and grill before it's too late.
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  • Reply 64 of 78
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I'm tired of dealing with this crap. People, we need to stop on the name calling and other forms of disrespect for other forum members. This goes for everyone, not a certain party that you may want to blame.

    Remember, someone having a different opinion from yours does not make them stupid. I'm sure most of us are dealing with extra stress from real life, but still, don't take it out on other people.

    Stop harping on your points, and it would be nice if people refrained from "piling on" people with less popular opinions. Being "right" isn't a right to abuse those that aren't of the same mindset or opinion.

    The uncivil atmosphere is starting to drive some people away, and I don't think it's necessarily the people you want to drive away. Reciprocity begets reciprocity, all it does is create a hostile atmosphere and a vicious cycle. If your first instinct is to blame someone else first, that's probably the wrong answer.
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  • Reply 65 of 78
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    I agree with the previous commenter, people wait in line for concert , movie (see Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter fans) and Broadway tickets, and for a Wii or PS3, so what's the difference? A lot of people have their "thing," and sometimes waiting in line is part of the fun / experience. I feel sorry for people who've NEVER waited in line for any ticket/item in their life, you have no passion and in a way that makes folks of your ilk pathetic.

    That's one way of looking at it. I think it's bad to look down on people that don't see the way you do.

    Me, I feel like I'm being made out to be a chump to wait in line, I usually avoid it. Especially not for luxury items that are nifty but don't make the owner a better person.
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  • Reply 66 of 78
    Contrary to assertions of those who dismissed Apple store lines as a one day phenomenon, I had to stand in line for about 45 minutes with 10-15 others this evening at the Apple store in Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, MD. This being day 2 of the release of this latest iteration, I was not expecting a line after preordering it online for in store pick up. However it went really smooth as we started talking iphones among our selves while waiting. Processing and activation went without a hitch. I was replacing an exiting ATT phone like many others in line and the number was ported right away. Ironically the Apple associate selling me the phone was using one of those hand held powerPC terminals. Can't they figure out how to sell iphones using iphones ?
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  • Reply 67 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by daniel84 View Post

    I don't post all that much here but I certainly do read all your posts****You always seem to be putting people down.

    You say you waited in line for Jaguar which is not at all like waiting in line for iPhone 3GS (because it's 3rd gen). Well let's see... If remember correctly we had OS X 10.0 then 10.1 then Jaguar. Doesn't that qualify as third generation? Oh but no, that's not what you meant... You're saying that Jaguar was revolutionary because it was the first version of OS X to "complete" the OS and bring many requested/basic features that were missing from the two previous versions, right?

    Well, I would argue that iPhone OS 3.0 is also bringing many requested/basic features to the OS such as video recording and MMS. If you don't think that's worth waiting in line for then fine. You're perfectly entitled to state your opinion but it gets a bit tiring for the rest of us sometimes.

    Enough! People can say what they think, and you can disagree. You can even tell they don't know what they're talking about, but quit the name calling.
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  • Reply 68 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by bryanhauer View Post

    So Dave Mathews is all of a sudden going to stop playing music and having concerts? It's no different at all. Plus, in the past if you missed opening day you'd sometimes have to wait weeks to get the phone. Again it's just fun for some people and doesn't affect you one bit. I for one waited about 30 minutes and got mine.***

    Hey guys! This is a phone. Stop crawling out of the woodpile here.
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  • Reply 69 of 78
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    ya, you waited in like 15-20 minutes. That makes sense. Waiting in line over night in the rain doesn't.

    Think of it this way: At the front of the line you've got a couple of tools who started camping out at 11pm the night before. The next morning when the store opens, there's 40 people in line, and the whole process of getting everyone in that line in and out with a phone takes about an hour at most. So what was the point of wasting an entire night camping just to be in the front? Those are the people I'm calling moronic. Not people who simply waited in line for the phone. Last year, the lines with people waiting over night all seemed like a party. This year, from every single picture and video I've seen, it all just seemed like bragging rights.

    Whatever. I'm done discussing it. I've gotta get going anyways. Lego is releasing a Highlander series tomorrow morning, and I have to get out to Toys R Us and setup my chair and grill before it's too late.

    Hey my friend to each his own . Don't put down good people for no reason except your lack of knowledge about how much fun it is or can be to wait in line. I have done it over 300 times for rock and roll shows. I did it back in 1972 dude. back then no one did it . But i got first row .

    let it go you look silly .


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  • Reply 70 of 78
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'm tired of dealing with this crap. People, we need to stop on the name calling and other forms of disrespect for other forum members. This goes for everyone, not a certain party that you may want to blame.

    Remember, someone having a different opinion from yours does not make them stupid. I'm sure most of us are dealing with extra stress from real life, but still, don't take it out on other people.

    Stop harping on your points, and it would be nice if people refrained from "piling on" people with less popular opinions. Being "right" isn't a right to abuse those that aren't of the same mindset or opinion.

    The uncivil atmosphere is starting to drive some people away, and I don't think it's necessarily the people you want to drive away. Reciprocity begets reciprocity, all it does is create a hostile atmosphere and a vicious cycle. If your first instinct is to blame someone else first, that's probably the wrong answer.

    Ya know on the old pink floyd forums we had a one strike deal going.

    If some one flamed or called names that post would get deleted.

    Next time all that person or persons posts would get deleted. All of them .

    on and on

    This name calling and putting people down suck . And topic after topic gets hijacked so when a really good post comes along we miss it .

    Any way thank you for having Me

    its a great place here.



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  • Reply 71 of 78
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    iPhone Frenzy: Part III

    Who would have thought that, three years in, another iPhone model launch would draw lines and media?

    SInce it hasn't even been two years yet, guess we'll have to wait and see what happens next June (three years after initial iPhone launch).
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  • Reply 72 of 78
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    Hey my friend to each his own . Don't put down good people for no reason except your lack of knowledge about how much fun it is or can be to wait in line. I have done it over 300 times for rock and roll shows. I did it back in 1972 dude. back then no one did it . But i got first row .

    let it go you look silly .



    I think my comments are being misconstrued here... I don't think waiting in line for something is bad at all. I mentioned the Dave Mathews band selling out in 30 minutes as an example where waiting in line for hours paid off. What I do think is bad (or dumb to say the least) is waiting in line for 8 hours over night, in the rain, all while people who come up to the line 10 minutes before opening get the same phone, just 20 minutes later than the person camping out.

    I'm not just ignorantly bashing anyone who's ever stood in a line for something they love. I'm pointing out the obvious here: Camping out overnight for the 3gs wasn't needed. Last year I understood it, especially since the weather was nice and it was like one big party. This year it was for bragging rights lol
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  • Reply 73 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    I think my comments are being misconstrued here... I don't think waiting in line for something is bad at all. I mentioned the Dave Mathews band selling out in 30 minutes as an example where waiting in line for hours paid off. What I do think is bad (or dumb to say the least) is waiting in line for 8 hours over night, in the rain, all while people who come up to the line 10 minutes before opening get the same phone, just 20 minutes later than the person camping out.

    I'm not just ignorantly bashing anyone who's ever stood in a line for something they love. I'm pointing out the obvious here: Camping out overnight for the 3gs wasn't needed. Last year I understood it, especially since the weather was nice and it was like one big party. This year it was for bragging rights lol

    There's this odd thing about being first for bragging rights. Look at what happens in threads, though we haven't seen it here for a while, where people post "first!", even though they have nothing to say.


    It's also so that they can go around showing off their new purchase before anyone else gets the chance to do so, thus proving their wonderful taste and superiority.
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  • Reply 74 of 78
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Anyone who wants to wait in line through bad weather AND a day early....more power to them

    But I couldn't and wouldn't do that for anything.....anything
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  • Reply 75 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by MacAloy View Post

    Anyone who wants to wait in line through bad weather AND a day early....more power to them

    But I couldn't and wouldn't do that for anything.....anything

    Oh, I'm sure we could find something.
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  • Reply 76 of 78
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Oh, I'm sure we could find something.

    Alright, if my sister was dying and she needed a certain body part that was for sale and I needed to wait in a line...........yes, then
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  • Reply 77 of 78
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,663member
    Originally Posted by MacAloy View Post

    Alright, if my sister was dying and she needed a certain body part that was for sale and I needed to wait in a line...........yes, then

    There you go!
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  • Reply 78 of 78
    xplicsxplics Posts: 14member
    I am so happy that I now have the 3GS, I canceled my horrible G1 subscription with T-Moble (horrid service), and got my 3GS at the Apple store on 5th Ave in Manhattan. It took me more then 20 minutes though more like 1 hour and 30 minutes but it was more then well worth it. At&t service blows TMobile 3G out the water easily, and the Iphone is just insane great so pleased with it.
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