Buying a new iPhone 3G S in twenty minutes



  • Reply 41 of 78
    Activated at 11am Pacific, took less that 3 min
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  • Reply 42 of 78
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Getting my 3Gs today was a yawner. I showed up at the Chandler, Az Apple Store at 0830, and i was outa there before 0900. The reason it took so long is because this was my first iPhone, and I asked some question about the phone, plus looked at cases, which I did not buy there. Yep it was pre-ordered, and yep they had all of my info ready to go. I was surprised at no lines, but then there re more places to get the iPhone now, plus Apple had plenty of staff on hand. I'll give them an A on the experience I had. :o)

    I'm thinking about an Otterbox Defender case, and comments?
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  • Reply 43 of 78
    trajectorytrajectory Posts: 647member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I must have missed the theads on how "many iPhone ads in the papers", "getting your iPhone to talk to you", "which celebrities own the iPhone", "you iPhone is your new best friend", etc.

    Apple news , dudes, "real" Apple news.

    Why do you feel the need to post this in every single iPhone thread?

    FYI, Apple is the creator of the iPhone. It's Apple News...dude.
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  • Reply 44 of 78
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I think a more appropriate word is pathetic.

    Wait til they start whining about each and every flaw- "the plastic cracks!", "the screen is too slippery!", "it's too hot!", "video drains my battery!", "my bill is too high!", etc.

    I'm sure we'll have a thread for each and every whine too.

    Just like this one, whining about the whiners. This forum is also a place for people to vent a bit.
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  • Reply 45 of 78
    I went to the AT&T store on 3rd and Market and was in and out in 15 minutes. I was number 4 in line. The entire process including registration was really quick. I had planned on getting my new phone later in the week when things died down... pleasantly surprised! oh and I'm loving it. Upgraded from the gen 1 phone.
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  • Reply 46 of 78
    It's my sincere hope that someday Apple will give potential buyers the one option I crave: a carrier other than AT&T. Their pricing structure is abysmal. There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'll by an iPhone, as much as I'd like to, as long as AT&T charges extra (and a lot) for text messages and begins nights and weekends at 9 pm. Their offering is an insult.
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  • Reply 47 of 78
    macaloymacaloy Posts: 104member
    Originally Posted by Trajectory View Post

    Why do you feel the need to post this in every single iPhone thread?

    Well, he would know about all those complaints since he saw them first hand

    Oh, wait....
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  • Reply 48 of 78
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I think a more appropriate word is pathetic.

    Wait til they start whining about each and every flaw- "the plastic cracks!", "the screen is too slippery!", "it's too hot!", "video drains my battery!", "my bill is too high!", etc.

    I'm sure we'll have a thread for each and every whine too.

    I don't post all that much here but I certainly do read all your posts and you sound like a miserable git. You always seem to be putting people down.

    You say you waited in line for Jaguar which is not at all like waiting in line for iPhone 3GS (because it's 3rd gen). Well let's see... If remember correctly we had OS X 10.0 then 10.1 then Jaguar. Doesn't that qualify as third generation? Oh but no, that's not what you meant... You're saying that Jaguar was revolutionary because it was the first version of OS X to "complete" the OS and bring many requested/basic features that were missing from the two previous versions, right?

    Well, I would argue that iPhone OS 3.0 is also bringing many requested/basic features to the OS such as video recording and MMS. If you don't think that's worth waiting in line for then fine. You're perfectly entitled to state your opinion but it gets a bit tiring for the rest of us sometimes.
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  • Reply 49 of 78
    jkozjkoz Posts: 48member
    Originally Posted by daniel84 View Post

    I don't post all that much here but I certainly do read all your posts and you sound like a miserable git. You always seem to be putting people down.

    You say you waited in line for Jaguar which is not at all like waiting in line for iPhone 3GS (because it's 3rd gen). Well let's see... If remember correctly we had OS X 10.0 then 10.1 then Jaguar. Doesn't that qualify as third generation? Oh but no, that's not what you meant... You're saying that Jaguar was revolutionary because it was the first version of OS X to "complete" the OS and bring many requested/basic features that were missing from the two previous versions, right?

    Well, I would argue that iPhone OS 3.0 is also bringing many requested/basic features to the OS such as video recording and MMS. If you don't think that's worth waiting in line for then fine. You're perfectly entitled to state your opinion but it gets a bit tiring for the rest of us sometimes.

    What he said.
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  • Reply 50 of 78
    Returned to the Apple store this afternoon and there was no one in the reserved line. I was taken in within a minute and started the process of transferring my two phones. Have to say I love them. 32GB and video recording really got me, but now I love the new maps, voice control, speed. One sweet upgrade (from 2G)

    Originally Posted by pkstreet View Post

    I waited over an hour and a half outside my local Apple store and couldn't pick up my two reserved phones. At the rate they were moving, it would have taken 3-4 hours. It was activation issues I think that slowed them down. Glad you had a different experience. I'll try again later. For me it was a disappointment compared to 2007 launch.

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  • Reply 51 of 78
    jkozjkoz Posts: 48member
    Originally Posted by pkstreet View Post

    Returned to the Apple store this afternoon and there was no one in the reserved line. I was taken in within a minute and started the process of transferring my two phones. Have to say I love them. 32GB and video recording really got me, but now I love the new maps, voice control, speed. One sweet upgrade (from 2G)

    Good to hear! Upgrading from 2G here too has been a pleasant experience.
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  • Reply 52 of 78
    Originally Posted by bloggerblog View Post

    I just bought my 16GB iPhone 3GS from the Apple store for $400!!

    I have a few words for AT&T...


    You sure showed them!
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  • Reply 53 of 78
    stenarstenar Posts: 22member
    I waited in line for nearly an hour this evening to get in the Salt Lake City Apple store, by the time I did get inside, they were sold out of the 32GB Black iPhones. (I'd called 30 minutes before and they still had them in stock then.) Couldn't they have come out and told us which models they were sold out of so we didn't waste any more time in line???
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  • Reply 54 of 78
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Who would have thought that, three years in, another iPhone model launch would draw lines and media?

    With all due respect, the original iPhone was released in June of 2007. So, we aren't "three years in"; we're two years in. The first launch was "year zero," the 3G was launched a year later, and today is two years later. There have been three iphone launches in the space of two years -- not three years.
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  • Reply 55 of 78
    UPS dropped off my 32 GB iPhone 3G s at 9:28 a.m. yesterday and I activated it at 9:37 a.m. (EST). No problems, snags or interruptions. Had to set up my voice mail and I was good to go.
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  • Reply 56 of 78
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I think a more appropriate word is pathetic.

    Wait til they start whining about each and every flaw- "the plastic cracks!", "the screen is too slippery!", "it's too hot!", "video drains my battery!", "my bill is too high!", etc.

    I'm sure we'll have a thread for each and every whine too.

    I agree with the previous commenter, people wait in line for concert , movie (see Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter fans) and Broadway tickets, and for a Wii or PS3, so what's the difference? A lot of people have their "thing," and sometimes waiting in line is part of the fun / experience. I feel sorry for people who've NEVER waited in line for any ticket/item in their life, you have no passion and in a way that makes folks of your ilk pathetic.

    I've been waiting 2 years for Apple to release this (32gb/video, enhanced) iPhone and waited in line for all of 15-20 minutes, so for me it was worth it. Better than the 6-8 hours I waited as a teen in the 80's for concert tickets only to have them sell out before I got to the window and had to buy from a scalper.

    This is a great phone / device, no other phone works or has all these options and so well done. That's why all makers are rushing to compete instead of sticking with their legacy phones.
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  • Reply 57 of 78
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by daniel84 View Post

    I don't post all that much here but I certainly do read all your posts and you sound like a miserable git. You always seem to be putting people down.

    You say you waited in line for Jaguar which is not at all like waiting in line for iPhone 3GS (because it's 3rd gen). Well let's see... If remember correctly we had OS X 10.0 then 10.1 then Jaguar. Doesn't that qualify as third generation? Oh but no, that's not what you meant... You're saying that Jaguar was revolutionary because it was the first version of OS X to "complete" the OS and bring many requested/basic features that were missing from the two previous versions, right?

    Well, I would argue that iPhone OS 3.0 is also bringing many requested/basic features to the OS such as video recording and MMS. If you don't think that's worth waiting in line for then fine. You're perfectly entitled to state your opinion but it gets a bit tiring for the rest of us sometimes.

    1.) It was the first generation of the OS to be officially released commercially- which is a hell of a lot more important than a 3 gen phone device. So you are mistaken.

    2.( So why did you read it and obviously feel the need to respond regardless even though your response is inaccurate.
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  • Reply 58 of 78
    lungdrlungdr Posts: 1member
    I went to Lakeside Shopping Center near New Orleans last night around 8:15 to buy my reserved 32G Black iPhone 3G S. I was in and out in less than 10 minutes with an activated phone that functioned just fine. The big crowd was in the morning. They told me they sold about 600 phones yesterday but NO line at all when I arrived.
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  • Reply 59 of 78
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I think a more appropriate word is pathetic.

    Wait til they start whining about each and every flaw- "the plastic cracks!", "

    I .

    Very good dude. You nailed it on the head. Over at palm pre central. THE topics are about plastic that cracked . Good call. dude. lol

    peace dude

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  • Reply 60 of 78
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    ROFL! DUDE! I couldn't care less if I tried! I think its one of the funniest things ever to see a group of morons camping in the rain for this thing.

    The iPhone most definitely is NOT like a concert ticket. You see, in a concert, there is a limited number of seats. A concert can be sold out. You think Apple's gonna stop making the 3gs? Is it a collector's item of some kind? Bad comparison here. I remember when I wanted to see Dave Mathews band back when I was in the 11th grade, they sold out within half an hour!

    Look, I'm all for being a wild geek about something, and needing to have it right away, but this isn't practical at all. What's worse is eventually a couple of morons will get into an argument here over the iphone being "the best" and one of those morons will point to the lines formed for it and make a comment how lines didn't form for any other phone. There didn't need to be lines in the first place lol.

    So in conclusion, I feel so much better after making fun of people because I wish I had a 3gs

    So Dave Mathews is all of a sudden going to stop playing music and having concerts? It's no different at all. Plus, in the past if you missed opening day you'd sometimes have to wait weeks to get the phone. Again it's just fun for some people and doesn't affect you one bit. I for one waited about 30 minutes and got mine. If you want to be a douchebag to others then I guess it's just who you are. teckstud's already shown he is many times over!
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