Apple stuns Macworld crowd with multi-function iPhone device



  • Reply 161 of 439
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    They should have added some form of SD for even more pimp points.
  • Reply 162 of 439
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I doubt the price of the 16GB flash will drop that much in six months. Apple may get the price-drop started if they open a large bulk order of the 16GB flash, but I'm not sure that what you suggest is possible in such a short period. It would certainly be nice to get more storage on these babies; and we'll certainly see it sometime, but it might cost a little more.

    It seems difficult to believe price will stay the same for too long. The demand for flash is growing at steep rate. More and more devices are using them. The upcoming Intel Robeson only push demand even more.


    If 1 gig is fine, why the hell did I buy an 80 gig Ipod. 1 gig sucks.

    I understand the hdd battery life argument, but why not put some of this cutting edge research into battery tech. They may even make a buck or two just off of that.

    Geez if 8 GB does not fit your needs then obviously this device is not for you. Why complain to us about it.

    The batteries we get are the the cutting edge best we can get within the price they sell the device.


    So in other words, I can use it at home, where I have my home phone, well gee, that changes everything. can write your city government and demand municipal WiFi.
  • Reply 163 of 439
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'm just saying that, save for lossless audio, it's unlikely you can play a gig of audio on a single charge on any player. Carrying 100x more audio than that at all times simply becomes pointless.

    You really don't understand why people have 20+ GB iPods do you? Many people (like me) like to be able to carry around their entire music collection. Of course we can't listen to the whole lot on a single charge. But it means that? we have our entire collection with us. We don't have to decide before we leave the house what we want to listen to when we are out/away for the weekend/on holiday. We can choose as the mood takes us.

    Originally Posted by Vox Barbara View Post

    This is just the suggested retail price tag.

    You probably pay less, if you get a 2 yrs contract.

    I guess.

    Nope. The price is subsidised by the contract (and we don't know yet how much the monthly charge will be). Do you people really not comprehend the technology packed into this thing? Not to mention all the R&D costs: that's not an off-the-shelf touch screen, for example, that's a proprietary Apple technology. Without subsidy, this thing would be even more expensive.

    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone, PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.'" -Ed Colligan, Palm CEO

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Prices should drop by June so it is possible Apple may bump the storage to 16GB.

    Don't you think the price has been set according to what Apple expect flash to cost in June? Don't forget all the other (extremely expensive) tech in this device.
  • Reply 164 of 439
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Aaron, Then don't. This phone meets the needs of a lot of users even if it doesn't satisfy you. For the first version of a smart phone and iPod combo, it looks absolutely incredible. Show me something that does all that it can do and looks as good. Not to mention the intuitiveness of use. The demos at Apple's website really showcase this. I'll be the execs at RIM, Nokia and Moto are sweatin.

    You know guys, I'm sorry if I'm offending any of you, I am just really disapointed. I have been looking forward to this device for just as long as the rest of you. My contract with Alltel is set to pop in 3 months, the timing is perfect. The device is not as far as I'm concerned. I could probably even live with 16 gigs. 8 is just awful. I work 3rd shift at a hospital and watch alot of video at night. I would be resynching this thing constantly to keep the material fresh. I don't always know what I'm going to be in the mood to watch or listen to. 8 gig just isn't enough flexability as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I'll check back with version two.

    Just so you know I was disapointed with the ITV and well and Bill Gate's CES keynote was underwhelming too (I was looking forward to some things for the 360 that didn't pan out as rumored).

    Anyway, I make gobs of money, doing what I do. Technology and new gadgets are my favorite bad investment. I was really looking forward for a reason to buy myself some new toys. I didn't happen.

    I would have been happy with a 100 gig true video Ipod, that didn't happen either.

    Bring on the 4 core MBP, I'll take one of those as well.

    I looked forward to these events for a while and while I think the phone looks slick, It's not enough for me to replace my other $600 smart phone.
  • Reply 165 of 439
    flinch13flinch13 Posts: 228member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    I agree, and I bet it will be called the iPhone Mini.

    I agree, if not iPhone nano. And I'd buy that.
  • Reply 166 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by solsun View Post

    I agree, and I bet it will be called the iPhone Mini.

    If I remember correctly most rumors had the 'simple' iPhone coming out now and the ipod 'smartphone' coming out this summer. If they bring out the iPhone mini this summer at that pricepoint ($199) I think 1% marketshare is being way too conservative. They won't be able to make 'em fast enough.
  • Reply 167 of 439
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    OwmyGod! Did anyone see the side view of this device? And the back? The Apple logo is HUGE! It's not crisp, not gentle but brutally rounded at the edges

    Haven't you noticed that anything you hold in your hand or touch with your fingers is rounded.

    People are to hold this to their head for long periods of time. Rounded edges on soft rounded hands are a lot more comfortable than hard edges.
  • Reply 168 of 439
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Don't you think the price has been set according to what Apple expect flash to cost in June? Don't forget all the other (extremely expensive) tech in this device.

    I'm sure they have. but June 6 months away. Anything can happen in 6 months.


    I would have been happy with a 100 gig true video Ipod, that didn't happen either.

    Bring on the 4 core MBP, I'll take one of those as well.

    Geez you bat for the fences.
  • Reply 169 of 439
    I guess history is bound to repeat itself after all- yet another EXTREMELY great idea/product with bad marketing. I would have bought two yesterday- But there's a reason Cingular is the WORST rated wireless company around (actually there are several- I know being a customer for several years but no longer.)

    Come on Apple- doesn't somebody there read Consumer Reports? These folks are rated the worst NATIONWIDE! Apple's rated the best! Geez this is frustrating!

    I guess Verizon just wants to nickel and dime everybody so they can't do anything (except get great wireless service) and Cingular will let you do just about anything (except talk on a reliable connection- if you can get one).

    Sorry Apple- I love ya, but not enough to deal with Cingular. Guess I'll keep hacking with my E815...
  • Reply 170 of 439
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    You really don't understand why people have 20+ GB iPods do you? Many people (like me) like to be able to carry around their entire music collection. Of course we can't listen to the whole lot on a single charge. But it means that… we have our entire collection with us. We don't have to decide before we leave the house what we want to listen to when we are out/away for the weekend/on holiday. We can choose as the mood takes us.

    I really haven't had that problem. iTunes randomly selects from my entire library, so there's always something to fit my mood. My first iPod was a 20 gig which I had nearly filled before I quit using it, but I've done very well with a 1GB nano that I bought just because I didn't want to carry around a heavy brick and I wanted a more durable device too. An 80GB phone would be worse than any recent iPod in that respect. The travel thing is a valid point, but I don't travel or go away for very long stretches very often. Maybe I'd bring my 20gig along, or load my library onto my notebook.

    I'm not saying that I am buying this thing, but I'm not badmouthing it as junk either because it doesn't do exactly what I want, how I want it. I'm just saying that the same phone with any size mechanical hard drive would be a lot thicker and I don't think Apple will make one. It's a nice looking product, I just can't justify spending the asking price + data service plan to get one.
  • Reply 171 of 439
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by AaronHarmon View Post

    You know guys, I'm sorry if I'm offending any of you, I am just really disapointed. I have been looking forward to this device for just as long as the rest of you. My contract with Alltel is set to pop in 3 months, the timing is perfect. The device is not as far as I'm concerned. I could probably even live with 16 gigs. 8 is just awful. I work 3rd shift at a hospital and watch alot of video at night. I would be resynching this thing constantly to keep the material fresh. I don't always know what I'm going to be in the mood to watch or listen to. 8 gig just isn't enough flexability as far as I'm concerned. Maybe I'll check back with version two.

    Just so you know I was disapointed with the ITV and well and Bill Gate's CES keynote was underwhelming too (I was looking forward to some things for the 360 that didn't pan out as rumored).

    Anyway, I make gobs of money, doing what I do. Technology and new gadgets are my favorite bad investment. I was really looking forward for a reason to buy myself some new toys. I didn't happen.

    I would have been happy with a 100 gig true video Ipod, that didn't happen either.

    Bring on the 4 core MBP, I'll take one of those as well.

    I looked forward to these events for a while and while I think the phone looks slick, It's not enough for me to replace my other $600 smart phone.

    You're not offending me but you're disparaging the device because it doesn't meet you individual needs while overlooking all of it's desirable features. I think that you're being very shortsighted on this. Would 30gbs of memory all of a sudden make it indispensable? Don't you think that the memory will improve as flash memory storage improves and prices come down?
  • Reply 172 of 439
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Wojciechowski View Post

    So what happened to "iPhone" already being trademarked???

    Cisco sold them rights to the name, the news was on yahoo finance.

    Originally Posted by olmalove View Post

    This will happen, but probably not until pre-xmas 2007 so as to give the iphone a chance to do some damage. 4 and 8GB are cool for a phone, but for those of us who need massive storage in one handy pocket-fitting device 100GB will be a must. AND it will be just as cool as the iphone, sleek, thin, and touchscreen.

    This year is going to huge for Apple.

    I disagree - waiting (or failing) to announce products that would sell well in order to protect other products is the way of many failed companies - Apple will release this same thing as pure 100g ipod asap, because it will sell well.

    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    Does anyone actually look at competitive offerings before making these comments??? The Palm Trea 750 is $499 with contract (before rebate and who knows about those in the future) and it only comes with 60 MB (that megabytes) of user accessible storage.

    Exactly - this phone is less expensive than the P910a was when it came out ($1000 unlocked). Smart phone buyers are used to paying this much, and it will sell well at that price.

    Originally Posted by Denton View Post

    It's as big as an iPod with only as much memory as an iPod nano: imagine what it would look like if it had an internal hard drive!

    The largest flash drives are 16GB and cost twice about $350. So if you want 16GB, I guess you'll have to pony-up $800 and sign a 2 year contract with Cingular.

    And if you want 16GB in an unlocked phone, well, you might as well just buy a Macbook and keep your current phone for the price you'll pay.

    I think that it was Seagate that just announced really tiny 30 and 60 gb drives - I would not be surprised to see these in the device instead of flash. June is a long time away.
  • Reply 173 of 439
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    You're not offending me but you're disparaging the device because it doesn't meet you individual needs while overlooking all of it's desirable features. I think that you're being very shortsighted on this. Would 30gbs of memory all of a sudden make it indispensable? Don't you think that the memory will improve as flash memory storage improves and prices come down?

    I certainly hope so. And I would definately dump my current phone for this phone with 30 gigs. I just don't want to wait 2 years for it.

    For $600.00 why not make the memory removable and upgradeable, I would even be happy with that. I don't want to buy a phone that doesn't meet my expectations knowing that one that does will be right around the corner.

    Shortsighted? Maybe, I'm just frustrated.
  • Reply 174 of 439
    lustlust Posts: 83member
    So does it have expandable memory? Most new phones, especially GSM, support Mini-SD but I have yet to see a mention of it. It would definitely make the flash part much more appealing.
  • Reply 175 of 439
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    but I've done very well with a 1GB nano that I bought just because I didn't want to carry around a heavy brick and I wanted a more durable device too. An 80GB phone would be worse than any recent iPod in that respect.

    Don't get me wrong. I think flash is a much, much better option at the moment for the iPhone. I was just pointing out that there are plenty of valid reasons for wanting way more than 1 GB storage.

    However, an HDD, as you say, would be too big, too heavy and not durable enough.
  • Reply 176 of 439
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    i really didn't think they could pull this off but holy crap that is one sexy amazing piece of technology!

    i need this and i need it now! when will preorders happen? i'm on it the first min

    i cant believe apple did it again
  • Reply 177 of 439
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    I have posted a poll to get a handle on how many people are interested in getting the iPhone.
  • Reply 178 of 439
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by AaronHarmon View Post

    1 gig is fine? Maybe for you, not for me. I don't want my music rotated. I want it with me.

    If 1 gig is fine, why the hell did I buy an 80 gig Ipod. 1 gig sucks.

    Which is why 8GB and below Nanos aren't selling? No wait...I recall someone saying they were the most popular MP3 players on the market...who was that guy on stage today?


    I understand the hdd battery life argument, but why not put some of this cutting edge research into battery tech. They may even make a buck or two just off of that.

    Because rev 2 will get to double digit MB on flash alone? Not saying that someone shouldn't invest in battery technology but its not an area that Apple specializes in and frankly they have a lot of demands on their R&D $$$ as it is.


    The phone looks sweet. There is just no way I'm switching carriers and laying down 6 bills for a device that does not meet my wants and needs. That phone does not.

    So what? You don't think this thing will be pre-ordered out the ying-yang and have nearly zero availablility anyway? Doesn't meet your needs...don't buy. Pretty danged simple. Whine elsewhere and buy a Blackberry or Treo. This thing rocks. It ain't perfect but nothing v1.0 is. But is sure is a heck of a lot nicer than any of the alternatives I've been looking at. I was prepared to be disapointed with a rather barebones iPhone with just iPod functionality today with a smartphone following in the future.

  • Reply 179 of 439
    Originally Posted by AaronHarmon View Post

    I certainly hope so. And I would definately dump my current phone for this phone with 30 gigs. I just don't want to wait 2 years for it.

    For $600.00 why not make the memory removable and upgradeable, I would even be happy with that. I don't want to buy a phone that doesn't meet my expectations knowing that one that does will be right around the corner.

    Shortsighted? Maybe, I'm just frustrated.

    You can ... unsolder the 8GB, resolder a 16GB chip. Simple as that....

    Your other desired products (the 4 core MBP, 100G TRUE iPod, etc...) tell me that you're excessively demanding. We're all guilty of it at some point, but come on ... Apple was NOT going to announce a 4 core MacBook Pro at Macworld. And the iPod was revamped not too long ago (whether or not the improvements met your expecttions is immaterial, it was still done....). I think we'll see another announcement in February to introduce iLife and iWork '07. The next iPod I wouldn't expect until MArch or April. If Apple was going to redo the iPod, they would have announced it BEFORE Christmas, not directly afterward.
  • Reply 180 of 439
    gpcogpco Posts: 2member
    Well... some of you are getting the iPhone concept wrong.

    This new device is after all only a Cell Phone with a lot of features: music player, web browsing, watch videos, take pictures, etc. If you compare the iPhone to a Blackberry or a Treo, it is way beyond them...As far as I know, the biggest storage you can get with a Treo or Blackberry is 2GB and you have to buy an SD Card at xxx price, not built-in; so 8GB built-in are great for a cell phone. And don't forget about the new touch screen technology, for me is great, I hate stylus, I have a palm and I always use my finger tip to navigate and write.

    For me, this is a great device, it could have more features, more storage, more I don't know what; but thinking of it as the kind of device it is (a cell phone); it is just perfect.
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