Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 381 of 4650
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    I think the BIG selling points of HDTV's are it's screen size and their price points, as you mentioned. The 30" to 50" screen sizes are very price competitive, certainly WRT 36" CRT's. So one would naturally think that most, if not all, new TV purchases are HDTV's in that size range.

    OTOH, below 28" (or so) CRT's are really cheap, and if your just into DVD viewing, and don't care about screen size or are price conscious, you'll probably just get the cheap CRT. And then of course the segment of the population that won't replace their existing CRT until it goes out, and even then you can get a cheap CRT in the want ads or a pawn shop, considering the number of people who have upgraded their CRT's to HDTV's. As we head towards February 2009, I would almost think that used CRT's will be a dime a dozen, so there will always be a market segment that will prefer cheap above all else.

    And that's why it took so long for DVD's to catch on, J6P'ers made do with what thay had until it gave out. Most people that post in these threads aren't J6P'ers IMHO.

    OTOH, go to a Best Buy and try to even find a CRT set. Last time I checked there were a few open stocks sets in the open stock ghetto, and a few wide screen HDs from Samsung and Toshiba, and I think a few small DVD/combo sets. On line shows more options, but the brick and mortar stores seem to have decided they're done.

    Thing is, manufacturers are stopping production of CRTs. Another year and you'll really have to be determined to be able to get one.

    And I think you overestimate the average American's willingness to go pawn shop or thrift store hunting when it comes to getting something like a TV. I can already get a 20" EDT LCD set for $300, while some of the remaining 20" CRTs are $175. Granted, the $175 set is probably better in many respects, but that's too close in price for CRT sales to do anything but continue to plummet-- and it's only going to get closer, since all the commodity savings were long since wrung out of the tube business.
  • Reply 382 of 4650
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    However, if you take a look at what is to be released in the coming months, it is quite easy to see Blu-ray will be pulling Far...Far Away [insert Shrek accent here] by March...

    It's all a matter of personal taste, I know, but on that entire list (leaving Warners and Paramount aside) there are exactly TWO new releases that I would buy, and two catalog titles I'd upgrade from my SD DVDs. And one of those is available on HD DVD from Japan. In other words, nothing on that list makes me itch for a Blu-ray player. Wake me up when Fox releases "X-Men."
  • Reply 383 of 4650
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    OTOH, go to a Best Buy and try to even find a CRT set. Last time I checked there were a few open stocks sets in the open stock ghetto, and a few wide screen HDs from Samsung and Toshiba, and I think a few small DVD/combo sets. On line shows more options, but the brick and mortar stores seem to have decided they're done.

    Thing is, manufacturers are stopping production of CRTs. Another year and you'll really have to be determined to be able to get one.

    And I think you overestimate the average American's willingness to go pawn shop or thrift store hunting when it comes to getting something like a TV. I can already get a 20" EDT LCD set for $300, while some of the remaining 20" CRTs are $175. Granted, the $175 set is probably better in many respects, but that's too close in price for CRT sales to do anything but continue to plummet-- and it's only going to get closer, since all the commodity savings were long since wrung out of the tube business.

    I take it you've never been to the "ghetto" or lived in a trailer park, or perhaps been to a Wal-Mart lately (they still have a large selection of CRT's)? I hate to admit it, but a lot of my friends are from the "ghetto" and/or live in trailer parks, I even have a pawn shop CRT TV, imagine that, so in my delusional view of life, perhaps I think I'm more representative of J6P'ers then the rest of you people, but I'm just taking a stab in the dark.

    And that 20" pawn shop Toshiba TV cost me ~$70 and there were cheaper ones to choose from, and it still works 2 years later. I have replaced it with an HDTV, but the funny thing is the cable reception looked better on that CRT than what I see now on that HDTV, what's up with that?
  • Reply 384 of 4650
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    Why porn will not be the deciding factor this time around:

    Digital Bits

    Porn decided the VHS vs. Betamax format war, so it'll decide the HD format war too." is the typical comment. Here's why I doubt it: Back in the days of the VHS vs. Beta format war, the only way to watch porn was to visit a seedy adult movie theater or to spool up a Super-8 film. So when cheap, convenient porn on tape finally arrived, it was a HUGE deal, demand was massive and it benefited VHS greatly. The difference today is, cheap porn is already available EVERYWHERE on the Internet and particularly on good old standard DVD. Also, have any of you actually seen naked people in high-definition? Let me tell you, it's often a much better idea in theory than in reality. Porn stars may look sexy as all get out in standard definition, but... well, maybe not so much in HD. You can't hide those plastic surgery scars, stretch marks and ass-pimples in high-def. I'm just saying. Bottom line: Porn companies backing HD-DVD is not insignificant, but I doubt very much that porn will decide this format war.

  • Reply 385 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    And that 20" pawn shop Toshiba TV cost me ~$70 and there were cheaper ones to choose from, and it still works 2 years later. I have replaced it with an HDTV, but the funny thing is the cable reception looked better on that CRT than what I see now on that HDTV, what's up with that?

    Because you also need to upgrade to HD Cable... it never ends. Actually, if you're getting a good clean SD signal and if your HDTV has a decent scaler, it should look comparable to if you were to watch it on SD/ED TV. Just like when you play good SD-DVD and send 480i/p to HDTV, it actually looks pretty good. Well... most of the recent HDTV will have a decent scaler build-in and everyone should get a decent PQ out of SD being upscale from the HDTV.... if not, change your cableTV company.
  • Reply 386 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Well... I don't have any figures on the HDTV's, but one of the big movement you can see for yourself is that when you go to most Costco, TV section is the only sectiong growing and all you see there is HDTV's at very affordable prices... Many DLP's over 55" is less than $2k. Some of them even goes near $1k mark. I'm not saying that everyone will go out and buy HDTV's this year, but when anyone is looking into getting a new TV, it will most definitely will be a HDTV. I'm not sure how big the TV consumer market is, but HDTV will definitely out sell SDTV this year in 25+ " category, and this is my conjecture only.(Educated one at that)

    There is no doubt in my mind that HDTVs are growing and are poised to take over all new television sales. What I was getting at is that a lot of the people buying these consoles can't possibly own an HDTV. Which

    puts this war in a somewhat different context than VHS vs. Betamax or even DVD's entry into our homes. HD-DVD is selling directly to HDTV owners. However Blu-ray is selling to both current HDTV owners and future HDTV owners through the PS3. They are building brand recognition as well as a niche market that HD-DVD can't possibly touch - HD media consumers that don't have an HDTV.

    Will a PS3/Non-HDTV owner rent Blu-ray movies over DVDs? After investing $500-$600 on a game machine I'm almost convinced that this is a given if the movie is on Blu-ray.

    Will a PS3/Non-HDTV owner purchase Blu-ray movies over DVDs? If there are more features included on the Blu-ray version I'm thinking this is also a justified purchase.

    The hybrid option HD-DVD when/if available as an HD-DVD standard might get a few people that fall into this category but now they're the ones trying to come from behind.

    Originally Posted by 1984 View Post

    Why porn will not be the deciding factor this time around:

    Digital Bits

    Porn decided the VHS vs. Betamax format war, so it'll decide the HD format war too." is the typical comment. Here's why I doubt it: Back in the days of the VHS vs. Beta format war, the only way to watch porn was to visit a seedy adult movie theater or to spool up a Super-8 film. So when cheap, convenient porn on tape finally arrived, it was a HUGE deal, demand was massive and it benefited VHS greatly. The difference today is, cheap porn is already available EVERYWHERE on the Internet and particularly on good old standard DVD. Also, have any of you actually seen naked people in high-definition? Let me tell you, it's often a much better idea in theory than in reality. Porn stars may look sexy as all get out in standard definition, but... well, maybe not so much in HD. You can't hide those plastic surgery scars, stretch marks and ass-pimples in high-def. I'm just saying. Bottom line: Porn companies backing HD-DVD is not insignificant, but I doubt very much that porn will decide this format war.

    I think HD is going to make Porn get better looking just like it will for TV and movies. Not right out the gate but they'll have to adapt just like everyone else. When people can't hide strictly under makeup or lighting they'll have to do something else or they'll have to put naturally better looking women in front of the camera. Porn on the Internet has no standards. The market is so saturated with tasteless crap that there probably already is a demand for something a cut above the rest. Not to mention, that they would probably find the stricter copy protection an added bonus considering piracy probably hurts them more than any other industry.
  • Reply 387 of 4650
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Um this thread is titled 2007, and it's already 10 pages, I would really REALLY hate to see how long it will be by the end of 2007...

    Hasn't this already been decided anyways? HD DVD already has it's first pirated movie and I believe the Porn Industry is backing it now, according to CNET's Podcast (Buzz Out Loud) anyways.

  • Reply 388 of 4650
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    Because you also need to upgrade to HD Cable... it never ends. Actually, if you're getting a good clean SD signal and if your HDTV has a decent scaler, it should look comparable to if you were to watch it on SD/ED TV. Just like when you play good SD-DVD and send 480i/p to HDTV, it actually looks pretty good. Well... most of the recent HDTV will have a decent scaler build-in and everyone should get a decent PQ out of SD being upscale from the HDTV.... if not, change your cableTV company.

    You would not believe my cable company, what a bunch of n00bs! But I am also partially to blame for not asking in the first place, and my previous extensive experience with these cable n00bs. I should have learned my lesson.

    But basically, you are correct I need a digital set top box, with digital outputs. It was stated as being a digital set top box (perhaps the innards are) but had no digital outputs from the set top box to go into my HDTV. Go figure, I walk in don't tell them what I have, and they don't ask me what I have, so they give me the "digital" set top box (with no VGA, no S-video, no HDMI, no compontents, just coax).

    Anyway, I called them today, and after giving a lengthy explination, thay said, "Oh, you want the digital set top box, not the "digital" set top box.

    Oh well, slow of the mark on this one, but I'll see how it looks with the new box.
  • Reply 389 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Um this thread is titled 2007, and it's already 10 pages, I would really REALLY hate to see how long it will be by the end of 2007...

    Hasn't this already been decided anyways? HD DVD already has it's first pirated movie and I believe the Porn Industry is backing it now, according to CNET's Podcast (Buzz Out Loud) anyways.


    10 pages of which you've read NOTHING!!!

  • Reply 390 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Um this thread is titled 2007, and it's already 10 pages, I would really REALLY hate to see how long it will be by the end of 2007...

    We're easily on track to beat the 2006 thread that had only a page a week, since the battle will almost certainly heat up this year. Believe it or not, a few people complained that they wanted to continue in the old thread instead of starting this one!

    Originally Posted by liquidjin View Post

    I think HD is going to make Porn get better looking just like it will for TV and movies. Not right out the gate but they'll have to adapt just like everyone else. When people can't hide strictly under makeup or lighting they'll have to do something else or they'll have to put naturally better looking women in front of the camera. Porn on the Internet has no standards. The market is so saturated with tasteless crap that there probably already is a demand for something a cut above the rest. Not to mention, that they would probably find the stricter copy protection an added bonus considering piracy probably hurts them more than any other industry.

    You're kidding, right? Porn has never been renowned for the quality of its productions. From scripts to lighting to camerawork and especially to acting, it's always been second-rate, done by people who aren't good enough to get jobs in the regular industry. They don't have the expertise, budget or time to do anything better. And the fact is, they won't have to. People will continue to buy them no matter how badly lit and filmed they are, because guys just want to see naked women and lots of silicone.
  • Reply 391 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post


    I don't disagree with you one bit, heck I'd LOVE a price war, we the consumer win that war!

    And yes to the Blu-Ray releases versus HD-DVD releases, that will fall in Blu-Ray's favor, IMHO.

    But IMHO the best way for HD-DVD to fight back is to lower their player prices, and that's what I think they'll do.

    I like Blu-Ray as a storage medium, and I think the best price point will be in SL HD media as it is with SL DVD blanks once they start to ship in volume, and there Blu-Ray has a decided advantage 25GB versus 15GB.

    I don't much care for HD players and media at this point in time, but I realize that which format gains an advantage in HD player/ROM media sales will to a large degree dictate burner/blank media unit prices ($/GB).

    I too, agree with you for the most part. I think HD DVD will HAVE to lower ther player prices if they have any hope of surviving.
  • Reply 392 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by 1984 View Post

    Why porn will not be the deciding factor this time around:

    Digital Bits

    Porn decided the VHS vs. Betamax format war, so it'll decide the HD format war too." is the typical comment. Here's why I doubt it: Back in the days of the VHS vs. Beta format war, the only way to watch porn was to visit a seedy adult movie theater or to spool up a Super-8 film. So when cheap, convenient porn on tape finally arrived, it was a HUGE deal, demand was massive and it benefited VHS greatly. The difference today is, cheap porn is already available EVERYWHERE on the Internet and particularly on good old standard DVD. Also, have any of you actually seen naked people in high-definition? Let me tell you, it's often a much better idea in theory than in reality. Porn stars may look sexy as all get out in standard definition, but... well, maybe not so much in HD. You can't hide those plastic surgery scars, stretch marks and ass-pimples in high-def. I'm just saying. Bottom line: Porn companies backing HD-DVD is not insignificant, but I doubt very much that porn will decide this format war.

    Welcome back 1984, good to hear from ya. 8)
  • Reply 393 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    We're easily on track to beat the 2006 thread that had only a page a week, since the battle will almost certainly heat up this year. Believe it or not, a few people complained that they wanted to continue in the old thread instead of starting this one!

    You're kidding, right? Porn has never been renowned for the quality of its productions. From scripts to lighting to camerawork and especially to acting, it's always been second-rate, done by people who aren't good enough to get jobs in the regular industry. They don't have the expertise, budget or time to do anything better. And the fact is, they won't have to. People will continue to buy them no matter how badly lit and filmed they are, because guys just want to see naked women and lots of silicone.

    Nekkid women? YES! Plastic boobies? NO WAY, JOSIE! EFFIN' FUGLY, IMHO!

    But seriously, I agree with you 100%, lousy compression artifacts, handheld DV camcorders, and Wal-Mart sized budgets.

    So where are they going to take that DV schtick to, most likely HDV handheld camcorders in the $1K-$2K price range, with it's 25Mbit/s MPEG-2 compression artifacts, with it's somewhat limited lense quality, Jiminy Cricket they should at least use the $4K Canon or $6K Panny, but I doubt it.

    But you know what, I can't wait for the VHS transfer of Deep Throat to full 1080p!
  • Reply 394 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    merz is the typical sony guy, he keeps posting about things that are GOING to happen, things that are GOING to be released, but never anything about the NOW.

    its typical sony. talk about what is coming out 2 years from now lmao, like they did by showing off a trailer for the new final fantasy game in japan that isn't coming out for another 24 or so months.

    look at the "potential" they say, constantly we hear about it but people for the most part are starting to catch on...

    they promise promise promise but then never deliver.

    Again, I don't own one piece of electronic equipment from Sony, nor do I work for them, so I have no vested interest in Sony whatsoever.

    In terms of posting things that are GOING to happen, you can't help look at things that are GOING to happen so that you make an informed decision now. To do otherwise would be foolish, and shortsighted, something that HD DVD proponents hope consumers will engage in. By the way, there is plenty that is happening NOW since you seem affixed in the present without regarding the future...

    Like, for instance, how Blu-ray software sales have begun to surpass HD DVD sales...

    or how there have been approximately 2 million Playstation 3s shipped/sold worldwide...

    So, really there is plenty that is going on NOW for Blu-ray, and most of it looks positive and on the up and up. Moreover, if you dare peek over the blinders, you just might notice the acension Blu-ray is making into the not so distant future.
  • Reply 395 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Blu-ray Refutes Claims of Porn Ban; Vivid Plans First High-Def Release


    The Blu-ray Disc Association is speaking out against charges that the org is shunning adult video distributors from releasing content on Blu-ray.

    As we reported last week, the co-founder of porn distributor Digital Playground says that his company was forced to change HD allegiances after "all Blu-ray Disc copying facilities in the United States had refused to cooperate." He went on to allege that primary Blu-ray backer Sony "wants me to publish my films on HD DVD."

    Without responding directly to Digital Playground's claims, Marty Gordon, vicechair of the Blu-ray Disc Association US Promotions Committee emphasized in a statement to Ars Technica that the Sony-backed organization is committed to working with "all" content providers.

    "The BDA welcomes the participation of all companies interested in using and supporting the format, particularly those from the content industry," said the BDA's Gordon. "We look forward to working with any content providers interested in providing their audience with [the] best possible high definition home entertainment experience."

    And indeed, as recently as last Friday, plans appeared to still be on the table for a Blu-ray (and HD DVD) release of 'Debbie Does Dallas... Again,' the first film from industry giant Vivid Entertainment to be released on high-def. (We first reported on Vivid's plans to support both high-def formats last October.)

    Analysts say that the pornography industry, which generates an estimated $57 billion in annual revenue worldwide, could play an influential role in increasing high-def adaption rates and -- especially if forced to choose sides -- could help determine an ultimate victor in the high-def format wars.

    Ahh, good to hear an official response...commence enjoying your porn in Blu-ray HD you porn fans!
  • Reply 396 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member


    Case in point: Both sides in the ongoing DVD format war?Blu-ray and HD DVD?have adopted QuickTime and H.264. So while Apple may hold a seat on the Blu-Ray Disc Association?s Board of Directors, it sees the format fight as a win-win situation for its technology.

    ?We are part of both of those technologies and are happy, regardless of the outcome, that H.264 is part of the overall equation,? Casanova said.

    Not much has changed. Apple has always been neutral in the format war but I've heard people say that the press release where they claim neutrality was old and thus suspect. Well here is more proof that Apple is not going push one format over the other. Mac HD DVD fans rejoice because you will be supported despite what others have told you.
  • Reply 397 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    You would not believe my cable company, what a bunch of n00bs!

    When my neighbor moved in the cable company came to activate him at his new address or some such nonsense. The cable guy reconnected his box to the TV via composite because my neighbor had "done this all wrong."

    My neighbor had his box connected via component. After the cable guy left he hooked it back up via component.
  • Reply 398 of 4650
    Originally Posted by franksargent View Post

    Your VERY welcome!

    BTW, 1,000,000 divided by 12 = 83,333 and a third NOT 75K!

    to defend my math

    you are correct

    however i was counting the 92,000 ALREADY SOLD in nov-dec

    1,000,000 minus 92,000 = 908,000 NOW devide by 12 to get?

    75666.66 recuring

    or as i rounded it to 75,000

    given that i was 666.66 out and you were 25,000 i think i was closer


    i think 8-bit machines will see a resurgance in 2008 how will this effect hardware sales
  • Reply 399 of 4650
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat View Post

    10 pages of which you've read NOTHING!!!

    Actually you're right

  • Reply 400 of 4650
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    We're easily on track to beat the 2006 thread that had only a page a week, since the battle will almost certainly heat up this year. Believe it or not, a few people complained that they wanted to continue in the old thread instead of starting this one!

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