Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 801 of 1761
    They cant mess around with the taglines such as beyond the rumor sites cos other people will read that and come to sites like this to check out what weve got to say...

    Im not bothered about being the 1000th poster, theyll probably lock it at 999!
  • Reply 802 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Well, we can't really say that the rumor sites have told us much. AI has their iMac article, MOSR has nothing, and TS is spewing BS.

    The thing I'm nervous about is that most of the people on the boards are looking to buy a new Mac on Monday, and Apple has them going crazy thinking about G5s. If they can't deliver, most people here will put off their purchases until there is a G5, or they'll convert to PC. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 803 of 1761
    Let's see: this thread was originally about.... oh yeah: apple hypes mwsf2002...

    Just to chime in on subject: I think that all the taglines are thematic, but not product specific. For example, "Lust Factor Ten" is just a nice metaphoric way of saying, "You'll really like it; you'll want it." C'est ca.

    Speculating about what they indicate thematically, however, leads me to think we're in for a whole new physical style of computers. The last switch was from beige to bondi (and beyond). But we're still in that era. The iMac era, if you will.

    I'm betting it'll be a whole new ballgame starting next week. Maybe they'll eliminate the i*** and Power*** lines and have just one modular system. Or something.

    Let's look at them each:

    1. This one is big... a metaphor shift is a big deal

    2. Blown away... because they think you'll like it

    3. Way beyond... because it doesn't really take any imagination to predict updates for existing products

    4. Backstage pass... because it's the future, and backstage passes are cool (ergo you're cool if you attend)

    5. Where no PC... because this is a NEW metaphor, like the iMac (way back when) was also "where no PC..."

    6. Lust Factor Ten... because you're supposed to want it

    7. ???... something that basically says "this will be cool, you should watch and see!"

    You know how your old beige computers look now, like something from the 80s? They're just so ugly compared to the sleek new hardware Apple's hawking now. It's almost embarassing to say you still use beige.

    That's what Apple wants you to feel about your current hardware. More than anything. They will, if they can, make everything they sell today obsolete immediately. Sure, functionally it will still be very good, but it won't have the cool factor of their new products. And, to produce that, it has to be a bigger step forward than, say, the quicksilver enclosure (yawn).

    Whoa, I'm getting too verbose. You can tell it's a weekend. Anyway, I think you're all nuts for trying to read the teaser lines like they're some secret code. But it's still fun to read.

    (edit: my prediction for tomorrow's tagline, "One Thousand Posts and You're Still Not Even Close...")

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: LuckyJno ]</p>
  • Reply 804 of 1761
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Well, we can't really say that the rumor sites have told us much. AI has their iMac article, MOSR has nothing, and TS is spewing BS.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You've forgotten <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> with their quality reporting
  • Reply 805 of 1761
    LuckyJno: I think you're right... If anything, after MWSF the current design of the imac is going to look real dated (more than it does now )

    Hopefully the powermac case will be redesigned dramatically, the form factor is a good 3-4 years old now. Time for a sexy new outfit... Perhaps even Steve Jobs himself will have a change and not wear the turtle neck, perhaps an iOutfit in white Ooo....oh, wearable device!!! :eek:
  • Reply 806 of 1761
    In any case, buy your apple stock after MWSF cos theyll go down no matter what...
  • Reply 807 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    El Capitan is a great case, but people are looking for more out of the Power Macs. Specifically, they want more slots/expandability. If Apple can deliver this, then maybe some of the people here will be at least a little bit pleased.
  • Reply 808 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    The plot thickens.

    Edit: This is from the WozCam.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>
  • Reply 808 of 1761
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by Toofeu:

    <strong>where no PersonalComputer has gone

    Under water ??????

    Well I've read a bunch of rumors talking about a product being water proof (Dolphin project)

    Maybe this is it.....

    :confused: <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I guess that would explain the Aqua interface, anyway...

    Sorry, couldn't resist
  • Reply 810 of 1761
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>The plot thickens.

    Edit: This is from the WozCam.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What's that mean? He's playing video games?
  • Reply 811 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Well it has an Apple logo, doesn't it?
  • Reply 812 of 1761
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    Maybe its not so much speed closingin on the pc thats to lust for

    maybe its the price of that speed

    a price which contradicts what apples pricing has been for years

    Indeed i would lust for a very fast inexpensive NOT CHEAP but relatively inexpensive machine.
  • Reply 813 of 1761
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    Go2Mac is talking shite. They're saying that a new thing from Apple is AirMac. Well, this page used to be and still is a PowerBook-specialised page, so they don't know the Japanese name for AirPort ist AirMac?

    Check it out here:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Go2Mac you know the address, and the article that is mentioned there can be found here:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Steve: Hey, we introduced new iMacs with 14 inch CRT and PowerMacs with CD-ROM, now there's the biggest news! All will come with the new AirMac! <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    Jus' kiddin' :cool:
  • Reply 814 of 1761
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    You are all barking up the wrong tree. Here is what is going to happen.

    1. Apple branded Karaoke machine. Best damn machine of its type, bar none.

    2. Steve will show a video of his freshly repainted Gulfstream V. Its dubbed "Flying Aqua" because of its OS X inspired paint job.

    Whats the matter with you people anyways?
  • Reply 814 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Chumley:

    <strong>Perhaps even Steve Jobs himself will have a change and not wear the turtle neck...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    As long as his jeans are still so tight we can tell he's not jewish, he can change his shirt as often as he wants.
  • Reply 816 of 1761
    I cant wait.
  • Reply 817 of 1761
    Well, contrary to everybody else in the whole world, I want MacOS X on x86. Seems pretty clear to me that, 'to boldly go where no PC has gone before' indicates an entrance into the PC market. Windows is shite and Linux is too complex for anyone but geeks who prefer tweaking their OS to actually doing anything useful. BeOS died because there were no apps and nobody had heard of the company, and it had an incredibly stupid name. The time is right for a new, useable, stylish OS on the PC.

    But Apple, splitting an infinitive? Who'd have thought it.
  • Reply 818 of 1761
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    Fran, that was from the Woz cam, right? I can't seem to get it to move now. Maybe he took it offline or something???

    Did you snap that pic or get it from somewhere?
  • Reply 819 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Yes it's from the WozCam, and no, it's not my shot.
  • Reply 819 of 1761
    tjmtjm Posts: 367member
    [quote]Originally posted by CrableyG:

    <strong>Well, contrary to everybody else in the whole world, I want MacOS X on x86. Seems pretty clear to me that, 'to boldly go where no PC has gone before' indicates an entrance into the PC market. Windows is shite and Linux is too complex for anyone but geeks who prefer tweaking their OS to actually doing anything useful. BeOS died because there were no apps and nobody had heard of the company, and it had an incredibly stupid name. The time is right for a new, useable, stylish OS on the PC.

    But Apple, splitting an infinitive? Who'd have thought it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The only reason Apple would port OSX to x86 is if they decided to finally throw in the towel on Motorola and IBM and the PPC architecture. i.e. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I think the PPC remains fundamentally superior to x86 and its 64-bit ISA descendents, but Moto, IBM, and Apple all seem to want PPC to go in different directions. The G4, while an excellent chip overall, has turned out to be a tar baby for Moto engineers - if they can't shake loose and get moving on newer chips (a la G5 - which was supposed to debut in January 2000, according to the roadmaps back in '95), the performance lag may get to the point where Apple just gives up on Moto altogether.

    Supposedly, there was a lot of life left in the 68k series of chips, but Moto got hung up with the development of the 68050 (I don't recall just why) so Apple pulled up stakes and went with IBM's PPC. So Apple's done it before, they may do it again. They would keep some proprietary pieces - ROMs, probably, so they could keep control of the hardware, though.

    OSX on x86 is certainly possible - but would be a sign of desperation on Apple's part. I would not welcome it.
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