Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 740 of 1761
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    [quote]Originally posted by Chumley:


    I think the speed references in the hints are are more tied into OSX enhancement and overall system design rather than just an overpriced chip straining 1ghz.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exactly. Full speed ahead (OS X gains more speed which it needs BADLY). Lust Factor Ten. Lust Factor OS Ten?

    Murmblbl... <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 742 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    At MWNY, everyone was positive that the G4 would hit 1 GHz. When people walked out of the keynote disappointed, it was because Apple had not reached the 1 GHz mark. Forget the lack of an LCD iMac, forget the lack of a memorable 'One more thing'. It was the Power Macs that people were disappointed about (even though they got a nice new case. )

    I'm afraid that Apple could be making a huge mistake here with this hype because:

    1.) They will introduce an LCD iMac.

    2.) There could be a memorable 'One More thing'

    3.) There could be new iBooks.

    4.) The G4 will be around 1 GHz.

    If the Power Macs aren't as fast as people hope they are, and people percieve Apple's hype as being targeted at the Power macs, then people will be disappointed, regardless of the other products announced.

    Even if the G4 reaches 1 GHz, people will be angry that it's 'just 1 GHz'. Jobs had better have an ace up his sleeve, that's for sure.
  • Reply 743 of 1761
    and Apple hate it when one product encroaches on anothers target market. No 'PDA' as we know it cos that would encroach on the iPod. The iBook is killing Powerbook sales. I think theres going to be a more well defined gap between each product.

    'i' products will be for consumers, 'power' products may be sped up considerably to make them truely professional and a midrange product line could be introduced (maaaaybe)

    All the iProducts are getting so good that they are going to have to make the PowerBook and mac massively faster (that doesnt mean chip speed does it)

    'i' = G3 (G4s too expensive and wasted in an iMac... Ithink)
  • Reply 744 of 1761
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Let's face it. No matter what Apple does or doesn't do in regards to new product, there will be a lot of sad little boys crying for the "horsey" they didn't get for Christmas. It's a no win situation.
  • Reply 745 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Strangelove:


    no. but four of them at slightly lower clockspeed should be sufficient until the g5 smokes.

    where no pc has gone before=first consumer quad machine. light speed ahead=yes, there you go with maya...

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Strangelove ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm pretty sure Maya for OS X isn't dual processor aware, let alone quad processor.

    So a quad processor would do zilch for Maya. In that case I'd rather have a pro graphics card (an nope, the Geforce3 isn't a pro graphics card ).
  • Reply 746 of 1761
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    Apple must use on chip in there whole line. thats much cheaper. The PPC department they just have to concentrate on on processor the G4 and another team can work on its successor the G5. If the do so, they will have more frequent speed boosts. The producing of the chips will be cheaper so has the the whole line of macs.
  • Reply 747 of 1761
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    Apple must use on chip in there whole line. thats much cheaper. The PPC department they just have to concentrate on on processor the G4 and another team can work on its successor the G5. If the do so, they will have more frequent speed boosts. The producing of the chips will be cheaper so has the the whole line of macs.
  • Reply 747 of 1761
    What steve will have to show, if they dont give us the Ghz, is a massively more optimised architecture os and mb, i/o wise. I hate refering to SGI all the time as they are massively expensive and proprietry, but they got something right by giving professionals the chance to make amazing stuff out of 120 mhz mips chips...

    I predict silly speed G3s for consumers and perhaps a massive hardware optimisation for Power machines. (Flash movies are still shit when played on the fastest mac compared to a lower specced pc for example)
  • Reply 749 of 1761
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member
    Kudos to the many lucid messages posted in the last day or so; everyone's bringing up great ideas. I'm going to remain optimistic that there will be a terrifically stunning MW that we can ALL be very happy about. Apple must deliver. And on the subject of the latest tagline, that language indicates hardware, not OS X. OS X is already installed by default, so while boot by default can be considered an important milestone, it's definitely not the announcement to fulfill the hype Apple created.

    On another, off topic subject, people were debating a few pages back what the true acronym of the PowerPC is. The true acronym of PowerPC = Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC Performance Computing
  • Reply 750 of 1761
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    Actually it's all economics. If does this, the consumer will do that. And so on. Apple will try to satisfy our needs in the best way they can. It takes money to do so. As they posed there financial report, they said the would earn less more then the year before. If they succeed on bringing a product for every consumer ( Gamers , pro''s ,developppers,?) . And that needs to be funded.

    All about economics

    G5 to the top
  • Reply 751 of 1761
    [quote]I'm pretty sure Maya for OS X isn't dual processor aware, let alone quad processor.<hr></blockquote>

    are you 12 years old or what? do you know what maya version 4 is? no? ok i'll tell you. altivec and mp aware. think. maya 3.5 was just a teaser. the big guys are still waiting. so cool down. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 752 of 1761
    Steve Jobs will anounce the new iMac LCD blah blah blah. Its expected and no one will be surprised, yadda yadda yadda... more consumer stuff, digi hub blub which I love... Then... one more thing, left real late. just as everyone is about to get up, he hits them with the pro stuff. And we are talking serious pro pimping sexy demonstrations, no PowerPoo.

    Apple can design a consumer device in 10 months (iPod). I dont know how many people it took but as they bought all the components from third party it was quick and cheap and low man power. Expect another iPeriferal but it can only complement the ipod it wont be able to do anything the ipod can so no 5gig hard drive pda *natch*
  • Reply 753 of 1761
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Intel is releasing the P4 "Northwood" on monday at 2.0 and 2.2GHz. It's a 130nm P4 with 512KB L2 cache. maybe Apple is reffering to that... their processors will be faster than 2.2? Doubtful but something to consider amidst all the hype.
  • Reply 754 of 1761
    Hopefully, Jobs will be wheeling out a Silicon Graphics Octane machine to bakeoff with the new Power Mac!

    Now Pixar would want one of those!!

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Chumley ]</p>
  • Reply 755 of 1761
    Would it be too much to ask for a built in webcam in the new iMac (or even iBook)

    I know Sony have got a laptop like that but its silly, ugly and over priced.

    It wouldnt have to be good (just like an internal mic) but it would allow that to become a standard.

    I guess theyd want to release it as iCamera thingy so they could make money on it
  • Reply 756 of 1761
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    GASP! Avie= hardware!?

    Come on. Avie is software. Most amazing programmer Apple has. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Most visible programmer Apple has, big difference. I doubt he has actually written code in some time -- at least I hope he isn't wasting his time writing code!
  • Reply 757 of 1761
    This thread is so LONG!

    Why won't some decent rumors crop up!

    I'm annoyed! Argh! <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 758 of 1761
    Apple introduce Edwin Catmull, president of Pixar to demonstrate RendermanX on the new enhanced PowerMac! heehee
  • Reply 759 of 1761
    PowerMac render farm!
  • Reply 760 of 1761
    Maybe OSX will be resident in a flashram partition for instant booting
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