apple aquires emagic

in Mac Software edited January 2014
There was some speculation here last week that apple was about to aquire a leading audio app. They just have. check it out.

<a href=""; target="_blank"></a>


  • Reply 1 of 109
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Macintosh®-based products account for over 65 percent of Emagic’s current revenues. Emagic’s Windows-based product offerings will be discontinued on September 30, 2002.<hr></blockquote>

    Whoever next??

    J :cool:
  • Reply 3 of 109
    [quote]Originally posted by wakerickman:

    <strong>There was some speculation here last week that apple was about to aquire a leading audio app. They just have. check it out.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a></strong><hr></blockquote>

    HOLY SH¡T!!!!!!!! This is amazing! Emagic is the the BEST possible company in the field to purchase! Its no secret that 65% of all top 10 hits in the US and UK are created using some sort of Emagic product. Logic Audio rocks but it costs a fortune. Oh baby, I can't wait for a free version of iLogic! And we can also expect an Apple Music Studio Pro software package as well for about $1000 (and EDU $300 EDU price). It's great to see Apple finally taking the music recording market seriously and doing it the right way. YEA!!!!!
  • Reply 4 of 109
    jane jjane j Posts: 5member
    [quote]Macintosh-based products account for over 65 percent of Emagic's current revenues. Emagic's Windows-based product offerings will be discontinued on September 30, 2002.


    Sometimes Apple is lucky that it have less than 10% of the market share. If MS had done this...
  • Reply 4 of 109
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    at first i want my copy of an OS X version of Logic Audio Platinum 5 ... i hope they don't want current customers to pay for the update ... and then i will see what they'll do with the software - apple's final cut pro is a very good software and i hope they will combine these two products to have a uber-audio-video-production-software...
  • Reply 6 of 109
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:




    Thanks for your input
  • Reply 7 of 109
    power applepower apple Posts: 335member
    Indeed VERY very big news. I have been reviewing Logic Audio 5 Platinum the last couple of months (for a danish magazine), and it is a GREAT product.

    I have also tried the Mac OS X version...

    RSN - and that's a fact!
  • Reply 8 of 109
    gnomgnom Posts: 85member
    [quote]Originally posted by Power Apple:

    <strong>RSN - and that's a fact! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    yeah, we all wish. Maybe now that Apple is in control it becomes reality.

    I'm still undecided though if the step to discontinue Windows versions is a good one.

  • Reply 9 of 109
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member
    First off, well done to ting5/yar for breaking this rumour.

    Secondly, :eek: :eek: :eek: !

    Wow - I'm a staunch MOTU supporter, but this has good ramifications for myself at work now.

    I can now happily tell the IT Dpt that our music software of choice (I'm a music teahcer) will not be supported for PCs anymore. YAY!!

    Time to invest in a few eMacs and change over to OS X! Go Apple! Viva la revolution!
  • Reply 10 of 109
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by GnOm:


    I'm still undecided though if the step to discontinue Windows versions is a good one.


    See Mac+'s post above. This is exactly why discontinuing the Windows version is a good idea.

    J :cool:
  • Reply 11 of 109
    thereubsterthereubster Posts: 402member
    This is a really big deal as it shows that Apple are finally serious about maintaining their near total command of the pro audio biz. Emagic are a big company and this purchase would not have been cheap!! :eek:

    I expect to see a "final cut pro"-type approach, where Logic will become an Apple app (but not a free iApp) and the hardware expertise will be folded into future powermac designs. This is really , really good news for us audio freaks!! Now lets just hope Apple doesnt f*$k it up!! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 12 of 109
    gnomgnom Posts: 85member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jamie:


    See Mac+'s post above. This is exactly why discontinuing the Windows version is a good idea.

    J :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    yepp, that's the positive side of it. The negative is cutting off one third of the users some of them just jet spended a lot of money on Logic and leaving them very pissed at emagic and/or Apple and that'll rather make them switch to Cubase than to Mac.

    Hmm, after saying that I'm still undecided.

  • Reply 13 of 109
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    [quote]Originally posted by GnOm:


    yepp, that's the positive side of it. The negative is cutting off one third of the users some of them just jet spended a lot of money on Logic and leaving them very pissed at emagic and/or Apple and that'll rather make them switch to Cubase than to Mac.

    Hmm, after saying that I'm still undecided. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    We don't yet know what kind of exit strategy they might offer the windows users, if any. Of course, their wintel product should work after the purchase as well as it did before the purchase.

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 14 of 109
    power applepower apple Posts: 335member
    [quote]Originally posted by GnOm:


    yeah, we all wish. Maybe now that Apple is in control it becomes reality.


    Have you used the Mac OS X version??

    I can tell you that it makes no difference for the Mac OS X version if Apple is in control or not!
  • Reply 15 of 109
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    For those of us not familiar with audio apps can someone give us a thumbnail sketch of emagic and how they rank in the world of pro and consumer apps? I've heard names like Motu and Pro Tools and such tossed about but have have no idea what they mean.

    BTW - ting5 - thanks for the scoop.
  • Reply 16 of 109
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member
    As I said, I'm a MOTU fan - and although I feel a tinge of regret for them being left out of the big buy-out party, I am for the most part happy with Apple's decision.

    Whilst I believe MOTU's hardware and software solutions to be elegant as well as top-class, they were/are a very Mac-centric company.

    Understandably, Apple have done their homework. In fact, I would not have been surprised if they polled teachers when they were designing the eMac. Something along the lines of "What software do you use in your curriculum area?" If most of the educators replied Emagic's Logic (or a variation thereof, such as MicroLogic) Apple would easily see this company as having significant inroads into the education market as well as the pro audio side. Apple then buys them out - ceases support for Windows products and hopefully picks up a significant marketshare.

    This is why a buyout of Avid's ProTools, MOTU's DP or PropellerHeads' Reason and ReBirth would not have appeared as lucrative - even if their software products were perceived as being superior and/or market leaders. Essentially, they don't hold a strong Windows user base which Apple could hopefully convince to :eek: *switch* :eek:

    If they bought these companies out, it would be like stealing from one hand to give to the other.

    Anyway, the upshot is Apple is now headlong into developing music software. That's win-win baby!

    And about time too!!

    [Edit - typos: hate 'em]

    [ 07-01-2002: Message edited by: Mac+ ]</p>
  • Reply 17 of 109
    aussie johnaussie john Posts: 173member
    as avid and FCP are now at heads and full competition so to will protools and apples emagic ( also owned by avid) - is that a coincidence?
  • Reply 18 of 109
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    [quote]Originally posted by Thereubster:

    <strong>I expect to see a "final cut pro"-type approach, where Logic will become an Apple app (but not a free iApp) and the hardware expertise will be folded into future powermac designs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Please note that Emagic will continue as a seperate division, so I think that Logic will continue as a product.

    But Emagic is supposed to be working on a pro audio app that will be interesting for pro video users too.

    Combine Final Cut Pro, CinemaTools, Shake, Rayz, Chalice and Emagic's "secret super audio app", and I think Apple have something big up their sleeves.

    They just need a 3D app - Alias|Wavefront or Maxon? (Apple seem to like the German companies: Astarte and Emagic, so why not Maxon).
  • Reply 19 of 109
    thereubsterthereubster Posts: 402member
    No I dont think it is co-incidence.... Apple are reportedly pissed at Digidesign for arse-ing around for so long with Protools for OSX, so maybe they decided to take matters into their own hands. THis is good because now there (will be) 3 excellent OSX audio apps, Cubase SX, Digital performer and Apple/logic 5/6. Combine with G5 Powermac Cant wait!!!
  • Reply 20 of 109
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I wouldn't compare ProTools and Logic Audio together. Sure they both produce music but Protools and it's plethora of HW and Software makes in more of a Production Enviroment than LA. I hope Apple keeps all of the functionality and makes a kick ass product. I just spoke with a rep at Guitar Center and he had just recently went to a demo of LA and said that it literally BLEW HIM AWAY. I mentioned ACID and he said LA has looping as good as ACID and many other feature. Kudos Apple. I'll be looking for this App.

    Looks like my wish of having "Office Production" is coming true. Apple only needs a decent 3D application to rule the roost! I nominate Maya!!

    [ 07-01-2002: Message edited by: hmurchison ]</p>
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