Last minute iMac and Mac mini rumors



  • Reply 61 of 133
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,601member
    Originally Posted by luvosx View Post

    Amen to that ! Of course this also means iSight would be available as a separate option

    Then again, they may have a way of mounting the isight into the frame should you need one.

    They would have to bring it back.
  • Reply 62 of 133
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,601member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    hmm, i wonder if there will be a 512MB GPU in the top-end machine, considering the MBP might have one that has been crippled to 256....

    Stop with the crippled. There's little evidence that 512MB RAM on a gpu card makes much, if any, difference, and only on the highest end cards.

    So, I guess that every graphics card on the market (about 98%) that doesn't have 512MB is crippled.

    That's poor logic.
  • Reply 63 of 133
    I would love to see a decent “Mac mini” update, it is long overdue. For now, I hope that these rumors are not completely wrong!

    IMO the combo drives should be completely dropped, in 2007 a drive incapable of writing a DVD is simply unacceptable, especially in the price segment of 1000+ dollars/euros. It‘s anachronistic.
  • Reply 64 of 133
    Originally Posted by zorinlynx View Post


    We need a minitower of some sort, with decent graphics and CPU, without an integrated display, at the iMac price point.



    We need a minitower of some sort, with decent graphics and CPU, without an integrated display, at the iMac price point. - or actually a little lower.

    I am a buying power - so listen to me Apple....
  • Reply 65 of 133
    I know that the general consensus is no mini-tower, although many want it.

    My assertion is that Time Machine BEGS for a computer with the ability to have 2 hard drives.

    And I don't think that it should be only for the very expensive Mac Pro, nor do I believe it needs to be only used with an external HD.

    My feeling (although not entirely a HUGE gut feeling) is that you WILL see a mini-tower tomorrow with the ability to have a second hard drive.

    If not, then it will be introduced when Leopard ships.

    Time Machine isn't anywhere near as great if it is being used on the same HD. That HD goes bad, and you're toast.

    Mac mini-tower now, or when Leopard ships.
  • Reply 66 of 133
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    Originally Posted by ncbill View Post

    Low-end will have the combo drive and integrated graphics.

    Combo drive is Apple standard for the low-end model.

    Plus the low-end model will be the one sold to education - even $50 makes a difference to those buyers

    Edu buyers will be upset enough that there is no longer a $999 model for them.

    i think you are wrong with your predictions!
  • Reply 67 of 133
    No one seems to care bout "getting thin"?

    Eye witnesses said the new iMac will be only 2cm thin! For me it means also:

    - 2.5" HDD (will be fast enough?)

    - very small (thin) speakers = poor notebook-like sound?
  • Reply 68 of 133
    Originally Posted by luvosx View Post

    I don't know - somehow I believe that they are going to bring down the 24" imac at 1799 price point to introduce a "one more thing" imac at 30" and 2199 or a 24" and a BD-ROM at 2199. Either way, something else is afoot with the iMac. When His Steveness suggested "off the charts" iMac, I am sure he did not just see a metallic iMac. This would also have an HDCP compliant DVI or HDMI port of some sort.

    Also the .Mac stuff - man, everyone talks about more space etc. Why not ".Mac is your mac on the net" ? Already SJ has said that Leopard has the ability to bring remote logons to your home mac - it would only be fitting to make this available with .Mac today.

    12 more hours are unbearable.

    Thats actually a really good idea to have a bunch of already really good iMacs, and then to come out with a more expensive one and to give it extra features (like a BD-ROM) and really make it special. A $1799 dollar iMac is the most expensive configuration? Yeah right.
  • Reply 69 of 133
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    As with all last-minute rumors, AppleInsider recommends taking this information with a grain of salt and waiting out the last few hours to hear the official word from Apple.

    As opposed to what? going ahead and ordering a BTO Mac based on ones own made up spec?
  • Reply 70 of 133
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,446moderator
    Originally Posted by Appleinsider

    Meanwhile, there are unconfirmed last minute reports that Apple may extend the life of the Mac mini by squeezing another slight revision from the petite desktop's existing architecture.

    Yeah, it's called back-paddling. The Mini is here to stay. I better not hear the same crap about the Mini dying over the next year either 'cos it ain't going to happen with the iMac sitting with a $1200 entry point.

    I think the Mini will also offer 7200rpm drives. The iMac could easily switch to 2.5" drives too but I don't see it because people are used to having large capacity options.
  • Reply 71 of 133
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    A few hours to go and iMac shipping times are STILL at 24 hrs...
  • Reply 72 of 133
    commoduscommodus Posts: 270member
    Originally Posted by iMacExpectant View Post

    No one seems to care bout "getting thin"?

    Eye witnesses said the new iMac will be only 2cm thin! For me it means also:

    - 2.5" HDD (will be fast enough?)

    - very small (thin) speakers = poor notebook-like sound?

    I don't think Apple can switch to mobile hard drives now. A large part of the Mac mini's problem is that mobile hard drives both reduce the capacity and drive up the price. Apple could have a 320GB desktop drive for the cost they'd pay for a 120GB mobile disk (based on a cursory look at my local shop's rates).

    I think you may have read "2in" and not "2cm." There aren't any desktop hard drives that would fit in such a small case.while still providing good performance.

    My call for specs:

    20-inch: 2.2GHz

    - 1GB RAM

    - 128MB Radeon HD 2400

    - 250GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1199

    20-inch: 2.4GHz

    - 2GB RAM

    - 128MB Radeon HD 2600 (256MB option)

    - 500GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1499

    24-inch: 2.4GHz

    - 2GB RAM

    - 256MB GeForce 8600 GT (GTS an option)

    - 500GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1799

    I suspect details will change (the mid-range model could go with 250GB storage, CPU speeds could be lower), but this to me makes the most sense knowing Apple's past models.
  • Reply 73 of 133
    Originally Posted by Commodus View Post

    I think you may have read "2in" and not "2cm."

    Nope. I didn't read it. I spoke with guy, who seen it. He's from Central Europe, they use only metric system. He would never confuse cm and inches. I rather want believe in his "bad eye". 3.5cm would be better for normal HDD and it's still under 2 inches predicted by rumours.

    Originally Posted by Commodus View Post

    There aren't any desktop hard drives that would fit in such a small case.while still providing good performance.

    That's why "getting thinner" worries me.
  • Reply 74 of 133
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Stop with the crippled. There's little evidence that 512MB RAM on a gpu card makes much, if any, difference, and only on the highest end cards.

    touchy! jeez! so you're saying that a 512mb card won't run pro apps (such as motion and after effects) any better than a 256mb one?


    So, I guess that every graphics card on the market (about 98%) that doesn't have 512MB is crippled.

    That's poor logic.

    that's not my logic at all. i'm not sure at all where you pulled that from.

    i'm referring to the reports of MBP graphics cards being seen in XP as 512mb cards, rather than the apple advertised 256. i hadn't seen any definitive word on this, if there have been any developments feel free to enlighten me, but please don't bite my head off again.
  • Reply 75 of 133
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by Commodus View Post

    I don't think Apple can switch to mobile hard drives now. A large part of the Mac mini's problem is that mobile hard drives both reduce the capacity and drive up the price. Apple could have a 320GB desktop drive for the cost they'd pay for a 120GB mobile disk (based on a cursory look at my local shop's rates).

    I think you may have read "2in" and not "2cm." There aren't any desktop hard drives that would fit in such a small case.while still providing good performance.

    My call for specs:

    20-inch: 2.2GHz

    - 1GB RAM

    - 128MB Radeon HD 2400

    - 250GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1199

    20-inch: 2.4GHz

    - 2GB RAM

    - 128MB Radeon HD 2600 (256MB option)

    - 500GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1499

    24-inch: 2.4GHz

    - 2GB RAM

    - 256MB GeForce 8600 GT (GTS an option)

    - 500GB hard drive

    - 8X Superdrive

    - $1799

    I suspect details will change (the mid-range model could go with 250GB storage, CPU speeds could be lower), but this to me makes the most sense knowing Apple's past models.

    Just remember you heard it here (From me) - that you will ALL be VERY surprised by what is announced ? VERY surprised!

    Now this isn't to say, you won't be disappointed as well, but VERY surprised


    PS Can anyone say "Revolutionary???"
  • Reply 76 of 133
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Just remember you heard it here (From me) - that you will ALL be VERY surprised by what is announced ? VERY surprised!

    Now this isn't to say, you won't be disappointed as well, but VERY surprised


    PS Can anyone say "Revolutionary???"

    Steve!!! You.... torturing, tempting, thrilling.... BEAST!!!

    I don't think so, but... it would be nice!
  • Reply 77 of 133
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    Apple wouldn't really surprise me with this. They dropped their low end iBook at $999 and replaced it with the low end MacBook at $1099. More than a year later, it's the same price.

    Keep in mind, if it's true, you'd be getting a bigger screen for your $200 in addition to whatever else might be improved.

    But not anywhere near the same computer.
  • Reply 78 of 133
    blingemblingem Posts: 94member
    I want to put a mac mini in my car. And next to my tv. What kind of price drop are we talking about? If i can get a mini for $300, i think i might crap my pants.

    Oh yeah, and the mini-tower thing is never happening. Apple doesn't care about you, because an E-Machine really is no alternative anyways. They know that when push comes to shove, you'll just buy a macbook and get some sweet speakers.

    Esp. if they're giving away an ipod and a printer with it. Mini-tower my ass.
  • Reply 79 of 133
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    For all we know, Apple may have found that not many of the $999 iMacs are selling, even though they're just under a grand.

    I hate to use a car analogy but at the end of a model year, it seems frequently that the low end models with the fewest options are the ones left over.

    The low end models aren't meant to sell ? they're meant to provide a platform to up-sell from.
  • Reply 80 of 133
    murphywebmurphyweb Posts: 295member
    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    Just remember you heard it here (From me) - that you will ALL be VERY surprised by what is announced ? VERY surprised!

    Now this isn't to say, you won't be disappointed as well, but VERY surprised


    PS Can anyone say "Revolutionary???"

    Steve Jobs will be announcing that the iMac is dead and in its place they are releasing a revolutionary new computer that is light years ahead of anyone else!

    While everyone else in PC land have been spending millions on R&D to develop "all in one" computers that comprise the Motherboard, CPU, Memory, Storage and LCD screen in one unit (of course to try and keep up with Apple) Apple will announce that their new desktop range will in fact comprise of a desktop unit the same size as a Mac Mini paired with a new 2cm thin LED LCD screen that will be bundled with the computer in a choice of 20,24 or 30".

    While that news may come as a shock to most mac consumers that is not the revolutionary part, the revolutionary thing is that the new keyboards have a delete key that actually deletes!!! (okay that is not true but just occurred to me now while trying to delete something on my MBP)

    So anyway, that is my guess and who knows, stranger things have happened!!!
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