Apple to offer early iPhone adopters $100 credit - Jobs



  • Reply 241 of 314
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Yeah. Either that or the pink elephant standing next to me... its hard to tell.

    C'mon Mel, loosen up. I know it's hard for ya, 'cuz you're... Mel, but still.


  • Reply 242 of 314
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    I checked with American Express about price protection. They were almost about to give it to me until I told them it was for the iPhone. I was told that mobile phones are not covered under price protection because phone prices drop all the time.
  • Reply 243 of 314
    pevepeve Posts: 518member
    wow! hell froze over!

    besides all the whining-bs in here about:

    -"steve reads"

    -"100$? this costs apple only <insert some number below 100 here>!!"

    -"apple planed this!"

    -"where are my other 100$?"

    -"apple was affraid i'd sue them!!"

    i can't recall that apple did something like this ever before.

    can any longtime apple-user in here confirm that?
  • Reply 244 of 314
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    Boo hoo! A load of crybaby whiners.

    You bought an iPhone for $600 - you decided it was worth it, either for what it does, the 'cool' exclusivity of owning one, or the 'gloat' factor in letting everyone know you can afford $600 for a phone - so you stumped up the cash of your own free-will.

    If it wasn't worth it, then you are a f.moron for buying it. If you've gone bankrupt for buying it you are a f.moron. Learn a lesson here. Greed.

    That cutting edge electronic gadgets quickly fall in price is a fact of life. Learn a lesson here. Reality.

    Apple have not shafted the early adopters, if you feel shafted you are suffering from a lack of perspective in regards to reality and greed.

    Apple have been more than generous in offering you a $100 voucher. Learn a lesson here. Gratitude.

    You wanted one, $600 was the price. You chose. You paid. End of story. Learn a lesson here. Taking responsibility for ones own action.


    Shut the f up and go be an immature f.moron crybaby somewhere else. Better still, have a think about the lessons above.
  • Reply 245 of 314
    If you put your hand in a lion's mouth you can't complain when it gets bitten off.

    You guys have behaved like spoilt children (and most of you don't even know why). Pathetic.

  • Reply 246 of 314
    1st1st Posts: 443member
    Originally Posted by peve View Post

    wow! hell froze over!

    besides all the whining-bs in here about:

    -"steve reads"

    -"100$? this costs apple only <insert some number below 100 here>!!"

    -"apple planed this!"

    -"where are my other 100$?"

    -"apple was affraid i'd sue them!!"

    i can't recall that apple did something like this ever before.

    can any longtime apple-user in here confirm that?

    It was done most of the time (except some silly bee company that controlled by MBAs) all over the industry (not sure about apple). You launch a new product, and try to recover your R&D cost ASAP without impede initial sales (fair portion of the buyers will be your competitors, they will pay any price to get the new product for reverse engineering). After you recover the R&D cost, you can "dog fight" with your competitor on price war (slash 30-50% is common... It will prevent your competitor to enter the market, or enter the market with significant loss). It is the advantage of being 1st (also the risk). It appear to be Apple has recovered R&D cost significantly due to the past 2 month and capable to slash price of $200. Hats off! (normally, it will take 6-9 month = new competitor get a product on market with required qualification and regulation approval). Any silly bee try to price a new product too low is self destruct or lack of confidence (or try to get year end bonus by promise unrealistic volume...). $100 credit is an excellent move. It could be allocated as marketing cost. Way to go Steve!
  • Reply 247 of 314
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Thus endeth the Great iPhone Rebellion of '07. \

    Looks like some on both sides will remain among the 'walking wounded', by choosing to hold onto grudges... even though the whole damn thing is history.


  • Reply 248 of 314
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Great time to buy AAPL.

    The Stock is down they say because of this $100 rebate ... what utter morons ... don't they realize that the cost of the free front page coverage of rebate is priceless. You can't buy PR like that.

    Then add in the excitement over new lower prices, fabulous new products and holiday buying of those new products and OS X 10.5 around the corner.

    All those $100 vouchers will have $s added to them to buy even more Apple goodies.

    The outlook for Apple has never been better!

    I repeat, AAPL is a great buy right now ...
  • Reply 249 of 314
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Oh for christ's sake... now we have to listen to the whiners gloat as well.

    The Mac "faithful" are the most disgusting forms of life on the planet. This latest thumb-sucking, crybaby whinefest is about as revolting as it gets. They are bunch of two-year-olds throwing themselves down on the floor, screaming at their mother (Jobs) because she (Jobs) won't give them that little toy they saw in the grocery store. Then they hold their collective breaths until they turn blue in the face, thus scaring mom (Jobs) who succumbs to the tantrum and buys the toy for them.

    If you ever wanted to you know why the rest of the world thinks Mac users are psychotic, weirdo cult members just take a look at the last two days. If you ever wanted to know why American culture is in the shape it's in these days you need look no farther.

    I've been using Apple products since 1982 but this has really hit home this time. I mean who wants to be associated with narcissistic idiots?
  • Reply 250 of 314
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    I mean who wants to be associated with narcissistic idiots?

    You have "unsubscribe" option, you know! Better yet, subscribe, and stick to those forums/threads that get you less riled up.
  • Reply 251 of 314
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Boo hoo! A load of crybaby whiners.

    You bought an iPhone for $600 - you decided it was worth it, either for what it does, the 'cool' exclusivity of owning one, or the 'gloat' factor in letting everyone know you can afford $600 for a phone - so you stumped up the cash of your own free-will.

    If it wasn't worth it, then you are a f.moron for buying it. If you've gone bankrupt for buying it you are a f.moron. Learn a lesson here. Greed.

    That cutting edge electronic gadgets quickly fall in price is a fact of life. Learn a lesson here. Reality.

    Apple have not shafted the early adopters, if you feel shafted you are suffering from a lack of perspective in regards to reality and greed.


    Shut the fuck up and go be an immature f.moron crybaby somewhere else. Better still, have a think about the lessons above.

    Nice vocabulary!

  • Reply 252 of 314
    Originally Posted by TBaggins View Post

    Thus endeth the Great iPhone Rebellion of '07. \

    Looks like some on both sides will remain among the 'walking wounded', by choosing to hold onto grudges... even though the whole damn thing is history.



  • Reply 253 of 314
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Nice vocabulary!

    There's something wrong with the word "greed"?

    Actually, I thought MarcUK summed it up extremely well.
  • Reply 254 of 314
    Now those early buyers only have to pay $29 for 10.5 !!!!!!!!!

    lucky you iphone and cheap os
  • Reply 255 of 314
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    Boo hoo! A load of crybaby whiners.

    You bought an iPhone for $600 - you decided it was worth it, either for what it does, the 'cool' exclusivity of owning one, or the 'gloat' factor in letting everyone know you can afford $600 for a phone - so you stumped up the cash of your own free-will.

    If it wasn't worth it, then you are a f.moron for buying it. If you've gone bankrupt for buying it you are a f.moron. Learn a lesson here. Greed.

    That cutting edge electronic gadgets quickly fall in price is a fact of life. Learn a lesson here. Reality.

    Apple have not shafted the early adopters, if you feel shafted you are suffering from a lack of perspective in regards to reality and greed.

    Apple have been more than generous in offering you a $100 voucher. Learn a lesson here. Gratitude.

    You wanted one, $600 was the price. You chose. You paid. End of story. Learn a lesson here. Taking responsibility for ones own action.


    Shut the f up and go be an immature f.moron crybaby somewhere else. Better still, have a think about the lessons above.

    While I agree with what you are saying, the way that you are saying it makes it almost impossible to understand, learn a lesson here, make sure you go to English class EVERY day. You need it.
  • Reply 256 of 314
    Having been a loyal Apple customer for years- buying new hardware and software when first delivered because I trusted the company and loved the constant improvement in function- I now find myself angry at Apple because of the pricing drop and rebate offer for early adopters ( I am one ) of the iPhone. So I have lost trust. Apple products and Steve Jobs are less attractive. I have lost the feeling that a new version is better than the last. I now question Apple's motives- they have lost track of their customers. This is the beginning of Apple's fall from grace as a brand. The magic has gone. Jobs did the wrong thing three times. When he allowed the iPhone pricing to be so high in the first place, when he reduced the price and told everyone "Tough" and when he changed his mind and and offered the iPhone rebate. Yes you are damned if you do and damned if you don't - this the price of such a major management error. Unfortunately, It is time for Steve Jobs to step aside. Hopefully the board will take action.
  • Reply 257 of 314
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by aznewcastle View Post

    While I agree with what you are saying, the way that you are saying it makes it almost impossible to understand, learn a lesson here, make sure you go to English class EVERY day. You need it.

    What I think it's you who needs the English classes. Yes, Marc's post has several abbreviations and colloquialisms and is missing at least one apostrophe - but "impossible to understand"? I think not.
  • Reply 258 of 314
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by hsattert View Post

    Unfortunately, It is time for Steve Jobs to step aside. Hopefully the board will take action.

    Unbelievable! You get a rebate and you're still whining! This just takes the biscuit.

    Who was it who forced you to go to an Apple shop and spend $599 on an iPhone?

    No one. It was your decision and you should take responsibility for it.
  • Reply 259 of 314
    I think the whiners should be congratulated. Instead of simply taking it in shorts, they complained. If more people complained about corporate behavior, we would not have to be theorizing about market behavior, Enron's, oil companies, and the like. As I said in a previous post, Apple had the right to decrease their prices. I also stated that buyers had a right to complain. I applaud Jobs for the gesture but it was simply naked bad marketing behavior. If they had got away with this, Apple loyalists would have been butt boys for all sorts of misdeeds.

    Likewise, when Coke tried changed their formula, it was the consumers who changed their mind. It is simply good practice to voice a reasonable opinion. This is not a soviet empire, people have the right to not sit around and just be lemmings to market behavior. What I do not understand is why many have such a negative and vile reaction to people who felt taken advantage of.... It is indeed perplexing.... If they do not believe in the whiners (Of which I was one) simply don't use the $100 dollar offer!
  • Reply 260 of 314
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Funny, so did Steve Jobs and Apple. Why the sudden change? Is it not a $600.00 value anymore? Was it ever a $600.00 value? Was it over-valued? Steve wants to put the "medal to the pedal" to get these phones out to everyone especially with the holiday season coming up. Why can't this be done at the listed price of 2 months ago. It's not ancient technology. If Apple decided sales were not as hoped and the only way to increase them to where Apple can obtain their sales projection goals, they had to do so at a lower price point, well, maybe then, this price should have been set at the getgo?

    The point isn't that it changed, or that Apple thought they could sell it for that much. The point is that (lots of) people bought it at $600, the going rate at the time, meaning it was deemed to be a $600 value at that time. Future events do not change the value of a product at any one point in the past. If you bought it at $600 two months ago, it was worth $600 to you at the time. Even though the price is now lower, it doesn't change the fact that the iPhone is worth $600 to you.

    Moreover, considering the number of devices likely sold at the previous price (somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000), I can see no reason why Apple should have debuted at the $400 price. And it's too late for that now anyways. For info on how the future and past interact in a time-travel economy, read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
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