Mossberg: Apple's Leopard evolutionary, not revolutionary



  • Reply 61 of 85
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Again, Jobs never said, there were any "top secret features!"

    All he said that he was, "There?s some top features to Leopard that we are going to keep close to the vest and not going to show you today.

    If memory serves correctly, while Jobs said that, a big, bold "TOP SECRET" banner was displayed on screen. Now maybe I'm wrong. If so, this falls into the category of cases where Apple never actually says, but does imply or suggest, and then lets the media and public fill in the blanks with wrong answers that are to Apple's benefit.
  • Reply 62 of 85
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    Originally Posted by 1337_5L4Xx0R View Post

    Mossberg [...] writes for the WSJ. Discussing [...] 64/32bit compatibility is simply out of place.

    At install time, Vista users are presented with the option of installing the 32-bit or 64-bit version. Hence, a good fraction of WSJ readers are going to know something about this, while everyone else who doesn't understand 32-bit vs. 64-bit will feel relieved that they don't need to know anything about it with Leopard. All readers will get the sense of the myriad ways that Leopard is easier to use than Windows. Mentioning it would have been appropriate.
  • Reply 63 of 85
    Originally Posted by Tazznb View Post

    The actual Edu price has INCREASED instead of giving it to us teachers / students for $69.00 it is now $116.00.

    Only $14 off the $129.00.

    They make MORE MONEY and become MORE GREEDY.....

    Actually, that's through Apple. It seems that most colleges are offering Leopard to their students for $69. It's not just the "student discount" that Apple gives people, but I know for my school, it required student ID as well as a signed form in order to get the software. I bought Office for $45 at my school, when Apple offers the student version for $125.
  • Reply 64 of 85
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    If memory serves correctly, while Jobs said that, a big, bold "TOP SECRET" banner was displayed on screen. Now maybe I'm wrong. If so, this falls into the category of cases where Apple never actually says, but does imply or suggest, and then lets the media and public fill in the blanks with wrong answers that are to Apple's benefit.

    Your memory is correct.

  • Reply 65 of 85
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    duplicate post
  • Reply 66 of 85
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by ThinkExpensive View Post

    I completely agree, however I really did believe that there were 'secret features' that Jobs was talking about that just fizzled out and never ended up being included. I'm seriously considering whether this is worth my $70 (edu discount).

    The secret features was the new dock, finder look, etc.
  • Reply 67 of 85
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by jd051572 View Post

    He's upset because you can't use Time Machine for backups from a computer that doesn't run leopard? Is he serious?

    It's a fair complaint. Any AFP-shared volume should be supported.
  • Reply 68 of 85
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Imagine that! Your drive doesn't have an HFS+ formatted drive specific to Leopard. What a shock that it won't be available for backup!

    There's nothing Leopard specific about an HFS+ shared drive. Any HFS+ drive from any OS shared over AFP should be available - unless Apple made secret changes to the AFP protocol and didn't tell us.
  • Reply 69 of 85
    gustavgustav Posts: 828member
    Originally Posted by Tazznb View Post

    The actual Edu price has INCREASED instead of giving it to us teachers / students for $69.00 it is now $116.00.

    Only $14 off the $129.00.

    They make MORE MONEY and become MORE GREEDY.....

    Oh please. Is that any more greedy than you expecting a huge discount because you are a teacher. Wow, I'm a software developer - I want huge discounts on all of my products. Why don't I get discounts. I know, all the vendors are just being greedy.

    You should be happy you get a discount at all.
  • Reply 70 of 85
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    It's a fair complaint. Any AFP-shared volume should be supported.

    Why only AFP? The OS sees all mounted volumes as equals as far as I'm aware, at least at the application level. I can't see any reason why SMB can't be supported.
  • Reply 71 of 85
    I will be changing the folder icons and I will be making the menu bar solid if I can.
  • Reply 72 of 85
    Because as we know from the AppleInsider article on it, Time Machine works by making hard links.

    Not just files, which is common, but also directories. Hard Linking directories is a very rarely supported feature by FileSystesm (because it is very dangerous and hard to make sense of when manually done/managed). Therefore they need both a file-system HFS+ and a protocol that allows them to do so.

    Does SMB have a way to make hard-links or hard-link directories?

    Does any filesystem have good support for this other than HFS+?

    Did they have to add an extra command to AFP to allow hard-link directory creation?

    Honestly, I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if any/all of those were true technical reasons for the limitations.
  • Reply 73 of 85
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Look Abster and mrjoec123, if you guys enjoy the kool aid I don't want to ruin it for you. I'm not going to get into an argument about was or wasn't promised.

    Let's just say that there were others that expected more after Job's comments than what was delivered. Some weren't even as nice as me in expressing that sentiment.

    Have a nice day.

    So why did you bother to enter the fray? Interesting that you reference a couple of bloggers. How about the 'experts', i.e., editors from here, Macworld, ARS, etc. I can't seem to find anybody that falls in that class that seemed concern. Just a bunch of the same Mac bashers that can't get their heads out of the crapper.
  • Reply 74 of 85
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Just a bunch of the same Mac bashers that can't get their heads out of the crapper.

    Long time posters here at AI. Not exactly Mac bashers. Believe what you want. I'm sure if I did research over at Ars I could find many observers who feel the same. You probably wouldn't believe it anyway. You probably think I photoshoped the image above.
  • Reply 75 of 85
    Just so everyone knows - Apple is selling Leopard at College and University bookstores for $69. I called an confirmed with UCLA Bookstore today.

  • Reply 76 of 85
    There are additional features included in Leopard that weren't initially revealed when Leopard was first shown. The problem is Jobs merely said there were features that Apple was keeping quiet. People took this to mean these features would be earth shattering. The added features were nice, but not earth shattering.

    It is also possible that Apple killed some intended features. When Jobs made the secret announcement, that was before Leopard was delayed due to the iPhone. We already know Apple knocked off a few things, like wireless backups using the airport network.

    Originally Posted by ThinkExpensive View Post

    I completely agree, however I really did believe that there were 'secret features' that Jobs was talking about that just fizzled out and never ended up being included. I'm seriously considering whether this is worth my $70 (edu discount).

  • Reply 77 of 85
    Originally Posted by datamodel View Post

    You're a star - I was starting to worry there, I've got a bunch of Macs to back up and a 750 GB backup disk hanging off an Airport Extreme.

    Thanks for posting that!



    sorry there, looks like they axed it from the final release...

    I don't know why, on the beta it works great! albeit a little slow when it makes the initial backup...
  • Reply 78 of 85
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Imagine that! Your drive doesn't have an HFS+ formatted drive specific to Leopard. What a shock that it won't be available for backup!

    It is hard to imagine since SuperDuper! offers network drive backups as an option. Granted, it is using an image, but still an option.
  • Reply 79 of 85
    mimacmimac Posts: 872member
    Hmmm, very nice and all.... "Top Secret features"? OK, we'll have to go and find them then.

    From what I've heard/seen, this release is niceee ... in a "I need it now"!!!, geeky sorta way. Others will reflect and find much to love about Tiger. Revolutionary? Hardly.
  • Reply 80 of 85
    aakaaaka Posts: 17member
    I could not disagree more with WSJ. While Leopard may not be revolutionary, it is a revolution over anything that MS puts out. To upgrade I answered 3 questions and walked away. An hour later it was all ready for me to use. Let me ask you which MS upgrade goes as smoothly as this one. Not a single I mean not a single hitch. Apple is not targeting the corporate users though they would be smart to adopt it.

    Mossberg is silly in his statement that there were flaws - the flaws he mentions; would be godsend if they were the only flaws in MS Windows Vista. That thing is buggy as hell.

    As of today I have shut down my Windows junk machines and converted them into Linux machines to play with.

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