Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 4121 of 4650
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    Ah so, now I remember! I had a reason for avoiding the $399 model. So, it was because we have a lot of PS2 games, not because of movies. So sorry for the confused posting. It might be wise to buy the $399 model and just keep the old PS2 console for those games we have.

    I can't understand this mentality, If you have lots of PS2 games you MUST have a PS2 so keep it and play the games. it's no reason to avoid the PS3 it plays PS3 games and DVD and CD and BD.

    If you Don't have any PS2 games then what's the problem?
  • Reply 4122 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Is what in the box? If you're referring to the 5 movie rebate, try this. If not, you'll have to be more specific about what you're talking about.

    Yes I was talking about the 5 movie rebate. I was wondering if it was in the PS3 box itself. I'm going to use the 20% Kmart coupon today, and want to get the 5 movies also. If I can get the 5 movie deal.

    Ok, that looks like it should work. I was hoping to get Casino Royal as one of the titles. Do you know if there is a coupon with Casino Royal on it?
  • Reply 4123 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I can't understand this mentality, If you have lots of PS2 games you MUST have a PS2 so keep it and play the games. it's no reason to avoid the PS3 it plays PS3 games and DVD and CD and BD. . .

    I thought I said that Walter. "It might be wise to buy the $399 model and just keep the old PS2 console for those games we have."

  • Reply 4124 of 4650
    For a while earlier this month Fry's was advertising the $399 40GB PS3. Included were three discs in the box: Spidy 3, The Fifth Element (remastered) and Underwater Evolution. Plus there was the BD 5 free disc mail in offer. On the mail in offer, I think there are five different groups of 2 or 3 movies and you select one from each group. I almost called this to bite's attention in case he wanted to go neutral.
  • Reply 4125 of 4650
    Every Saturday the Seattle Times runs a Personal Technology section. One of the on-going features is a general information What to Buy column that they pick up from other newspapers. Today's topic, lifted from the Baltimore Sun, was HD TVs. This is general information, meant for J6P. The columnists opinion was for under 42" go LCD, 42" and above plasma, which I think everyone agrees with. Most interesting was his take on HDM. He calls the format war "stupid, stupid, stupid" and recommends buying an up-converting DVD player rather a HDM one.

    Anyway, that's one person's take on the HDM situation.
  • Reply 4126 of 4650
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Every Saturday the Seattle Times runs a Personal Technology section. One of the on-going features is a general information What to Buy column that they pick up from other newspapers. Today's topic, lifted from the Baltimore Sun, was HD TVs. This is general information, meant for J6P. The columnists opinion was for under 42" go LCD, 42" and above plasma, which I think everyone agrees with. Most interesting was his take on HDM. He calls the format war "stupid, stupid, stupid" and recommends buying an up-converting DVD player rather a HDM one.

    Anyway, that's one person's take on the HDM situation.

    Which is why I don't generally listen to columnists. If you can buy a HD player that upconverts DVDs for $170 then it's a no brainer. Whether the war is stupid or not is besides the point. If you have a 42" or larger screen the differences between even upconverted DVD and HD become more apparent particularly in color fidelity.

    My next screen is 50" if I have to go to DLP to get that affordably I will.
  • Reply 4127 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Add one 80GB PS3 to the sold list for Blu Ray Players today Baby!
  • Reply 4128 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I can't understand this mentality, If you have lots of PS2 games you MUST have a PS2 so keep it and play the games. it's no reason to avoid the PS3 it plays PS3 games and DVD and CD and BD.

    If you Don't have any PS2 games then what's the problem?

    Not all of us have an AV cabinet that can house an infinite amount of consoles or an AV system accepting infinite inputs. My PS2 sits right next to my Macbook on the desk. The controller mess is disturbing enough to keep the controllers stored somewhere else. My display and speakers are both running out of inputs suitable for PS2/PS3.

    Also, wireless controllers and good upscaling on the PS3. The Wii fails on that count too.
  • Reply 4129 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    My next screen is 50" if I have to go to DLP to get that affordably I will.

    DLP is actually my favorite looking picture that I've seen on anything large. I have a 65" Mitsubishi which I bought before the invent of DLP, or even HDMI, but it still looks killer in HD. But AFAIAC DLP is really crisp, clean and outshines anything 47" and above.

    That's my personal observation. Let's not debate it.
  • Reply 4130 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Rumour: PS3 part of Walmart's next "secret sale."


    On 11/24 at 8:00am (running through 11:59pm on 11/25), the 80GB PS3 ($499) will come with 10 FREE Blu-ray movies instantly. You choose any 10 BD titles under $30 within the store and they will override the prices to zero. For those stores that carry BD already, additional titles are being sent in for the sale. For those that do not have BD in their store (a small minority) product will be sent to each store specifically for this sale.

    Oh, and you still get your 5 FREE movies by mail.

  • Reply 4131 of 4650
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Which is why I don't generally listen to columnists. If you can buy a HD player that upconverts DVDs for $170 then it's a no brainer. Whether the war is stupid or not is besides the point. If you have a 42" or larger screen the differences between even upconverted DVD and HD become more apparent particularly in color fidelity.

    My next screen is 50" if I have to go to DLP to get that affordably I will.

    Remember the article was for the general population, J6P if you prefer. Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when you can get a decent upconverting SD-DVD for <$100? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when you don't have a HDTV? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player in the middle of a format war? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when HDM is more expensive that SD? All these are valid points for someone who has to be very careful of their discretionary income.

    murch, I tried to tell you that you'd regret buying a 32" LCD. 50" is great but think most people who have that size ultimately wish they could have afforded to go one size larger. I suppose the same is true of those who have a 58".
  • Reply 4132 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Gon View Post

    Not all of us have an AV cabinet that can house an infinite amount of consoles or an AV system accepting infinite inputs. My PS2 sits right next to my Macbook on the desk. The controller mess is disturbing enough to keep the controllers stored somewhere else. My display and speakers are both running out of inputs suitable for PS2/PS3.

    Also, wireless controllers and good upscaling on the PS3. The Wii fails on that count too.

    wow 2 is infinite? nice to know that

    My AV amp is about 8 years old (wasn't all that expensive at the time either) I have 3 things plugged into it and I still have inputs left over on the AV amp and the TV, I haven't got the PS2 plugged in (had an offer to sell it) and the Apple TV will be moving. unless you have multiple consoles I don't know what the problem is? and IF YOU DO HAVE multiple consoles, then you knew what you were getting into when you decided to buy them all, its not like anyone forced you to buy them, so get an amp that can cope with the inputs, seems simple doesn't it? if you can afford a car with real leather seats you should be able to take care of them, don't blame the leather if it doesn't get fed. so don't blame the PS3 because you bought it and didn't have the inputs for it.
  • Reply 4133 of 4650
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Remember the article was for the general population, J6P if you prefer. Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when you can get a decent upconverting SD-DVD for <$100? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when you don't have a HDTV? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player in the middle of a format war? Why buy a $170 HD-DVD player when HDM is more expensive that SD? All these are valid points for someone who has to be very careful of their discretionary income.

    murch, I tried to tell you that you'd regret buying a 32" LCD. 50" is great but think most people who have that size ultimately wish they could have afforded to go one size larger. I suppose the same is true of those who have a 58".

    I did some measuring in the big living room, I could go bigger than even 100" - it's visual greed nothing more but it's not that bad as greed goes.
  • Reply 4134 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member

    <looks at credit card, ponders buying PS3, selling it for small loss, and selling 15 movies for $400 profit> hmmm.
  • Reply 4135 of 4650
    gongon Posts: 2,437member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    wow 2 is infinite? nice to know that

    My AV amp is about 8 years old (wasn't all that expensive at the time either) I have 3 things plugged into it and I still have inputs left over on the AV amp and the TV, I haven't got the PS2 plugged in (had an offer to sell it) and the Apple TV will be moving. unless you have multiple consoles I don't know what the problem is? and IF YOU DO HAVE multiple consoles, then you knew what you were getting into when you decided to buy them all, its not like anyone forced you to buy them, so get an amp that can cope with the inputs, seems simple doesn't it? if you can afford a car with real leather seats you should be able to take care of them, don't blame the leather if it doesn't get fed. so don't blame the PS3 because you bought it and didn't have the inputs for it.

    Congrats on totally missing the point. You said there is no reason to want backwards compatibility in PS3 because one can just keep their PS2. So again, here are some reasons for wanting the PS3 to *replace* the PS2 instead of just putting them side by side.

    Decent upscaling

    Not paying 200? (minimum) for a receiver

    Not having old wired controllers around

    Not having two more boxes of electronics (PS3, receiver) and a lot more wires around

    Obviously most of those are not an issue if you have a living room with an AV cabinet that can fit plenty of gear, a HDTV that scales well, and a receiver. Many people including me have none of those things, so I want BC.
  • Reply 4136 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I had to try posting from my PS3 on a 65? HDTV. I have to say that it's kind of cool.
  • Reply 4137 of 4650
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    I had to try posting from my PS3 on a 65? HDTV. I have to say that it's kind of cool.

    What do you think of your PS3? I hope you love it as much as I love mine!! Were you using keyboard and mouse, or simply the controller?
  • Reply 4138 of 4650
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    I did some measuring in the big living room, I could go bigger than even 100" - it's visual greed nothing more but it's not that bad as greed goes.

    Well...100" @720p is only $1500 these days. $1000 for a projector and $500 for a screen. Or just $1000 and project onto a white wall.

    Keep your normal TV for daytime viewing and use the projector for nighttime movies.
  • Reply 4139 of 4650
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I hate black friday madness with a passion... but does anyone know of any players going on sale?

    I missed the earlier $99 sales and am hoping that another will occur sometime during this holiday season...
  • Reply 4140 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    What do you think of your PS3? I hope you love it as much as I love mine!! Were you using keyboard and mouse, or simply the controller?

    I just got it. I don't have a keyboard for it yet, but that is soon to come B/C I can play FPS's waaaaay better with a keyboard.
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