Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 4161 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Find me a $98 HD-DVD player and I'm in. I'm stuck not being able to shop Friday which is good and bad...

    I don't believe you have to even leave your house to get such deals. When Walmart had $98 HD-DVD players, Bestbuy also offered the same HD-A2 at $99 + 3 free HDM pomo which the offer was extended to the online shoppers as well. Many BB online customers ended up getting the HD-A3 with 10 free movies instead.

    The best online deal right now seems to be the HD-A35 for $149 as part of Amazon deal for the 26th of this month. You feeling lucky?....
  • Reply 4162 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    If I can get the HD-A35 for under $150, I will jump on the HD-DVD bandwagon as well. Does that include free HD-DVD movies as well?
  • Reply 4163 of 4650
    iCouldn't say which way Netflix is going to go. I'm Sure they actually just chuck dvd' or recycle them instead of clean them more than once. Some of the disc' come pretty scratched up dont they. Kind of ruins the film sometime, or at least some moments.


  • Reply 4164 of 4650
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    If I can get the HD-A35 for under $150, I will jump on the HD-DVD bandwagon as well. Does that include free HD-DVD movies as well?

    Not sure if HD-A35 deal will include 10 free HDM like the current offers from Amazon, but it would come at least with 2 HDM in box and 5 MIR (7 free HDM total). If you're lucky enough to get it in time.
  • Reply 4165 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Well, since i've backed you up a lot on this thread, you're gonna be a good little buddy and hook me up with the specifics so I DO get lucky enough
  • Reply 4166 of 4650
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    What or who is Perfect Vision and what's wrong with this picture:

    Link: TPV-AM-Olive Magazine
  • Reply 4167 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    Well, since i've backed you up a lot on this thread, you're gonna be a good little buddy and hook me up with the specifics so I DO get lucky enough

    Haha... I wish I can hook you up but do what you need to do and hope you get lucky.

    vote on round 4 and pray. Good Luck!.. You'll know on the 26th.
  • Reply 4168 of 4650
    Newbe questions- I apologize...

    Can both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players/recorders both play regular old standard DVDs?

    Thanks for the info!
  • Reply 4169 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Cake View Post

    What or who is Perfect Vision and what's wrong with this picture:

    That's beautiful. While the information is all technically correct, it must be driving Sony execs up a wall.

    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    Can both Blu-Ray and HD-DVD players/recorders both play regular old standard DVDs?

  • Reply 4170 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Cake View Post

    What or who is Perfect Vision and what's wrong with this picture:

    Link: TPV-AM-Olive Magazine

    DVD International and Image Entertainment support both platforms
  • Reply 4171 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Also note that they strategically leave out how many game consoles have been sold, as well as the fact that virtually all major retailers in the US have shunned the Venturer. It would have been just as easy to have separate figures for standalones and consoles, but I think the way they lean is obvious.
  • Reply 4172 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Even though the Venturer is shunned, you can still get a Toshiba around that price. I have mixed feelings about them leaving consoles out of it. Perhaps it was because it would be difficult to get figures on how many of the hd-dvd additions for 360 have been sold? Not sure... but even with them, it would still be close in those numbers. If anything, whether they are spinning one way or another, it shows how close this war CAN be if it isn't that close. My vote is still for both formats.
  • Reply 4173 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Also note that they strategically leave out how many game consoles have been sold

    Well yeah, that's the crazy (and fun) part.

    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post well as the fact that virtually all major retailers in the US have shunned the Venturer.

    I don't think Venturer has been shunned, they simply came late to the '07 party and wouldn't have been able to produce in the quantities required for the Christmas season. I can understand retailers preferring not to muddy the waters with yet another product (Wii, Zune) that will be in short supply prior to Christmas.

    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    It would have been just as easy to have separate figures for standalones and consoles, but I think the way they lean is obvious.

    I doubt even HD-DVD fanboys would be that blatant. Most of us simply acknowledge the disparity and then add a proviso that most of the machines are gaming who could care less about buying movies. They may simply be one of those video publications that look down on the whole gaming scene.
  • Reply 4174 of 4650
    I just can't believe how atrociously uncoordinated the marketing campaigns are for both platforms.
  • Reply 4175 of 4650
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by View Post

    iCouldn't say which way Netflix is going to go. I'm Sure they actually just chuck dvd' or recycle them instead of clean them more than once. Some of the disc' come pretty scratched up dont they. Kind of ruins the film sometime, or at least some moments.


    I don't know if this has been said or not, but BR is seriously scratch resistant. More so that you would ever imagine. It's part of how the disks are made.
  • Reply 4176 of 4650
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member

    No need to bother buying either console player with the HD-DVD players being such a bargain right now. I think I will finally take the HD plunge before Christmas at such a reasonable price.
  • Reply 4177 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Just remember you get what you pay for. I have been pro hd-dvd being around since day 1... and I refuse to buy the $98 players. 720p isn't gonna cut it for me. When the Toshiba A35 (or another 1080p player, or a 1080p combo player) is below 150 I'll go for it.

    Someone back me up on this, i heard it takes the A20 and A3 forever to spinup and get going. True / Untrue?
  • Reply 4178 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I have mixed feelings about them leaving consoles out of it.

    I can understand the argument for either side. On the one hand, counting computers and consoles with Blu-Ray playback capability as sold players would be as misleading as claiming the iPod is the number one selling gaming system; just because it has the capability doesn't mean any large number of people are using it to do so, because that is not the intended purpose of the product. With standalone players, you know the buyer's actually going to be watching HD films with it because that's it's only function. Really, they should be counting HD DVD xBox add-on players, as there's no other reason why someone would purchase one of those, but I don't believe Microsoft has released the sales figures for the add-on except to say they've sold more of it than there have been of standalone Blu-Ray players.

    On the other hand however, the vast majority of the Blu-Ray disc buyers at the moment are most definitely the millions of PS3 owners out there, hence it's 2:1 lead over HD DVD disc sales. In the case of the PS3, a significant number of it's users really are taking advantage of it's "oh by the way" features, most likely because their game selection is still rather poor and they've got to find a way to justify their $600 purchase somehow Microsoft predicts that if and when the PS3's game selection improves, it's users will spend less time watching movies on it and more time actually gaming. That seems likely, however the PS3's user base will also continue to grow so I imagine the number of Blu-Ray discs sold will as well. This is why Toshiba has to get HD DVD standalone players into the hands of Joe Consumer this Christmas if they want to hold their ground, as Joe Consumers vastly outnumber those seriously interested in purchasing a $400-$600 game console.
  • Reply 4179 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post


    On the other hand however, the vast majority of the Blu-Ray disc buyers at the moment are most definitely the millions of PS3 owners out there, hence it's 2:1 lead over HD DVD disc sales. In the case of the PS3, a significant number of it's users really are taking advantage of it's "oh by the way" features, most likely because their game selection is still rather poor and they've got to find a way to justify their $600 purchase somehow Microsoft predicts that if and when the PS3's game selection improves, it's users will spend less time watching movies on it and more time actually gaming. That seems likely, however the PS3's user base will also continue to grow so I imagine the number of Blu-Ray discs sold will as well. This is why Toshiba has to get HD DVD standalone players into the hands of Joe Consumer this Christmas if they want to hold their ground, as Joe Consumers vastly outnumber those seriously interested in purchasing a $400-$600 game console.

    I think an equally compelling argument can be made that the "oh, by the way" feature works the other way; that the primary reason for buying the PS3 was as a BD player and some people are experimenting with using it as a game machine.

    As long as your comfortable with 1080i, then a $98 HD-DVD player would be a good deal for a video enthusiast who wants to go format neutral or a semi video fan who wants to see what HDM is all about and can accept that not all studios will be available to him or her. However, don't forget for the typical Joe Consumer a $98 HD or a $399 BD player is only part of the equation? there's still $800 - $1200 for a HDTV.

    I guess what I'm saying is at this point in time there's simply not enough HDTVs out there, 18% of all households is the figure I've seen, to move HDM into the consumer realm regardless of player price.
  • Reply 4180 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Yah I agree. I do gotta say though, the PS3 game selection is getting a bit better. Assassin's Creed, COD4, Madden 08, DiRT, MX vs. ATV Untamed, Warhawk, Ninja Gaiden. I own all of those cept MX vs. ATV (comes out in 2 weeks). I have spent more time gaming on my ps3 in the last week then I have touched my PS2 all year. Maybe because it has a new car smell, but I think it has to do with how great the games are. I'm very please with my games I have now. Ninja Gaiden is gonna take me major amounts of time to complete in itself. DiRT has amazing replay value for myself because I love rally racing. I raced MX for 21 years and loved the last MX vs ATV game so I know I'll love this one. I spent too many hours on that. I hate to sound like a hypocrite, but I have forgot about PC gaming almost entirely. My BF2 account is suffering .

    Anyways, I've heard more people predict Blu-ray will die off in the last week then I've heard all year. Even with Blu-ray's b1g1 free sale, they still barely won that week because shrek 3 sold a LOT of hd-dvds. I predict it had something to do with the $99 players. I'm just guessing though. Now with small talk of blu-ray hurting (sony ceo, lack of my fav movies on br, bd+ problems, and what consumers are talking), I'm kinda scared hd-dvd will win now. At first I was all for hd-dvd, then I realized I want both formats. I want competing formats, as long as dual format players become normal. I think they will in 2008. I don't want one of these to win, please lets just get these dual format players out and get this war done and over with.
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