Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2007)



  • Reply 4081 of 4650
    96 of the top 100 Hi-Def movies sold at are Blu-ray Disc. BOGO, FTW!
  • Reply 4082 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    Stalemate? - Much Ado About Nothing

    So for all your postulating HD DVD fans, you've wasted your time and energy...but you're entertaining to say the least.

    I don't see how his comments have been "misinterpreted" in any way. He does use the actual word 'stalemate' to describe the current situation. No-one ever claimed that it was all he said in the interview.

    That the head of Sony sees the current situation as a stalemate is definitely newsworthy.
  • Reply 4083 of 4650
    Originally Posted by Galley View Post

    96 of the top 100 Hi-Def movies sold at are Blu-ray Disc. BOGO, FTW!

    HD DVD needs to get in on this kind of sale. It'd help fudge their sales numbers, and I for one would appreciate getting a free movie or two
  • Reply 4084 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    I agree. As I've said before, there is a A LOT more movies on the HD-DVD side that I want than Blu-ray. Batman Begins, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Transformers, A Clockwork Orange, Top Gun, The Bourne Series, etc. On the Blu-ray camp I've pretty much purchased all that I really want. The Last Samurai, Troy, Ratatouille. I AM looking forward to 3:10 to Yuma in Jan on blu-ray. But my tastes are with HD-dvd for selection right now. I need a good 1080p hd-dvd player.... cheap. If I could get one under $200, I'd probably snag it up.
  • Reply 4085 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    I agree. As I've said before, there is a A LOT more movies on the HD-DVD side that I want than Blu-ray. Batman Begins, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Transformers, A Clockwork Orange, Top Gun, The Bourne Series, etc. On the Blu-ray camp I've pretty much purchased all that I really want. The Last Samurai, Troy, Ratatouille. I AM looking forward to 3:10 to Yuma in Jan on blu-ray. But my tastes are with HD-dvd for selection right now. I need a good 1080p hd-dvd player.... cheap. If I could get one under $200, I'd probably snag it up.

    Everyone's taste in movies is different. In my case there's almost nothing on HD-DVD that I want to watch, that's why I went BD. For that reason, a cheap HD or combo player really has no appeal. Each person has to make their own decision. I'm also not double dipping on SD-DVDs that I already own so tend to be very selective in what BD titles I buy.

    BTW, all the Kubrick films are out in both formats.
  • Reply 4086 of 4650
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Everyone's taste in movies is different.

    Very true. I look at emig's list of HD DVD movies that he wants and I wouldn't pay for even the DVD versions of those movies. And this brings home what the studios are really pushing. HD media is only really good for eye and ear candy. When I sit down to a good movie with a good story, I don't really notice the picture quality. A really good movie will pull you into the story so much that you forget everything else, be it 1080p, TrueHD, whatever. If you're thinking "Wow, that looked (or sounded) great" as you're watching, the movie's not doing it's real job.
  • Reply 4087 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Very true. I look at emig's list of HD DVD movies that he wants and I wouldn't pay for even the DVD versions of those movies. And this brings home what the studios are really pushing. HD media is only really good for eye and ear candy. When I sit down to a good movie with a good story, I don't really notice the picture quality. A really good movie will pull you into the story so much that you forget everything else, be it 1080p, TrueHD, whatever. If you're thinking "Wow, that looked (or sounded) great" as you're watching, the movie's not doing it's real job.

    How true. I get so involved with a good movie that it's just like I'm living it. It takes hours to get back to planet earth and thinking about something else. (And no, I don't smoke anything to get this way.)

  • Reply 4088 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Very true. I look at emig's list of HD DVD movies that he wants and I wouldn't pay for even the DVD versions of those movies. And this brings home what the studios are really pushing.

    Haters!! Guess you gotta do a lot acid to get to where I'm at with movies .


    HD media is only really good for eye and ear candy. When I sit down to a good movie with a good story, I don't really notice the picture quality. A really good movie will pull you into the story so much that you forget everything else, be it 1080p, TrueHD, whatever. If you're thinking "Wow, that looked (or sounded) great" as you're watching, the movie's not doing it's real job.

    Yep. I would double dip on the following movies:

    Snatch, Fight Club, Four Rooms, Sleep Hollow, Maverick, and Alice in Wonderland. The 4 of those I can't even get in HD format yet. /Sigh.
  • Reply 4089 of 4650
    I finally got all caught up and will be able to spend time watching movies this week.

    Last night it was Ratatouille, one of the best animated films I've ever seen. Very strong story line. Picture and sound were outstanding; the mavens on AVS rate this as the best BD transfer so far and places it number 1 in the reference category.

    Tonight some fluff with Ocean's 13 and tomorrow night Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Close Encounters has all three versions and I'm still trying to decide which one to watch first.

    For next week I've ordered Live Free or Die Hard and Hairspray from Amazon.

    I definitely agree with Kolchak, a really good movie has the power to pull you in. That's why I still enjoy watching some of my favorites that are on LD.

    Bite, what are some of the must-have titles coming out for the rest of the year that are HD-DVD format only? I know Bourne 3 is; I'll buy the SD-DVD of that.
  • Reply 4090 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    This one's probably for Murch. I've just discovered that there are 2 USB ports on the front of my HDDVD player. What are they for?

    Oh, and UPS did not deliver my package today and they can't do anything about it until the day is actually over and it hasn't been delivered. When when when when will I learn that it's always worth it to spring for FedEx?
  • Reply 4091 of 4650
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Price Cut Boosts PlayStation 3 Sales


    U.S. sales of the PlayStation 3 more than doubled in the weeks after the company slashed the video game console's price $100 and launched a low-end model, Sony Corp. CEO Howard Stringer told The Associated Press Wednesday.

    Sony said it sold more than 100,000 consoles of all types in the week ending Nov. 11.

    The price cut and new model make the PS3 more competitive against Nintendo Co.'s Wii and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 as the holiday season opens, Stringer said.

    "It's the breakthrough we've been anticipating," Stringer said. "We've been holding our breath."

    Sony said it had been selling between 30,000 and 40,000 consoles per week before the Oct. 18 price cut from $599 to $499 of the 80 GB model.

    Sales rose to 75,000 in the week of Oct. 29, reflecting both the lower price of the high-end model and the introduction of a 40-gigabyte model for $399 on Nov. 2, the company said. And it was the following week that sales hit 100,000, according to Sony.

    Lagging sales of the PlayStation 3, compared to sales of the Wii and XBox 360, prompted Sony to cut the price in the U.S. as it had in Japan and Europe.

    "Obviously, we've taken so much heat over the year on PS3," Stringer said from his office in Tokyo. "Finally, the turning point has been passed."

    Stringer said Sony is poised to benefit from the difficulty Nintendo has had producing Wii consoles fast enough to keep up with demand.

    "It's a little fortuitous that the Wii is running out of hardware," Stringer said.

    By October, Nintendo had shipped 9.3 million units worldwide of the Wii, which went on sale late last year. By the end of this fiscal year in March 2008, total global Wii shipments are expected to reach 22.3 million.

    Sony had sold 5 million PS3s worldwide by October. The game console went on sale late last year in Japan and the U.S. and in March in Europe.

    Microsoft had sold 11.6 million Xbox 360 machines in two years.

    Sony executives said the rising sales also will boost the Blu-ray high definition DVD format. A Blu-ray drive comes with the PS3.

    "It puts us vastly ahead of where the other format is going to be in terms of an installed base in people's homes by the end of this holiday season," Andrew House, Sony's chief marketing officer, said.

    Toshiba Corp. has been selling players for its rival DVD format for high-definition as low as $200 and prices are expected to drop further.

  • Reply 4092 of 4650
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    They should have done this a long time ago. M$ subsidized their console, how much did Sony do theirs?

    If they had done this a year ago... this war may be very different today.
  • Reply 4094 of 4650
    Originally Posted by emig647 View Post

    They should have done this a long time ago. M$ subsidized their console, how much did Sony do theirs?

    If they had done this a year ago... this war may be very different today.

    They already were. I believe when the Playstation 3 was first released, the figures were that Sony was selling the $599 model at a $300 loss.


    Is this some college kid's filmschool project?
  • Reply 4095 of 4650
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7 View Post

    By October, Nintendo had shipped 9.3 million units worldwide of the Wii, which went on sale late last year. By the end of this fiscal year in March 2008, total global Wii shipments are expected to reach 22.3 million.

    Sony had sold 5 million PS3s worldwide by October.

    "It's the breakthrough we've been anticipating," Stringer said.

    Now that's one seriously delusional CEO.

    Nice try Marz. But for the PS3, the game is effectively over.

    Sony has been completely upstaged by Nintendo and there is no scenario under which the PS3 wins over the Wii. None.

    Developers can count, and the Wii's marketshare guarantees that they will take the lion share of developer focus for the next 18 months.

    Sony needs to stop throwing good money after bad and begin planning their next foray into gaming. Right now, their strategy is to blithely assume that the Wii's less-than-cutting-edge tech will eventually be supplanted by the PS3, as Nintendo stops to retool with a next gen console of their own.

    Given how bad a beating Nintendo has inflicted upon them, I wouldn't assume anything of the kind.
  • Reply 4096 of 4650
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    I just got a Wii tonight. It's awesome. After UPS lost my 32" Westinghouse, I had my order refunded and got it at Wal Mart instead. I know, I feel dirty, but my TV is awesome, and I actually have it! So... while I was there I decided to splurge and get a Wii. I had no idea they were still hard to get. I just got lucky and decided to get one on restock day. A friend of mine is down today from Iowa and went to get the one that was left when I got mine. It was gone by the time we got there.

    Anyway, playing it like mad at the moment.
  • Reply 4097 of 4650
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
  • Reply 4098 of 4650
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Now that's one seriously delusional CEO.

    Nice try Marz. But for the PS3, the game is effectively over.

    What does that mean? They've sold 5 million and sold 100,000 in a week. Yep, they re screwed.


    Sony has been completely upstaged by Nintendo and there is no scenario under which the PS3 wins over the Wii. None.

    Nintendo has sold more. But it's also sold more than Xbox 360. So I guess M$ is screwed too.


    Developers can count, and the Wii's marketshare guarantees that they will take the lion share of developer focus for the next 18 months.

    That's a wholly unsupported statement. You just made it up. It's pure speculation. Developers aren't going to walk on either the PS3 or Xbox 360. The former's library is growing by leaps and bounds.


    Sony needs to stop throwing good money after bad and begin planning their next foray into gaming. Right now, their strategy is to blithely assume that the Wii's less-than-cutting-edge tech will eventually be supplanted by the PS3, as Nintendo stops to retool with a next gen console of their own.

    Given how bad a beating Nintendo has inflicted upon them, I wouldn't assume anything of the kind.

    Yeah, they should just quit. I mean, the launch didn't go that well, right? Yet they are selling fairly well in the grand scheme. They have the #1 Blu-Ray player, and they are the prime supported of that format. Their console is far more powerful internally and has much more to offer in the years ahead.

    The problem here is that you're only looking at raw sales. The PS3 is a home entertainment platform, and the Wii, good as it is, is simply a nice gaming console...mostly for kids and adolescents. Sony's not in trouble at all.
  • Reply 4099 of 4650
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    The PS3 is now outselling the Wii in Japan.

  • Reply 4100 of 4650
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    The PS3 is now outselling the Wii in Japan.

    Oh man, that makes my day.
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