Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 521 of 2639
    Ok, last console related thing in this thread, since Elixir asked what space issues I was referring to.


    Rockstar's LA Noire won't release on Xbox 360 because Microsoft's console can't handle the sheer size of the game, a blog post on the game is claiming.

    Surfer Girl Reviews also has a number of other titbits about the title in development at Team Bondi.

    It says it'll be a free-roaming affair, presenting players with a historically accurate recreation of Los Angeles, 1947, with attention to detail going right down to ensuring in-game characters wear the appropriate clothing for the period.

    On top of that, it's mentioned that a US Marine plays a key role in the LA Noire story and the game will feature side-missions based on actual cases of 1947.

    LA Noire's previously been described as an "interactive detective story set in the classic noir period of the late 1940s". If the information in the blog is accurate, it'll be the first proper details we've had on the title.

  • Reply 522 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Ok, last console related thing in this thread, since Elixir asked what space issues I was referring to.

    again, constant future examples. just like the ps3's killer library will only be sometime in the future

    right now, RIGHT NOW, there is yet to be a game that needed bluray. a game like final fantasy would probably require multiple disks but thats as far as it would go.

    bluray does not improve your actual gaming experience.

    end of story.

    edit: and when i look up La Noir this is what i got Jan 4th 2008


    Apparently, there's still a bit of confusion surrounding the "exclusivity" of Team Bondi's L.A. Noire, the 40's era detective thriller to be published under the Rockstar Games brand. We understand the confusion, to some degree, as the game in question was listed as being released only on the PlayStation 3 by Take-Two Interactive itself at one point. Then, just six-weeks later, the official PlayStation blog brought word of Team Bondi franchise exclusivity. In the blog's defense, it did write that L.A. Noire was not that franchise.

    Still, when word popped up today that Bondi and company were looking for new hires, listing L.A. Noire for the Xbox 360 and PS3, we got tips. Tips we're quite grateful for, mind you. But given that Sony isn't shouting from the mountaintop, defending the honor of its console exclusive in this particular case, it's nothing to get worked up over. Team Bondi even lists "next generation consoles" as the platform, despite some claims that the game "definitely ain't coming to Xbox 360."

    It's not coming out any time soon and we'll most likely have a clear console war champion by the time it does anyway. We'll have plenty of time to sort the whole thing out over the course of the year.

    So where and when did you get your quote? i mean you're talking about a game years away, so far away that no one knows when its coming out nor for whom is it coming out for (if it is even exclusive at all).

    developers know if they want to make money they have to bring the game to the 360. releasing a game souly for the ps3 is risky business in the current state of things.
  • Reply 523 of 2639
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    Amazon has another huge Blu-ray Disc sale. Close Encounters of the Thrid Kind is selling for $23.95!
  • Reply 524 of 2639
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    Ya know? The whole game console pissing match is getting old. Can we stick to the whole BR vs. HD DVD thing and leave out the 360 unless you're talking about it with regard to HD DVD playback? Yeah, I'll bias toward the PS3 since all PS3's play Blu Ray.

    For the record, I've got a Wii and a PS3 and they both get the same amount of play.

    If there has to be a slugfest between PS3 and the 360, open a thread in General Discussion since it's not future hardware and isn't to do with Apple at all at any rate.

    Could have said it better myself.
  • Reply 525 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    Ya know? The whole game console pissing match is getting old. Can we stick to the whole BR vs. HD DVD thing and leave out the 360 unless you're talking about it with regard to HD DVD playback? Yeah, I'll bias toward the PS3 since all PS3's play Blu Ray.

    For the record, I've got a Wii and a PS3 and they both get the same amount of play.

    If there has to be a slugfest between PS3 and the 360, open a thread in General Discussion since it's not future hardware and isn't to do with Apple at all at any rate.

    Ya know the threads that have been running on this topic have managed to cover a fairly broad range of topics, and have always managed to get back on topic NATURALLY they dont need any dire warnings. I do have to laugh at the irony of "The whole game console pissing match is getting old."

    the whole BD Vs HD-DVD pissing match HAS BEEN old for a while now, but still, with the help of going slightly OT, manages to remain as fresh as it can do.

    If someone posts a relevant statement that another poster believes to be wrong or incorrect or just plain badly informed, isn't it part of the reason we are here "discussion" that posters can feel free to reply to that satement without being told not to?

    If free discussion is not permitted, then please direct us to where thats stated in the forum guidelines on posting.
  • Reply 526 of 2639
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    Could have said it better myself.

    Why don't you then?
  • Reply 527 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    I just watched Engadget's video interview with a Sony rep regarding BDLive, and besides the fact that they're only using it to pedal shit like ringtones (which didn't even work in his demo), their BDLive-capable players aren't going to be available until December

    I guess anyone who wants to watch high definition movies, and actually be able to use the features on discs coming out this year, is just supposed to drop $400 on Sony's ugly-ass game console

    Even with HD DVD pretty much out of the picture, Blu-Ray's going to have a tough year ahead of them if they can't 1.) get their freakin' moving target of a format nailed down and 2.) get their player prices down to a realistic level. The only way I'm blowing over $200 on a disc player is if it's dual format.
  • Reply 528 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Ya know the threads that have been running on this topic have managed to cover a fairly broad range of topics, and have always managed to get back on topic NATURALLY they dont need any dire warnings. I do have to laugh at the irony of "The whole game console pissing match is getting old."

    the whole BD Vs HD-DVD pissing match HAS BEEN old for a while now, but still, with the help of going slightly OT, manages to remain as fresh as it can do.

    If someone posts a relevant statement that another poster believes to be wrong or incorrect or just plain badly informed, isn't it part of the reason we are here "discussion" that posters can feel free to reply to that satement without being told not to?

    If free discussion is not permitted, then please direct us to where thats stated in the forum guidelines on posting.

    It wasn't a dire warning of any sort. It's just that one slapfight was enough for this thread and since it had nothing to do with HD, since the 360 is crippled in this regard it seemed tiring to see the thread decay that way.

    I think its nicer if we can segregate our arguments into neater categories.
  • Reply 529 of 2639
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    I just watched Engadget's video interview with a Sony rep regarding BDLive, and besides the fact that they're only using it to pedal shit like ringtones (which didn't even work in his demo), their BDLive-capable players aren't going to be available until December

    Their = Sony
  • Reply 530 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    The rep actually says SUMMER 08 in the clip, not December.
  • Reply 531 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    The rep actually says SUMMER 08 in the clip, not December.

    yeah but, you know, he also thinks sony is a four letter word.


    amazing that the rabid ones swooned and fell over because HD-DVD had ringtone sales "built in" but now its only "crap" like some of us have been saying all along.

    I'm REALLY too lazy to go back and look, but it seems to me that certain parties keep saying "The only way I'm blowing over $xxx on a disc player is if it's dual format." but the xxx keeps getting lower and lower, leaving one with the impression that they just want to weep and moan, complaining about the fact they will "never" get one any way, no matter how low the price.

    No wonder Warner switched.
  • Reply 532 of 2639
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    yeah but, you know, he also thinks sony is a four letter word.


    amazing that the rabid ones swooned and fell over because HD-DVD had ringtone sales "built in" but now its only "crap" like some of us have been saying all along.

    I'm REALLY too lazy to go back and look, but it seems to me that certain parties keep saying "The only way I'm blowing over $xxx on a disc player is if it's dual format." but the xxx keeps getting lower and lower, leaving one with the impression that they just want to weep and moan, complaining about the fact they will "never" get one any way, no matter how low the price.

    No wonder Warner switched.

    You're mistaken, cowboy. I'm willing to spend as much as $500 on a dual-format player, which is what I intend to do this May. If I were to purchase a player which only plays one format, in that case I'm not willing to spend over $200. The frustrating part is that even today's $500 players won't be capable of using BDLive features, because they have no ethernet ports (except for the PS3 of course). If I misunderstood and the rep actually said Summer 08 instead of December 08, then that's very good news. Hopefully Sammy's dual-format players will be firmware-upgradeable to support BDLive.
  • Reply 533 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Look at how many Blu Ray vs. HD-DVD titles are in the top 10.

  • Reply 534 of 2639
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    I WANT TO POINT SOMETHING OUT. Blu-ray is important to the games.

    Sorry, that's a complete load of crap.
  • Reply 535 of 2639
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    The 360 has not proven anywhere it has better graphical capabilities.

    Actually it is well established (amongst developers) that the 360 has a superior GPU to the PS3. Not hugely better, but enough to be noteworthy. And the PS3 is harder to develop for, and that isn't a function of the MS developers being "second rate hacks".
  • Reply 536 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    what space issues? there is yet to be a game where the bluray drive was truly needed. did you not read the post where i quoted the developer from harmonix?

    the new GTA is going to be a massive game and it had no problem getting exclusive content to the 360 that the ps3 will not have on launch. again, space is not an issue.

    you know whats an issue? the insane load times the ps3 has. do you know what they did? i'm sure someone with a ps3 could tell ya. they make you download 5gb worth of an update to decrease the load times.

    it seems like a lot of people in here are still stuck on initial launch sony pr spin. for example, a few posts above someone was touting the "true hd capabilities" of the ps3. yeah, remember when they said their games would be running 1080p? nope, nada. most of their games barely run native 720p for christ sakes! and usually they run on lower frame rates! 360 games have been running 60fps, while most ps3 games run 30fps.

    i thought these things were already widely known by everyone. i'm guessing its just the type of crowd in this thread that doesnt really care or follow the industry....must be, all this stuff is out there if you look.

    Yeah I noticed the lack of awareness of the PS3's less than impressive results as a gaming console around here as well. I think most people participating in these threads are approaching the HD format wars strictly from the viewpoint of data storage and movies. Which is fine since we all have our preferred ways of entertainment. I like mine a bit more interactive so I game more than watch movies. And I rarely watch tv shows for the same reason. (And my favorite leisure time activities are still working out at the gym or doing outdoor sports.)

    I get a chuckle when people say Microsoft made a mistake not offering the HDDVD as an internal drive in the Xbox360. MOST people buy Xbox360s to GAME not watch movies. MS made the right decision. Now they will simply offer a Blu Ray add-on (they are already dropping hints that they will) for those who do want a Blu Ray player for a great price. You can rest assured the add-on will be cheaper than buying a PS3. But again, most Xbox users won't bother getting the add-on. They just rent an occasional flick from Xbox Live.

    Most people buying PS3s are getting it to buy a well priced Blu Ray player. Most people who are buying Xbox 360s are getting it to game. Apples and oranges.

    People have to realize that MS and Sony were obviously approaching their consoles differently. And the prices of the first PS3s turned out to be a major turnoff for gamers. The difficulty of coding games for it has also affected the games. They were supposed to look so much better but in the end developers coded for both consoles at the same time. They didn't focus on making a game look the best it can on the PS3. And guess what? Many of the games developed for both consoles actually look better on the Xbox360. (Most people aren't aware that the limits of even the Xbox360 haven't been reached.) Also, the lack of games is still an issue. Go to any Game Stop and compare the shelves of games available for each. I wonder what Sony and MS will do for their next consoles? What drives will they use? And how long will it take for gaming developers to get the hang of coding for a Blu Ray drive?
  • Reply 537 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Most people buying PS3s are getting it to buy a well priced Blu Ray player. Most people who are buying Xbox 360s are getting it to game. Apples and oranges.


    I won't dispute what you're saying but this line in particular flies in the face of what the HD DVD devout were claiming. They're likely to burn you along with an effigy of Bill Hunt.

    I *will* however dispute your mistaking coding for the PS3 (and any issues companies may be having adapting to it) and the fact that it's got a Blu Ray drive. They are mutually exclusive. Data is read from it the same as it is from any other optical disc. It's just a storage medium.
  • Reply 538 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    All you have is it's hard to program for... That's because MS developers are second rate hacks. The 360 has not proven anywhere it has better graphical capabilities. The disc space thing... ?? How could that be debunked? Everybody knows the 360 Max size for game content is standard DVD so what 8, 9 GB's. Your the one who seems to be the fanboy. The big difference between the 360 and the PS3 is the system. THe PS3 system is starting to show why it's better. The 360 is the same platform that the original XBOX was. Developers didn't have to learn much of anything new when it came out because it was almost identical. The PS3 is a totally new system architecture. Some of the early games were not optimized for the system properly, but all the new ones are showing their superiority. Madden is a perfect example. It had it's spots where full optimization and even shadow casts were not achieved, but in the places developers understood how to do the programming it was technically superior. Time Shift. 360 version online barely moves from what I hear. once multiple players start shifting time the whole server is drained, and lags like it's dragging dead bodies. PS3's new CELL processors has not showed that problem one bit when I've played. What's this about UT3 sales? There are more active PS3 servers for this game than I have ever seen in a PC or Mac Version, and they also just finished making a change that allows user created MOD's on the console version. Where is that 360 version? Hardly...

    Madden 08 runs better on the Xbox360. About double the framerates. Here's a cut and paster from's review of the PS3version:

    "One of the big points of contention about this year's Madden has been the difference in performance between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. It was announced some time ago that the 360 version would run at 60 frames a second, versus 30 on the PS3. When you compare the two games side by side, yes, there is a noticeable difference. The PS3 version is certainly choppier and slightly more prone to hitching up in-game than the 360 one. However, simply taken on its own merits, the PS3 version isn't suddenly awful because of this one issue. The choppiness rarely ever distracts you from the gameplay, and for the most part, the 30 frames a second number holds pretty steady. If you have a choice between the two, certainly the 360 version is the preferable one from a visual standpoint, but the PS3 version isn't unplayable by any means."

    Can't comment on Timeshift since it received such poor ratings I did not bother to even try it.

    As far as UT3...I will reserve judgement when the final Xbox360 product is out and then compare the two. It would be silly to do otherwise.
  • Reply 539 of 2639
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Oh and since we are in the middle of console wars let me throw some gas into the flame by saying that PC gaming will STILL kick ANY console's ass so let's not get too proud of either console.
  • Reply 540 of 2639
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Madden 08 runs better on the Xbox360. About double the framerates.

    It should be pointed out that most games clamp to a fixed frame rate which is an even fraction of the TV's 60 Hz refresh rate. That means that if they could only achieve 59 fps then the game would run at 30. So Madden 08 running at 60 on Xbox360 and 30 on PS3 does not imply that the hardware is twice as fast, it just means that they couldn't coax the PS3 into maintaining a solid 60... it may have only been slightly slower.
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