Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 541 of 2639
    HEY. Until anything else has ANYTHING like Littlebigplanet, don't talk.

    Oh man I'm excited for that game.

    Yay for Infinity Ward! Showing that programming for the PS3 isn't that hard!


    Timeshift is fun in my opinion. I like what they did with it.
  • Reply 542 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Madden 08 runs better on the Xbox360. About double the framerates. Here's a cut and paster from's review of the PS3version:

    "One of the big points of contention about this year's Madden has been the difference in performance between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. It was announced some time ago that the 360 version would run at 60 frames a second, versus 30 on the PS3. When you compare the two games side by side, yes, there is a noticeable difference. The PS3 version is certainly choppier and slightly more prone to hitching up in-game than the 360 one. However, simply taken on its own merits, the PS3 version isn't suddenly awful because of this one issue. The choppiness rarely ever distracts you from the gameplay, and for the most part, the 30 frames a second number holds pretty steady. If you have a choice between the two, certainly the 360 version is the preferable one from a visual standpoint, but the PS3 version isn't unplayable by any means."

    Can't comment on Timeshift since it received such poor ratings I did not bother to even try it.

    As far as UT3...I will reserve judgement when the final Xbox360 product is out and then compare the two. It would be silly to do otherwise.

    Timeshift got poor ratings on the 360. That's the problem. If you play that game on the PS3 it's phenomenal! It's similar to the Prince of persia games only it's set in one possible future, one possible past, today, and it's a FPS. it's a great FPS IMO. You can cry me a river about how hard it is to develop the PS3, but obviously some developers don't have any problems getting it right, while others do. (MS fanboy 360 Developers)

    Nothing new with madden. I already said madden played like shit on the PS3. It was made before the developers had a grip on the architecture. Your preaching to the choir.

    The PS3 isn't harder to develop for. it's just a new architecture. Your a lazy developer if you don't like to learn new technology.
  • Reply 543 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Oh and since we are in the middle of console wars let me throw some gas into the flame by saying that PC gaming will STILL kick ANY console's ass so let's not get too proud of either console.

    Not with a $400 PC...
  • Reply 544 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Programmer View Post

    Actually it is well established (amongst developers) that the 360 has a superior GPU to the PS3. Not hugely better, but enough to be noteworthy. And the PS3 is harder to develop for, and that isn't a function of the MS developers being "second rate hacks".

    something is generally only harder when you havent done it before.
  • Reply 545 of 2639
    Originally Posted by 4metta View Post

    Most people buying PS3s are getting it to buy a well priced Blu Ray player.

    sources? links?
  • Reply 546 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    HEY. Until anything else has ANYTHING like Littlebigplanet, don't talk.

    yeah, looks really cool IMO they should make it so its transportable onto the PSP so you can expand while mobile, I might have to buy a PSP if they do that though.

    Have only recently got into the online part of GRAW2 (PS3) holy cow but that eats hours! then at 3am my internet connection unexpectedly went dead!!! I reluctantly went to bed, although this morning I think that was actually a GOOD thing.

    I'm gonna have to clone myself or something, I just don't have the time I used to
  • Reply 547 of 2639
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Toshiba responds. It's a pity they didn't do this before the Holiday season, they might have had a better chance.

    However, I do need an upscaling player. I wonder if this will cause upscalers to drop even further by comparison?
  • Reply 548 of 2639
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Toshiba responds. It's a pity they didn't do this before the Holiday season, they might have had a better chance.

    However, I do need an upscaling player. I wonder if this will cause upscalers to drop even further by comparison?

    Going out of business sale! Everything must be sold! We will not be undersold!
  • Reply 549 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by e1618978 View Post

    Going out of business sale! Everything must be sold! We will not be undersold!

    That was a quote from Toshiba's CEO as he grabbed his red stapler then proceeded to burn the whole place down.

    On somewhat of a tangent, it seems that Sony has cut PS3 production costs down to about $400. That is a decent feat considering the blood they shed over the earlier versions. Apparently the 40 and 80 GB versions are much cheaper to produce (about half) what the first iterations did. With this in mind, Sony now seems to break even on the 40 GB and actually makes money on the 80 GB.
  • Reply 550 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    sources? links?

    i dont have time right now to google it but all you have to do is compare the attach rate to the xbox 360 to see how little people owning a ps3 are buying games, and believe me the last time i checked it was miniscule in comparison.

    oh, and i think its time to just ignore onlooker from this point on. he clearly just focuses on his own experiences with his machine and ignores everything else.

    Timeshift was actually rated a little higher on the 360 lol.

    the game sucked on both platforms.
  • Reply 551 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    i dont have time right now to google it but all you have to do is compare the attach rate to the xbox 360 to see how little people owning a ps3 are buying games, and believe me the last time i checked it was miniscule in comparison.

    oh, and i think its time to just ignore onlooker from this point on. he clearly just focuses on his own experiences with his machine and ignores everything else.

    Timeshift was actually rated a little higher on the 360 lol.

    the game sucked on both platforms.

    Oh c'mon Elixir, the HD DVD proponents were very insistent that people bought PS3's primarily for gaming (and, in fact, few realized it would even play Blu Ray movies). Now you say they buy them primarily to watch movies. This wrecks the whole attach rate argument. Honestly, why do you come here to create such controversy?

  • Reply 552 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    Oh c'mon Elixir, the HD DVD proponents were very insistent that people bought PS3's primarily for gaming (and, in fact, few realized it would even play Blu Ray movies). Now you say they buy them primarily to watch movies. This wrecks the whole attach rate argument. Honestly, why do you come here to create such controversy?

    haha, yeah. well i'm just going by the attach rates here. it could be that many ps3 owners are like onlooker, and have absolutely no idea what great gaming is taking place right now as he sits occasionally purchasing a title like TimeShift.

    not to bring you down onlooker, i think its time you maybe take a look at whats out there = )
  • Reply 553 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    Toshiba responds. It's a pity they didn't do this before the Holiday season, they might have had a better chance.

    However, I do need an upscaling player. I wonder if this will cause upscalers to drop even further by comparison?

    Yeah, I think this past holiday was their only real chance to get a strong foothold in the format war, and they blew it by not having a $99 player for the entire season (instead, just one day). Since most consumers have little to no interest in paying more for high quality picture and sound, and because they don't want to be stuck with a dead format, selling them on the perspective that it's a DVD player which makes their regular DVDs look better — and also happens to play HD DVDs — is a smart move IMO. Too bad Toshiba didn't do it six months ago. I imagine Toshiba would have to sell a million players a month to make Warner even consider reconsidering their May '08 Blu-Ray exclusivity plan, and that's a highly unrealistic goal.

    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    HEY. Until anything else has ANYTHING like Littlebigplanet, don't talk.

    Littlebigplanet is the only PS3-exclusive title I've seen which impressed me from a visual standpoint. Everything else has appeared borderline-PS2 quality, or very textureless (which makes me wonder what they need that 50GB-per-disc of space for).
  • Reply 554 of 2639
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Toshiba dropping the HD DVD player to $150 is a great thing. Let's face it nothing was logical about this battle.

    Sony packing Blu-ray into game consoles despite there being no real need for 25GB games.

    Studios tell us that they are drawn to the superiority of Blu-ray yet the spec still isn't finished even to the point of matching HD DVD.

    Now with Toshiba able to sell players at $150 it's proof positive that the cheaper and more sensible solution (from a consumer standpoint) isn't going to survive because of politics.
  • Reply 555 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    the game sucked on both platforms.

    The bias is sickening.

    Did it suck? Is that fact?

    Have you played it on both systems?
  • Reply 556 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Toshiba dropping the HD DVD player to $150 is a great thing. Let's face it nothing was logical about this battle.

    Sony packing Blu-ray into game consoles despite there being no real need for 25GB games.

    Studios tell us that they are drawn to the superiority of Blu-ray yet the spec still isn't finished even to the point of matching HD DVD.

    Now with Toshiba able to sell players at $150 it's proof positive that the cheaper and more sensible solution (from a consumer standpoint) isn't going to survive because of politics.


    sony putting bluray in their ps3 had nothing more to do than trying to shove the format into peoples homes. thats all there is to it. i cant for the life of me understand how Sony's asinine PR spin works on so many people.

    Fishy- how is it bias if i said it stunk on both systems? i played it on the 360, and i cant imagine it being any better on the ps3. even the reviews for the ps3 version were a notch down from the 360. why would i assume the game is any better? how retarded.
  • Reply 557 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Now with Toshiba able to sell players at $150 it's proof positive that the cheaper and more sensible solution (from a consumer standpoint) isn't going to survive because of politics.

    I think more appropriate phrasing would be "willing to' rather than "able to". Sony bled yen hard for a year and I think it shows, they are now selling their systems at a break-even and slight profit. Toshiba doing this now is more of an afterthought in hopes of poisoning the well. Toshiba could have been a lot more aggressive early on and they failed.

    Based on the gaming portion of this thread "few people buy a PS3 for gaming". That flies in the face of the attach rate argument.

    The businessweek article I read suggested that with the format war looking like it's ending, Sony would start actually touting the PS3 as an affordable BR player that also plays games.
  • Reply 558 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Littlebigplanet is the only PS3-exclusive title I've seen which impressed me from a visual standpoint. Everything else has appeared borderline-PS2 quality, or very textureless (which makes me wonder what they need that 50GB-per-disc of space for).

    A lot of it is for sound. For example, the commentary in MLB the show 08 is 10gb.

    Sorry to come off as a jerk elixir, you can have an opinion, but don't act like it is fact. And you can't have an opinion on a game you haven't played.
  • Reply 559 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post


    Fishy- how is it bias if i said it stunk on both systems? i played it on the 360, and i cant imagine it being any better on the ps3. even the reviews for the ps3 version were a notch down from the 360. why would i assume the game is any better? how retarded.

    Thanks for clarifying.

    The way you said it made it seem like you hadn't played it.

    How long did you play the game for?

    And where are you getting your reviews from? Don't say gamespot.
  • Reply 560 of 2639
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    Littlebigplanet is the only PS3-exclusive title I've seen which impressed me from a visual standpoint. Everything else has appeared borderline-PS2 quality, or very textureless (which makes me wonder what they need that 50GB-per-disc of space for).

    I'm dying to get Littlebigplanet. This looks like a fantastic game. I just wish it would ship sooner.
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