Sources: MacBook Air battery replacements take only minutes



  • Reply 161 of 222
    stubeckstubeck Posts: 140member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It'll be cheaper than that. A new Apple battery is $129 (all Mac batteries) and those are much denser. Id est, more expensive to produce. I'd expect a 3rd-party product to be under $100.

    I was saying they should include a kit with extra options, which would cost them more, and they could make some money off of it too.
  • Reply 162 of 222
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post


    Good God man... all you do is flame.

    I think we would all like to see you offer up your own opinions and sentiments, instead of your incessant flaming rhetorical remarks.
  • Reply 163 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Good God man... all you do is flame.

    I think we would all like to see you offer up your own opinions and sentiments, instead of your incessant flaming rhetorical remarks.

    Who exactly have I flamed?

    I don't see how I could become more opinionated than I already am.
  • Reply 164 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Is Apple responsible for damage caused by people upgrading memory or hard drive in a Mac laptop? Or PCI Express cards in a Mac Pro? Is Apple responsible for damage caused by end users installing any of those parts since they all require opening the computer?

    Hmm... Good question. I don't know the specifics for that. I'd say that notebook memory is protected from the motherboard, but I can't say that for PCIe cards.
  • Reply 165 of 222
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Good God man... all you do is flame.

    I think we would all like to see you offer up your own opinions and sentiments, instead of your incessant flaming rhetorical remarks.

    He didn't flame anybody. Look at his post as an example of how to debate WITHOUT flaming.

    Compare that to the numerous people calling names and insults - who may or may not ever notice that their posts are unceremoniously deleted.
  • Reply 166 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    A bit off topic, but this crowd may appreciate some of the movies below as possible rentals. I am fan of these type films and haven't seen even half of them..... yet.
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    He didn't flame anybody. Look at his post as an example of how to debate WITHOUT flaming.

    Compare that to the numerous people calling names and insults - who may or may not ever notice that their posts are unceremoniously deleted.

    Thanks, Lundy.
  • Reply 167 of 222
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    He didn't flame anybody. Look at his post as an example of how to debate WITHOUT flaming.

    Compare that to the numerous people calling names and insults - who may or may not ever notice that their posts are unceremoniously deleted.

    good maybe you can delete 135 where i am referred to as the "dumbest " person

    just joking, don't care, you develop a thick skin in sports message boards quickly ... and when you go to techie areas they are refreshingly civil ... in comparison of course
  • Reply 168 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    good maybe you can delete 135 where i am referred to as the "dumbest " person

    I'm not sure if it's a blanket statement or you are referring to me, but for what it's worth, I didn't call you dumb.
  • Reply 169 of 222
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,416member

    can't argue with the facts.

    I wish you'd use some.


    can't argue with the facts. i'm not saying they will trash your computer.

    No, you said:


    "warn(s) you that they MAY trash you harddrive and its not their fault when they replace your battery."

    What Apple really says:

    "Will the data on my MacBook Air be preserved?

    Don't rely on it being preserved. Many repairs require Apple to replace or reformat the hard disk, which will result in the loss of your data. Please make sure you back up your data on a regular basis to minimize your data loss. .Mac members may download and use Backup to save an archive of their data to a series of CDs. Apple and its AASPs are not responsible for any damage to or loss of any applications, data, or other information stored on your MacBook Air while performing service."

    A common sense approach to sending in any computer for repair. Why wouldn't somebody back up their hard drive on a regular basis, and especially when sending it in for repair? And I don't think you should *have* to be warned, but only who would not heed such common sense advice. Business people with sensitive data would presumably swap out a drive (in the case of MBs) use an external drive, or erase the data or drive. And you actually offered facts as facts there, though you had to spin them.

    But as anyone can see, you chose to characterize Apple as trashing the hard drive. You have some obvious biases. You offer specious arguments further tainted with your bias:


    ... but I seldom flame. . . Rich yuppies who can afford to go to starbucks 4 times a week? Who wants this?

    In this or another AI thread (they all begin to sound alike after awhile) somebody posted that the complaints seem to be coming from those who were expecting more and didn't get what they wanted, and for the most part failed to consider who this might be aimed at. That seems to be the case. There is more flame than fact, little heat, and anybody who doesn't have something bad to say about the MBA must be an Applefanboyorgirl.

    There has not been a product made that makes everybody happy, and some will complain just because they think it makes them "special" and they can pretend they actually have some geek-fu. The truth is much of this is just venting, and has little merit.

    Most "Jobs made a bad decision- this is lame; will never sell" are just "He didn't do what I wanted, and I KNOW BEST!!"

    My *opinion*: The MBA won't sell like the iPod. Nothing sells like the iPod, not even the iPhone. But I predict it will sell well enough that Apple won't drop it, and that you detractors will have to admit it did much better than you thought ( but you probably won't).

    Like the ATV, Jobs saw a future, a market in the MBA. And remember the ATV isn't new and improved. He tossed it out there to a giant focus group. Then unchanged except for forthcoming software, it has a new lease. Same form factor, no additional fabrication costs, just a software update, and agreements with movie studios. It was never gone.

    People are quick to flame and even when proven wrong will resort to saying things like "...only rich/stupid/yuppies/fill-in-the-blank people will buy it..."

    Maybe Diogenes should have been looking for somebody with objectivity.
  • Reply 170 of 222
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by MacGui View Post

    Maybe Diogenes should have been looking for somebody with objectivity.

    He was retasked last month to look for the xMac...
  • Reply 171 of 222
    i stand by what i said ... they MAY trash your harddrive ... my language is less harsh than apple that says MANY repairs require apple to replace and format the harddrive. Please remember we are talking about battery replacement here ... not a mother board switch out. My point is if they had user replaceable batteries they would not have to have the nasty weasle words.

    the question about the yuppies and the power exec was an innocent probing question trying to figure out the market and who may buy this. another poster and I have even made some light hearted jokes about the post.

    I have an open mind and i was asking for opinion ... because I admit I don't get this machine any more than i got apple tv take one. I did not mean to offend. I am disagreeing, but would hardly call my comments flaming ... please. Some poster said i am the "dumbest". at least i never resort to personal attacks, come on ... to call what I do flaming is a stretch.

    I agree with your assessment of the product that apple won't drop it and make it better ... yet it is important for apple to know what we think is good and bad about it. And I have stated good things which are significant 1. it looks great ... 2 great keyboard ... 3 nice and light ... 4. great looking monitor ... 5. sort of green ... well done. But apple please don't stop there.

    On the appletv ... actually i think you do have to buy a new one to take advantage of the new computer less features ... so i believe it is a new product ... but don't know for sure.

    and finally i did not say only rich/stupid/yuppies etc will buy it. I was asking who is buying it and threw out some target groups who I think may. come on don't put words in my mouth. are we so politically correct that I am offending when I ask if yuppies will buy it.

    I love your final slam about my lack of objectivity. why is it when someone who only says good things about the product and someone who says good and bad about the product is the less objective. sorry that dog don't hunt.
  • Reply 172 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm not sure if it's a blanket statement or you are referring to me, but for what it's worth, I didn't call you dumb.

    I know you didn't. I have no issues with your posts
  • Reply 173 of 222
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    $129 seems expensive and at first you might think that Apple are forcing people to pay up more by sealing the battery in. But looking at PC laptop batteries, they cost around the same, sometimes more so it's not an overpriced replacement.

    Apple is not selling the MacBook Air battery without the replacement service. So for all we know, the battery could be $89 with a $40 installation fee.
  • Reply 174 of 222
    Hello. Let me start with my basic opinion on the MacBook Air. While it does compromise on many features, it is still an extremely attractive (in concept, not just appearance) machine. I wouldn't replace my MacBook with it as it is my primary computer, however if I had a desktop at home (and could afford one!) I would definitely buy a MacBook Air. It's portability would be perfect for what I typically use my laptop for and I wouldn't miss any of compromised features (remember, this is assuming I have a desktop).

    Now my responses to various other posts:

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    The reality is it doesn't take minutes it takes 5 days. And what if I am in a factory doing a photo or video shoot and I have no AC and no battery replacement.

    Pathetic decision by apple. If the MacBook and MacBook Air was same price I would still buy the macbook that is plenty portable.

    I have to agree with others who have responded to this. If you know your job requires a replaceable battery, then this obviously isn't the laptop for you. Also, if you are a serious photographer / videographer you would likely benefit from a more powerful computer anyway.

    Originally Posted by roustabout View Post

    In my line of work, the other mistake Apple has made is to not include an integrated ethernet port. My laptop is a work box, and I frequently am using it because I need to troubleshoot a network outage. So I need to be able to plug into a switch port, end of story.

    Same goes for this comment... if that is a feature you depend on, then get a laptop with an ethernet port. This obviously wasn't designed to perform that job.

    Originally Posted by joshmtx View Post

    A couple of points to make:

    Does Apple do focus groups, questionaires and listen to their buyers? I can't imagine being asked, "Would you like to be able to replace the battery easily?" and answering, "No, I want to have to send my laptop away."

    No, but perhaps they would ask such questions as "Have you ever replaced your laptop battery?". I know I personally have not, and from the sound of things many others on this forum have never needed to do so either. (I own a MacBook... bought it the day it came out. I also owned a PowerBook before that and a Gateway laptop before that. Never replaced the battery in any of the machines).

    Originally Posted by joshmtx View Post

    From Apple's own website:

    "Long Term Storage

    If you don?t plan on using your notebook for more than six months, Apple recommends that you remove and store the battery with a 50% charge. If you store a battery when it?s fully discharged, it could fall into a deep discharge state, which renders it incapable of holding any charge. Conversely, if you store it fully charged for an extended period of time, the battery may experience some loss of battery capacity, meaning it will have a shorter life. Be sure to store the ejected battery at the proper temperature. (See ?Notebook Temperate Zone.?)".

    So.. you want to buy an $1799 notebook and store it in the closet for 6+ months? Also, couldn't you use the laptop until the battery is at about a 50% charge and store the whole laptop that way? I know it says to store the ejected battery, but as long as it is at the proper charge and temperature, perhaps it wouldn't matter if it is still inside the notebook.

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Steve Jobs will come to the convention next year and give his mia culpa and say they didn't listen to us ... which they didn't ... and introduce MacBook Air and Here is "Take Two". It will have ethernet ... another usb ... firewire ... a better core duo processor ... upgradeable memory to 4 gig ... and a replaceable battery all with the SAME footprint and weight.

    Sounds to me like you want an upgraded, slimmer profile MacBook rather than a MacBook Air.

    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    A new battery for my MacBook is $99 and I replace it myself. Apple is charging a $30 premium to replace the battery in the MacBook Air. They are taking in $30 for labor.

    You seem to be assuming that the same bulky battery that the MacBook uses (which is probably close to the thickness of the MacBook Air by itself..) costs the same as the smaller, probably more efficient battery used by the MacBook Air.

    Originally Posted by CREB View Post

    After reading Apple's own ordering page, and as linked to the Apple MacBook Air ordering page for additional AppleCare (as I purchase AppleCare whenever available):

    AppleCare Protection Plan

    b. Limitations The Plan does not cover:

    (ix) Consumable parts, such as batteries, except in respect of battery coverage under APP for iPod or unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials and workmanship;

    (Please note the emphasis in the quote has been modified.) If you are getting the battery replaced in the first year or two, it is probably safe to assume that you either treated it horribly causing a drastic decrease in performance (and thus do not deserve a free replacement), or the battery was defective.

    Originally Posted by drblank View Post

    I think that Apple should have made this a user replaceable component.... If it HAS to be replaced by a technician, they should have it where a person at the Genius Bar could do it. if it is that easy, all it takes is to do to a nearby Apple Store and have them do it while the person waits.

    A computer that is meant for someone that travels shouldn't have to send it in and wait 5 business days.

    This is ridiculous. Anyone should be able to go a local Apple Store and have it done.

    Sorry Apple, I have to disagree with you guys on this one. Imagine the DHL bills? Wouldn't this reduce Greenhouse gas emissions if the user can get it done locally?

    Can we please stop complaining about how long it takes to get this battery replaced until someone has actually gone to an Apple Store to do so? Thanks. Oh, and also, I have used AppleCare's mail-in service multiple times before and I always had my laptop back within 2-3 business days.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    While still high for most people's taste, 64GB for $999 is not a very good price.

    Try and find a 64GB SSD for less than $999. I couldn't. In fact, I couldn't find one for less than $1200 or so.

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    my point here is that apple potentially has an issue without including the ethernet port. They told me when i was configuring the n station to put an ethernet wire from the station to my mac book to configure some stuff. I told them I did not have the wire. they told me to call back when I do. so I went to work and borrowed the wire and brought it home and the apple tech fixed it. the point is they required me to have the ethernet connection (temporarily) to fix my wireless problem. this will not be a solution that apple tech people will have with the MBP.

    This goes back to the fact that the MacBook Air is not intended to be one's ONLY computer. You need another computer to install software from CDs / DVDs so supposedly you have another computer which you could use to configure your Internet connection.
  • Reply 175 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by tdamon View Post

    Try and find a 64GB SSD for less than $999. I couldn't. In fact, I couldn't find one for less than $1200 or so.

    I'm on board with your sentiments. I don't know how I made that typing error. I meant to say it was a good price. The cheapest I had found, until yesterday, was $1400 as an OEM upgrade and about $2000 as a standalone purchase. Yesterday, Engadget blogged about a Fugitsu with a 64GB SSD for $887.
  • Reply 176 of 222
    Someone earlier wanted to know if anyone had actually ordered the MBA. I had mentioned that 'll be planning to get mine in June. (And Bergermeister - sp? - said he had pre-ordered his).

    Well guess what.... while I am procrastinating on my purchase, my wife - who fell in love with the seeming convenience and functionality of this thing the moment she saw it - just went ahead and pre-ordered it. The form factor and weight of this thing is going to be a HUGE hit with women.
  • Reply 177 of 222
    You state that this is a second machine and also admit you are not buying one. How big is the market for a 2nd machine that costs $3000 plus accessories? We are not talking about a $500 iphone or a $150 ipod here.

    this is only going to be successful if the pricepoint/margin they chose matches their estimated sales for their target market. Being in advertising myself ... i just don't see this market. I don't get it. I admit i could be wrong if you read my posts. I also wish the best for apple as I have been a customer even in the early 80's.

    Also in the interest of fairness I now see they sell a ethernet dongle that plugs into the usb port ... so good for them to provide at least that. So if you need to you can wire direct to ethernet on the air.
  • Reply 178 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    You state that this is a second machine and also admit you are not buying one. How big is the market for a 2nd machine that costs $3000 plus accessories?

    It's surely a lower market than the $1,800 price that most people will be buying it at.
  • Reply 179 of 222
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    You state that this is a second machine and also admit you are not buying one. How big is the market for a 2nd machine that costs $3000 plus accessories? We are not talking about a $500 iphone or a $150 ipod here.

    Be fair and use the $1799 price if you are going to argue that it is too expensive, as that is the lowest price point for the MacBook Air.

    I know a huge number of people who have both a desktop and a laptop, often a MacBook Pro. If people can afford that, I assume they can afford a MacBook Air, too.

    The question is not whether people will pay that much for a second machine... the question is how many people are willing to pay for the smaller form factor over the feature-rich MacBook Pro.
  • Reply 180 of 222
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    You state that this is a second machine and also admit you are not buying one. How big is the market for a 2nd machine that costs $3000 plus accessories? We are not talking about a $500 iphone or a $150 ipod here.

    this is only going to be successful if the pricepoint/margin they chose matches their estimated sales for their target market. Being in advertising myself ... i just don't see this market. I don't get it. I admit i could be wrong if you read my posts. I also wish the best for apple as I have been a customer even in the early 80's.

    Also in the interest of fairness I now see they sell a ethernet dongle that plugs into the usb port ... so good for them to provide at least that. So if you need to you can wire direct to ethernet on the air.

    See my post just above yours: FYI, this will be my wife's second machine (she has a 2-year old 15" MBP). It's not like she is rolling in $$, not at all.

    And, I have absolutely no idea where you get the idea it's going to be "$3000 plus accessories." She ordered the 1.6/80 ($1699 academic price) + External drive ($99) + USB Ethernet adaptor ($29) + Applecare ($183), or $2010 total.
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