Sources: MacBook Air battery replacements take only minutes



  • Reply 121 of 222
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    ... but I seldom flame. I would love to know what apples target market and sales estimates are. Is this for high end executives? Rich yuppies who can afford to go to starbucks 4 times a week? Who wants this?

    A bit jealous of rich and high end people, eh?

    (I am not in any way claiming to be either).
  • Reply 122 of 222
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Why all this whining about what happens if the battery suddenly dies on a trip? Batteries don't suddenly die .....

    Agree. And, using AC (at one's destination, or in an airport, or in many flights) is an option too!
  • Reply 123 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Complainers have always have a louder voice than the content people. Jesus could tell you that.

    If a battery dies within a year then it'll surely be covered. The recent battery program for MBs was covered for two years, which is well out of the regular warranty date.

    I've always had to have several batteries because 2 hours just doesn't cut it, but I'd bet that most people upgrade their MBA to a newer model long before theirs dies. If, for some reason, my MBA dies requiring me to send it away for a week, I'll simply buy another one and then return it (within the 14 days) after getting my old one back. i know most people can't afford to do that, but the target market for this machine will be more apt to do something like that, though I doubt most would think of it.

    Very, very, very true for the first comment, as these threads will prove.

    Very good idea on the second one. I wish Apple supplied a temp machine during the make-over. In Japan, car inspections typically take 2 or 3 days and are mandatory every two years. When your car goes into the shop, the shop lets you use one of their cars. It ain't always the most recent model nor the cleanest beast out there, but it certainly holds down the fort. It also costs a heck of a lot more than a computer. It's an idea...
  • Reply 124 of 222
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    I especially like the comment about working in a factory with no AC power. What the hell kind of factory has no AC power? LOL

    Dude i'm laughing out loud ... I mean you can't ACCESS the power ... sorry i didn't think i had to be so detailed.

    when you move from station to station you do not have access to power. even the orange extension cables cannot get the power to you as you you are shooting large machinary in many locations. I know i have a machine that does it ... i just wish it was this new one . For location still and video photographers it would be nice to be able to swap batteries like i can with cameras and even lights. the point is people in large numbers tolerated the ipod apple tech replace battery and your down for a week... but not notebook users.
  • Reply 125 of 222
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    Still is clearly no way to judge any item would be a success in Japan or anywhere else at this stage.

    Perhaps this might be better, then?

    Though not exactly a scientific poll, it is possibly more representative than the preliminary data from my hometown of Nowheresville:

    Of 6311 votes,

    549 have ordered (8.71 %)

    830 are planning to order (13.15%)

    Repeat for those with math skills not necessarily on par with a rocket scientist: 21.86% have or plan to order a MacBook Air.

    1209 are undecided

    3723 do not plan to buy

    As this computer is not by any understanding designed to be a mainstream device for "everyone", the large number not planning to buy is expected. What probably was not expected it the rather high number of people who actually are wavering: 19.16%.

    Looks like the guys down at my local shop might have known what they were talking about...
  • Reply 126 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'll simply buy another one and then return it (within the 14 days) after getting my old one back. i know most people can't afford to do that, but the target market for this machine will be more apt to do something like that, though I doubt most would think of it.

    people are joking about this being a disposable computer you know ... sounds like you are serious
  • Reply 127 of 222
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    A bit jealous of rich and high end people, eh?

    (I am not in any way claiming to be either).

    yes. I would like this as a third machine

    my 24" imac is a joy ... and i love my new macbook.
  • Reply 128 of 222
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Perhaps this might be better, then?

    Though not exactly a scientific poll, it is possibly more representative than the preliminary data from my hometown of Nowheresville:

    Of 6311 votes,

    549 have ordered (8.71 %)

    830 are planning to order (13.15%)

    Repeat for those with math skills not necessarily on par with a rocket scientist: 21.86% have or plan to order a MacBook Air.

    1209 are undecided

    3723 do not plan to buy

    As this computer is not by any understanding designed to be a mainstream device for "everyone", the large number not planning to buy is expected. What probably was not expected it the rather high number of people who actually are wavering: 19.16%.

    Looks like the guys down at my local shop might have known what they were talking about...

    And as somebody at Macworld posted…

    The Mac Book Air is not for everybody.

    But neither is the Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac Pro Quad- or 8-Core.

    Or the Tata Nano or Bugatti Veyron.

    And even if it isn't for some now, look at all the new technology we can expect in future Mac products.

    Love that Steve is always thinking out of the box. If only we could find a way to put all the whining idiots in one. For sure it would have to be sealed. Otherwise the smell would continue to permeate.
  • Reply 129 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Sorry i'm not buying the interpretation of this article that we can skip in with the laptop and 3 minutes later we are off on our merry way. If you have ever had to deal with an ipod batter you would understand. I believe when your out of warranty there will be 3rd party solutions to replace ... buy you will have to wait until it ships to whoever. ... but if battery dies in warranty (i've had 3 ipod batteries die in warranty) you will be down about a week.

    apple is getting better and better with batteries and i have no issues with my nano. I hope this new battery works. and i hope you really get 5 hours with it because i am lucky to get 3 with my macbook.

    The laptop has 10 screws in the bottom. iPods have a lot of popping an prying to get to the insides.
  • Reply 130 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The laptop has 10 screws in the bottom. iPods have a lot of popping an prying to get to the insides.

    this is true and it sounds like at least this will be better than ipod on that issue. If apple gives us access to that back in warranty and lets us put in replacement ... then i would feel much better.
  • Reply 131 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    this is true and it sounds like at least this will be better than ipod on that issue. If apple gives us access to that back in warranty and lets us put in replacement ... then i would feel much better.

    Of course not. No OEM is going to give an average Joe carte blanche access to the internals of a precision machine and still validate the warranty. Would you? Think of the dumbest person you know and then tell me if you'd care if they fiddled with its guts.
  • Reply 132 of 222
    I love how apple warns you that they MAY trash you harddrive and its not their fault when they replace your battery. Read the link to apple off this main article:

    "Will the data on my MacBook Air be preserved?

    Don't rely on it being preserved. Many repairs require Apple to replace or reformat the hard disk, which will result in the loss of your data. Please make sure you back up your data on a regular basis to minimize your data loss. .Mac members may download and use Backup to save an archive of their data to a series of CDs. Apple and its AASPs are not responsible for any damage to or loss of any applications, data, or other information stored on your MacBook Air while performing service."
  • Reply 133 of 222
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    I love how apple warns you that they MAY trash you harddrive and its not their fault when they replace your battery. Read the link to apple off this main article:

    "Will the data on my MacBook Air be preserved?

    Don't rely on it being preserved. Many repairs require Apple to replace or reformat the hard disk, which will result in the loss of your data. Please make sure you back up your data on a regular basis to minimize your data loss. .Mac members may download and use Backup to save an archive of their data to a series of CDs. Apple and its AASPs are not responsible for any damage to or loss of any applications, data, or other information stored on your MacBook Air while performing service."

    Same damn warning from every service on the planet
  • Reply 134 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course not. No OEM is going to give an average Joe carte balance access to the internals of a precision machine and still validate the warranty. Would you? Think of the dumbest person you know working on your machine and then tell me if you'd care if they fiddled with the guts.

    He is the dumbest person.
  • Reply 135 of 222
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Of course not. No OEM is going to give an average Joe carte balance access to the internals of a precision machine and still validate the warranty. Would you? Think of the dumbest person you know working on your machine and then tell me if you'd care if they fiddled with the guts.

    i agree with you. but it goes to my point that this is being touted as an untethered machine with wireless connection without option wired connection ... and yet 3-5 hours you are force tethered to power supply. So if it is a tethered machine why not give us an ethernet port.

    btw off topic ... but when i installed my airport extreme n hub and had trouble the apple technician told me it is frequently necessary to use the ethernet wire to configure some stuff first and then unplug the wire when all is functioning. What are the teckies at apple going to do without the ethernet wire on this machine when connecting to the basestation. I bet the apple discussion area will be on fire with flames.
  • Reply 136 of 222
    If it takes minutes and is so easy why do you have to mail it in? I would think the geniuses at the apple store could do it, or just include it in a $150 do it yourself kit with instructions,replacement screws, screw driver and battery.
  • Reply 137 of 222
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    He is the dumbest person.

    i'm the dumbest person because i think apple was stupid in not figuring out a way to put replacement batteies on a lap top ... like all other laptops in the world ... including the 3 lb ones. OK if you want to go there fine.
  • Reply 138 of 222
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Same damn warning from every service on the planet

    not true. I can replace my macbook battery myself and not have to worry about it. I can't believe so many people think this non user replace battery is a good thing.
  • Reply 139 of 222
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    If only we could find a way to put all the whining idiots in one. For sure it would have to be sealed. Otherwise the smell would continue to permeate.

    Sorry ... i don't drink apple koolaid.
  • Reply 140 of 222
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    i agree with you. but it goes to my point that this is being touted as an untethered machine with wireless connection without option wired connection ... and yet 3-5 hours you are force tethered to power supply. So if it is a tethered machine why not give us an ethernet port.

    being tethered to an AC adapter and tethered to an ethernet are two very different things. A/C powers are much more ubiquitous than ethernet jacks. If Tesla was smarter perhaps we'd be powering everything through the air right now...and living to a ripe old age or 35 before the cancer gets us. It would help with thinning the population density. Soylent Power?


    btw off topic ... but when i installed my airport extreme n hub and had trouble the apple technician told me it is frequently necessary to use the ethernet wire to configure some stuff first and then unplug the wire when all is functioning. What are the teckies at apple going to do without the ethernet wire on this machine when connecting to the basestation. I bet the apple discussion area will be on fire with flames.

    It's been mentioned before, this isn't designed to be ones only machine. It's a supplementary machine for traveling. One could use a similar argument with any ultra-portable as they are too slow to do any real crunching. It's there focus.I don't understand this need that every computer must fit everybody's needs. It's an addition to the line, not a replacement to it.

    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    If it takes minutes and is so easy why do you have to mail it in? I would think the geniuses at the apple store could do it, or just include it in a $150 do it yourself kit with instructions,replacement screws, screw driver and battery.

    It'll be cheaper than that. A new Apple battery is $129 (all Mac batteries) and those are much denser. Id est, more expensive to produce. I'd expect a 3rd-party product to be under $100.

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    not true. I can replace my macbook battery myself and not have to worry about it. I can't believe so many people think this non user replace battery is a good thing.

    I haven't heard anyone state that it's good, just that it isn't a big deal. The alternative would be a larger case.

    The only "good" I can see from this is that it might warrant an external battery option w/ a MagSafe power-passthrough. That is much better than having to switch out batteries to use and to charge them up again. It's a royal pain! Especially, because I use a TechShell which has also has to be removed.
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