Rumor: possible Apple event brewing for late February



  • Reply 41 of 117
    Originally Posted by MatthewGavin View Post

    I bet I get hammered for this, but, what does SDK stand for? as in iPhone SDK

    Less bitching from us programmers that the iPhone doesn't do all we want it to do. Now we've no excuse and will just have to write the software ourselves
  • Reply 42 of 117
    danukdanuk Posts: 31member
    Originally Posted by mowenbrown View Post

    And I was all set to buy a 16Gig iPhone this weeekend when I picked my MBP up from getting repaired.

    Should I wait?

    How can I not?

    The stock price is getting so pinched they might was well anounce everything for the rest of the year.

    Some thoughts:

    1) Just updated to 16GB iPhone so very unlikey to announce new phone.

    2) Slightly underwhelming Keynote, struck me as missing one announcement that possibly got postponed at the last minute (hence those AWFUL Randy Newman songs... "takes a bite, another bite...chews...walks away...left foot, right foot...")

    3) Recent delay in AppleTV software is very unusual- I suspect there is a VERY good reason for this.

    4) We are all aware that SDK planned for "end Feb". Historically event needed as opposed to just Tuesday post-it, when something needs 'explaining' or a minor distortion of reality is warranted. So this would fit.


    -Special event.


    -Tablet announced, as rumored, bigger than touch, due June, runs on the new Intel mobile chip (is it Montevina? I get confused with code names).

    -MacBook Pros updated the Tuesday before. Just so there won't be any booing!

    - Apple branded spare cleaning cloths for portable devices, only $25 for TWO!
  • Reply 43 of 117
    New Macbook Pros

    AppleTV Take 2 launch with over 1000 movie rentals available immediatly

    Paul and Ringo are there to announce The Beatles entire catalogue now available on Itunes.

    That's my wildguess.
  • Reply 44 of 117
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by DanUK View Post

    Some thoughts:


    -Special event.


    -Tablet announced, as rumored, bigger than touch, due June, runs on the new Intel mobile chip (is it Montevina? I get confused with code names).

    -MacBook Pros updated the Tuesday before. Just so there won't be any booing!

    - Apple branded spare cleaning cloths for portable devices, only $25 for TWO!

    So how exactly do you come to the conclusion that a tablet is going to be released?

    This has to be one of the biggest fanboy pipedreams around.

    Cool, but just won't happen.
  • Reply 45 of 117
    danukdanuk Posts: 31member
    Originally Posted by msantti View Post

    So how exactly do you come to the conclusion that a tablet is going to be released?

    This has to be one of the biggest fanboy pipedreams around.

    Cool, but just won't happen.

    Hey, first off, if you insist on referring to me in the perjorative sense, please use conventional spelling. I believe 'fanboi' is the preferred etymology.

    Second, TUAW supremo Erica Sadun today found a reference to an, as yet unknown platform in the OSX iPhone software termed N82. This means almost nothing in and of itself but it only takes a dust particle for a snowdrop to crystallise around. It could well be a new piece of hardware in addition to the iPhone and iPod Touch that runs the OSXlite.

    Third off- we know the new intel chip is coming, we all saw that piece of non-functioning plastic that look like a stretched iPhone being touted by intel a couple of months back. If they announced the iPhone 4 months before release, why not announce this one in the same time-frame?

  • Reply 46 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Well , let''s see, we just got the$3,000 MacBookAir and the $500 iPod- so what's next a $4,000 iMac and $5,000 MacBookPro?

    Seriously they need to stop the hemorrhaging fast- yesterday AAPL @ $119?????
  • Reply 47 of 117
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by DanUK View Post

    Hey, first off, if you insist on referring to me in the perjorative sense, please use conventional spelling. I believe 'fanboi' is the preferred etymology.

    Second, TUAW supremo Erica Sadun today found a reference to an, as yet unknown platform in the OSX iPhone software termed N82. This means almost nothing in and of itself but it only takes a dust particle for a snowdrop to crystallise around. It could well be a new piece of hardware in addition to the iPhone and iPod Touch that runs the OSXlite.

    Third off- we know the new intel chip is coming, we all saw that piece of non-functioning plastic that look like a stretched iPhone being touted by intel a couple of months back. If they announced the iPhone 4 months before release, why not announce this one in the same time-frame?

    Sorry. Fanboi. You are correct.

    Its too early in the morning.

    There have been rumors of a PDA of some sorts. I feel its a "fanboi" dream as well but I guess we will see.

    Don't get me wrong. I would be drooling if Apple came out with a tablet, I just find it highly doubtful.
  • Reply 48 of 117
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well , let''s see, we just got the$3,000 MacBookAir

    It's base price is $1800. You just can't help yourself from making that distortion, can you?
  • Reply 49 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    It's base price is $1800. You just can't help yourself from making that distortion, can you?

    If it exists then how is it a distortion?
  • Reply 50 of 117
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    If it exists then how is it a distortion?

    Because $3000 is not what the vast majority of people purchasing this machine are going to pay. That's the very definition of distortion: saying something that is technically true, but removing it from its proper context to send an inaccurate message.

    It'd be the same as saying "We just got the $6000 Mac Pro" Sure, I can configure one that costs that much (or much much more) but that doesn't mean that's what the consumer is typically paying for that machine.
  • Reply 51 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Because $3000 is not what the vast majority of people purchasing this machine are going to pay. That's the very definition of distortion: saying something that is technically true, but removing it from its proper context to send an inaccurate message.

    The only distortion is that it's actually $3100.
  • Reply 52 of 117
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    The only distortion is that it's actually $3100.

    Still, you are choosing the most expensive model to exaggerate your point, and this statement I quoted here makes it sound like it's the only choice. Yes, you can get it at that price, but that's not the only price.
  • Reply 53 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    It'd be the same as saying "We just got the $6000 Mac Pro" Sure, I can configure one that costs that much (or much much more) but that doesn't mean that's what the consumer is typically paying for that machine.

    Now that's totally distorted and warped. No where did I configure a model to inflate it to a higher price as you just have. I used the off- the- floor priceing. And if my point is that too many Apple products lately are a too high a price range, than so be it, I am certainly not the only one saying this. Apple needs to release more products that are more affordable to more people and not luxury items such as the MBA is. That's one reason why it's at $119 yesterday.
  • Reply 54 of 117
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by Wildguess View Post

    New Macbook Pros

    AppleTV Take 2 launch with over 1000 movie rentals available immediatly

    Paul and Ringo are there to announce The Beatles entire catalogue now available on Itunes.

    That's my wildguess.

    AppleTV 2 has already been delayed two weeks, they better not delay it again.

    I just want to point out that several weeks ago I predicted an Apple special event releasing the SDK along with a new Touch device.
  • Reply 55 of 117
    Mr. Jobs will announce his retirement and his replacement, Mr. Ballmer.
  • Reply 56 of 117
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Apple needs to release more products that are more affordable to more people and not luxury items such as the MBA is. That's one reason why it's at $119 yesterday.

    One of the things investors look for from Apple is a high ASP and therefore high margins. Apple's stock price is positively influenced by the release of high-end products like the Air and the new iPod/iPhone. Whiny teenage internet posters may not be so impressed, but it's exactly the kind of thing Apple investors want to see.
  • Reply 57 of 117
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by ThinkingDifferent View Post

    Mr. Jobs will announce his retirement and his replacement, Mr. Ballmer.

    ... and then announce the new MacBookPhat!
  • Reply 58 of 117
    shogunshogun Posts: 362member
    Originally Posted by ColeSQ View Post

    BTW, look for something that probably should have made it to MWSF but got pushed back due to Apple's continuing challenge getting product out the door on time. Not very profound, but certainly not worse than hearing the mini's going away.

    I think you're right on that. I had a distinct feeling that something got left out of MacWorld. SJ's comment to the effect of, And this is only the first two weeks of the year, and his subsequent email to Apple employees whose Options are underwater to take a chill pill and wait just a while only reinforce this sense.

    Apple's commitment to only announce when things are ready takes real discipline. "Discipline" because it's painful and hard, both financially and emotionally. But it's a commitment worth making IMHO.

    As to the leaving things out, I get the same feeling about Leopard, too. They definitely had bigger plans -- plans that would have borne out, I'm sure, but iPhone turned into a bear and that meant that some Leopard features would have to wait. IMHO that was a good move. iPhone had to debut in June 07 and had to be killer.
  • Reply 59 of 117
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    ... and then announce the new MacBookPhat!

    Or the MacBook Ch-air...
  • Reply 60 of 117
    It is amazing how folk find a way to argue about the MacBook Air even on unrelated threads! Anyway-

    I mentioned earlier that something appeared to have been missed out of the Keynote and I see that a few people above agree. This theory is compounded by the delay to the AppleTV- some programmers are clearly VERY busy elsewhere.

    People lament the lack of 3G/Wimax in the Air, plus the continued lack of 3G in the iPhone (although with ATandT upgrading networks, this will soon be resolved). I feel there is a gap between the Air and the iPhone/touch that is all about connectivity - something we know SJ is big on.

    We know Intel were saying 'the big players' (ie Apple) will be building next-gen devices on their new low power, fast chips and I just have a feeling...

    Its not about stock price either- if you have been reading FSJ, you would know that Steve-o is above all that!
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