Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update



  • Reply 101 of 197
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    Installed. Did the full combo update.

    Wireless issues appear fixed!

    No iSync problems (I don't use iDisk so can't comment.. but sync is fine)

    I had to reboot my airport exteme manually, (unplug the power, and plug it back in) to get

    it to work, and have leopard recognize the usb drive I have plugged into it....and now,

    whalah, time machine is recognizing the external disc, and backing up to it!!
  • Reply 102 of 197
    I updated Quad G5, Quad 2.66 MP and Oct 3.2 MP. Only on the Quad 2.66 MP does the menu bar translucency option appear in the Desktop System Preference. Weird.
  • Reply 103 of 197
    I have a Macbook Pro.

    I have had 3 complete system lock ups since installing the updates. I have never had my mac lock up before like this. I do not have any third party software installed. It seems really slow as well.
  • Reply 104 of 197
    Originally Posted by Xerothecat View Post

    After updating to 10.5.2 and the Leopard Graphics Update this afternoon I am no longer able to either shut down or restart my computers. The Finder menu bar and desktop disappear but that's as far as it goes. The System just hangs. After several minutes if you select the Force Quit option the Finder shows up in the dialog box and it is possible to relaunch the Finder. Once again, if you try to reboot or shut down the System hangs displaying only the background screen. Eventually, the only way to shut down the computer is to to do a hard shutdown by holding the poser button down for several seconds until the machine force quits. This happens on both my PowerBook G4 and new Intel iMac 24" Extreme.

    Sounds like you have a plugin or something that is not compatible.
  • Reply 105 of 197
    I'm really dissapointed with this update. I was expecting the option to switch the translucency on and off like I saw in the 10.5.2 beta screenshots. But, what do you know? It isn't there. I was also really let down by the Leopard driver update. I assumed there would be a new graphics driver for older cards so that they could display a translucent menu bar.

    That was the main reason I wanted the update so badly. So I could have all of the good crap on my G5.

    Instead, all I got was dissapointment and an extremely long boot time.
  • Reply 106 of 197
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    I just want an easy way to sort book marks and a GUI way to add tabs in Safari.

    Get Concierge. It's a $10 shareware thingie that adds a drawer and nice Bookmark and History views. Very nice, worth the price.

    Why oh, WHY Safari still has the SAME bookmark pain, er, PANE eludes me.

    It works when using WebKit, too!
  • Reply 107 of 197
    I updated this afternoon with the combo updater; got a double reboot as it installed a new kernel, and installed the graphics update afterward.

    Everything is working flawlessly for me so far, and Finder seems "snappier" than with 10.5.1. I also have the Translucent Menubar option in Desktop/Screensaver prefs, which works just fine. Special effects in the finder, Dock suck, etc. all seem smoother and faster.

    A word of advice to those who have yet to update; download and run the combo updater, don't do the incremental update through Software Update. You will always have more issues and problems that way. It's always been that way, back through the first updates to Tiger. Combo updaters just work better.

    2.2 MacBook Pro

    Stock configuration for everything.
  • Reply 108 of 197
    Originally Posted by Terrible Tony View Post

    Just installed 10.5.2 on a fresh install of Leopard on my iBook G4 1.33Ghz, and I'm having the exact same wireless problems I was before in 10.5.1. Won't stay connected, won't remember my password, times out when connecting.

    It can't be the hardware, because it works fine in 10.4.9. I'm going to try and make my AirPort Express my wireless router again, but this is really leaving me pretty fed up.

    Try dumping all your Airport related preferences and .plist files. Restart and reconfigure your Airport settings.

    You could also try deleting any custom Network Locations that use Airport and reconfigure them. Or just try ONE to see if it does anything. or ADD a Location and see if that works.

    A tip: Take screenshots of your EXISTING Network System Preference windows before you mess with anything. Then give the screenshots meaningful titles and store them in a folder someplace for future reference.

    I started doing this for a noobie client (to STOP the phone calls) and found it was really simple way to troubleshoot settings and REconfigure things. I do it for myself now. It beats Post-Its or text files by light years.
  • Reply 109 of 197
    Originally Posted by Bowser View Post

    A word of advice to those who have yet to update; download and run the combo updater, don't do the incremental update through Software Update. You will always have more issues and problems that way. It's always been that way, back through the first updates to Tiger. Combo updaters just work better.

    I've been doing Combo Updates through every version of OS X and have had relatively few problems... that weren't self-inflicted. ;^)

    Thank for the advice!

    And my update went just fine as well. No problems. Yes, snappiness abounds.

    Also, run Cocktail or Onyx BEFORE you run the Combo Updater to clean out all your caches and such.
  • Reply 110 of 197
    ikirikir Posts: 127member
    No problems here after installing on 2 machines.
  • Reply 111 of 197
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Thank goodness they're laying off the transparency. I think see-through can sometimes look messy.
  • Reply 112 of 197
    imatimat Posts: 211member
    System seems much snappier overall. I have however 2 issues, one which might be temporary, the other, I'm afraid, is much less:

    TimeMachine takes forever to perform backup. I wonder what is going on. It's performing a 1.4 GB update when, since yesterday, I didn't change 1.4 GB of files!! (yes, I checked the settings of which folders are disabled, and it has kept the same folders. Someone can elaborate? Maybe TimeMachine backs new stuff up it didn't previously.

    iSync completely died on me. I will try to restart the machine, but I am afraid it will not help... The app simply doesn't start at all. I have seen somebody else has this problem. Maybe they know how to fix it.


    MacBook (2,1) C2D 2Ghz 2GB RAM (CS3, ArchiCAD 11, iWork 08, iLife 08, Aperture, Final Cut Express, and other minor stuff)
  • Reply 113 of 197
    My update on my MacBook through Software Update went just fine. No problems so far.
  • Reply 114 of 197
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Originally Posted by iMat View Post

    It's performing a 1.4 GB update when, since yesterday, I didn't change 1.4 GB of files!!

    The OS update itself is about 1.0GB of files, it is probably backing up all the changes to the OS.
  • Reply 115 of 197
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    How long did you give it before concluding it was hung?

    Many of the latest OS X updates install stuff on the first reboot during the grey screen and then restart again - it could well be that the iMac was in this phase.

    If I were you I'd:
    • Detach all external devices apart from keyboard and mouse.

    • Run disk utility to make sure the disk is OK.

    • Download the combo updater from Apple and install it again.

    • If you think it's hung at any point, wait at least 20 mins before concluding that it really is hung.

    90 minutes... enough time for me to go to the gym, workout for 60 minutes, and come back.
  • Reply 116 of 197
    rokkenrokken Posts: 236member
    Originally Posted by schnaarf View Post

    Anyone have the problem of jerky windows, dissapearing windows when they are moved around, slow jerky grid and fan movements? I'm on a 24" aluminum iMac.


    It happens to me, too. Fan movement actually works fine, but not grid movement. It seems Apple wanted to make grid movement faster and they did, but not as smooth as it was in 10.5.1 :S
  • Reply 117 of 197
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member
    Bring back the full translucency!

    I can't believe they let all these blog-whiners win on this one!

    Blog writers are notoriously over-obsessed with such things, but "normal" people all thought the translucency was "cool".

    Pandering to the audience... I wonder how this could happen to Steve.

  • Reply 118 of 197
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member
    Originally Posted by iMat View Post

    TimeMachine takes forever to perform backup. I wonder what is going on. It's performing a 1.4 GB update when, since yesterday, I didn't change 1.4 GB of files!! (yes, I checked the settings of which folders are disabled, and it has kept the same folders. Someone can elaborate? Maybe TimeMachine backs new stuff up it didn't previously.

    Maybe there was an update to some OS files and it has to back up those... you know with 10.5.2 and all... just an idea.
  • Reply 119 of 197
    ak1808ak1808 Posts: 108member
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    Major speed decrease on my MDD G4 PPC according to XBench. Overall score went from 52.23 to 47.04. The only thing that benefitted was the OpenGL Graphics Test going from 65.73 to 68.81, woopdeedoo. Looking forward to all the fixes that have compromised a bit of speed.

    Maybe the benchmark programs need to be adjusted? Could this be possible?

    Also its funny that people report everything is snappier and the benchmarkers report they lost a couple of points. Both could be right! Maybe they traded off psychological speed vs system performance?
  • Reply 120 of 197
    Hey has anyone got the following graphics bug that has seemed to emerge after installing the 10.5.2 update and graphics update?

    Some my colours are not being shown in the same wasy as before the update, like the trash can is now a dirty looking brown/silver colour and my weather widets have the same smatering of brown over the top of the original colour. Also when I toggle the transparency on the menu bar the no transparent one is not white, its a dirty white/light brown colour.

    Anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
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