Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update



  • Reply 121 of 197
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,522moderator
    Are recent Mac Pro owners seeing any SSE4-based performance improvement?
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  • Reply 122 of 197
    can anyone tell me if they are using QuarkXpress 6.5 ...on Leopard...after the new update...have you had any issues of the program taking a LONG time to open? Im sure all the Indesigners hate me already my boss likes Quark and I like my paycheck...after installing Leopard a few months ago all sorts of quirks came up.
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  • Reply 123 of 197
    rolsrols Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by kcmac View Post

    I always download and install the combo updaters. Especially now that you can't see the progress of the update with Leopard. It takes out some of the anxiety if you can see activity.

    If you aren't using go get it. It really flies on this update. Wow. Can't wait for the next Safari version!

    So far so good here. Will update the iMac later this evening.

    Which build of webkit are you using? One from I didn't want to pull a random one and find it's worse as the build every night.

    If you hate it, can you uninstall and go back to the version shipping with safari (actually what version does ship with safari)?
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  • Reply 124 of 197
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Thank goodness they're laying off the transparency. I think see-through can sometimes look messy.

    What ARE you talking about??? Vista is georgous!!!!!
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  • Reply 125 of 197
    Dear AppleInsiders,

    After installing the new update I now have a problem with Mail, the send button is not highlighted and I can't push it to send me emails!!! Have any of you had this problem too ? It's driving me nuts now and don't know what to do \

    Any ideas suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks in advance

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  • Reply 126 of 197
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by southerndoc View Post

    90 minutes... enough time for me to go to the gym, workout for 60 minutes, and come back.

    Yup, that would be a locked-up mac
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  • Reply 127 of 197
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by LasseHoile View Post

    Dear AppleInsiders,

    After installing the new update I now have a problem with Mail, the send button is not highlighted and I can't push it to send me emails!!! Have any of you had this problem too ? It's driving me nuts now and don't know what to do \

    Any ideas suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks in advance


    You can always try to manually download the update from Apple and install it again. Good luck.
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  • Reply 128 of 197
    I have just installed the new 10.5.2 on two computers and both now have duplicate entries on the calendar items and duplicate groups. Whilst if I uncheck a calendar group it removes them in the detail, it includes them on the iPhone sync and also it is not satisfactory.

    Anyone know what to do and is anyone else experiencing this problem.
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  • Reply 129 of 197
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Computer seemed really sluggish after the installs and reboots. (OS and graphics updates)

    Couldn't figure out exactly why though. There wasn't any unusual drive or cpu activity.

    Then I tried google earth to see if the graphics performance was improved. Don't know if it was though. Google earth resulted in a hard lock-up soon after launch.

    Everything would most likely have been fine after another reboot. But instead I just went to bed. Which in itself is significant in my book. The first few releases of OSX were so obviously incomplete and flawed that updates were a big deal. Now though, OSX is mature enough that I don't feel compelled to stay up late installing updates.
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  • Reply 130 of 197
    Any new ideas on iCal?

    The 10.5.2 update seems to have totally messed it up.

    So far I can say the following:

    1. It may be that problems occur only for people that have many calendars.

    2. The 'missing' events and ToDos are actually there ? just invisible. They still sync correctly to my iPod and phone.

    3. Deleting the ~/Library/Calendars results in rebuilding the database from the Tiger version (if you had one) that still resides in ~/Library/App? Support/iCal Of course, this will be out of date for most users.

    4. Deleting the ~/Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache file does not always help ?*at least it didn't help in my case.

    5. Copying over a version of the Calendars folder from a Time Machine backup does not help.

    I am currently contemplating going back to 10.5.1 and will greatly appreciate it if anyone finds a solution to this problem.
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  • Reply 131 of 197
    Originally Posted by LasseHoile View Post

    Dear AppleInsiders,

    After installing the new update I now have a problem with Mail, the send button is not highlighted and I can't push it to send me emails!!! Have any of you had this problem too ? It's driving me nuts now and don't know what to do \

    Any ideas suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks in advance


    Go to prefs, account settings, make sure you have your SMTP server selected in outgoing SMTP server box.

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  • Reply 132 of 197
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    No AE usb backup with time machine still? LAME.
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  • Reply 133 of 197
    This is my first mac, although I have used them some at work. I have MBP 2.16 2gig ram. After installing 10.5.2 the network seems very slow. I can't play a movie from my server, whereas before the update it would do it no problems. Anyone have similar problems or can help? Thanks!
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  • Reply 134 of 197
    WOW!!! I just ordered my first Mac this past weekend and I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Seeing all of these posts however has me more than a bit nervous. I'm almost wondering if my long agonized over decision to finally make the switch was in error? The encouraging thing is that I haven't seen anyone post that they are fed up with Apple and going to go buy a PC to replace their Mac with.

    Now I'm wondering if my new Mac will arrive with 10.5.1 or 10.5.2? I think if it arrives with 10.5.1 I'll just leave it alone for a while and see where the cards fall on the 10.5.2 upgrades. It's nice to see that a lot of people are having good luck with the update, but at the same time the volume of negative posts is discouraging.

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  • Reply 135 of 197
    Originally Posted by svnipp View Post

    Now I'm wondering if my new Mac will arrive with 10.5.1 or 10.5.2? I think if it arrives with 10.5.1 I'll just leave it alone for a while and see where the cards fall on the 10.5.2 upgrades. It's nice to see that a lot of people are having good luck with the update, but at the same time the volume of negative posts is discouraging.

    For a brand new Mac you shouldn't worry about the update ?*there won't be any data to get corrupted.
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  • Reply 136 of 197
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by svnipp View Post

    WOW!!! I just ordered my first Mac this past weekend and I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival. Seeing all of these posts however has me more than a bit nervous. I'm almost wondering if my long agonized over decision to finally make the switch was in error? The encouraging thing is that I haven't seen anyone post that they are fed up with Apple and going to go buy a PC to replace their Mac with.

    Now I'm wondering if my new Mac will arrive with 10.5.1 or 10.5.2? I think if it arrives with 10.5.1 I'll just leave it alone for a while and see where the cards fall on the 10.5.2 upgrades. It's nice to see that a lot of people are having good luck with the update, but at the same time the volume of negative posts is discouraging.


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  • Reply 137 of 197
    Originally Posted by piwozniak View Post

    Go to prefs, account settings, make sure you have your SMTP server selected in outgoing SMTP server box.


    Thanks HTH, that worked :-)

    Your a lifesaver

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  • Reply 138 of 197
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Computer seemed really sluggish after the installs and reboots. (OS and graphics updates)

    Couldn't figure out exactly why though. There wasn't any unusual drive or cpu activity.

    Then I tried google earth to see if the graphics performance was improved. Don't know if it was though. Google earth resulted in a hard lock-up soon after launch.

    Everything would most likely have been fine after another reboot. But instead I just went to bed. Which in itself is significant in my book. The first few releases of OSX were so obviously incomplete and flawed that updates were a big deal. Now though, OSX is mature enough that I don't feel compelled to stay up late installing updates.

    I have the same problem (running on a brand new iMac 20" with 3Gb) when I drag the windows around they lag terrible and everything seem terrible slow too!!

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  • Reply 139 of 197
    tinktink Posts: 395member
    This is one of my testers... I use it for surfing at home etc.

    Had a relatively fresh install of 10.5.1. Restarted the laptop before updating. Did a software update via the software updater which included the latest QuickTime.

    10.5.2 booted after install.

    Checked Software updater and installed the Graphics updater...

    Vwalla killed Laptop... Thats over dramatic but the screen is hosed. I hear the HD and the system is running I think, but not Screen.

    I'll try and log in tonight after work.

    (I just deleted the part of my post where I swear in big bold letters).
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  • Reply 140 of 197
    Originally Posted by ArtIsLife View Post

    I'm really dissapointed with this update. I was expecting the option to switch the translucency on and off like I saw in the 10.5.2 beta screenshots. But, what do you know? It isn't there. I was also really let down by the Leopard driver update. I assumed there would be a new graphics driver for older cards so that they could display a translucent menu bar.

    That was the main reason I wanted the update so badly. So I could have all of the good crap on my G5.

    Instead, all I got was dissapointment and an extremely long boot time.

    The Translucency option appears to be quite capricious. It appears on my Quad 2.66 Mac Pro but not on my Quad G5 nor on my new 3.2 Octocore Mac Pro.
    Originally Posted by Bowser View Post

    I updated this afternoon with the combo updater; got a double reboot as it installed a new kernel, and installed the graphics update afterward.

    Everything is working flawlessly for me so far, and Finder seems "snappier" than with 10.5.1. I also have the Translucent Menubar option in Desktop/Screensaver prefs, which works just fine. Special effects in the finder, Dock suck, etc. all seem smoother and faster.

    A word of advice to those who have yet to update; download and run the combo updater, don't do the incremental update through Software Update. You will always have more issues and problems that way. It's always been that way, back through the first updates to Tiger. Combo updaters just work better.

    2.2 MacBook Pro

    Stock configuration for everything.

    I agree that the Combo updater is the way to go every time. I never use the incremental and, like you, find the Combo updater to be a safer way to update each time.
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