Report: DVR could turn Apple TV into multi-billion dollar business



  • Reply 61 of 157
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    Originally Posted by Akac View Post

    Tivo used to be the best experience. I still love them, but here are a few things that make it not the best anymore:

    1) No PIP while in the channel guide or other places.

    2) Tivo HD/S3 is very slow in many areas.

    3) Tivo HD/S3 does not work with SDV. This means I can't even use it here in Austin.

    4) Constant bugs in HD/S3 software make it like a 2 year beta project.

    I love Tivo, but HD/S3 has seriously made me unhappy with them.

    My TiVo Series 3 and TiVo HD box have been flawless. I don't experience any bugs in the software, it is not any slower than my old Series 2 box, and the latest software update allows you to transfer recordings between HD boxes and my Mac! It is the ultimate HD device.
  • Reply 62 of 157
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    It's interesting that they really don't provide any analysis as to why including a DVR would all of a sudden change AppleTV into big business. Frankly, I don't buy it. It's the kind of thing that internet forum boys would like to see, but I don't see how it would fundamentally change the market for the device.
  • Reply 63 of 157
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    The article claims $12-$15 to add DVR capability? What exactly do they plan on adding for $15, a pair of rabbit ears? You have three forms of content to support: Over the air, Cable, and Satellite. Is the design going to be a stand-alone box to be connected to your existing Satellite or Cable box (similar to the old TiVo Series2)? Would it be able to support dual tuner recording and playback in this configuration? Or are they going to design a box that would support dual CableCard for cable customers and a built-in tuner to support Satellite?

    Whatever the confiuration might be, the box will be considerably larger than the existing design, and would require a lot more than a $15 expense to add DVR capability.

    I am perfectly happy with my TiVo Series 3 box and TiVo HD box for my HD recordings.
  • Reply 64 of 157
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by one9deuce View Post

    ouragan, your post MUST be sarcasm. I mean, it IS sarcasm right? How can anyone be so collossally ignorant of how brilliant Steve Jobs has been in running Apple? Hundreds of thousands of people have gotten "business degrees" in the last decade or two, how many are running a company with a market cap of over 100 BILLION? I'll answer for you, not very many.

    The best part is that you probably HAVE a business degree. So please, amaze us with all your business accomplishments!

    Perhaps a quick review of some of Ouragan's previous postings will change your mind about his education.

    Apple is run by a tyrannical, irrational CEO who doesn't have what it takes to study beyond high school.

    What else did you expect with overpriced products, outdated parts, a demented obsession for thinness in iMacs, MacBook Airs and iPods, and a looming recession?


    Second of all, Steve Jobs is a high school graduate who should never have been allowed to serve as the CEO of an international company listed on the NASDQ stock exchange. Steve Jobs didn't have the brains, mental health and self discipline required to undertake and complete a university degree, a common characteristic of schizophrenia patients with an overblown ego.

    The only talent of Steve Jobs lies in marketing. He has the talent and behaviour of a used car salesman. Steve Jobs excels in appropriating the ideas of others, passing off these ideas as his own vision, and selling flawed products like mad.

    Apple products are also overpriced, uncompetitive, reflecting only a higher profit margin. And the higher profits were used repeatedly by Steve Jobs to reward himself and obedient, servile, hand picked managers and directors through illegal, fraudulent, criminal stock option gauging.

    One could say that Steve Jobs has accomplished everything that he could ever do for Apple. As an orphan born out of wedlock in 1955, a child rejected by his biological mother and a Syrian father, a high school graduate raised in a blue collar family, Steve Jobs has accomplished more than could be expected from him. Staying on will only serve the need of Steve Jobs to control people and the company he created, showing an orphan insecurity, rather than freeing an adult company he should have served for the last 10 and a half years.


    Maybe the CEO should get a university education and realize that there are better ways to make money than just raising prices.

    And these are just a drop in the bucket of Ouragan's smut.
  • Reply 65 of 157
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Perhaps a quick review of some of Ouragan's previous postings will change your mind about his education.

    Apple is run by a tyrannical, irrational CEO...

    Second of all, Steve Jobs ...

    The only talent of Steve Jobs lies in marketing...

    Apple products are also overpriced, uncompetitive, reflecting only a higher profit margin...

    One could say that Steve Jobs has accomplished everything that he could ever do for Apple...


    Maybe the CEO should get a university education and realize that there are better ways to make money than just raising prices.

    And these are just a drop in the bucket of Ouragan's smut.

    He can't help it. He's from Quebec. It's genetic.
  • Reply 66 of 157
    wzrdjrwzrdjr Posts: 2member
    The analyst said that adding DVR functions to the ATV could result in perhaps BILLIONS of dollars of new revenue.

    Exactly HOW?

    The sales of the ATV would go up dramatically? A new subscription model? Making the studios pay for the right for ATV users to record their content (yeah, right).

    I don't mean to be daft, but please tell me what I'm missing...
  • Reply 67 of 157
    I agree with most people that a future high-end ATV should include twin tuners and blu-ray. This would be a really cool "post pc device" that Jobs referred to in the D5 interview with Bill Gates

    Like always, what Apple can bring to the table is software/user experience. Tuners just become sources in iTunes and you watch your media on your ipod/iphone/macbook/imac.

    I know we can to do this at the moment with elgato etc on the mac side and there have been media centres on the Windows side for years but Apple could do this very elegantly because it develops the hardware, client software, and net services
  • Reply 68 of 157
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by seanv View Post

    Why would Apple put DVR functions in an Apple TV when it wants you to buy the show or rent the movie from iTunes. Apple has the potential to become a 'TV' company using the Internet connection in your home, Apple TV and iTunes. I could agree with the idea of adding an over-the-air tuner and DVR in to capture broadcast TV. It still cannibalizes iTunes sales but adds the ability to replace the cable company in that you have your "cable" channels on iTunes and regular news and sports via antenna.

    Keep in mind that Apple makes a LOT more money on hardware than they do on iTunes sales. With all of 3 to 4 billion audio tracks sold, it still only averages out to 20 tracks per iPod as having been bought from iTunes. The sales of movie and video downloads have been extremely slow, iTunes or not. It it turns out that not offering a DVR is the reason that AppleTV isn't being accepted, then it may be that they prudent thing to do would be is to offer it. I don't think EyeTV is necessarily a good substitute, especially as it only encodes after a show is recorded, you can't use AppleTV to watch a show that's in progress, that encoding is slow, and EyeTV hardware isn't that good anyway.
  • Reply 69 of 157
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    but I don't see how it would fundamentally change the market for the device.

    Your choice of content would increase tenfold. You would no longer be held to buy or rent from iTunes but would have complete freedom of recording whatever you choose on the air as many of us now with DVRs have known. However I believe it won't come cheap as there would have to be a monthly or annual subscription charge like a .Mac account, TIVO/cable subscription, etc.

    But it would make the ATV much more marketable- don't you think?
  • Reply 70 of 157
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    And in response to a few of the other posts...there is nothing the studios can do to prevent Apple from building a DVR. So Apple wouldn't need their "permission" or to obtain "rights" as some have suggested. However, it might upset the studios enough to negatively affect Apple when it comes time to negotiate for iTunes content.

    A probable big fat lawsuit would certainly be the main reason why Apple has not included it without their permission already. It certainly would not be hard to include in the product as it already is manufactured as it probably be just a software upgrade- unless TIVO and the others have patents on how they record so effortlessly. Whatever the reason , my bet is that the ubiquitous USB port on the back of the ATV is just waiting for the green flag to let it the recording begin.
  • Reply 71 of 157
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member

    Apple is listed at #8 with a Q4 [2007] gain of 38% to 1.34 million notebooks. It is interesting to note that DisplaySearch estimates Apple’s market share in the notebook segment at 4.1%, which is significantly higher than Apple’s estimated share of 2.9% in the PC market overall.

    See the full article at:

    What most people realize is that Apple could be so much more with another CEO and that the current CEO has accomplished his mandate to develop Mac OS X for Apple and standardize Macs on the Intel platform.

    Apple should be much more price and feature competitive with the computers it builds in China. Mac OS X is a great operating system. But why does Apple stagnate at a 2.9% market share in the PC market?

    The quick answer is Steve Jobs and his "vision". Microsoft has had problems with Vista. Apple developped a revolutionary interface for its intelligent iPhone. But there are competitors out there and Apple's lead will soon vanish.

    And what will Apple have to show for wasting (again!) the opportunity to recover and capture a 25% or 30% market share?

    The quick answer is Steve Jobs and his "vision".

    I've been around the Mac platform for 20 years and I am about to give up on a company which doesn't get its act together. Apple is a company that has been in recovery for the last 20 years, no less! Success and a vindication of the Mac platform are just around the corner. Such has been Apple's mantra for the last 20 years. And Steve Jobs is really excited by the great products Apple has in the pipeline. Twenty years later, where does Apple stand in the market?

    Apple is really great at making excuses, and blaming Microsoft conspiracies, but in the end, must we blame Steve Jobs and his "vision" of a 2.9% market share for Apple's failures and shortcomings?

  • Reply 72 of 157
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Apple should be much more price and feature competitive with the computers it builds in China. Mac OS X is a great operating system. But why does Apple stagnate at a 2.9% market share in the PC market?

    Keep in mind that Apple was once at 1% when Jobs started. I don't know what's going in in your head, because you simply aren't being rational. A 30-40% year over year growth is NOT stagnation. Apple isn't going to get to 30% of the market overnight, in fact, there's such a thing as growing too quickly. There's not much money scraping the bottom of the market. Sometimes major computer makers count themselves lucky to scrape up a 1% overall margin, because others lost money the same quarter in a race for the bottom.

    As much as Apple's fans are overly defensive about Jobs & Apple, I think you are filling the other extreme and you're overly critical. You've repeatedly shown that you're on some sort of irrational crusade, and I think it's getting old.
  • Reply 73 of 157
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post


    It may be my lack of imagination. But I really don't see what Apple can bring to DVR service that is so much better or a geat deal more covenient than what is already available. That this function will make the ATV a billion dollar device.

    The fact that it will be AppleTV PLUS the DVR functionality. DVRs don't have AppleTV functions right now.
  • Reply 74 of 157
    vocarovocaro Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple stands to transform it's niche media hub business

    AppleInsider needs to proofread their articles. That should be "its" not "it's".
  • Reply 75 of 157
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    No the iPod has not been very open. Unless you only mean that it could play non-DRM'd music. Great. The AppleTV can play non-DRM'd video too, so that make it just as open. Maybe there are not as many non-DRM'd options for video sources, but that does't make it less open. Try buying DRM music from one of the other vendors and playing it on your iPod, without stripping the DRM first.

    You may not remember. But their was no iTunes when the iPod was first introduced. Steve Jobs said Apple estimated 60% of the music on iPods are ripped from CD's.

    The important part of what I was saying that you missed was "legal". There is also convenience. Ripping CD's is legal and convenient. Ripping DVD's and circumventing copy protection is illegal and not convenient.

    Th iPod has a number legal and easily accessible sources of content other than iTunes. Apple TV does not.


    Identical comments were made on these boards when the iPod first came out. "What can apple bring to MP3 players that isn't already out there"

    There is next to nothing identical about the mp3 market from 2001 and the current DVR market.
  • Reply 76 of 157
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    A probable big fat lawsuit would certainly be the main reason why Apple has not included it without their permission already. It certainly would not be hard to include in the product as it already is manufactured as it probably be just a software upgrade- unless TIVO and the others have patents on how they record so effortlessly. Whatever the reason , my bet is that the ubiquitous USB port on the back of the ATV is just waiting for the green flag to let it the recording begin.

    I guess I need to repeat myself...Apple does NOT need to get permission from studios to make a DVR if they want to. Just like JVC doesn't need their permission to make a VCR and El Gato doesn't need their permission to make EyeTV. I don't get where the notion is coming from that makers of recording devices used to record TV content need permission from the studios to sell them.

    And yes, TiVo does have patents (just ask Dish ). But there are alternate ways to make DVRs which is why Motorola, Scientific American, El Gato, and a few others are able to make them. Also, it would take far more then a software upgrade. You'd probably burn out the hard drive in an Apple TV in about two weeks if you tried to use it in a DVR application (it's a laptop drive after all). And I'm doubtful it's even fast enough to be able to perform the most basic of DVR tasks (like record one show while viewing another).
  • Reply 77 of 157
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Today RIM/Blackberry dominate the smartphone market. At one time somebody dominated the MP3 player market.

    Nokia dominates the smartphone market. Apple isn't about to change that any time soon.
  • Reply 78 of 157
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    The fact that it will be AppleTV PLUS the DVR functionality. DVRs don't have AppleTV functions right now.

    The bigger problem is that their is no real competitive DVR market. The cable co's have it locked up and they aren't letting it go.
  • Reply 79 of 157
    For those of you that are a little savvy and just can't wait, why not just build your own DVR/BD entertainment box? You can spec it out any way you like and the software is free.
  • Reply 80 of 157
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    For those of you that are a little savvy and just can't wait, why not just build your own DVR/BD entertainment box? You can spec it out any way you like and the software is free.

    I'm not aware of any BD video player software for OS X. You mention free software, if it's a reference to Linux-based systems, I don't think Blu-Ray's BD+ has been cracked yet.
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