Paper: 3G iPhone smaller, lighter than existing model



  • Reply 41 of 138
    come on people, think!!!

    If apple comes out with an iPhone nano, do you really think it will have all the same features as the regular iPhone but smaller? If that were the case apple would just make it the regular iPhone. No, it will lose a feature, a la the iPod Nano not having video for years prior to the most recent one. I say the feature that it loses is internet access, a lot of people say, why do i need the internet on my phone. The thing would have phone, texting, maybe a camera, and iPod functions (this is exactly what most of us predicted prior to Macworld 2007, and apple threw a curveball by making it a smartphone with full internet access)

    Finally, apple's exclusivity contract with AT&T hinges on the fact that apple gets a share of the monthly data plans, so if they make this iPhone without the internet they wouldn't have to worry about a monthly data plan. If apple released an iPhone nano with iPod and phone functions, on Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T for 150-200, they would sell about 10 million a quarter!

    Book it
  • Reply 42 of 138
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    The tenor of a lot of the comments sounds to me like the "no way that Apple will come out with the iPod phatty" (which, of course, they did, and coincided with a phlattening of iPod sales....).

    Much as one would hope this rumor is not true, it could just be, sigh, Apple being Apple.

    How does this compare to the fatty? That was just an aethetic design change, but the specs were all better.

    I don't think there's any way apple would go to a smaller screen, they'd get slaughtered for that. And plastic doesn't sound right either.

    I don't buy this rumor.

    And there have been no leaked images of future iphone, those were just third party cases used as an example.
  • Reply 43 of 138
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    I will be astounded if the screen size on the 3G is smaller than the original. Perhaps Apple could reduce the size of the phone by reducing the borders around the screen, or moving buttons to the side or something, but developers are depending on the screen staying that size as they develop their apps.

    Moving buttons to the side?... What buttons?

    Originally Posted by Thataboy View Post

    If this is true at all, then it is surely describing an additional iPhone model, e.g., iPhone nano. No chance in hell they are reducing the screen size on the main model.

    Smaller, plastic = lower end consumer (like the Macbook). Bigger, metal = pro version (like the Macbook Pro).

    I heartily agree. Aluminum and glass have even pervaded the iMac line. There's no way they would sacrifice the exclusivity of metal and glass on their flagship, hippest product

    Originally Posted by Davvi28 View Post

    Two things:

    - if you look at the leaked picture of the black back of the new iPhone, it does appear to be possibly plastic

    - i don't own a macbook pro, but if you did, the leaked picture of the iphone is overlaid on a macbook pro keyboard, so you could actually measure the dimensions on your own keyboard that correspond to the picture to see how big it really is

    I'm pretty sure that was debunked as a case you can buy for the iPhone.
  • Reply 44 of 138
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Plus, if a new model was released, it probably would need a new FCC review, rather than

    the quickie revision review people have been posting about for just updating to 3G.

    Yup. But as none of those posters KNOW anything...
  • Reply 45 of 138
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    How does this compare to the fatty? That was just an aethetic design change, but the specs were all better.

    I don't think there's any way apple would go to a smaller screen, they'd get slaughtered for that. And plastic doesn't sound right either.

    I don't buy this rumor.

    And there have been no leaked images of future iphone, those were just third party cases used as an example.

    If Apple ever comes out with a less expensive model, there are three ways in which they can do it.

    Smaller screen and case.

    Cheaped merials for the case.

    Less functionality.

    Some combo of the above.

    There isn't any other way. Keeping the present phone in the lineup and lowering the price if manufacturing economies have been made, would count as number three.
  • Reply 46 of 138
    leptonlepton Posts: 111member
    It's my impression that Apple basically crafted a screen size and resolution and designed a case and then a phone around that. I don't see them changing the screen size or resolution. I do see them making the device smaller by shrinking the height slightly. I also see them (in this or more likely the next go-round) switching to an OLED screen. This saves battery and more importantly a couple of mm thickness, allowing more battery and chips inside. Even 2mm of thickness saved yields a lot of volume. The phone is at least half battery in there. They might use a lighter glass but I don't count on it because the toughness of the surface must not be reduced. Finally I do see them fixing the recessed headset jack, and going to a nonconductive, not necessarily plastic, back. There are several antennas going to be inside this thing and some of them would like to be positioned apart from the others. You've got cell carrier, Bluetooth, GPS, and WiFi which could even use dual separated antennas if they go for N. That's a lot of antenna going on.
  • Reply 47 of 138
    tantrumtantrum Posts: 41member
    No plastic. The phone will be metal (brushed anodized aluminum/magnesium and glass. Apple's commitment to environmentally friendly materials will not include dumping 25 million plastic cases on the public.

    Thick versus thin = sliding landscape keyboard add-on versus none. Nothing to do with GPS making it thicker. The phone itself will be 3mm thinner and a 3mm sliding keypad add-on will make it appear slightly thicker.

    No removable battery but better power management.

    Recessed headphones may STILL be in place but standard iPod headphones will fit.

    Dual SIM capability.

    Photo/video record/ capture button on right-hand side.

    Non-GSM phones will be strictly network locked.

    Multi-country simultaneous launch.

    Sydney launch in summer.

    Beijing launch dependent on politics of Tibet situation and Olympics fallout.
  • Reply 48 of 138
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    One of the main attractions of the iPhone is the relatively large screen. Why would Apple want to lose that advantage by making the screen smaller?


    The smaller screen size does not make this new model desirable (to me)
  • Reply 49 of 138
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by AJsAWiz View Post


    The smaller screen size does not make this new model desirable (to me)

    It might be desirable to some people at $199.
  • Reply 50 of 138
    resnycresnyc Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by mpspence View Post

    I say the feature that it loses is internet access, a lot of people say, why do i need the internet on my phone. The thing would have phone, texting, maybe a camera, and iPod functions (this is exactly what most of us predicted prior to Macworld 2007, and apple threw a curveball by making it a smartphone with full internet access)

    Book it

    I think an iPhone without internet is not an iPhone at all. Apple's gadget line is moving toward _more_ connectivity, not less, e.g. iPod Touch. Although I suppose you could make a case for the range of products to include phone/iPod/camera since there is now phone/iPod/camera/internet and iPod/internet.

    But who are these people who don't want internet on their phone? That is the future (and plenty of the present). All the screen-gadgets like weather, stocks, movies, etc. etc. wouldn't work. An iPhone without internet doesn't have enough wow-features to differentiate it dramatically from what would be its competition.
  • Reply 51 of 138
    pomopomo Posts: 51member
    This sounds like an iPhone nano to me. I think that they will reduce the screen size by changing the resolution of the screen and still keeping the size of 480 x 320, just like they did on the current nano.
  • Reply 52 of 138
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    It might be desirable to some people at $199.

    If Apple learn something from the iPhone then they will know that a cheaper iPhone with less featured will not appeal to anyone as long as you have another one with better specs and features. Poeple paid $100 more for double the storage, the 8GB iPhones were sold out at most places and some had to buy the 4GB model as a result. Apple learned the lesson and discontinued the 4GB very quickly.

    This might just be another rumor. Or.. Are we looking at corporate iPhone with a physical keyboard and smaller screen?! who knows!
  • Reply 53 of 138
    Originally Posted by resnyc View Post

    I think an iPhone without internet is not an iPhone at all. Apple's gadget line is moving toward _more_ connectivity, not less, e.g. iPod Touch. Although I suppose you could make a case for the range of products to include phone/iPod/camera since there is now phone/iPod/camera/internet and iPod/internet.

    But who are these people who don't want internet on their phone? That is the future (and plenty of the present). All the screen-gadgets like weather, stocks, movies, etc. etc. wouldn't work. An iPhone without internet doesn't have enough wow-features to differentiate it dramatically from what would be its competition.

    Apple is a company of trade-offs, and there are plenty of people who only want phone, texting, and a camera, in fact the millions and millions of people who keep buying Razr's and other flip phones are proof of it. Sure those phones have internet but no one uses it because it's chopped down and so damn hard to use. I think the main competition of the phone that i am describing would be the Chocolate. I think that for most people the add-on ipod would be a huge advantage over what they are currently using. Apple could make a phone like this that would be so much easier to use and that millions would buy.
  • Reply 54 of 138
    Originally Posted by Tantrum View Post

    No plastic. The phone will be metal (brushed anodized aluminum/magnesium and glass. Apple's commitment to environmentally friendly materials will not include dumping 25 million plastic cases on the public.

    Thick versus thin = sliding landscape keyboard add-on versus none. Nothing to do with GPS making it thicker. The phone itself will be 3mm thinner and a 3mm sliding keypad add-on will make it appear slightly thicker.

    No removable battery but better power management.

    Recessed headphones may STILL be in place but standard iPod headphones will fit.

    Dual SIM capability.

    Photo/video record/ capture button on right-hand side.

    Non-GSM phones will be strictly network locked.

    Multi-country simultaneous launch.

    Sydney launch in summer.

    Beijing launch dependent on politics of Tibet situation and Olympics fallout.

    Can you please explain this "slide out" keyboard. Optional? Standard?

    where do you get your info??? or are you just making up stuff
  • Reply 55 of 138
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    This isn't Digg.

    Who says I was using digg? Don't I have the right to say that? I like the "digg" way and I can put it in there if I want to. :P Something that is new to AI.
  • Reply 56 of 138
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    I have the latest specs directly from a reliable source. It will be called iPhone Pro. The size will increase slightly to accommodate the new 'pro' abilities. It will retain a metal construction but it will be black (pro) and just over 1" thick. New features (to satisfy customer demand) will include G4 specifications, a removable "extended" battery, a memory slot for an additional HD (now that the iPhone also has full HD widescreen video camera capabilities, a fold out full qwerty keyboard, a magnifying glass the size of the screen (pro's tend to be older and thus blinder), powerful speakers, and some say even a compass (not everybody uses Google maps, you know). It will also have 4 usb2 connectors, 2 firewire connectors, ethernet, and a range of other multimedia connectors. The corners have been squared off for easy stacking (pros have more than one phone). It will be awesome. Ever so slightly thicker and a little heavier but still an engineering masterpiece. And it is guaranteed to silence all the critics. Right?.... RIGHT???
  • Reply 57 of 138
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Despite readers' penchant for discounting claims made by analysts, it should be noted that the Wall Street folks have at times nailed design aspects of unannounced Apple products. Specifically, analyst Shaw Wu in 2006 confirmed independent of AppleInsider that Apple would transition its iPod nano away from plastic enclosures and towards metal ones.

    woohoo... (or perhaps, "Wu-hoo"?) Case designs on iPods were a lucky guess (but if you want to get technical, he stated specifically "Magnesium" when they were in fact aluminium). If you have a large-enough pool of guessers, someone is bound to get it right. MacRumors has an excellent entry on Shaw Wu and it shows that he is wrong much more often than he is right. The only two predictions he aced were "predicting" the iPhone and Intel-based Pro machines, both of which were WIDELY predicted.

    I could spout out a hundred inevitabilities about the future of Apple and be right on about 90% of them, yet you don't see people basing their financial future on my forum posts. Why are morons trusting Wu with their Nest Egg when he's so often dead wrong? Talk about blind leading the blind.

    Anyone who takes Shaw Wu or any other analyst seriously is a fool. Only Nick dePlume (and 9to5Mac?) have/had real sources inside Apple. No one else has a track record reliable enough to make any earth-shattering predictions about the future of Apple's products. Wu has failed too many times to ever be a credible source and if AI wasn't being paid to regurgitate his bile, we'd never heard from him again.

  • Reply 58 of 138
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    If Apple learn something from the iPhone then they will know that a cheaper iPhone with less featured will not appeal to anyone as long as you have another one with better specs and features. Poeple paid $100 more for double the storage, the 8GB iPhones were sold out at most places and some had to buy the 4GB model as a result. Apple learned the lesson and discontinued the 4GB very quickly.

    This might just be another rumor. Or.. Are we looking at corporate iPhone with a physical keyboard and smaller screen?! who knows!

    I don't agree. There's a diffrence between buying more memory, and buying a smaller, cheaper, phone.

    If there's enough of a difference, there are people who, while they couldn't afford it before, could afford it now.

    South America comes to mind, as does Asia, and Africa. While there are plenty of people who can afford the current phone, there are plenty more who can't, but would like one.

    That's why Apple has different versions of several of its products.

    If what you are saying were true, then there would be only one Mac Pro, Mac Book Pro, iMac, Mac Book, and of course, iPods.

    Since they all have different models, with different price points and features, and even (except for the Mac Pro) different sizes, we can say that what you are saying is indeed, not true.
  • Reply 59 of 138
    Originally Posted by Delfoniq View Post

    I agree with everyone above, surely they must be describing the iPhone nano.

    Don't really care for the screen size that much, so long it can fit in my pocket.

    Now please Apple price the 8GB model at $299 and make it available on any network provider and I'm sure it will sell like crazy.

    Any idea on a catchy name, don't really like iphone nano or iphone mini, maybe iphone air

    it's a gsm phone. if you are in america, and I'm guessing you are because you quoted the price in dollars, unlocking for ANY carrier isn't possible. it can be on AT&T or it can be on T-mobile. that's the only GSM carriers in America. for visual voicemail to work, at&t had to change their network, something that t-mobile hasn't done, so the phone won't have the same features on that carrier.

    it doesn't make sense for them to make a cdma version for sprint and verizon, it's a totally different network, and focusing only on gsm allows them to go worldwide with one model of phone.
  • Reply 60 of 138
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    One of the main attractions of the iPhone is the relatively large screen. Why would Apple want to lose that advantage by making the screen smaller?

    This was exactly my impression, the iPhone's screen is what makes it viable! The only way I could see this as being acceptable is if they are about to offer up two models. That is one that has a smaller screen and one with a larger screen than the current iPhone.

    A larger phone would be ideal as that would provide for more space between virtual keys and more pixels. A unit 10mm wider than the current would add about a millimeter between each key. Doesn't sound like much but the usability pay off would be huge.

    I really hope this report is either bogus or a sign of two products hitting the market. Screen size is everything and frankly I don't see the other supposed features being all that important in comparison.

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