Swiss iPhone rumor; BlackBerry Thunder; Apple gay-friendly



  • Reply 61 of 425
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Leviticus 20!

    And we all know that all truth is to be found in a 2000 year old book. Which has been written by numerous unidentified people, contains hundreds of self-contradictions, has been edited, mistranslated and generally exploited by every nut-job on the planet to support their particular prejudices.

    If you want religious law, and zero tolerance for homosexuality. Try Iran.

  • Reply 62 of 425
    skottichanskottichan Posts: 193member
    Wow, it's getting thick in here.

    To answer an earlier question, yes, corporate Apple does extend the same benefits to GLBT employees as they do straight employees (as does Microsoft, I know this as a lesbian former employee at Redmond). They also have a strong advertising presence in GLBT events, and media.

    What amuses me most so far is the bandying around of the "Gay Agenda", which if you actually knew what you're talking about, you'd find that we just want to be treated like any other law-abiding, tax paying citizen. Period. End of story. Granted, as a lesbian, I've never had to experience the level of crap that other minorities have in the past (example: Blacks were once treated as only 3/5ths of a person), but thankfully we pulled our heads out of our collective asses on that one.

    Mimic, AdmiralIkymia, PG4G, etc; I don't care if you like me, I don't care if you accept who or what I am, hell you all can kiss the palest part of my ass for all I care. You have every right to be as ignorant as you want, but you have no right to deem what rights I'm allowed. If we "tinkerbells" and "dykes" offend your sensibilities sooooo much, good for you, and guess what, your God made us this way. (If you believe in the Christian Agenda)
  • Reply 63 of 425
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    i'd like to get back to iphone issues.....

    RIm is sending out trial balloons with this touch screen thing....every article about BB has been how "corporate it is" how having a physical keyboard defines this as superior...that enterprise won't accept anything else thus RIM is they would have to eat their words bigtime.

    unless they are moving to a consumer type model and less corporate. iphone has defined the smartphone. RIM is apple's target. RIM will compete and by this rumor has to face the next 6 months of apple growing like gangbusters and including the enterprise. the reason??

    enterprise is made of individuals they want the best and since the iphone introduction IT has been dragged kicking and screaming to accept the great evil apple iphone and osx which is growing growing growing on the backs of consumers bringing them into the office. why carry multiple items if one will do. more and more enterprise is going the way of web 2.0 and server based apps for security reasons. having web access is becoming as important as having email access.

    RIM is a target rich environment for apple. they can play ropperdope but apple is the tsunami coming at them as THE NEW MOBLE PLATFORM for the future.

    touch pad RIM.....has to happen but how will they define that to the enterprise also who has more experience in software development? SJ was and is brilliant to see the new platform grow from the OS and address the mistakes of the past OS wars.
  • Reply 64 of 425
    mimicmimic Posts: 72member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Leviticus 20!

    And we all know that all truth is to be found in a 2000 year old book. Which has been written by numerous unidentified people, contains hundreds of self-contradictions, has been edited, mistranslated and generally exploited by every nut-job on the planet to support their particular prejudices.

    If you want religious law, and zero tolerance for homosexuality. Try Iran.


    Talk about the lack of facts??

    seems as if you are reading from the agenda talking points rather than from actually reading the book...

    Ignorance is bliss, right?
  • Reply 65 of 425
    mimicmimic Posts: 72member
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    Mimic, your God made us this way. (If you believe in the Christian Agenda)

    No god made you this way. YOUR choice made you this way. Being Gay is not a birthright, it's a choice. If it was a birthright, you would have the ability to reproduce within your species. The thinking that being gay is a birthright is as dumb as saying there is evidence of evolution.... Such utter ignorance...

    And why would a god call something an abomination, make laws against the act itself, then create that which he hates?? The god you speak of sounds dumb and confused.

    MY God created man in his image. SIN makes man choose otherwise, including being gay...
  • Reply 66 of 425
    skottichanskottichan Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by MiMiC View Post

    No god made you this way. YOUR choice made you this way. Being Gay is not a birthright, it's a choice. If it was a birthright, you would have the ability to reproduce within your species. The thinking that being gay is a birthright is as dumb as saying there is evidence of evolution.... Such utter ignorance...

    And why would a god call something an abomination, make laws against the act itself, then create that which he hates?? The god you speak of sounds dumb and confused.

    MY God created man in his image. SIN makes man choose otherwise, including being gay...

    Oh you're just precious aren't you? Tell your invisible friend I said hi! (Oh by the way, my ex-girlfriend's dad is a former pastor, and he's far less ignorant than you come across) As a product of the Catholic school system, I can say that even the penguins are less dogmatic than you.

    No, seriously, back to the tech stuff.

    I like that RiM is using a similar technology, it creates a better playing field for Apple and everyone involved. Granted, after the company my dad works for (an electric motor plant) switched from PalmOS to iPhones, their productivity increased. My mom's therapy company is waiting for the 2nd Gen iPhone before committing (even though as a signing bonus, they bought her a MacBook Air *fistshakes*).

    As to the whole "lack of a physical keyboard" argument for why there's not huge corporate support is a bit of a straw man. It's more of its current lack of Exchange support, I'm sure Apple will see more growth once the 2.0 software is released.

    Oh yeah.... my only "gay agenda" is letter writing to Ron Moore to bring back Admiral Cain and get her and Gina-Six back together.
  • Reply 67 of 425
    mimicmimic Posts: 72member
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    As a product of the Catholic school system,


    That very much sums it up. You take the teachings from them that molest children and protect those under them that molest children as a form of authority and wonder why they are NOT dogmatic?

    Sad, very sad.

    I don't acknowledge Catholicism as a true Christian religion. They follow their own believes which are different than the teachings of Christ. They read from their own books, and hold Mary as high as Christ. They are in it for the money and control. NOT for the relationship with Christ.

    But that is WAY off topic... and i have to go to work LOL
  • Reply 68 of 425
    mr_zebramr_zebra Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by Admiralkymia View Post

    What does Apple not making a stand on gays/lesbians have anything to with being sympathetic? The rainbow has only recently been adopted by homosexuals, the term gay in and of itself means that your joyful, not that your interested in your brother, and Mac helping PC blow his nose is an act of kindness, not gay imagery. One must dig really, really, really deep to try to find any remote trace of something being gay. I pet my dog on the head. That doesn't mean I have thoughts of an intimate relationship with my dog. Really, people, cut the crap! Ya, so I'm on my soapbox of a controversial issue nowadays. So, hate me. You don't like my views. Oh, well. I'll get over it.

    Being homosexual does not mean you're interested in your brother. You are disturbingly misinformed.

    Oh, and the rainbow flag was actually "adopted" by the LGBT community prior to the formation of Apple, and the term "gay" has been used to describe members of the LGBT community since around 1886.
  • Reply 69 of 425
    mr_zebramr_zebra Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by MiMiC View Post

    No god made you this way. YOUR choice made you this way. Being Gay is not a birthright, it's a choice. If it was a birthright, you would have the ability to reproduce within your species. The thinking that being gay is a birthright is as dumb as saying there is evidence of evolution.... Such utter ignorance...

    And why would a god call something an abomination, make laws against the act itself, then create that which he hates?? The god you speak of sounds dumb and confused.

    MY God created man in his image. SIN makes man choose otherwise, including being gay...

    Why do you feel the need to shove your religious claptrap down people's throats?

    I don't believe in God, and I certainly didn't make a conscious choice to be gay. I simply like men and always have, and that's an end to it.

    Further, "god" doesn't form the law in most countries. You'll find that's the job of the legislature.

    Oh, and you know what homophobia *really* says about you, right? Its alright to come out, you know. *there there*. We won't judge you - which is far kinder than the attitude you seem to have towards people who don't fit your narrow-minded, bigoted, vile attitude.
  • Reply 70 of 425
    mr_zebramr_zebra Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Leviticus 20!

    And we all know that all truth is to be found in a 2000 year old book. Which has been written by numerous unidentified people, contains hundreds of self-contradictions, has been edited, mistranslated and generally exploited by every nut-job on the planet to support their particular prejudices.

    If you want religious law, and zero tolerance for homosexuality. Try Iran.


    Indeed. Perhaps MiMiC can go there. And stay.
  • Reply 71 of 425
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Hey Mimic,

    It would be great to debate this stuff with you. But "faith" makes that pointless.

    "Faith" seems to mean you believe stuff without evidence. So rationality, logic, argument, evidence.. All that brilliant stuff we sensible humans cherish - has no effect.

    It'd be like discussing something with a rock. Or a fossil dinosaur.

  • Reply 72 of 425
    icarbonicarbon Posts: 196member
    what I hate about these kinds of threads is that they make me question the kinds of people I'm interacting with on these websites. I don't like the fact that I'm virtually hanging out with a bunch of bigots -- it is offensive. Similarly I avoid people I think are members of the KKK or american Nazi movement.

    but I like AI, so I'd prefer it if anyone who feels like spewing hate and intolerance for anyone please do so elsewhere.

    I prefer not to know what kind of people you are.
  • Reply 73 of 425
    palex9palex9 Posts: 105member
    Last time i checked gay people had the exact same anatomy as hetero's.... so how can a cell phone, or a company selling such a phone, be more or less friendly????? plus, if gays want to be treated like everybody else, stop making such a big deal of being gay!

    i am beginning to think that our entire society has gone mad, and that construed political correctness has gone totally overboard.
  • Reply 74 of 425
    skottichanskottichan Posts: 193member
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    Last time i checked gay people had the exact same anatomy as hetero's.... so how can a cell phone, or a company selling such a phone, be more or less friendly????? plus, if gays want to be treated like everybody else, stop making such a big deal of being gay!

    i am beginning to think that our entire society has gone mad, and that construed political correctness has gone totally overboard.

    Oh, okay, seriously, it's okay for people to make big deals about being black, white, asian, latino, christian, jew, etc... But, if we want to be treated like everybody else, we need to just STFU right?

    Seriously, my activist days are LONG behind me, but this kinda crap annoys me.

    I mean, to you guys and girls who say we're making a "big deal", what if the roles were reversed. What if the government said "You, you're christian, you're not allowed to be protected from discrimination because of your personal choice", wouldn't you be making strides to get the same benefits everyone else has?
  • Reply 75 of 425
    mr_zebramr_zebra Posts: 85member
    Originally Posted by palex9 View Post

    Last time i checked gay people had the exact same anatomy as hetero's.... so how can a cell phone, or a company selling such a phone, be more or less friendly????? plus, if gays want to be treated like everybody else, stop making such a big deal of being gay!

    i am beginning to think that our entire society has gone mad, and that construed political correctness has gone totally overboard.

    I don't make a big deal out of the fact I'm gay, but at the same time I'm not gonna shut up when some moron is telling me how "unnatural" it is for me to be in love with the person I'm in love with, or how I made a conscious decision to be gay when clearly: a) they apparently don't understand what internal sexual identity is and b) have never met me.
  • Reply 76 of 425
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Admiralkymia View Post

    What does Apple not making a stand on gays/lesbians have anything to with being sympathetic? The rainbow has only recently been adopted by homosexuals, the term gay in and of itself means that your joyful, not that your interested in your brother, and Mac helping PC blow his nose is an act of kindness, not gay imagery.

    Meanings of words change or adds connotations over time, and you're more than 20 years too late to complain. Even twenty years ago, on the show Married With Children, Al Bundy lamented that gay used to mean happy.

    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post

    Homosexuality is an obvious unnatural sexual preference folks (i.e. square peg in round hole analogy). The same reasoning that homosexuals are using could be applied to someone who may want to have a relationship with an animal or even an inanimate object or child. This general cultural focus on homosexual rights is ludicrous and irrational.

    Fail. Slippery slope fallacy.

    Brit, I'm disappointed that you linked a porn image. As much as this thread has gotten off topic, it still isn't the place to do that sort of thing.
  • Reply 77 of 425
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    I find the discussion of sexuality in this thread largely ill-informed and lacking intellectual rigour.

    If as a you feel that urge to "share" your "carefully formed" conservative opinion about something that has nothing to do with you please step down off your soapbox and stop humbling yourself. You are not that important.
  • Reply 78 of 425
    cosmic68cosmic68 Posts: 13member
    Originally Posted by MiMiC View Post

    That very much sums it up. You take the teachings from them that molest children and protect those under them that molest children as a form of authority and wonder why they are NOT dogmatic?

    Sad, very sad.

    I don't acknowledge Catholicism as a true Christian religion. They follow their own believes which are different than the teachings of Christ. They read from their own books, and hold Mary as high as Christ. They are in it for the money and control. NOT for the relationship with Christ.

    But that is WAY off topic... and i have to go to work LOL

    somewhere a village is missing it's idiot.....
  • Reply 79 of 425
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Brit, I'm disappointed that you linked a porn image. As much as this thread has gotten off topic, it still isn't the place to do that sort of thing.

    If Kasper wants to cynically generate page hits by reposting this non-article about a non-issue...

    He knows damn well that the knee-jerk reactionaries around here are going to respond like the Pavlovian dogs they are, yet he's not going to moderate this thread?

  • Reply 80 of 425
    jbh0001jbh0001 Posts: 80member
    <deleted by jbh0001>
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