Apple says Steve Jobs feeling a little under the weather recently



  • Reply 141 of 224
    hezekiahbhezekiahb Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by teonyc View Post

    While watching the stream of the Keynote, I noticed how gaunt he looked. He also just seemed frail overall, the way he moved, etc.

    Ever since he was treated for cancer, Apple has been trotting out other officers in these presentations, trying to plan for a transition. It seemed especially true this time when Jobs did less than half of the Keynote.

    While I hope whatever is ailing him (be it transient or serious) is resolved soon.

    Sickness asside, how old is Jobs, over 55 isn't he? We're all destined for great looks as we age ya know.

    Steve is close to my Dad's age. My Dad is a very driven & active guy, but his body isn't behaving the way it used to anymore. Getting old is a tough thing for someone like Steve, you often push yourself to maintain the same level of activity you always have but your body just isn't able to handle the late nights & long work hours anymore.

    I believe Apple, I think Steve just needs to start thinking about a successor & then take a step back just as Bill Gates has. Better to do it before he gets to far along in age so that he's able to hang around a long long time & show he's still a great presence at Apple.
  • Reply 142 of 224
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    It's time for another leader, this time with a university education, to emerge and do so much better than Steve Jobs could ever do

    What does a "university education" have to do with anything?

    Obama graduated from Columbia, has a J. D. from Harvard Law School and give "lectures" at University of Chicago Law School, but this man is dumber than George W. Bush if it were not for someone writing his speeches and a teleprompter!

    Don't believe me... ever see this man speak on the fly on subject matter over his head? Although the mainstream media will not highlight these gaffes, it's out there! Oh, it's out there... So you see, you can be "university educated" and still be stupid.

    Steve, I wish you good health!
  • Reply 143 of 224
    Steve Jobs is to Apple as....

    Jerry Garcia was to the Grateful Dead.

    when he goes, its done with. People will try to keep the spirit going and the coal car filled, but the train will come to a slow stop and that will be it. No more ideas, nothing new, the people left to lead will fight amongst themselves, and they will end up making a mockery of the whole subject.
  • Reply 144 of 224
    I found the photo very depressing - never underestimate the quiet courage, stoicism and desire to carry on people seem to be able to call up if they get seriously ill.

    I really hope I'm wrong though.

    Good luck Steve...
  • Reply 145 of 224
    Originally Posted by Stuart Kirby View Post

    ... !

    People seem to be using the most unflattering picture of Steve. It's like he's trying desperately to blow a bubble from blu-tac!

    I'm sure it's nothing serious. What is?! He's looking a bit thin ... bloody hell, he's not -that- much thinner! If it is something serious I hope to heaven he's ok, but I just don't see it. Fingers crossed.

    Not trying to use unflattering shots... just trying to capture frames in basically the same pose at the same angle. Don't misunderstand - I don't think anyone WANTS anything to be wrong with Steve. I think there's just this underlying concern because he IS Apple, at least the only Apple anyone can really imagine.
  • Reply 146 of 224
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    What does a "university education" have to do with anything?

    Obama graduated from Columbia, has a J. D. from Harvard Law School and give "lectures" at University of Chicago Law School, but this man is dumber than George W. Bush if it were not for someone writing his speeches and a teleprompter!

    Don't believe me... ever see this man speak on the fly on subject matter over his head? Although the mainstream media will not highlight these gaffes, it's out there! Oh, it's out there... So you see, you can be "university educated" and still be stupid.

    Steve, I wish you good health!

    No offense, but are you retarded?

    Didn't Rush Limbaugh mention that Obama was elected President of the Harvard Law Review as well?

    I can't wait until November, when you and the rest of the brain-dead 28% of this country scurry back under your rocks.
  • Reply 147 of 224
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by Celemourn View Post

    Ok, apparently none of you are aware of the secret insider information I possess. Allow me to enlighten you all. For all photographic evidence, please refer to THIS SITE.

    So, here we go. The secret is...

    Steve Jobs does not actually have any internal organs or skeletal structure.

    How is this possible, you may ask? Ah, it's simple. He is filled with pure, liquified EGO (Executive Growth hOrmone). It's what powers his Reality Distortion Field (the field generator is in the little toe of his left foot - you can see it when he wears sandals). Now, if we go back to 1997, when NeXT was acquired and Steve took over, (please refer to the above link for photos) you'll recall that he was looking quite plump. This is due to the fact that the RDF had been in disuse during the NeXT years, Steve having made relatively few public appearances. As a result, his stockpile of fuel was topped off, and ready to go.

    Fast forward to 2003. After successfully deploying his RDF in the launch of the iMac, iPod, and making some very fundamental changes to Apple as a company, we can see that his EGO reserves had been depleted somewhat. He slimmed down, and even lost a bit of hair (follicles contain super high concentrations of EGO). Apple was the better for it.

    Now we arrive at 2008. Steve has not only launched the third generation of iPod Nano, intel based Macs, the new form factor for the MacBook and MacBook Pro, the Mac Pro, and all the other wonderful little oddities of the last few years, but he has brought to fruition the iPod Touch and iPhone. These two, doubtless, have required the greatest expenditure of EGO so far, in what has been a monumental reshaping of the Cellular Backwater called America. We can tell by looking at all the phone makers (especially in China!) who are trying to copy the iPhone. The RDF has been working at triple capacity, and been doing double shifts.

    So you see, Steve isn't ill. He hasn't even lost much weight (EGO is incredibly buoyant in Earth's atmosphere, and may frequently be mistaken for hot air). He's simply deflating.

    So there you have it!


  • Reply 148 of 224
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by haveyoumetmark View Post

    Well, it's fully great that you don't run the company because I'm sure none of us would be here if that were the case.

    Without Steve, Apple would just be another company. Hopefully, this is no big deal. Steve's an icon who creates equally iconic products. Gag me if Phil Schiller is the future of keynotes.

    Even Kentucky Fried Chicken survived without Colonel Sanders.
  • Reply 149 of 224
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    He's not particularly old for a CEO level person. And if he decides he doesn't want to do keynotes any more there's no reason he can't still pull the levers behind the scenes. What Bill Gates did was hand over day to day management to someone else but still may strategic decisions himself for some time. Of course maybe in some ways that's an artificial separation.
  • Reply 150 of 224
    celemourncelemourn Posts: 769member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post


    Oh come on, it wasn't THAT bad was it?

  • Reply 151 of 224
    Originally Posted by gmon750 View Post

    It's obvious that you and ignorance are bedfellows. Steve Jobs has done more for the industry than any over-educated booksmart individual could ever accomplish. You seem to have a strange definition of what "success" should be. People like Jobs, Gates, Packard,Rockerfeller, etc.. come from a common cloth. The took the risks and laid it all out on the line for something they believed in and made a huge empire out of it. They came from the school of hard knocks and not from some pompous Ivy-league background with a silver-spoon in their mouths. They have taken the risks and chances that most folks would never consider trying.

    The world was built from the hard work of people that really had a mission. Of course, while everyone is entitled to their opinion, your rant is of extremely poor taste considering the topic of this forum.

    You really need to resist the temptation to escape your parent's basement. Perhaps they need to change the locks to keep you more secure... I mean... "safe".

    It's funny how people think they could do so much better than someone who's doing it already, and whose stock is worth close to 8 times as much as Microsoft's.

    There are reasons that Mac OS X runs only on Apple computers. Apple has a reason for the things they do; something tells me they really don't care about this guy's opinion.

    Learn, don't criticize. Steve Jobs is a veritable genius, which shows from his corporations' successes.
  • Reply 152 of 224
    Originally Posted by sillycybin View Post

    when he goes, its done with. People will try to keep the spirit going and the coal car filled, but the train will come to a slow stop and that will be it. No more ideas, nothing new, the people left to lead will fight amongst themselves, and they will end up making a mockery of the whole subject.

    That's a little over-dramatic, isn't it? NO new ideas? Come on...
  • Reply 153 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Celemourn View Post

    Ok, actually, the more I think about this, and the more posts I'm reading in retaliation to this one, the more convinced I'm becomming that...

    He's a Troll.

    I could be wrong, of course, but this is just too perfectly inflammatory. Every single thing he listed is precisely the kind of thing to set us all off.

    Soooo... YHBT I bet?

    Spammy, Is that YOU?

    Not me.
  • Reply 154 of 224
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post

    It's funny how people think they could do so much better than someone who's doing it already, and whose stock is worth close to 8 times as much as Microsoft's..

    Apple' stock is not valued at 8x MS'. The per share stock price is higher, but that means nothing with out looking at the number of shares each company has. MSFT has 9.31B shares while AAPL has only 881.62M.
  • Reply 155 of 224
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by MC1171611 View Post

    It's funny how people think they could do so much better than someone who's doing it already, and whose stock is worth close to 8 times as much as Microsoft's.

    That's an invalid comparison. One should not compare companies based on the cost of a single share, because every company is broken up into differing numbers of shares. Microsoft as a whole is still worth 60% more than Apple is in terms of market capitalization.
  • Reply 156 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    I believe Apple, I think Steve just needs to start thinking about a successor & then take a step back just as Bill Gates has. Better to do it before he gets to far along in age so that he's able to hang around a long long time & show he's still a great presence at Apple.

    Hey, there's a thought.
  • Reply 157 of 224
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Even Kentucky Fried Chicken survived without Colonel Sanders.


  • Reply 158 of 224
    Originally Posted by hezekiahb View Post

    I believe Apple, I think Steve just needs to start thinking about a successor & then take a step back just as Bill Gates has. Better to do it before he gets to far along in age so that he's able to hang around a long long time & show he's still a great presence at Apple.

    You think Steve Ballmer was a good choice?? What is this world coming to!?!

    "Frigtard" is all I can think when it comes to Steve Ballmer.
  • Reply 159 of 224
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Even Kentucky Fried Chicken survived without Colonel Sanders.

    Hardly a good comparison. Does KFC's recipe change every year?
  • Reply 160 of 224
    mcnaughamcnaugha Posts: 27member
    I was at the keynote. Steve looks like one of those rich celebrities that can afford the best dietitians and fitness trainers. I suspect the cancer scare has driven him to eat extremely healthy and to exercise extremely. He was actually quite bronzed and those pics seem to require a bit of colour management. So I think this is all nonsense. He's just healthy slim instead of his beefier look pre-cancer. I wish I was that thin.
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