Apple launches iPhone 2.0.2 update



  • Reply 121 of 219
    I was one of those people who was having horrible problems with drop calls, 3G connectivity, etc. It was very bad. So far, 2.0.2 has fixed it. I have spent all night on the phone and no drop calls!!! voice quality is very good. I know this could change as time goes on and its early but I'm happy that there is progress!!
  • Reply 122 of 219
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by Leithal View Post

    Second, the iPhone would be one helluva lot faster than dial up. Not that I remember how slow that is, having dropped dial up in '95 or '96 for ISDN.

    BTW, 250MB is only a 3 or 4 minute download for me! Gotta love cable!

    LOL that's hella slow dude. @ 5-6mb/sec here in Japan, four minutes would get me about 1.4GB. Sometimes I grab full DVDs in about 20 minutes. There are other locations that are even faster.
  • Reply 123 of 219
    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    No, seriously, are you worried your three-year-old is reading this forum? Don't even worry about your nine-year-old; his language when you are not around would make a soldier blush.

    I did not know there is a problem with trying to have a descent forum. Do something wrong and defend yourself as if you are an idol.
  • Reply 124 of 219
    I downloaded it. If anything, it has sure made my iPhone 3G seem to be much quicker in accessing different applications. Like lightning fast, compared to before.

    Now, whether this has anything to do with 2.0.2, or not, I don't know, but, in my apartment, before the update, I could get no "bars" on 3G. Now, I am getting 3 "bars", and when I go to maps, and use search, it finds my actual location, rather than the general area, while I'm inside my apartment. It never did that, while I was in my apartment, before the update!
  • Reply 125 of 219
    For all of you having problems with your iPhone (slow keyboard, contacts etc.) try RESTORING instead of updating and then choose to setup as new iPhone this will of course wipe your SMS lists etc, but it's very important that you choose to setup as new iPhone. You can resync most data afterwards (just import your photos first!). Restore to the latest 2.02 firware and you shouldn't see any of those annoying problems, or atleast some kind of improvement.

    Hope this helps.

    One note: Sometimes this will change your display's colour hue to the old cooler balance of the original iPhone (I prefer the warmer one that ships with the 3G's software). \
  • Reply 126 of 219
    .mac.mac Posts: 44member
    My Grand Pa Dev Team told not to update so i am waiting
  • Reply 127 of 219
    Originally Posted by morluk View Post

    I am very disappointed with iphone for the following resasons

    1. there is no copy and paste (unbelievable)

    2. there is no any kind of search (another unbelievable)

    3. if you are not subscribed call display even the caller in your contacts it doesn't show you the caller

    4. there is no any desktop application to update calender and/or contacts, you have to have MS products (what a shame)

    Who turned this into the whiny complainer thread? Does the title say "Please submit all your iPhone grievances"??? Yes, we ALL KNOW the iPhone's software is incomplete, but it's still by far the best damn smartphone I've ever used.

    1) Apple is aware people would like Copy/paste, and it probably working on it. Mentioning it for the 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time isn't going to speed up their work.

    2) "Search" for what? There is a contact search...

    3) unintelligible

    4) I believe Calendar and Contacts sync work with either Microsoft Outlook or Apple's equivalent applications. If you are looking for something free, I'm not sure, but there may be 3rd party applications that can do this, or plugins for Mozilla/Thunderbird/Sunbird and other contact/calendar/email programs.
  • Reply 128 of 219
    updated to 2.0.2 this evening.

    My findings:

    Contacts: much faster, virtually no wait time at all to be able to scroll and search etc.

    Mail: Seems a bit snappier, but I never had much of an issue before.

    SMS: Never had a problem before. None now.

  • Reply 129 of 219
    As Apple doesn't seem to want us to know the details of what they include in their release updates, my theory is that they did some software tweak to boost power to the Infineon chip so that the reception is better. They may have 'muted' it to enhance the I would be interested to see if 2.0.2 updaters see any loss of battery time.
  • Reply 130 of 219
    gee4orcegee4orce Posts: 165member
    Originally Posted by morluk View Post

    I am very disappointed with iphone for the following resasons

    1. there is no copy and paste (unbelievable)

    2. there is no any kind of search (another unbelievable)

    3. if you are not subscribed call display even the caller in your contacts it doesn't show you the caller

    4. there is no any desktop application to update calender and/or contacts, you have to have MS products (what a shame)

    1) granted

    2) Contacts has search. What are you looking for specifically ? There's a google app you can download that integrates contact and web search.

    3) err. this should work. it works great or me.

    4) So now you expect Apple to write Windows desktop apps ? Err. have you ever heard of Mac OS X ? That comes with all the desktop apps you need to work with the iPhone data.
  • Reply 131 of 219
    Originally Posted by morluk View Post

    I am very disappointed with iphone for the following resasons

    1. there is no copy and paste (unbelievable)

    2. there is no any kind of search (another unbelievable)

    3. if you are not subscribed call display even the caller in your contacts it doesn't show you the caller

    4. there is no any desktop application to update calender and/or contacts, you have to have MS products (what a shame)

    You guys, he's obviously a PC fanboy and mac hater, he joined to post that and knew it would get everyone rialed up... let's try not to stoop too much to his level.

    However, I must take a moment to point out (as everyone else has) what a dumb sh*t "morluk" is for posting this irrelevant repetitive crud in this thread.... everyone (including apple) is quite aware that there is (1.) no copy and paste (and it is coming - doesn't really bother most users and we are patient because we know when apple does it, they will do it right - (2.) not really sure what the hell you expect aside from what's already implemented + the google app rocks - (3.) you're a f*cktard - and (4.) grow up and get a real computer (a Mac.) and quit your bitching. Apple doesn't make you pay for stuff like a calendar, mail program and address book - it's built right into the OS (along with a TON of other beautiful and bitchin' applications that, yes, "just work"
  • Reply 132 of 219
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    My phone remains unlocked on 2.0.2 after updating. Thank God.
  • Reply 133 of 219
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by morluk View Post

    3. if you are not subscribed call display even the caller in your contacts it doesn't show you the caller

    Caller ID isnt included???? what the heck? I have not seen a cell phone without caller ID as standard since the early 90s!
  • Reply 134 of 219
    Has the updated corrected the keyboard lag in SMS?

    I know you Americans don't use SMS, but we Europeans do text a lot - the keyboard lag is so frustrating I've been close to hurling my phone at the floor in anger.

    I need a phone that does SMS! If this third version doesn't correct it, I'm going to have to give up hope and replace my phone, which is a huge shame because in every way it's pretty much perfect.

    Anyone had the infuriating keyboard lag on SMS in this update?
  • Reply 135 of 219
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Nope. Marking all email as read would be nice, but the search may be difficult as the Mail app only keeps 20 messages on the phone at a time.

    Not true, at least not with exchange...

    I can keep 3 days (or about 200 messages), 1 or 2 weeks, 1 month, or my entire mailbox (roughly 180MB) on my phone.

    Have kept several gmail messages on the phone too when it was configed.

    Just as a side note: I would like to point out that the 4 year old Blackberry on my desk can search email...I will give apple untill Macworld to get search in email, fix the bugs, and contacts+Exchange issue or I shall be forced to get a BB
  • Reply 136 of 219
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Apart from jasonfj and Pooch and a few other sound (albeit critical) comments, I think this place is overloaded with Apple cheerleaders, preventing us from having a remotely reasonable discussion.

    Deal with it - iPhone is not yet as credible, versatile or, not least, as OPEN a device to amount virtually to a handheld computer in the way, for instance, N96 is ... Make no mistake about it - I want iPhone to be good enough, but it just isn't at this stage, that's all.

    Frankly, I really regret having succumbed to the hype and bought it 3 weeks ago. i should have chosen something like Xperia (X1) instead ... My friend just got hold of one - it's a marvel.
  • Reply 137 of 219
    Originally Posted by markbriton View Post

    Has the updated corrected the keyboard lag in SMS?

    I know you Americans don't use SMS, but we Europeans do text a lot - the keyboard lag is so frustrating I've been close to hurling my phone at the floor in anger.

    I need a phone that does SMS! If this third version doesn't correct it, I'm going to have to give up hope and replace my phone, which is a huge shame because in every way it's pretty much perfect.

    Anyone had the infuriating keyboard lag on SMS in this update?

    yep, 2.0.2 corrected the text lag, it works very well as I said a bit earlier.

    you'd be surprised at how many americans text.... especially on the iphone
  • Reply 138 of 219
    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    Apart from jasonfj and Pooch and a few other sound (albeit critical) comments, I think this place is overloaded with Apple cheerleaders, preventing us from having a remotely reasonable discussion.

    Deal with it - iPhone is not yet as credible, versatile or, not least, as OPEN a device to amount virtually to a handheld computer in the way, for instance, N96 is ... Make no mistake about it - I want iPhone to be good enough, but it just isn't at this stage, that's all.

    Frankly, I really regret having succumbed to the hype and bought it 3 weeks ago. i should have chosen something like Xperia (X1) instead ... My friend just got hold of one - it's a marvel.

    just wondering... how is the iphone not "credible?"

    no one ever said the iPhone was supposed to be a handheld computer, you're comparing apples and oranges. if you want a computer, get a computer. the iPhone is a phone, and a much more capable one than many at that.

    it always cracks me up how many people still don't understand the concept of the iPhone.
  • Reply 139 of 219
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by meeksdigital View Post

    just wondering... how is the iphone not "credible?"

    no one ever said the iPhone was supposed to be a handheld computer, you're comparing apples and oranges. if you want a computer, get a computer. the iPhone is a phone, and a much more capable one than many at that.

    it always cracks me up how many people still don't understand the concept of the iPhone.

    Read various comments above about the 3G connection problems (among others), and you will see what I mean by 'not credible'.

    We are talking smartphones here, not just phones. And smartphones are becoming more and more like hand-held computers - and I am sure that Apple is marketing iPhone as one, in fact ... My point was that, compared to the class leaders (Nokia and SonyEricsson, in particular, and Rim to a lesser extent), iPhone is definitely, and regretably, is still more like phone ... And you don't seem to argue with that.

    iPhone needs to catch up in terms of various basic software bugs as well as the basic functionalities, platform openness and reception quality - I am afraid the initial element of novelty (of how 'cool' iPhone is) is starting to wear off now once 3G has been released ... There is no more 'big thing' for us to wait, and Apple will have to work hard by going back to the basics and improving all those 'small things' that in fact make up a good smartphone.

    Moreover, Apple will now have to face increasing competition not only in terms of design but, more importantly, also functionality and price. Even Samsung (watch for their soon to be announced GT series) and LG are now capable of making very very smart devices (at a fraction of the price) in the increasingly lucrative market of high-end phones.
  • Reply 140 of 219
    Originally Posted by jasonfj View Post

    My assessment is that it hasn't made a blind bit of difference to anything.

    Ridiculously simple apps such as Clock still take 2-3 seconds to open, leaving me gawping at the screen like an idiot just to see what the time is in Dubai. Contacts is still unresponsive for a good couple of seconds (I don't have a big database) and Weather loads about as fast as it would on an Macintosh Classic.

    Can ANYONE tell me why these BASIC apps should be SO SLOW opening?


    iPhone 3G 16gb

    I would guess that Clock and Weather are getting information over the Internet. Weather is definitely pulling the latest info. Clock may be syncing the time.

    Contacts *might* take 1-2 seconds for me with 167 contacts. Doesn't seem excessive to me.
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