Apple launches iPhone 2.0.2 update



  • Reply 201 of 219
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by stonefree View Post

    Sitting at my desk at home, I can now get 3G for the first time. However, my bars still occasionaly jump down to 1 from 5. We'll see how well it improves call dropping. I've had occasional call drops, usually immediately after dialing, so fortunately it hasn't been a big issue for me.

    EDIT- seconds after hitting Post Reply on my desktop, my iPhone then displays "No service". I had to reboot.

    Are you still using a PC/P4 desktop?

    I take umbrage at your previous post on Macs, and on your use of this site to post your political views, e.g., (Post #120)

    As such, I have a feeling that you don't have an iPhone, let alone a 3G. And are just trolling.
  • Reply 202 of 219
    Originally Posted by rygriffin333 View Post

    Still getting the patented "Safari cannot load the page because the page is not responding" error on 3G. Every. Time. Zero. Throughput.


    (And I am in Manhattan. So please spare me the "do you have coverage?" question)

    Sorry, guy, I haven't looked that much further, but check out the September 2008 issue of Mac|Life for someone *else* who is having problems using their iPhone in Manhattan. Brian Vickers uses a Sprint phone there instead. I wonder what they do in Apple's Flagship store down there...

    Sorry, no link. Mac|Life's website doesn't seem to have that print article.

    Random thoughts related to my subject: AT&T current advertising slogan may be more useful to Chili's then themselves. And, if I remember correctly, Times Square has a bunch of drinking establishments...
  • Reply 203 of 219
    Originally Posted by nasdarq View Post

    I think you're getting somewhat off the mark there. As I understand, this is not a forum for Apple salesmen to wank over themselves as to how good they are at marketing - this is, first and foremost, a forum for simple consumers (regardless what kind of consumers) of Apple products to share their individual experiences, grievances and suggestions with a view to seeing those products improved.

    Pretty weak.... funny, but pretty weak. (NOT)

  • Reply 204 of 219
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Once you have registered as a given user name, I don't think you can change it. You may just have to start over with a new user name and let this one go.

    I think you can ask a moderator or a site administrator to help you. Five posts isn't a big deal, but if the account is left there without a name change, it will always be spiderable.
  • Reply 205 of 219
    I don't know why appleinsider didn't post this with the news but if you go to the iPhone application called "mobile news" the app is free and the icon is a hat. Go on there then go to tech news under "more" and there is a story saying that and apple spokeswoman stated that update 2.02 was meant to fix any 3g network issues by helping the iPhone communicate with 3g towers.

    Thanks for reading! Just wanted to let you know. Anyone notice a difference in their 3g
  • Reply 206 of 219
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    I don't know why appleinsider didn't post this with the news but if you go to the iPhone application called "mobile news" the app is free and the icon is a hat. Go on there then go to tech news under "more" and there is a story saying that and apple spokeswoman stated that update 2.02 was meant to fix any 3g network issues by helping the iPhone communicate with 3g towers.

    Thanks for reading! Just wanted to let you know. Anyone notice a difference in their 3g

    I have trouble believing this update was meant to fix 3G connection issues. I hope it does resolve everyone's 3G connectivity but it seems unlikely.
  • Reply 207 of 219
    You're welcome.
  • Reply 208 of 219
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    OK THEN...

    The only semi reliable handsets nokia puts out are the NON smartphones. All of the issues we have are with their symbian based handsets which are complete crap. Sony fairs better with their handsets as they implement the OS better and their handsets are less buggy.

    The N95 is a popular handset but I have 16 of them in the workshop which are all faulty and all only a couple of months old.

    Problems range from

    Bluetooth wont connect

    mic doesnt work

    earpiece wont work

    slider broken or slider loose

    dead keys

    no signal

    weak signal, drops calls constantly.

    audio cut outs

    terrible battery life (<90 mins)

    no sim card message

    power issues, e.g. turning off when answering incoming calls

    Of course, there are a multitude of software issues too but these can normally be fixed by switching the handset off and on again.

    Even though Nokia has done their best to squash the bugs even the newest 8GB handsets still have signal issues and power problems and thats after dozens of firmware updates.

    Anyone who deals with mobiles is well aware of Nokias history with symbian. The N70, N73, N90 were all plagued with bugs.

    The top end segment? Far from it.

    Interesting; you definitely know what you are talking about. Still it's not clear how this fares against the background of the fact that N95 is a very popular device (which you have mentioned too, btw). It would be good to have a similar forum for Nokia's users, as a result of which some more comparable statistics could be produced as to the relative scope of these issues, some of which are definitely very serious. But this is absolutely not my experience with my old N95; a few bugs I had with the software were nothing that could not be fixed by simply rebooting.
  • Reply 209 of 219
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    The 'Not' jokes ... What could be more quintessentially ...
  • Reply 210 of 219
    nasdarqnasdarq Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    no question the 3G iPhone has got bugs - more than it should.

    will they get fixed in the next few months? sure.

    is it good for Steve Jobs to eat some humble pie? definitely! too much worship is bad for anyone.

    is the situation worth all the emotion in this thread? well, it's understandable - so i'm not criticizing - but actually, no. this is cutting-edge stuff, and if you are an early adopter, you have to be ready to roll with the glitches, not freak or get all righteous.

    what about me? (it's all about me, right?) i got a cheap 4Gig 2G last year that has had no problems. the new apps are great. so i'm a happy camper.

    Elegantly put. The only (partial) defence to that could be that "quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side".
  • Reply 211 of 219
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Are you still using a PC/P4 desktop?

    I take umbrage at your previous post on Macs, and on your use of this site to post your political views, e.g., (Post #120)

    As such, I have a feeling that you don't have an iPhone, let alone a 3G. And are just trolling.

    What? You may not agree with what this poster has to say, but the "political views" he was expressing in the post you quoted just happen to belong the "Political Outsider" area of AppleInsider. Seems like he was posting in the right area to me at least.

    Whether or not they own an iPhone 3g is another matter entirely.
  • Reply 212 of 219
    The iPhone Dev Team has patched their QuickPwn Tool to work firmware 2.0.2 you can now jailbreak and unlock 1rst gen and jailbreak 3G. Remember use at your own risk it's still beta!

    Download QuickPwn GUI 1.2.0
  • Reply 213 of 219
    ph555ph555 Posts: 1member
    Just what I've noticed so far in addition to those listed in the 1st thread (the new animation from Music list and album view is still my favorite). Some minor, some not. may be with 2.01 and I didn't notice them

    1) Notes: New animation for minimizing from Notes

    2) Contacts: ".com" popup menu is hidden in the simple period button [.] Hold to see other options.

    3) VPN: Moved in Settings under General > Network.

    4) Slight improvement in dragging Icons between home screens.

    5) "Reset Settings" should only have cleared settings and not media, but it broke Music. I could tell by the Capacity values that the files were still there, but I had to resync to get access back to the files.

    6) When I connected to iTunes to resync Music: The option to upload the iPod diagnostics file triggered an automatic backup of my iTouch - presumably due to the contents of the file indicating trouble in the file system?
  • Reply 214 of 219
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Has anyone had problems with iPhone no longer keeping tabs on play count and last played? I need them for my smart playlists, and half the time that data either doesn't get recorded or doesn't sync anymore.
  • Reply 215 of 219
    I read some people have reported crashing on their iphones on 2.0.2. Mine has been ok touchwood but has anyone else had any crashes? I am being told it is something to do with the app store but is there anything in particular?
  • Reply 216 of 219
    iPhone 2.0.2 is available for download now

    [ Installation Guide ]
  • Reply 217 of 219
    Originally Posted by xitzjustalex View Post

    iPhone 2.0.2 is available for download now

    [ Installation Guide ]

    Where have you been all this time?
  • Reply 218 of 219
    "Show My Caller ID" changed to OFF after the 2.0.2 update. Did this happen to anyone else?


    iPhone 2.0.2 Software Update - Installation Guide
  • Reply 219 of 219
    Originally Posted by xitzjustalex View Post

    "Show My Caller ID" changed to OFF after the 2.0.2 update. Did this happen to anyone else?


    iPhone 2.0.2 Software Update - Installation Guide

    Nope. But, you should now have 2.1 starting this morning. I'm updating mine to 2.1 as we speak.
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