Microsoft's 'I'm a PC' campaign created with Macs



  • Reply 161 of 193
    Originally Posted by grtgrfx View Post

    I don't think it is the same thing to say "don't drink an optional beverage in the kitchen" vs. "don't use the multi-million dollar workflow production system the entire enterprise is built on." That's a stupid analogy. It's like saying to American Airlines, don't use Boeing airplanes, use Sikorski helicopters in all your flights or don't use our products. Obviously that wouldn't fly, and no large agency would do it. Sure they fight for the business, but the clients go to agencies for the quality of their products not to restrict the creatives.

    But are there NO creative agencies that use Windows? NONE???

    Of course it would be difficult to get an agency to change their entire production system... but with a $300 million ad budget you could CREATE a new agency. You would think that there would be agencies using Windows just BECAUSE of the size of Microsoft and symbiotic relationships that could be formed.

    If you're arguing that there is not a single, reasonably talented creative agency in the entire United States. that uses Windows for their creative work, that could be used for a project like this, then that is really, really bad.

    "I am a PC and I have been made into a stereotype of a machine that no creative professional in the world will touch".
  • Reply 162 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by rickag View Post

    I didn't have time to read every post so I don't know if this has been posted, but I think this you tube spoof will kill the Microsoft "I'm a PC ads".

    Some one remembered this Apple ad from 2006.

    Very good lol, thanks for sharing.
  • Reply 163 of 193
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    But the accountants were using PCs.

    Isn't that every major corporation? Macs in the creative departments and PC in accounting and finance.

    Well, accounting firms are partnerships rather than corporations, but at one time, Arthur Young, a major accounting firm, now part of Ernst and Young, used Apple ][s and Macintoshes extensively (in the early 80s, they were their *only* desktop computer). They also happened to be Apple, Inc.'s independent auditors. (though if you're using some of your clients products, how independent can you be? \)

    In the mid-90s, Ernst and Young got rid of their Macs. Their MIS (call them by their proper name ) department issued a press release announcing that they had converted everything to Microsoft Windows. Apple, Inc. promptly dumped them for KPMG, whom they also use for other consulting services.

    Personally, because of this press release, and to act as a Mac Addict, I vote against Ernst and Young in every *other* corporation in which I own stock.
  • Reply 164 of 193
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    You're funny for sure. There were so many articles I was completely overloaded with options: Here is just one as you seem to live on Mars and don't have Google for yourself. Note the very first line, mentioning 'Fight'. I assume Kevin McLaughlin is a 'Liar' too. I will not be replying to anything you write since you use such unpleasant phrases and bad language (see this gentleman's earlier posts).

    I asked:

    "Please provide a source and quote of these 'Microsoft senior management words' where they state that they are 'sick to death of the Apple ads' and 'are going to fight back,' and also that 'it is an admitted direct response to Apple.'"

    And that's all you can come up with? That doesn't quote a single thing of what you said earlier! You are a bold-faced liar and have lost all your credibility, sorry.

    Like I said, let me give it a shot since I want to be like you when I grow up:

    Apple's senior management has directly stated and admitted that they are "sick of having such a tiny insignificant marketshare in the computer industry as compared to Microsoft, because Macs are so much better and can do everything a PC can." Then they go and design all of their Macs using PCs with CAD/CAM software. Ha ha ha so hillarious!

    And here are's a random quote to back it up:

    "We would like to see our market share grow,' Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, admitted to The Independent on Sunday last week at the Apple Expo held in Paris."
  • Reply 165 of 193
    Originally Posted by joseph_went_south View Post

    But are there NO creative agencies that use Windows? NONE???

    Of course it would be difficult to get an agency to change their entire production system... but with a $300 million ad budget you could CREATE a new agency. You would think that there would be agencies using Windows just BECAUSE of the size of Microsoft and symbiotic relationships that could be formed.

    If you're arguing that there is not a single, reasonably talented creative agency in the entire United States. that uses Windows for their creative work, that could be used for a project like this, then that is really, really bad.

    "I am a PC and I have been made into a stereotype of a machine that no creative professional in the world will touch".

    *Sigh* are you really that dense? MS hired Crispin Porter & Bogusky for their creativity and innovative approach to marketing, not because of the platform they use. They're not fanboys like you zealots. They'd be idiots if they forced them to use x or y tool just to look good for Mac fanboys who will look to any petty excuse to attack them. Only an idiot would hire somebody who's an expert on their field and then try to tell them how to do their job or what tools to use when it's just a means to an end. Yes, there are talented creative agencies that use PC's, but THAT WASN'T THE CRITERIA they used to select one. Only a stupid zealot fanboy would use that as their basis for searching the right people for a job where the only thing that matters is the end result.

    Eric Hollreiser, director of corporate communications at Microsoft, says that the company never asked for brand monogamy:

    "We focused only on being inclusive of people who used and had passion for PC. That was and is our only criterion. They represent all walks of life: be it race, nationality, gender, profession, interests, etc."

    Why can't Mac users and Apple itself be more than this? It's be a better world that's for sure.
  • Reply 166 of 193
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    And the ad style is exactly the same as "Think Different". The message is different, but I was talking about style - a series of people doing different things sliced together.

    Funniest thing I've heard in a while! Typical Mac zealot! Apple invented the concept of "a series of people doing different things sliced together" in a TV ad! Genious! 90% of the ads out there are copying this innovative Apple concept! Everyone copies Apple!

  • Reply 167 of 193
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    But the accountants were using PCs.

    Isn't that every major corporation? Macs in the creative departments and PC in accounting and finance.

    The Radiology Dept in my father's hospital is wall to wall Macs which treat the huge scanners as just another peripheral. To go with them all the accounts and databases run on iMacs as well.
  • Reply 168 of 193
    Originally Posted by Lictor View Post

    And likewise, I expect Apple ads using 3D animation to be made on Windows...

    We have a few people at work who run MacOS on a PC too...

    If you have a look at Apple's manuals, they have been produced in FrameMaker, which is nolonger supported on the Mac.

    So they are made on old Macs running OS9, or on PCs running Windows, or Macs using BootCamp.
  • Reply 169 of 193
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    *Sigh* are you really that dense? MS hired Crispin Porter & Bogusky for their creativity and innovative approach to marketing,

    And again, no one with sufficient "creativity and innovative approach to marketing" is on the Windows platform?


    not because of the platform they use.



    They're not fanboys like you zealots. They'd be idiots if they forced them to use x or y tool just to look good for Mac fanboys who will look to any petty excuse to attack them. Only an idiot would hire somebody who's an expert on their field and then try to tell them how to do their job or what tools to use when it's just a means to an end. Yes, there are talented creative agencies that use PC's, but THAT WASN'T THE CRITERIA they used to select one. Only a stupid zealot fanboy would use that as their basis for searching the right people for a job where the only thing that matters is the end result.

    Eric Hollreiser, director of corporate communications at Microsoft, says that the company never asked for brand monogamy:

    "We focused only on being inclusive of people who used and had passion for PC. That was and is our only criterion. They represent all walks of life: be it race, nationality, gender, profession, interests, etc."

    That sounds so ridiculous. "We focused only on being inclusive of people who used and had passion for PC" ... except for those in the creative industry, in particular the firm we hired to make a commercial about people who have passion for PC.


    Are there no creative firms in the United States as good as these guys, who do their work on Windows machines?


    Why can't Mac users and Apple itself be more than this? It's be a better world that's for sure.

  • Reply 170 of 193
    Originally Posted by joseph_went_south View Post

    That sounds so ridiculous. "We focused only on being inclusive of people who used and had passion for PC" ... except for those in the creative industry, in particular the firm we hired to make a commercial about people who have passion for PC.

    Even worse aren't most of the people they highlight as passionate PC users actually Mac fans and users? Which is more to the point about lying and deception in the ads.
  • Reply 171 of 193
    Originally Posted by joseph_went_south View Post

    And again, no one with sufficient "creativity and innovative approach to marketing" is on the Windows platform?


    That sounds so ridiculous. "We focused only on being inclusive of people who used and had passion for PC" ... except for those in the creative industry, in particular the firm we hired to make a commercial about people who have passion for PC.


    Are there no creative firms in the United States as good as these guys, who do their work on Windows machines?

    You just don't get it. Their criteria wasn't what platform they use. That's reserved for zealots like you. Their criteria was that they were a successful ad agency which they liked. If they had discriminated based on platform they'd be as stupid and blind as you zealots. They're saying they're focused on people who have a passion for PCs, not people who hate and don't use Macs. That's the difference between MS and Apple and MS and you zealots. MS is about celebrating PC users, regardless of Apple. Apple and you are about hating everything PC and discriminating. That's why these ads are so brilliant. They're not attacks. Apple's strategy is being anti-PC. MS's strategy is being pro-PC, not being anti-Mac. That's why these ads are being successful and applauded in the blogosphere. But you will probably never get it since you're just a dense zealot.
  • Reply 172 of 193
    Originally Posted by gastroboy View Post

    Even worse aren't most of the people they highlight as passionate PC users actually Mac fans and users? Which is more to the point about lying and deception in the ads.

    First of all, they're ADS. If you think people in Coke ads all drink Coke, or people in BMW ads all drive BMWs, you're a moron. Justin Long isn't even a Mac fan. These people are getting paid. Second, there's no reason why a Mac fan can't enjoy using a PC, and vice-versa. Why do Mac zealots have to be so divisive and polarizing, it's almost as bad as republicans vs democrats. Again, that's why these ads are so brilliant. They're not harping on anyone for using a Mac, they're celebrating PC users. A positive message, completely contrasting what Apple does, hence making them look arrogant and stupid. It's brilliant.
  • Reply 173 of 193
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Anyone who accuses someone else of being a zealot that many times in one post is probably a zealot.

    Yes, it was stupid of Microsoft not to require the use of Windows in the creation of the ad. I can promise you that Crispin Porter & Bogusky could have produced the work on Windows without blinking. The cost of a new workstation and Windows versions of the apps would've been negligible and probably passed directly on to Microsoft anyway. With the exception of Apple's own offerings, all the professional tools are available on Windows. Now, the next Mac & PC ad practically writes itself.

    "Hey PC, guess what. I'm hard at work making "I'm a PC" ads just for you.

    "Thanks Mac, but why aren't I making that ad? I have almost all the same creative software."

    "I don't know PC. All I know is that the ad agency that was hired preferred using me. It must be about something more than just the software."

    Not the best dialog, I know, but I typed that out literally stream-of-concsiousness and the concept is there.
  • Reply 174 of 193
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Anyone who accuses someone else of being a zealot that many times in one post is probably a zealot.

    Yes, it was stupid of Microsoft not to require the use of Windows in the creation of the ad. I can promise you that Crispin Porter & Bogusky could have produced the work on Windows without blinking. The cost of a new workstation and Windows versions of the apps would've been negligible and probably passed directly on to Microsoft anyway. With the exception of Apple's own offerings, all the professional tools are available on Windows. Now, the next Mac & PC ad practically writes itself.

    "Hey PC, guess what. I'm hard at work making "I'm a PC" ads just for you.

    "Thanks Mac, but why aren't I making that ad? I have almost all the same creative software."

    "I don't know PC. All I know is that the ad agency that was hired preferred using me. It must be about something more than just the software."

    Not the best dialog, I know, but I typed that out literally stream-of-concsiousness and the concept is there.

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point. Only Apple zealots care about these things. The public in general, and Microsoft, don't. You hire somebody to do a job with the best tools possible, period. Apple stores use PCs to check you out and Windows Mobile to activate iPhones. Apple's manufacturing process is controlled by PCs. Macs themselves are designed on PC's running Autocad. Who cares? Nobody. Best tools for the job. But if MS hires somebody to do a job, even if it's a stupid video, they have to FORCE them to use PCs? Only a blind Mac zealot would even think of making such a request and/or enforce it. It's pretty sad how you can't look outside your little bubble at how the world works, even when the very arguments you use backfire, as is the case with Macs themselves being created on PCs.
  • Reply 175 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point. Only Apple zealots care about these things. The public in general, and Microsoft, don't. You hire somebody to do a job with the best tools possible, period. Apple stores use PCs to check you out and Windows Mobile to activate iPhones. Apple's manufacturing process is controlled by PCs. Macs themselves are designed on PC's running Autocad. Who cares? Nobody. Best tools for the job. But if MS hires somebody to do a job, even if it's a stupid video, they have to FORCE them to use PCs? Only a blind Mac zealot would even think of making such a request and/or enforce it. It's pretty sad how you can't look outside your little bubble at how the world works, even when the very arguments you use backfire, as is the case with Macs themselves being created on PCs.

    Wow, thanks henrymonroe you are a treasure trove of information regarding the inner workings at Apple (you must work there to know so much I assume), I never knew Macs were designed on PCs! I must admit I am behind in that area. Last time I read anything about this was years ago and back then Apple was using Cray Super Computers, now PCs you say, wow again, ... who knew! Or are you are referring to the external look? In which case I guess it's Jonathan Ive's team you must be referring to as using PCs and Autocad, that is really amazing news, again total shock to me! I did read about the use of mobile Windows in Apple stores but I also seem to recall this was problematic, I need to check on the latest news there. Keep up the good work informing us bubble living zealot, as an Apple user since 1978 and a PC user since the first gray import to the UK (1981 I think) my preference for Apple is totally personal choice so I hope that's OK with you and that's why I read this blog, you know the AppleInsider one for pro Apple people where we understand each others passions.
  • Reply 176 of 193
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    You hire somebody to do a job with the best tools possible, period.

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point.

    I own a video production company. A request like the hypothetical I presented is not uncommon at all. In college I interned at a much bigger video production company. Some of the requests of the of the clients would blow your mind. You're the one living in a bubble.
  • Reply 177 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point.

    I own a video production company. A request like the hypothetical I presented is not uncommon at all. In college I interned at a much bigger video production company. Some of the requests of the of the clients would blow your mind. You're the one living in a bubble.

    So true, I bet there are many good stories out there about that very point.

    Henry's points do have some merit in a some circumstances e.g. would Johnson & Johnson care if Macs or PCs were used? No of course not.

    Now imagine Kodak advertising their film and it leaked that Fuji Film was used for all the demo shots LOL ... HELLO! Someone just got fired!

    The thrust of most of the posts here were only that MS were a tad silly a) using Macs and b) getting caught ... given they are trying to go head to head with Apple in advertising. To a Mac fan it is funny, end of conversation. Sigh .. Enough of the insults Henry old boy.
  • Reply 178 of 193
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by JamesWyatt View Post

    If Microsoft is your client, you produce the creative on PCs. End of story. This is retarded thinking on the Microsoft side and lazy slacker thinking on the ad agency side. It IS a big deal. The car analogies are crap. It's more like hiring an agency to make commercials for Pepsi ("look, we're better than Coke"), and the agency worldwide has nothing but coke machines in it's break rooms.

    It's irony, hypocrisy, hilarity, and epic fail all rolled in to one.

    I wonder if the surgeons who operated on Steve Jobs' cancer are PC users. And what kind of computers were used in the operating room where Steve was lying with his body cut open. Perhaps Microsoft should have included Steve's doctors in their TV commercial.

    Mac users would probably say "no big deal". But if word ever got out that Bill Gates got a checkup from a Mac-using dentist, then the entire Mac community would be jumping all over it. Irony and hypocrisy indeed.
  • Reply 179 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    I wonder if the surgeons who operated on Steve Jobs' cancer are PC users. And what kind of computers were used in the operating room where Steve was lying with his body cut open. Perhaps Microsoft should have included Steve's doctors in their TV commercial.

    Mac users would probably say "no big deal". But if word ever got out that Bill Gates got a checkup from a Mac-using dentist, then the entire Mac community would be jumping all over it. Irony and hypocrisy indeed.

    Not true, there is no competition between them in that area.

    The example I used earlier is less contentious as it is not Apple or MS and shows nicely the same thing:

    1. Kodak Film Ad showing beautiful scenes made by ad agency using Fuji Film to take said photographs. Open to ridicule by Fuji and Press.

    2. Kodak CEO having life saving surgery and operation done by surgeon who used Fuji Film to image the operation or even at his daughter's birthday party: Not worth mentioning.
  • Reply 180 of 193
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point.

    I own a video production company. A request like the hypothetical I presented is not uncommon at all. In college I interned at a much bigger video production company. Some of the requests of the of the clients would blow your mind. You're the one living in a bubble.

    *Sigh* It's almost as if you didn't read my post at all. Thanks for being one more zealot who proves my point.

    I didn't say such requests weren't common. I said Microsoft does not go to the extents of zealotry that you Mac users do. When they hire the best marketing company, they don't dictate how they should or shouldn't do things. That's reserved for intolerant bigots like you. The ads get their point across perfectly. Promoting the PC as the best platform for creative marketing was NOT that point. You just don't get it.
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