Jobs responds to outrage over MacBook's missing FireWire



  • Reply 181 of 1665
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Hmmm! Interesting point.

    'murch, he's got you on that one.

    Even better, a refurbished Macbook Pro for $1350, just $50 more than the new low end Macbook, with larger screen, 2 Firewire ports (400 and 800) and ExpressCard slot.

    Extremely tempting....
  • Reply 182 of 1665
    johnqhjohnqh Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    And that's the huge question nobody seems to know the answer to:

    Why has Apple not created a USB Target Disk Mode to replace Firewire Target Disk Mode?

    It should be technically possible.

    Well....why bother? With the new Macbook, getting the HD out is extremely easy. Take it out, put into an external 2.5" HD case, essentially you get the Target Disk Mode.
  • Reply 183 of 1665
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Upon examining the MB chassis and logic board it's clear to me there was no technical basis for removing the Firewire. There's room for FW and including it would only increase the cost of the Macbook incrementally.

    That leave me to conclude AAPL crippled the Macbook strictly for marketing purposes. In so doing they pissed off a lot of users (like me) who have taken AAPL's lead and invested heavily in Firewire. It's also unlike AAPL to downgrade to an inferior technology like USB in their new products. Remember, a CD-ROM was a step-up from a floppy drive -- not a step down!

    I predict AAPL may reincorporate FW in the MB because in the past AAPL has admitted and remedied former missteps. The $600 iPhone, for example. I know it's a long shot but we'll see. I left feedback with AAPL to this effect.

    this is absolutely correct. As part of a normal upgrade cycle for people who have mac laptops, a firewire port represents an ability to use countless periferals. If the macbook had any other expansion option (firewire, FW800, or an expansion card slot), this would all be a non-issue.

    I understand why apple did it, but it just sucks. All of my mac friends who were ready to pull the trigger had to really stop and think: Is my g4 12 inch really that bad? At least I can still use my external drive.

    For some people this is no big deal. If you have a couple of external FW drives, and any other more exotic FW devices like a camcorder, the new macbook is a no go.

    Why didn't they just add the damn thing? or at least give us some warning: BTW, we're phasing out firewire. tell us maybe a year ago or whenever you decided that it wasn't going to be important to us. WTF.
  • Reply 184 of 1665
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by rawhead View Post

    Now, why don't you go ahead and address the other, very valid point I make; why can't you settle for a white 2.4GHz MacBook that is pretty much on par, spec-wise, with the higher end new MacBook (since you won't be using that 9400M much when working in audio apps), that you can get for $600 cheaper? Which will not become obsolete for several years, at which point this will be a total non-issue??

    what will happen when the Snow Leopard comes which requires greater graphic power, u r investment on $999 (just for firewire) macbook will vanish once Snow leopard announced (next 6 to 12 months) ...

    when people say they want firewire, it is their valid point ... 90% may not need that, but still 10% needs them, remember all these guys/girls are loyal apple customer.
  • Reply 185 of 1665
    Geez, what a bunch of whiners. Firewire is dead. Mourn it if you want, but sooner or later you'll all have to move on.

    Anyway, if you have a recent Mac (Intel), it'll be good for at least a couple more years. That's plenty of time for you to replace anything you have that "needs" Firewire.
  • Reply 186 of 1665
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Upon examining the MB chassis and logic board it's clear to me there was no technical basis for removing the Firewire. There's room for FW and including it would only increase the cost of the Macbook incrementally.

    Of course it's all about marketing. Other vendors go the other way by adding every point they can think of to make the tech specs look more impressive., but ho needs VGA, HDMI, Serial and Parallel Ports. I saw new PC notebook that had all that. Different goals for different Co.'s.


    That leave me to conclude AAPL crippled the Macbook strictly for marketing purposes. In so doing they pissed off a lot of users (like me) who have taken AAPL's lead and invested heavily in Firewire.

    There have been years of evidence of Apple letting go of FW400 which was clearly obsolescing.


    It's also unlike AAPL to downgrade to an inferior technology like USB in their new products. Remember, a CD-ROM was a step-up from a floppy drive -- not a step down!

    Not true. The PowerBooks had DL-burning SuperDrives, The 15" MBPs that replaced them only a SL-burning SuperDrive for 2 revisions, until the tech advanced to allow DL-burning on the 9.5mm optical drives.


    I predict AAPL may reincorporate FW in the MB because in the past AAPL has admitted and remedied former missteps. The $600 iPhone, for example. I know it's a long shot but we'll see. I left feedback with AAPL to this effect.

    That was a price reduction after the surge had died down, they did no change to the HW midstream. The cases you see in the MB and MBP will be pretty much the same for the next 3-4 years. Hopefully, they will add the chip(s) that allow FW400/800 over Ethernet as I posted above in an earlier post. That could probably be done cheaply, and be beneficial, but we can do Migration Assistant over any of the ports now, so that is a plus.
  • Reply 187 of 1665
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Even better, a refurbished Macbook Pro for $1350, just $50 more than the new low end Macbook, with larger screen, 2 Firewire ports (400 and 800) and ExpressCard slot.

    Extremely tempting....

    Sure, there are a number of ways to do it.

    I'm not thrilled they removed FW either. Though just 6 months ago, on another forum here about the new 3200 FW spec, I was saying that FW's life was about over. That it was a loser compared to SATA on transfer speeds and reliability, and as soon as power over SATA and E-SATA comes out (the spec is finished) next year, the need for FW will be less than ever. I got pounded for that (as whenever I say something unpopular).

    But, Apple is doing it again. They don't see the need. This will likely speed the use of USB 2 or 3 for more machines in PCland that now use FW, and there ain't many!

    I've dropped my FW towers for E-SATA towers, and I'm much happier for it. FW is a pain.

    We just need better A/D boxes that work over USB 2 or 3 instead of the FW models (of which I have two).
  • Reply 188 of 1665
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Even better, a refurbished Macbook Pro for $1350, just $50 more than the new low end Macbook, with larger screen, 2 Firewire ports (400 and 800) and ExpressCard slot.

    Extremely tempting....

    after the stock runs out what happens? all of the customer should buy laptop now and keep in the drawer?
  • Reply 189 of 1665
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    what will happen when the Snow Leopard comes which requires greater graphic power, u r investment on $999 (just for firewire) macbook will vanish once Snow leopard announced (next 6 to 12 months) ...

    when people say they want firewire, it is their valid point ... 90% may not need that, but still 10% needs them, remember all these guys/girls are loyal apple customer.

    Most people do work that doesn't need graphics firepower, 10.6 or not.

    Otherwise, the Macbook wouldn't BE Apple's hottest selling machine, slow graphics and all!
  • Reply 190 of 1665
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    The Lenovo X200 is configured so differently from the Macs its somewhat difficult to make a comparison. For $1099 it has a faster processor, but comes with 1GB of RAM, an 80GB HDD, no bluetooth, and Intel GMA X4500. Compared to the stock MacBook it lacks more than only the aluminum shell.

    It has some pluses and minuses. Graphics being a big minus. To configure it more in line with the stock MacBook costs $1,402

    I'm not sure how you figure this kills the MacBook.

    Well, I have received an offer today with the 2GB RAM, 250 GB HD configuration for a total of 1450 USD (including 3 year international warranty) from my dealer. And, no matter how I look at it, it is tempting. It is smaller than any Apple notebook in existence, it has more features than even the 17" MacBook Pro and Lenovo at least has working support in Germany (Apple's in Germany is not even laughable). It does have Bluetooth and an integrated Webcam, the GPU is not bothering me - ingesting videos and photos in the field does not require any GPU power at all. For tasks that require GPU power I have a Mac Pro.

    How I figure it kills the MacBook? Well, the primary market for a 13" device is people wanting a small (and maybe affordable) laptop, not a workstation replacement. I do need things in a small laptop that I require outdoors or at a customer's location (like UMTS if they do not allow me on their network, the ability to capture video and photos) in the smallest package possible. Based on this requirement the MacBook fails on all accounts (almost as much as the MBA)... no UMTS (and no means to add it via ExpressCard), thanks to the iPhone lockdown no tethering there either, no ports, but a stupid optical drive I have not used in a lifetime (as it is substandard anyhow). Just a lot of weight and shiny metal for big money... a price point at which you can get fully equipped 17" workstations elsewhere (a lot uglier, I know). I love OS X and I accept a certain Apple premium, I just think that this time they went far too far. And I have a certain impression that they have lost track of their line-up as well.
  • Reply 191 of 1665
    15" is too big for me. The white/black plastic MacBook does not fit my fashion style (which is important if one is a fashion photographer).

    Many people continue to use their old 12" Powerbook because it is very easy to always keep with you.

    Those of us that thought we had finally foulnd a replacement are very disappointed.

    I always carry a small external firewire disk that needs no external power supply with me that I can boot off in case there is a problem.

    I use chained firewire disks to assure that I have automatic backups of photos, music and movies.

    What used to be simple would no longer be simple.
  • Reply 192 of 1665
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    ... The Press is getting tired of Apple "special" events only to walk out bored. When they walk in and get the Jobs Spin they know they've been had. ...

    does anyone remember the audience applauding at any point during the announcements? I remember several pregnant pauses, ones i thought were built-in in anticipation of an audience response, that were met with silence. I know this wasn't a mac fanboy mwsf keynote audience, but i've seen earlier press event video and the audience showed its approval at numerous points. this time, not so much...
  • Reply 193 of 1665
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Well....why bother? With the new Macbook, getting the HD out is extremely easy. Take it out, put into an external 2.5" HD case, essentially you get the Target Disk Mode.

    How does this method help:

    1. MacBook Air owners,

    2. MacBook owners lacking a Torx-5 driver, an external HD case, and/or confidence in popping out an HD.

    I thought Macs were supposed to be user-friendly. Removing Target Disk Mode de-friendly-izes them so much it makes owners obtain and use an obscure screwdriver and other geek tools.

    Does Apple want to become Dell? They sure seem to be moving that way. Apple differentiated (past tense) itself by having cool features, useful features, features you never wanted to be without again once you discovered them. Target Disk Mode is definitely one of those features.

    And it didn't have to be like that. All they had to do was migrate Target Disk Mode to the USB ports. I'm sure they have the engineering skill in Cupertino to pull this off.
  • Reply 194 of 1665
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    Originally Posted by rtdunham View Post

    does anyone remember the audience applauding at any point during the announcements? I remember several pregnant pauses, ones i thought were built-in in anticipation of an audience response, that were met with silence. I know this wasn't a mac fanboy mwsf keynote audience, but i've seen earlier press event video and the audience showed its approval at numerous points. this time, not so much...

    i wish they announce new products on MWSF or WWDC or just online update ... the kick of watching keynote also disappearing ...
  • Reply 195 of 1665
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by plokoonpma View Post

    Its ok man, not anyone had that bad luck with those USB 2.0 as me.

    It is just it will make my work harder. Almost all those new switcher has no experience on Macs and they tend to complicate too much simple stuff. Since the macbook is the best selling computer.... that only means for me that I will service exponentially more of those and now I will have to create a new system to do it cause the old methods wont work.

    I probably will end up paying for a script to automatize copy of data over the affected machine, that will make more easier to transfer data manually and clone the damaged comp more easier.

    Hmm, have you looked at something like - just carry an Airport Extreme, hook up the machine in question to the network and install away?
  • Reply 196 of 1665
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Most people do work that doesn't need graphics firepower, 10.6 or not.

    Otherwise, the Macbook wouldn't BE Apple's hottest selling machine, slow graphics and all!

    Speaking of...

    What do you think the move to NVIDIA means for Apple's long-game? Attracting PC gamers seems pointless. I'm thinking that they have have high expectations of OpenCL being about to really boost the performance for their machines, but do you have a better idea?

    PS: As much as I like the new machine method and the performance 'statements' of the NIVIDIA chips, I have doubts about both and will be waiting a couple months until I update my current Mac notebook. Mostly, I don't trust NVIDIA enough to jump into a new Mac right now.
  • Reply 197 of 1665
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    How does this method help:

    1. MacBook Air owners,

    2. MacBook owners lacking a Torx-5 driver, an external HD case, and/or confidence in popping out an HD.

    I thought Macs were supposed to be user-friendly. Removing Target Disk Mode de-friendly-izes them so much it makes owners obtain and use an obscure screwdriver and other geek tools.

    Does Apple want to become Dell? They sure seem to be moving that way....

    One can't provide confidence, but the Torx costs $4, and is available as a tip for a couple of bucks in almost any hardware store. The SATA case costs $29.95, and can be bought in a number of places.

    I have to say though, that most of the time, if the disk is corrupted enough so that the machine won't boot from it or the drive won't mount, it's also too corrupted for target disk mode as well. I've tried it a number of times on people's machines, and it only worked a few times. The other times, I had to take the disk out, use equipment to do a bit by bit copy to another drive (putting the contents in a folder). Then I used software to try and extract files. Not easy, and lots of stuff gets lost forever, unless you want to spend in the high three figures, or four figures, to get it recovered.

    For just transferring information, Ethernet works best, and is faster than FW 800, if you use GB Ethernet, which is pretty cheap, and common, these days.
  • Reply 198 of 1665
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    I've captured 50Mbps DVC-Pro HD across USB. It does work.

    DVCPRO HD from tape or p2? Because your unfairly skewing the argument under the assumption that the OP knows nothing of what you speak. Obviously taking dvcpro hd files through usb from a p2 reader is nothing to write home about, that isn't real time transfer the way you need for dv or hdv from tape. Your post is misdirection.
  • Reply 199 of 1665
    Again, some of this shock and outrage would have been molified if apple just told people to never buy firewire devices years ago and just said 'we're keeping this for legacy stuff'.

    Then we'd all have known not to buy firewire 400 drives or other things.

    To me, it's a bit of a slap in the face. I have a firewire 800, 400, USB external RAID backup that I use for all sorts of things. Its awesome. for kicks once, I tried using it on USB.


    I kind of wish my external raid used esata b/c it's faster than fw 800, but i figured apple wouldn't ever obsolete firewire, so i'd be ok. I even stupidly figured eventually MBs would get firewire800, so i could just keep using it.

    I'd have ponied up the extra 50 or 100 bucks to get esata if i'd known they were going to stop using it.

    Am I alone? Evidently not. Apple screwed the pooch and they should fix this ASAP. Preferably by adding FW800 instead of 400.
  • Reply 200 of 1665
    Firewire in not just for camcoders. Its a must have when using external HD's with laptops !!!
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