Nokia leans on new N97 as best hope for an iPhone rival



  • Reply 21 of 129
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Their is no reason why Apple needs to waste money on building a social network. All of the major social networks have apps for the iPhone.

    Many of these networks have the potential to become formidable platforms in their own right.

    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Their is no reason why Apple needs to provide porn through iTunes or the App store, any more than Blockbuster needed to provide porn for the VCR.

    Porn sites can easily provide downloadable content for iTunes and streaming content for the iPhone.

    Porn was the driving force behind many technologies, streaming, SEO, file-sharing just to name a few. It is more influential than people think. I'm not saying that lack of porn will break apple, but general increased levels of freedom that will be available from Android , could well eat into Apples market share, and a contributing factor will be availability of porn and other trash.
  • Reply 22 of 129
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Sure they could make their own social network, but it's much faster to just burn a huge pile of cash every once in a while.

    Most social networking stuff doesn't get past the first round of VC money so it's probably a small pile of cash.

    Although, lord knows, they've burned a nice pile of money on MobileMe with very lackluster results.
  • Reply 23 of 129
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    A platform that provides more freedom in the adult department, could amass the masturbating masses.

    lofty and poetic
  • Reply 24 of 129
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Many of these networks have the potential to become formidable platforms in their own right.

    Social networks provide an interesting service. But they are still trying to figure out how to capitalize on their popularity. It is believed that Facebook's value is highly inflated.


    Porn was the driving force behind many technologies, streaming, SEO, file-sharing just to name a few. It is more influential than people think. I'm not saying that lack of porn will break apple, but general increased levels of freedom that will be available from Android , could well eat into Apples market share, and a contributing factor will be availability of porn and other trash.

    Porn has helped drive the adoption of some technologies. The only technology porn significantly helped was VHS win over BETAMAX. Porn is not a requirement for technology to be successful.

    As I said earlier porn sites can and do provide downloadable content for iTunes and streaming content for the iPhone.
  • Reply 25 of 129
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    From what I've read it is believed that Apple has greatly increased users of .Mac now that it has turned to MobileMe. The challenge will be to get those users to sign up again next year.

    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Although, lord knows, they've burned a nice pile of money on MobileMe with very lackluster results.

  • Reply 26 of 129
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Social networks provide an interesting service. But they are still trying to figure out how to capitalize on their popularity. It is believed that Facebook's value is highly inflated.

    I'm polishing off a facebook app as we speak, I know the platform pretty well and I'm fairly confident in its future influence as a general concept. Though it's still early days, and still possible to be unseated by a company that carries weight, but leave it too long..

    Anyhow, I have just about had enough of facebook, the most disorganized frustrating anything I have ever had the misfortune to develop for. Frankly after using Apples frameworks, most dev environments seem second rate, but facebook has been complete undocumented disorganized hell.
  • Reply 27 of 129
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's patents nonetheless prevent it from using multi-touch.

    so how do other companies get away with it?
  • Reply 28 of 129
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mrpiddly View Post

    The App Store should be able to provide social networking Apps for the iphone, but Apple could certainly help the developer community along a bit by opening up the OS a bit more.

    App store already has several apps that connect to social networks, as well as Safari. Can you name specific things that you want Apple to open up that would help social networking apps?

    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Apple need their own social networking system (one that works), and more integration is needed with the iApps and social sites. I believe a good Social networking strategy is crucial to their future.

    This has come up before. The problem is that social networking is incredibly unpredictable in which direction the next one will go. They generally tend to rise and fall within maybe five years.

    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    It wouldn't touch the sides for apple to develop their own social network, in-fact I could practically write it myself.

    The main social network is Facebook, and they seem rather cosy with microsoft, Facebook Connect extends their reach even further.

    I know Facebook has had a lot of hype, but it deserves much of that hype, it certainly deserves more than the attention Apple currently gives it.

    Isn't the problem really in the scaling? Apple has had problems scaling MobileMe. I'm sure it was a good service when they demoed it with a thousand beta users within the company, but it seems like they just didn't prepare for or expect the load that it got.

    Originally Posted by ironknee View Post

    so how do other companies get away with it?

    Re: multitouch: I think Apple has specific patents on capacitive multitouch, there are other forms of it, one involves reading the internal reflection of the glass panel with an array of sensors. I think Microsoft's surface uses an infrared light and camera to see where objects are touching the table.
  • Reply 29 of 129
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Porn is also not available on itunes (as a movie). Therefore for your average human, access to porn is hampered.

    Ahem, not if your average human can manage to google "iphone porn".

  • Reply 30 of 129
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Not a bad looking phone. I'd take one if I got one for free from T-Mobile or Verizon. I like the slide-out keyboard, but most phones that have that seem kind of cheaply put together.

    It is good that the iPhone kicked-up the market. As Apple's competition catches up one can only wonder what Apple has up its sleeves for the next iPhone rev. The software part of the iPhone is coming along nice but the hardware could be kicked-up a notch.

    Blackberry Curves, Bolds, Storms, etc have nice cameras with awesome lighting. Would it hurt Apple to up the camera to 5mp and put in a freaking light for stills and videos? While we're at it how about a high-rez mini-projector (wishful thinking) or a mini-display ports to hook-up to an external monitor and play some video on a bigger screen. A 128Gb flash RAM model and a faster proc would always be great. Throw-in an FM tuner and you got me (j/k on the last part).
  • Reply 31 of 129
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    A platform that provides more freedom in the adult department, could amass the masturbating masses.

    Why do I come here?

  • Reply 32 of 129
    If the publicity shot in this article holds true, at least the Nolia phone isn't a big black screen with silver trim around the outer casing like all the other iPhone wannabes. \
  • Reply 33 of 129
    Originally Posted by winterspan View Post

    ... Seriously the interface speed and fluidity is NOWHERE NEAR what is shown on the video. Even the iPhone, which has the fastest interface animation/transition can't do what they show.

    ...(although it is NOT a capacitive touchscreen, instead being a resistive model... similar to all the crappy touchscreen WinMo phones that work with a stylus and a finger. These are nowhere near as responsive as a capacitive model like the iPhone's display)...

    Three things. First, it was a proto, not the final software. If I remember correctly when the iPhone was first shown half the software was nothing but a JPEG!

    Two, try using your capacitive touchscreen with gloves on... Oh, sorry you can't. And the iPhone has a minimum operating temperature of 0 degrees C. Total fail there then. Obviously designed only for use in California too.

    And three, multitouch is only used in a couple of apps. And as research has shown, most users don't even know it is there.
  • Reply 34 of 129
    I do not own an iPhone, waiting for a 32 GB version, and better camera with a flash. Things like copy/paste & MMS can be added via version upgrade, so that's not crucial, but more storage and better cam requires a new iPhone model.

    After reading about the N97, it initially sounds intriguing and a possible buy. But no launch for 6-7 months and no U.S. offering, this is of no use to me. By then Apple will hopefully have the one I want.

    Therefore, I'll pass on the N97 and continue to wait for a better iPhone. Lastly, if it cost that much in EURO, how much will it be when it eventually does come to the U.S., sounds very expensive.
  • Reply 35 of 129
    capacitive multi touch is a good thing in my opinion: I can buy gloves which work with my iphone (so usefull) and then I don't have to worry about the damn screen being pressed in just the wrong spot in my pocket...

    Oh and here's another thing which gives iphone the edege: The simple fact that everyone else is playg catch up

    What I want to see in a phone is: an iphone like touch screen, with some way to detect the difference between my finger and a coin in my pocket, I also want the phone to be able to connect to the web seamlesly with a good data plan. I also don't want social networking crap. Really folks! I don't want to have my life be on the web for everyone to see!!!!

    oh and a very nice thing that the iphone could do would be to get a mobile version of iWork onto the phone, that works in such a way where you can use it like a mini computer. that would be so awesome!
  • Reply 36 of 129
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,122member
    Originally Posted by jodyfanning View Post

    Three things. First, it was a proto, not the final software. If I remember correctly when the iPhone was first shown half the software was nothing but a JPEG!

    Two, try using your capacitive touchscreen with gloves on... Oh, sorry you can't. And the iPhone has a minimum operating temperature of 0 degrees C. Total fail there then. Obviously designed only for use in California too.

    And three, multitouch is only used in a couple of apps. And as research has shown, most users don't even know it is there.

    Wrong. iPhone 1.0 did pretty much everything it does now except for App Store and stability fixes.

    Two: I don't use gloves with my phone. Neither do my friends on both west and east coast where it does go below 0 degrees C. I ride a motorbike most days and even when I had a regular keypad cellphone, I still took my gloves off to use it because the buttons were always too small to use with gloves.

    Three: Using an iPhone won't make you smarter, but using a regular cellphone will certainly lower one's IQ. The interface is far more elegant and user-friendly than any other cellphone/smartphone on the market. Your research link - while interesting - seems to be put together by college-students with a few errors on it.

    Is the iPhone perfect? No. But this is Apple's first phone attempt and obviously got something right where all the other players that have been in the arena for years were absolutely clueless. Everyone else is playing catch-up and eating crow and coming out with inferior designs just for the sake of coming out with something remotely iPhone-related.

    While the N97 does look interesting, the design has been tried by others and have failed. It's not that I'm an iPhone fanboy. It's because the other manufacturers just don't seem to be seeing the bigger picture that Apple obviously was able to see. Tight integration with hardware and software and a rapidly evolving ecosystem (AppStore/iTunes) is what will keep Apple on top for the forseeable future. Nokia does not have the software-design ability like Apple to maintain anything beyond an initial model release.

    It will take more slap in the faces of these players by Apple for them to realize they are missing the obvious. The cooperation between the hardware developers and software developers just aren't there for them to succeed.
  • Reply 37 of 129
    Originally Posted by jodyfanning View Post

    Three things. First, it was a proto, not the final software. If I remember correctly when the iPhone was first shown half the software was nothing but a JPEG!

    Two, try using your capacitive touchscreen with gloves on... Oh, sorry you can't. And the iPhone has a minimum operating temperature of 0 degrees C. Total fail there then. Obviously designed only for use in California too.

    And three, multitouch is only used in a couple of apps. And as research has shown, most users don't even know it is there.

    Great post. What continues to get lost is that there are people that DO NOT WANT AN IPHONE but in this forum the pervasive thought is that everyone wants one. There have been people wait for Nokia to launch this device. These same people could have bought an iPhone but they didn't. So Apple will continue on with its locked contracts/devices, hypocritcal App Store policies, older tech and hardware and will sell 10s or millions, while Nokia will continue what it does and will sell 100's of millions. Also not mentioned is that Symbian will be Open Source in a few months which will allow thousands of developers to enter the fray. Symbian is about to get a facelift. If Nokia can work out a movie deal, Apple will have a hard time on its hands.
  • Reply 38 of 129

    Apple's patents nonetheless prevent it from using multi-touch.

    So what does this mean, that we will never see a phone except the iphone with multi-touch functionality? I'm not talking about the gestures here but there must be other ways to benefit from it?
  • Reply 39 of 129
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Wrong. iPhone 1.0 did pretty much everything it does now except for App Store and stability fixes.

    Two: I don't use gloves with my phone. Neither do my friends on both west and east coast where it does go below 0 degrees C. I ride a motorbike most days and even when I had a regular keypad cellphone, I still took my gloves off to use it because the buttons were always too small to use with gloves.

    You deliberately misunderstand . When the iPhone was first shown at Mac World in January 2007 much of the software was nothing but a JPEG image and only a few journalists could even handle it. This was Nokia's equivalent introduction. The prototype shown is much further along than the original demo of the iPhone. The iPhone 1.0 release wasn't available until June 2007.

    You must not live in a place where it can easily get to -20C. You probably wouldn't be riding in that case.
  • Reply 40 of 129
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Many of these networks have the potential to become formidable platforms in their own right.

    Porn was the driving force behind many technologies, streaming, SEO, file-sharing just to name a few. It is more influential than people think. I'm not saying that lack of porn will break apple, but general increased levels of freedom that will be available from Android , could well eat into Apples market share, and a contributing factor will be availability of porn and other trash.

    The gentleman who criticize this subject being brought up are not history scholars obviously. I recall lectures at University in the history of art department referencing the volume of 'oil on canvas' being heavily influenced over the centuries by such matters too. Don't forget to add in the development of the camera, the development of film, the development of moving pictures ... all had massive uptake due to, shall we say, 'visual art'. The VHS tape deck's success over the superior rival is attributed to the same thing as it was far cheaper and quality wasn't the main concern for 'those uses'.

    Apple should not do anything to encourage porn openly, but speaking as a share holder, Apple should not do anything to prevent whatever use an owner wishes in this area. I totally agree with you, history shows if some iPhone knock off makes porn usage very simple it may do a 'VHS over Beta' repeat.
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