OH GOD!!!!! [iWalk]



  • Reply 361 of 587
    mklmkl Posts: 5member
    When I first watched the movies I recognized one thing which none has brought up so far I think:

    look at the turnaround video and first you see the icons on the right side and after turning you see them on the bottom of the screen. So far so good.


    Count them! Seven on the right but only SIX on the bottom!

    Either the is one unimportant on the right side which is definitely not "apple-like" GUI or it is fake as fake can be.

    But still it is really a good prototype, maybe made by the blokes themselves. Congrats although I think it is fake.


  • Reply 362 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Northform:

    <strong>I just noticed that while the iWalk is off the screen is grey (the colour of monochromatic displays) instead of black (the colour of every colour LCD I have seen handheld or otherwise). Would Apple be using a new type of LCD? I think not. Check out a pic of a visor prisim, palm 3c, palm m505, compaq ipaq, etc. and you will see that all of them have black screens when they are off, but their b&w counterparts have grey screens when they are off. This should cast serious doubt in the minds of all believers.

    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> </strong><hr></blockquote>

    well, i thought of that in the first place, too. but then i remembered the screen of the gameboy advanced is also grey when turned off.

    nontheless i think it's a fake. it's just not apple-like. the interface seems much too complicated and inconsistent to me. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 363 of 587
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    Remember some site said that one or both of the top screws of the cube appeared 'funny' or missing in one angle of the photos and that was their WHOLE BASIS to label it a fake?

    If I were a rumors site and had legit video like this, I'd SPECIFICALLY ADD CLUES that would make people THINK it's a fake.

    Similar to how I drive around drinking Evian from a previously-emptied beer bottle, in front of the cops.
  • Reply 364 of 587
    cytricytri Posts: 36member
    [quote]Originally posted by MKL:

    <strong>When I first watched the movies I recognized one thing which none has brought up so far I think:

    look at the turnaround video and first you see the icons on the right side and after turning you see them on the bottom of the screen. So far so good.


    Count them! Seven on the right but only SIX on the bottom!

    Either the is one unimportant on the right side which is definitely not "apple-like" GUI or it is fake as fake can be.

    But still it is really a good prototype, maybe made by the blokes themselves. Congrats although I think it is fake.



    i noticed as well an hour ago.....however, I think that that kind of dock can be configured to go on any edge of the screen and be shrinkable....

    It can also be an old prototype and not the real product...still has bugs....

    Concerning the grey screen, it can simply be the light.....it may not be that gray after all....

    And one more thing : I think that S Jobs will not call that a PDA....for several reasons. It will probably have a hard disk, it is bigger than a PDA, etc. He will say: it is not a PDA.... I did not lie when I said that we would never make a PDA....

    On more thing (again) : Apple R&D is up this year... Why? because of a new iMac? probably not? because of OS X? No, the development was in the R&D expenses during the past years.... A g5 tower? mmmm ... not that expensive to develop.... Probably a new device with an hybrid OS and some hardware that is not standard (say Raycer??), unlike the imac or powermacs

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: cytri ]

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: cytri ]</p>
  • Reply 365 of 587
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by cytri:


    And one more thing : I think that S Jobs will not call that a PDA....for several reasons. It will probably have a hard disk, it is bigger than a PDA, etc. He will say: it is not a PDA.... </strong><hr></blockquote>

    "But a good and wellprepared joke from Spymac.. I tip my hat for that"
  • Reply 366 of 587
    olli_golli_g Posts: 64member
    This one proves to me, that this iWalk thing is a fake. In the "Bootup" movie, the hand moves the wheel, but the wheel stays where it is. But after some moments, the wheel snaps to the point where the finger is.

    View it here in slow motion:

    <a href="http://www.olivergruber.ch/stuff/iwalkfake.mov"; target="_blank">www.olivergruber.ch/stuff/iwalkfake.mov</a>
  • Reply 367 of 587
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    is it just me or ....

    when the person writes on that thing, the lines of the background go up and down a little but NOT the letters of converted text???? so: fake !?!?
  • Reply 368 of 587
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member
    [quote]Originally posted by olli_g:

    <strong>This one proves to me, that this iWalk thing is a fake. In the "Bootup" movie, the hand moves the wheel, but the wheel stays where it is. But after some moments, the wheel snaps to the point where the finger is.

    View it here in slow motion:

    <a href="http://www.olivergruber.ch/stuff/iwalkfake.mov"; target="_blank">www.olivergruber.ch/stuff/iwalkfake.mov</a></strong><hr></blockquote>

    downloaded it but it didn't find the correct compressor. Does it have a flat tire?

    Seriously, didn't work in QT4
  • Reply 369 of 587
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Anders:


    "But a good and wellprepared joke from Spymac.. I tip my hat for that"</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey Anders... you've thought this was a hoax even before the movie came out didn't you?

    Lets see if everyone can do a little unscientific poll..

    How I...


    Feel about an Apple PDA: Want one!

    Felt pre-posting of pics & mov: Hoax

    Felt post-posting: Real


    Please try to be honest...

  • Reply 370 of 587
    toofeutoofeu Posts: 73member

    First, some weeks ago, Steve told to some Journalists that he did not want to release a PDA, because it was something outdated.

    And am I the only one that thinks that instead of all those stuff, Apple should deliver better hardware with decent performance and prices?

    Come on guys, everybody complains about how expensive the Powermac line is, and the G4 is not something that everybody is happy about.

    Instead of a PDA even the coolest on earth, I believe that they'd better improve essential things such as the motherboard!

    The Powermac runs at 867 vs 2Ghtz for the pc side, we are still using 133 bus, and now we have a PDA (if it is not a fake), wouah!!!!
  • Reply 371 of 587
    marcukmarcuk Posts: 4,442member
    What if the Apple.com message code was

    Its like a BACKLIT pass to the future
  • Reply 372 of 587
    icruiseicruise Posts: 127member
    How I...


    Feel about an Apple PDA: Really really want one!

    Felt pre-posting of pics & mov: Hoax

    Felt post-posting: Very elaborate hoax, but still has a small chance of being real

  • Reply 373 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    <strong>Feel about an Apple PDA: Want one!

    Felt pre-posting of pics & mov: Hoax

    Felt post-posting: Real


    I'm with you all the way through until the post-posting. It's still a hoax.

    I do think the object is real, physical, solid. It exists. But the movies have been faked. Like Microsoft-in-federal-court faked. From what I can tell, most people who watch sayhello.mov will conclude that the writing is on another layer from the physical object (and Quicktime compression is *not* to blame). A few diasgree, but they prolly need to spend some time with an eye-care professional anyway.

    The question is: why would Apple (or anyone) fake videos for a real object. If it really worked, why produce fake stuff?

    Apple might enjoy pulling our chains by mentioning "rumor sites" on their homepage, but there's no way that they'd spend money to produce a hoax video. Who would allow that in their budget? How will some questionable (and faked) video increase sales?

    Why would someone else do it? Maybe it's just a call for help. (note sarcasm). Maybe they just think that creating elaborate hoaxes is cool.

    As far as how hard this is to create something of quality... have you watched Duality?

    <a href="http://www.apple.com/hotnews/articles/2001/06/duality/"; target="_blank">http://www.apple.com/hotnews/articles/2001/06/duality/</a>;

    No experience, and a couple of macs. Wow. How does spymac comapre to Duality? Not at all.

    Sorry folks. When it's real, I'll go out and buy one, selling something to do so. But I'll believe it when I see it. Next week. In Steve's hand.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: LuckyJno ]</p>
  • Reply 374 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by Krassy:

    <strong>is it just me or ....

    when the person writes on that thing, the lines of the background go up and down a little but NOT the letters of converted text???? so: fake !?!?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Other people havbe said this. I looked at it, at first glance it looks like it dose this. But I ran a bunch of test and whent throgh fram by frame and this is not tre. the letters move with the iWalk.

    I think we will we an Apple PAD at MWSF. But it will not be iWalk. I think iWalk was a very erly prototy that has evolved a lot since.

    I say this beacuse some of the desing just dose not match the other apple products like the iBook and the iPod. Forexamle, the hediuse scroll wheel, the ugly pen, the old apple logo at start up.

    What ever it is we will know all in 4 days!!

    I will know very first of couse seeing I am in SF now awating the Keynote were I will be in the first row.
  • Reply 375 of 587
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    I think this is fake because:

    1) The motion in all three videos doesn't look right.

    2) The lighting appears to waver for no reason.

    3) The thing boots in like 1 second. Right.

    4) The Apple button looks ridiculous.

    I am optimistic about MWSF to be sure. But this just doesn't seem right to me. Could be real, but I give it a 90% likelihood of being fake.

    The verdict: A very time conuming and relatively high quality hoax.
  • Reply 376 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>3) The thing boots in like 1 second. Right.


    I agree it's a hoax, but a fast boot time isn't a factor. If Apple produces a PDA at all, it will "boot" the same way a Palm reboots: only on a reset. Otherwise, it's just a wake from sleep. In which case, this thing wakes from sleep very slowly...

    They might call it "boot up" to explain the lag vs. Palms, but it's still just wake-from-sleep. Presumably because it does more than a Palm does, this would be acceptable. But why it wakes more slowly than my iBook is anyone's guess.
  • Reply 377 of 587
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by Toofeu:


    First, some weeks ago, Steve told to some Journalists that he did not want to release a PDA, because it was something outdated.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Okay *we* have to stop calling this a PDA! From the videos and picks:

    This has:

    o Color screen

    o IR / AUDIO IN / AUDIO OUT / VIDEO OUT (i think)

    o Some other port on the bottom??

    Supports: (only from what I could make out)

    o E-Mail / Web Browsing

    o Contact Management and Calendar

    o Voice Recording

    o Chess

    o Quicktime Playback

    o iTunes

    o Notepad Type App

    o Calc App

    o File Management

    For those who are still into the hoax mode... The detail work that went into this is amazing!!! The clock is different in each screen shot the GUI is very OS Xish (for the size screen) the use of the toolbar etc. The times even sync in the different videos boot up was 10:50am and the helloiwalk was at 10:52 am.

    I could continue but the point is who thinks to go to this level of detail for an EFFING hoax?!?! Sorry but it isn't a hoax... This level of detail might be seen in the building from 100 years ago (beautiful stuff) but most of the stuff built today just doesn't have it on and those that do have it cost a TON of money...

    Okay graphics folks... you tell me... what would it cost to hire someone to produce something like this AND at the same time have everything so well thought out.

    Finally, why?!?!!??! You say for spymac to get hits? Well they don't have any ads on their site and if MacWorld comes and goes without this being released their name is TOTAL MUD and nobody will visit it... Come on, its one thing for AI or MOSR to speculate in text about something that isn't true but to put this much time and effort into a hoax... Not a chance.

    Sorry but this being a hoax just doesn't add up at all...

  • Reply 378 of 587
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by Toofeu:


    First, some weeks ago, Steve told to some Journalists that he did not want to release a PDA, because it was something outdated.

    And am I the only one that thinks that instead of all those stuff, Apple should deliver better hardware with decent performance and prices?

    Come on guys, everybody complains about how expensive the Powermac line is, and the G4 is not something that everybody is happy about.

    Instead of a PDA even the coolest on earth, I believe that they'd better improve essential things such as the motherboard!

    The Powermac runs at 867 vs 2Ghtz for the pc side, we are still using 133 bus, and now we have a PDA (if it is not a fake), wouah!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Point well taken. I would like to see a 2GHz PowerMac on my desktop within the next few weeks, but the chances of 2GHz are slim. Even though I think we deserve an incredible speed boost after the all we have lived through to tell about with the G4, and remained loyal as well.

    Although, I am very pleased with the performance of my 867MHz G4, Minimal speed boosts wont bring us backup up to spec against the x86 side.

    If Apple delivers a 2Ghz G4 the king would rule the land again, but I have no idea what to expect from MacWorld I never do.

    I do want an Apple made HandHeld though.
  • Reply 379 of 587
    [quote]Originally posted by DaveGee:

    I could continue but the point is who thinks to go to this level of detail for an EFFING hoax?!?!


    Okay graphics folks... you tell me... what would it cost to hire someone to produce something like this AND at the same time have everything so well thought out.

    Finally, why?!?!!??! You say for spymac to get hits? Well they don't have any ads on their site and if MacWorld comes and goes without this being released their name is TOTAL MUD and nobody will visit it... Come on, its one thing for AI or MOSR to speculate in text about something that isn't true but to put this much time and effort into a hoax... Not a chance.

    Sorry but this being a hoax just doesn't add up at all...


    It's like performance art. Yes, they did a wonderful job. It's amazing really.

    Maybe it was a bet. Maybe, as I speculated earlier, the plastics were fabbed for some student project and the video was added for kicks.

    Maybe they're hoping for more... that we'll all talk about this for years and years to come. Before MWSF 2005 we'll all say, "wow, remember how spymac really had us going back in 2002?" Maybe they're hoping this will springboard their careers in the area of... low-end video development.

    Finally, it's not *that* amazing. It's well done, yes, but not amazing. Look, if you were going to create a hoax, and had a while to think about it (like more than six months), you'd get things right like date, etc. These are the *obvious* things. If they had missed the date, it would be an immediate flaw that would ruin the effect immediately. As it is, this whole thing is like magic. They've sawed the lady in half, and we're saying, "She wasn't *really* sawed in half, right? That's impossible, right?" even though we saw it with our own eyes.

    In case you were wondering, the lady was not sawed in half. Nor is the iWalk real.

    And, as I said earlier, this is much more fun than mosr anyday. Heck, dentristy is more fun than mosr.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: LuckyJno ]</p>
  • Reply 379 of 587
    Fake. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
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