Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2.1



  • Reply 61 of 124
    stepstep Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    From what I can gather there is somewhat of an expectation that the next version of the iPhone will be so much more powerful as to be able to simply offer multi-tasking apps straight out instead of that workaround with the notification server. Also, this is just a point release, not a release when one could expect new features.

    It is curious though, since everyone likes to pile on Apple these days about mostly illusory problems and failures, that this "real" failure is ignored for the most part. People seem willing to write entire angry articles about the lack of copy and paste, which was not even promised and of only limited usefulness, but for some reason Apple missing a deadline on a major promise by months and months and months is no big deal?

    I've wondered a bit about this, but here's the reason I came up with. iPhone software 2.0 was INCREDIBLY buggy and unstable. That was right during the height of iPhone software "feature" griping. Everyone realized this was still an early-gen product, and were so pleased to just get 2.1 and get stability back that they're all willing to wait on Apple to get the feature right. In addition Apple's been struggling with other (presumably) similar server-type services, such as the huge MobileMe fiasco.

    Anyway, that's the case for me as an iPhone user. I don't want them screwing up my phone again, as much as I long for the many feature improvements that I'm sure they are working on. So I am willing to wait for them to get it right - at least unless someone else beats them to the punch and comes out with something better, at which point I might well switch to that.

    Anyway, the whole Apple news cycle has been dominated by this absolutely stupid, sickening coverage of Steve and his health (despite no one actually having, you know, any FACTS to even discuss). So that might be another reason.
  • Reply 62 of 124
    Originally Posted by TheDrivingMan View Post

    I was beginning to think I was the only one recognizing some basic flaws. I'm a big Apple fan. Have never owned a PC. For a 53 y/o engineer that's really unusual but these missing features are a big deal for me. If they could give us a release date for these (publicly acknowledged by Apple) issues I'd be willing to wait.

    C'mon fellow Apple diehards - take off the blinders - is asking for an option for these basic features really too much to expect?

    Apple/AT&T - At least say yes or no and when - then I could make an informed decision.

    After 2 years and the same phone in Gen2 with the exception of 3G and useless GPS I think you have your answer.

    I know I do, and I think many in this room are finally admitting it.
  • Reply 63 of 124
    Again, I just wanted to post that I have had no issues with this or any previous update and I actually enjoy the iPhone. I have had this berry and that berry..this razor and that razor, but I still fall back on what I actually do with the phone and the iPhone is a winner...for me, at least.

    I do hate to hear about the issues and the difficulties, but wanted to tip my hat to Apple.
  • Reply 64 of 124
    Originally Posted by dasein View Post

    Does it fix AT&T?

  • Reply 65 of 124
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    From what I can gather there is somewhat of an expectation that the next version of the iPhone will be so much more powerful as to be able to simply offer multi-tasking apps straight out instead of that workaround with the notification server. Also, this is just a point release, not a release when one could expect new features.

    It is curious though, since everyone likes to pile on Apple these days about mostly illusory problems and failures, that this "real" failure is ignored for the most part. People seem willing to write entire angry articles about the lack of copy and paste, which was not even promised and of only limited usefulness, but for some reason Apple missing a deadline on a major promise by months and months and months is no big deal?

    real multi-tasking would make the wait worth-while. remember when apple claimed that they didn't need to have SDK because webapps were good enough?

    Lets hope that they give in on multi-tasking, too.
  • Reply 66 of 124
    Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight View Post

    Jailbreakers should wait. The baseband has been updated.

    Thank you! Appreciate this post. I want better stability with Safari but I don't think this update is worth having to re jailbreak the phone.
  • Reply 67 of 124
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    (many of whom were iPhone App developers told NO or fed up with the rules are going there (see note of APPLE iPhone Creative LEAD goes to Palm to develop phone)

    For these reasons, coupled with the recent patent granted Apple, there's a chance you, nor anyone else may ever see a Pre released.
  • Reply 68 of 124
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    The Pre is for early adopters anyway. Better wait for the Post. But then there'll be an iphone 3Gen (what will they call it?)

    I would imagine they will call it...

    The iPhone 3G

    Just like they call the new ipods, iPods

    the new iPod Nano, iPod Nano

    and finally the new iPod Shuffle, iPod Shuffle

    Just like the iMac is called, iMac

    and the Macbook, Macbook

    even the Macbook Pro, Macbook Pro.

    I think there might be a pattern forming
  • Reply 69 of 124
    Originally Posted by Booga View Post

    Oh really? Please give me a link to where I can buy a Pre!

    Just because Apple isn't pre-announcing everything doesn't mean they won't have any/all of that before the Pre does. Let's compare things that are actually available to buy, shall we?

    There it is! I was looking for the perfect comment. The iphone is nearing it's mid-late life cycle. It already cannot handle the game or apps that come out for

    It. It is too laggy. They won't implement obvious necessates and when the PRE comes out... Lol you can bet that I will be forking over 180 to get out of at&t for a device that can handle an SMS app without lagging.
  • Reply 70 of 124
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    they roll out the devkit upgrade as well... frankly, i develop iphone s/w on ppc machine... now i'd like to see clearly, will it explode my setup or not
  • Reply 71 of 124
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by hiimamac View Post

    The real skinny is, it corrupts the software. This has been known since dev 1. It existed in the 1st beta and has never been repaired. Not sure why they can't figure it out, but that's the truth, it's broke and they can't fix it.

    maybe with steve out of the house, somebody could sneak in a phone call to the newton team and and find out how it's done....
  • Reply 72 of 124
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Both of which I could care less about.....

    Surely you mean couldn't care less about?
  • Reply 73 of 124
    vvidvvid Posts: 9member
    Why is it that AppleInsider now mention NOTHING about the dev-team and their unlocks/progress? There's absolutely no mention in this article that the upgrade disables the yellowsn0w unlock and users are recommended not to upgrade.

    Surely this type of information has some relevance to the readers of AppleInsider? Once upon a time, dev-team work was reported on. There wasn't even an article here about the yellowsn0w unlock!
  • Reply 74 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    :grum ble:

    I want MMS! Everyone else has had it since the 1990's! I used to have it on my cheap $50 phone. I WANT MMS!!!!

    I want to send a photo to one person for the same cost as emailing a photo to 10,000 people...

    ...hang on, no I don't.

    SendPhoto lets you attach multiple photo's to an email and select the size of the photo's you attach, up to 1600x1200, which can be sent to multiple contacts for a fraction of the cost of an MMS.

    99c App Store.

    SayWho voice dialling, works and works well.

    How many other phone's can do Google voice search?

    Cut and paste would be handy for sharing a link in a forum but can live without it.
  • Reply 75 of 124
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by tomhenning View Post

    I often read in threads like this that there are people who won't buy an IPhone because it lacks, among other things, a "cut & paste" function.

    I've used computers almost daily for thirty years, and worked for several years doing interface design, and have can't imagine what the problem is....with the users! Why is this particular function given such a high priority by some people? What would they "cut" and where do they intend to "paste" it? I'm very curious.

    I really just don't get it. Thanks for taking the time to explain to me what I'm missing here.

    So you started using computers in 1979 and don't use copy paste? Please... I use copy paste in Linux daily, in windows its second nature. That's with a mere 16 years of programming and 18 years of normal use and operation.

    That's funny that you try to act like you have never had a need for it. Do you work for apple?
  • Reply 76 of 124
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I want to send a photo to one person for the same cost as emailing a photo to 10,000 people...

    ...hang on, no I don't.

    SendPhoto lets you attach multiple photo's to an email and select the size of the photo's you attach, up to 1600x1200, which can be sent to multiple contacts for a fraction of the cost of an MMS.

    99c App Store.

    SayWho voice dialling, works and works well.

    How many other phone's can do Google voice search?

    Cut and paste would be handy for sharing a link in a forum but can live without it.

    Hopefully, this is the last time I have to have the MMS vs. email conversation but I doubt it. They are not the same and are not interchangeable. I'm not talking about sending a photo to 10,000 people. I'm talking about being able to receive a photo that someone has sent to several of their friends while they are out and about. I should be able to view it without going to a stupid website that only works half the time...just like EVERY other phone is able to. And I don't want to hear any nonsense about "workarounds". I'm not texting my friends back every time and telling them to send it some place else. (The only people who do are fellow iPhone users.) To not support MMS b/c email is "the future" is like no longer selling gasoline b/c hydrogen is the future. Maybe it is, but we still need gas for our cars now! Why Apple can't either support MMS or simply tell us why they cannot is beyond me. Sorry, but this just really makes me mad.
  • Reply 77 of 124
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I want to send a photo to one person for the same cost as emailing a photo to 10,000 people...

    ...hang on, no I don't.

    SendPhoto lets you attach multiple photo's to an email and select the size of the photo's you attach, up to 1600x1200, which can be sent to multiple contacts for a fraction of the cost of an MMS.

    99c App Store.

    SayWho voice dialling, works and works well.

    How many other phone's can do Google voice search?

    Cut and paste would be handy for sharing a link in a forum but can live without it.

    I've used 'voice search' as a novelty when I first installed it..haven't used it since...I can use MMS DAILY. The post above me nailed a very good point. Yeah I can email a photo to someone..but they don't always have the ability to email a photo to me. In fact my Samsung Sync used to do everything my Iphone does with no issue (well except being a touchscreen phone with video).

    It had tethering (for no charge)

    It was 3G (with tethering *gasp*)

    MP3 Player

    Recorded Video

    Could multitask

    MMS Support

    8gb memory (through miniSD)

    Web Browser (Of my choice..I used OperaMini)

    I could play games (Maybe not as nice but they were still there)

    The Iphone has some nice features but the basics are missing for what reason again?
  • Reply 78 of 124
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    Tell me truthfully if you don’t need multi tasking on your computer.

    While you’re at it tell me you don’t use copy and paste at least a few times a day at minimum.

    Apple doesn’t need to give us what almost every other phone does because they need to do it first, that’s just about the most ignorant statement I’ve seen on this site (and that’s saying a lot).

    That’s not what makes Apple Great. It just makes them stubborn (or stupid) for not giving the end users what they want.

    About 9,990,000 "end users" want a simplified experience and have no use for copy/paste or the extra complications it will add to the UI. I imagine these people are like my mother. They are Apple's target audience and, guess what - so far the strategy has worked!

    The other 10,000 people read forums like this one and bitch and complain about missing "features". Apple does not care about them because they represent a tiny fraction of the market; nor should they. You want a whizz-bang phone that can do loads of useless stuff and looks and acts like a piece of crap (because you've customised the .png files in teh systemz and added a cron job to run a multi-core port of a WoW server in the background) as a result? Windows Mobile is to your left, thanks for your time, and have fun when it crashes and you lose all your contacts...

    As for others on this site actively complaining because Apple puts out an incremental bug fix? Christ alive, whatever next?

    As you were, Apple. As you were.
  • Reply 79 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    A lesson in how MMS works.


    If you are in dire need of your friend's sending you an MMS ask them to add your email address to your details in their contacts list.

    Guess what happens when they send the MMS to your email address?

    Apparently my network provider will provide me with a link to an MMS in an SMS when I receive one BUT in the six months since I got my iPhone 3G I haven't had a single chance to test this as no-one I know uses MMS, we all use email.
  • Reply 80 of 124
    Originally Posted by Blobfish View Post

    Not everybody has access to a decent ISP, and downloading large files for a long time in iTunes rarely works for me.

    Blowfish, you don't happen to be using a windows PC to download your iPhone update?

    Every time I update my iPod touch from an XP laptop it blows up leaving me with a bricked device, the first time it happened the Genius in the Apple shop reflashed my iPod with V2.0.

    Now I just use the Mac mini upstairs, but its majorly inconvenient to not be able to use the machine I have to spend my working time on. The Genius reported that all of the problems with bricked iPhone and iPods was caused by Windows Internet Explorer, so a hyperlink that works in Firefox is much appreciated because downloads from Firefox are robust.


    Posted 8 minutes before the download finished, backed up, prepared iPod, blue screened laptop, bingo, bricked iPod touch AGAIN, but for the first time the machine didn't spontanously reboot, giving me a chance to make a note of the active driver etc. now I am going to cut and paste this (!) into a feedback for Apple, good job I'm not using my iPod ;-)
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