Microsoft to attack Mac pricing in new series of TV ads



  • Reply 221 of 330
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    I?m sure all sorts of people who aren?t actors are members of the Screen Actors Guild.


    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    Some people join unions just for fun.

  • Reply 222 of 330
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    Apparently a lot of people failed to see the sarcasm in the "I guess I'm not cool enough to be a Mac person" line.

    In any event, I don't have the time to run through 6 pages right now, but I do think that the Lauren ad does make one good point... That it's pretty ridiculous not to have a 17" laptop under $2800.

    Or not to have a 15" laptop under $2000 for that matter.

    A laptop that runs OS X is completely different from a Windows-based laptop.
  • Reply 223 of 330
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    Or not to have a 15" laptop under $2000 for that matter.

    15-inch MBP stock $ sales tax in delaware (or oregon, apparently!)

  • Reply 224 of 330
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Another reason not to get a Windows PC. Just got this warning from our university IT department.
  • Reply 225 of 330
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    A laptop that runs OS X is completely different from a Windows-based laptop.

    What does the OS have to do with the gaping holes in the hardware lineup that I was pointing out?
  • Reply 226 of 330
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post

    15-inch MBP stock $ sales tax in delaware (or oregon, apparently!)

    Err, you seem to have taken my comment out of context. My point was that it is ridiculous that the cheapest 15" laptop is $2000.
  • Reply 227 of 330
    robrerobre Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by guinness View Post

    I think you completely missed the "last November" part. The then Mini had shit graphics, shit HD, next to no RAM for the money, and not even a DVD burner for $600. I know, because that's the same Mini I have, but got in Dec 07, but in no way, could I recommend that for her at that time.

    Plus, the Dell had a built-in card reader, so all she has to do, is stick the memory card into the reader.

    At the time, OSX would've been fine, but iLife wasn't worth it, and all she really uses her computer for, is e-mail, web, storing photos, and Freecell. What could an overpriced Mini do that a Dell couldn't, especially considering most of time is spent in a web browser, for that, the OS is irrelevant.

    As for lasting for years, the last PC I built for her, lasted about 5 years, cost about $900 at the time, including an LCD monitor, and a quiet Antec Sonata case, as that's what she wanted. I think I can count on one hand, the number of crashes she ever had with it, maybe 3 or 4. And it was running an Nvidia FX5500 at the very end, which she never, ever noticed was even there.

    Freecell, web, e-mail, and pictures. That's all my mom has ever really used her PC for. If people think that it has to be on a $1000+ computer anymore, with a particular OS, they're just crazy.

    It's funny to have "a PC" on here. I like the "balance" in the forum... They just don't get it. Amazing.
  • Reply 228 of 330
    I think the fact of the matter in regards to this campaign here is, for most people, it does make more sense to buy a PC. Why? Not because they are necessarily better (despite the fact they will run just about anything you want them to while macs run what apple wants them to), but because the average user doesn't need all the fancy shmancy extra hardware that allows macs to outperform PCs in the graphics department.

    This new add campaign is perfect because it really does speak to those not cool (or trendy) enough to buy a computer they really don't need. Even if you people do treat your PC's poorly enough that they only last 1/3 the amount of time a mac does, you can buy 3 brand new PC's in the amount of time it takes for your mac to break down, for the same price as that one mac, and that mac is still going to be outdated after a couple years anyway.

    Posting PC pros on an apple board, I guess that makes me a troll lol.
  • Reply 229 of 330
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by wilco View Post


    I wouldn't think you'd have trouble grasping sarcasm Wilco.
  • Reply 230 of 330
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post

    I'm not saying Macs are for everyone. My point is that the extra money you pay is worth not having all the headaches that go with Windows.


    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post

    Most general computing doesn't need access to MDI files

    MDI is not a file type. It stands for Multi-document Interface. It is convenient for quite a number of tasks. It's just Mac OS user experience that doesn't excel in this branch.

    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post

    , and the argument about the close button being on the other side is silly.

    No it's not. At least it isn't sillier than your mantras on how Mac OS user experience is easy to learn.

    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post

    My 60 year old mother bought an iMac after years of PC use (in the professional setting) and loves it. It took her all of a week to get used the UI.

    Normal. Nobody asks her to use UI at the speed of typist or coder. She got plenty of time to think of how to make what she loves.

    She's not alone in love with Mac. I do love Mac. But I love it rationally. Unlike you.

    Originally Posted by teslacoil6603 View Post

    Besides, if you need full Windows compatibility, install Windows on it.

    Oops! Interesting enough, why do Mac addicts talk so much about BootCamp, MS Office for Mac OS, Linux applications under Mac OS? Please get over it. No MS Office on my Macs, no linux crap, never used BootCamp in my life. I know what to love Mac for. Pure love.
  • Reply 231 of 330
    albimalbim Posts: 68member
    This may be a bit of a stretch, but wouldn't it be a much better investment to buy a mac in the current economic climate?

    For example, I have an iBook G4 with 512 mb RAM, and I broke the screen on it. The laptop is 4 years old. My sister bought a Dell for the same price, albeit 3 years later, and the thing is slow and dying already. 4+ years out of $1200 or 1 1/2 years out of $1200? I think I'll take the former.
  • Reply 232 of 330
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by closerlook View Post

    I think the fact of the matter in regards to this campaign here is, for most people, it does make more sense to buy a PC. Why? Not because they are necessarily better (despite the fact they will run just about anything you want them to while macs run what apple wants them to), but because the average user doesn't need all the fancy shmancy extra hardware that allows macs to outperform PCs in the graphics department.

    This new add campaign is perfect because it really does speak to those not cool (or trendy) enough to buy a computer they really don't need. Even if you people do treat your PC's poorly enough that they only last 1/3 the amount of time a mac does, you can buy 3 brand new PC's in the amount of time it takes for your mac to break down, for the same price as that one mac, and that mac is still going to be outdated after a couple years anyway.

    Posting PC pros on an apple board, I guess that makes me a troll lol.

    That's great, so Microsoft is targeting the very people who were never interested in a Mac to begin with. Brilliant.
  • Reply 233 of 330
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by ALBIM View Post

    This may be a bit of a stretch, but wouldn't it be a much better investment to buy a mac in the current economic climate?

    For example, I have an iBook G4 with 512 mb RAM, and I broke the screen on it. The laptop is 4 years old. My sister bought a Dell for the same price, albeit 3 years later, and the thing is slow and dying already. 4+ years out of $1200 or 1 1/2 years out of $1200? I think I'll take the former.

    exactly. As someone else may have posted much earlier, I'd tell "lauren" to take the $1000 and buy a used MBP on ebay.
  • Reply 234 of 330
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    I do love Mac. But I love it rationally....I know what to love Mac for. Pure love.

  • Reply 235 of 330
    Higher prices help keep the proletariat out of our little ecosystem of pure breeds.

    I'm kidding, of course... or am I?
  • Reply 236 of 330
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by GTL215 View Post


  • Reply 237 of 330
    gtl215gtl215 Posts: 242member
    Originally Posted by jcassara View Post

    Higher prices help keep the proletariat out of our little ecosystem of pure breeds.

    I'm kidding, of course... or am I?

    HAH! Well put!
  • Reply 238 of 330
    Funny to think that the ad agency Microsoft just hired to trash Apple runs Macs and edits all their campaigns on Final Cut Pro. Apple did a story on them a few years ago.
  • Reply 239 of 330
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by ulfoaf View Post

    What about the Apple III? Quality? LOL. Come on. They ain't perfect, and have put out some bad products.

    I will gladly pay extra for the lack of headaches with using OS X. No wondering what is going to break and disable the machine when installing the latest updates or antivirus software. Easily sharing a printer even to Windows machines ... seamlessly fitting in in a Windows network ...

    Besides, I love Unix! I have had a Linux machine for 12 years.

    Hey! Don't knock the Apple ///! Once you learned just where to thump it the things worked great. I loved my massive 5 MB Profile hard drive and what about S.O.S. ? Now that was an OS! Visicalc /// was amazing as was P.F.S. ///. Oh such memories ... Only my Lisa finally drew me away ...
  • Reply 240 of 330
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by gettheshot View Post

    Funny to think that the ad agency Microsoft just hired to trash Apple runs Macs and edits all their campaigns on Final Cut Pro. Apple did a story on them a few years ago.

    OH NO!!! You will open that wound again ... haha. I agree but didn't you see that last time this subject came up? Some guy went nuts for weeks about how this was not relevant, he was from Seatle I recall
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