Apple responds to Microsoft ads: "a PC is no bargain"



  • Reply 61 of 357
    We all know computers are just a fad anyways.
  • Reply 62 of 357
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    I'll try to paraphrase a quote made by a famous super-salesman. It may been Zig Ziglar but I don't know. Anyway...

    "There will always exist a man who makes a product more cheaply, of less quality, and for a lower price. Those who consider price alone are the just prey of such men."

    Not the exact words but close.

    Exactly! Don't get me wrong, America is the greatest country in the world (after Thailand) But which company is the largest beverage company in the world, Coke, and what do they make? Crap! Which company is the largest restaurant chain in the world? McDonald's, and what do they make? Crap! Which company is the largest Car manufacturer in the world? GM, and what do they make? Crap! Which company is the largest SW manufacturer in the world? MicroSoft, and what do they make? Crap! Which company is the largest PC manufacturer in the world? HP, and what do they make? Crap!
  • Reply 63 of 357
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ActionJaxon View Post

    This made me second-guess myself but it's actually a (still formidable) 1920x1200 on the 17in MacBook Pro \

    I like this response from Apple, it's a professional and factual response - unlike alot of Microsoft's Ballmer-influenced, childish, misleading remarks and ad campaigns.... bravo Apple.

    I think both sides have some good arguments and a lot of bull*hit in their approach.

    Apple's response is dignified, but not completely valid.

    It is very easy to find free AV. There are, what? 3-4 decent and well known free AV solutions, and with popularity of Windows platforms, it is really hard not to know anyone who can recommend AV for you. And you have 60 days to find solution from friends or user forums. True, some people will purchase Norton, but stating that as a general rule is false. Number of Norton home users I have seen recently - here in NZ at least - is very low. I would say AVG is more common among home users than Norton at present.

    Same applies to other statement; true there is value in additional software Macs are coming with. But... how many people really require, say, Garage Band kind of software? Is everyone going to create a web site..?

    If one is user who actually needs all (or most) features of iLife, than there is absolutely huge value in Mac for such user. But for people who don't need iLife - or do need much more powerful software - such argument is not holding water. For some of them, transferring value (and price) of iLife into more horsepowers (Quad Cores, stronger graphics...), or getting what they need for less money, will be much more reasonable; thus Microsoft arguments might prove more reasonable for them.
  • Reply 64 of 357
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    On the whole, I found the Apple reps' statements persuasive. I take issue with the anti-virus point, though. I don't run any antivirus on my home PC. I've yet to receive a virus.

    How do you know? What if there is a virus in your PC sending out spam or collecting your keystrokes? Not running A/V means you'd never know it, right?
  • Reply 65 of 357
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    It is nothing like going into a wine store. Most people really can't tell the difference between a $10 and $50 bottle of wine. That is because there really is little difference in most cases. I used to work at a high end Country Club, very few people really know anything about wine. So, in that case why spend $50 if you have tasted the $10 and it tastes just as good to you.

    The problem is most Windows users have not really tried a Mac. The reverse is true of Mac users. They have tried Windows. I have met some WIndows folks who think Macs run Windows.

    Microsoft is right about one thing. You have a limited choice on Apple machines. However, this is because Apple doesn't want to offer junk computers. When you compare a Windows machine with Mac machine on features, Apple often wins on price or is very competitive.

    Moreover, Macs tightly integrate software and hardware, where PCs can't do this because the hardware makers don't create the software.

    Originally Posted by joe in miami View Post

    I tell my PC friends the same thing about cheap components and price of software and resolution, but they are happy with their cheap shit.

    It's like trying to get someone to go into a wine shop and select a $50 bottle of wine, when they are just as happy with a $10 bottle from the grocery store. It's just not worth the effort.

  • Reply 66 of 357
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    You're joking, right? I never heard such convoluted logic!

    You make yourself sound like a blowhard. Actually, what I said is grounded in reality. It may not apply to those who have immersed themselves inside the Apple ecosystem, but as for those in the PC world? Yes.
  • Reply 67 of 357
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    It's really actually pathetic- to think an Apple spokesman actually needs to respond and say these things. SJ's leadership is sorely missed.

    It's as if Mercedes or BMW responding to a Toyota add or something else as absurd.

    Unless Toyota ad claims they are actually better than Mercedes/BMW
  • Reply 68 of 357
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    It is nothing like going into a wine store. Most people really can't tell the difference between a $10 and $50 bottle of wine. That is because there really is little difference in most cases. I used to work at a high end Country Club, very few people really know anything about wine. So, in that case why spend $50 if you have tasted the $10 and it tastes just as good to you.

    The problem is most Windows users have not really tried a Mac. The reverse is true of Mac users. They have tried Windows. I have met some WIndows folks who think Macs run Windows.

    Microsoft is right about one thing. You have a limited choice on Apple machines. However, this is because Apple doesn't want to offer junk computers. When you compare a Windows machine with Mac machine on features, Apple often wins on price or is very competitive.

    Moreover, Macs tightly integrate software and hardware, where PCs can't do this because the hardware makers don't create the software.

    I agree with TBell. Here in California, I find $10 wine too expensive. We've got something called "Two Buck Chuck" made right here in Napa Valley. It's great wine at a low price which makes it a great buy. By the same token, Macs running OS X are great computers at fair prices, which make them great buys. People with too much money who are seriously into appearances buy $50 bottles of wine. People who don't understand computing buy Windows machines.
  • Reply 69 of 357
    lungalunga Posts: 23member
    Well, I'd like to be able to upgrade my 3000 dollar Mac Pro to play games. That's something I'd like my Mac to do...
  • Reply 70 of 357
    Originally Posted by iReality85 View Post

    I find his responses to be rather snarky and trite, IMO. Most people realize what they're buying into these days when choosing a computer.

    You can only use 3 of the 4 GBs of ram in the HP laptop featured in the commercial, did you realize that? Why would HP include ram that windows cant even use? Why does microsoft want you to buy it?

    I think once you answer the above question honestly, you'll realize how snarky you ended up.

    IMO, of course. Heh.

    p.s. The Windows security and PC repair industries are a multi-billion dollar a year segments. 'buy a cheap pc, steal software from dad' argument = not so good.
  • Reply 71 of 357
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Of course Macs are "ready for business."

    The problem is, IT departments aren't ready for Macs. With Macs in the enterprise there wouldn't be any IT departments.

    Broken Windows keeps the entire IT industry in business. A whole industry has grown up around Windows' lousy code.
  • Reply 72 of 357
    Originally Posted by Logical View Post

    "They do need to own up that it sucks for business."

    Dude, I'm in banking and I use a Mac. I'm a project manager who also does copy and publication work. Quickview alone makes my Mac better than any PC. I get my work done well over twice as fast as folks in other departments because of the reliability and streamlined ease of use of the OS. And, I've NEVER once called IT for any type of support.

    OMG you have got to be kidding. Are you a PM for Apple?

    You are a PM... So I guess Sharepoint is inferior to "Mobile Me"

    Curious what type of group do you manage? You mentioned copy and publication work. If you read my post you would have read that I mentioned a category for you called creative/design, but perhaps we can just leave you in a hybrid of "creative" and "idiot". haha Not too serious there bud.

    Seriously I would love to know what you do and what you use without virtualization. Any major company does not run on any mac based platforms. However they do use them on 24 and the Apprentice. Great product placement. Perhaps they photoshop Donald's hair with the mac or use Photo Booth to undistort Joan Rivers.

    WTF the point is dude that no one uses Macs in business, (Finance, Operations, Quants) and small businesses that I consult are pissed with their macs because they don't integrate with the rest of the business world.

    But if you sell cupcakes online you should be OK.

    And as far as Quick View... "Dude" please... Only good for pictures, like I said Macs are preferred for creative. However if you have a large volume of biz docs, dbs, logs, etc... Windows has a superior search that has just been released than spotlight.
  • Reply 73 of 357
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    The cool thing about open source is that you don't have to open-source the result of gluing this lot together into a coherent whole. It doesn't stop you licensing the software in such a way that it can't be installed on specific hardware, either.

    On the whole, I found the Apple reps' statements persuasive. I take issue with the anti-virus point, though. I don't run any antivirus on my home PC. I've yet to receive a virus.

    Lots of malware floating around out there is very insidious. The user often doesn't even know they're infected. Sometimes there are no outward signs at all.

    You could be part of a massive bot-net and not even know it.

    Windows is bad enough even with antivirus installed. But without it, is about as good as a pair of thermal underwear in Death Valley at high noon.

    Windows is, by the nature of its coding, a perpetually broken OS. This is due to MS' negligence. It's good code written on top of bad code, written on top of good code, written on top of bad code, etc.

    There is absolutely no way whatsoever to truly "fix" it unless MS starts from scratch. A completely new OS. Along the lines of the OS 9 to OS X transition.

    The problem is, that MS is still essentially the exact same company, with the exact same philosophy, exact same attitude toward the user, with the exact same understanding of design it had 15 years ago. That's the problem. It's still churning out products that are either bloated, confusing, broken, or all three.

    Maybe things will be different with Windows 7. It won't be, because MS still doesn't run a closed system. Or at least, doesn't manage the one they have very well.

    But we need MS, and there is a whole IT industry that needs Windows to be broken.

    Moreover, without all those hardcore Windows gamers driving hardware demand, Apple wouldn't have nice Nvidia tech to put into their Macs.

    So let's thank our lucky stars for Steve Ballmer. Every awkward, confusing MS keynote he does, ensures that Macs will not only look that much better in comparison, but will have wonderful 3D tech on the inside. And IT managers can sleep soundly, secure in the knowledge that the next day will bring even more Windows issues to earn them their pay.
  • Reply 74 of 357
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by JohnnyKrz View Post

    Great analogy. They'll both give you a buzz. They're both the same color and you drink them from the same glass, but that $50 bottle is probably going to taste a whole lot better (and probably give you a much cleaner buzz). On the other hand, some $50 bottles of wine suck worse than the $10 grocery store bottle. Also, it is really just a matter of opinion when it comes down to it even though you and I may know the real difference which makes our opinion more educated, but still an opinion. I could go on forever with this. For the sake of the analogy, we all know that the $10 bottle in this case is horse piss and the $50 bottle is the most advanced (and yet easiest to use) operating system and hardware that any amount of money can buy.

    Part you didn't mention but I think will work with this analogy - $50 bottle is that much more expensive not only for the wine itself, but for fancy wooden hand-made box, certificate and luxury history of wine region, famous people who enjoyed that specific wine etc.

    And there is beautiful wine glass in the box as well.

    But wine itself, while different, is not necessarily better; it boils down to matter of taste.
  • Reply 75 of 357
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by linapple_xp View Post

    WTF the point is dude that no one uses Macs in business, (Finance, Operations, Quants) and small businesses that I consult are pissed with their macs because they don't integrate with the rest of the business world.

    The "rest of the business world" (I assume you're leaving out the Creative/Design industry out entirely, LOL), runs on a broken paradigm. IT departments are fueled by Windows being and remaining broken.

    The "rest of the business world" is unfortunately, wrong and in error. The very existence and robustness of the IT industry proves this. But as soon as a platform is pervasive enough due to cost and licensing, even if its is essentially broken and inefficient, it will still be used.
  • Reply 76 of 357
    Good for you bud... You are a developer... Are just someone with too much time on your hands... That iBeer is something else.

    Bud I am a fan of Mac... I have recommend them to everyone. I track there business moves. There are two sides to it all. I use everything. Web and server based dev, I use *nix. M$ is evil there for the little guy. And they make a shitload of mistakes.

    I know about BSD and neXt and the Genius of Steve Jobs. And it is very developer friendly. From your point of view it is not what I was talking about.

    Here is my point and it is a marketing/business commentary.

    I was looking forward to more cross platform when they went with Intel... (they don't handle virtual load well)

    They control distribution channels too much. Pricing, retailers, etc...

    iPhone is restricted to one carrier. Apps have to be approved.

    They missed the media boat with time capsule, and apple tv. All suck and are overpriced.

    The monitors have sucked.

    They push $300 applecare and expensive annual rates for mobile me.

    They have the only high end tower that is tremendously limited for mod's because of hardware limitations (again a big disappointment with expectations from Intel)

    The whole point is this... You are a total fanboy if you can't see some of the bad. I think they are great, they just need to improve. The problem is the company is full of blinded fanboys like you and it needs a critical but honest review.

    I bet some assholes on here will argue that a mouse with one button is good and that their monitors are a great deal.
  • Reply 77 of 357
    zeasarzeasar Posts: 91member
    Originally Posted by linapple_xp View Post

    OMG you have got to be kidding. Are you a PM for Apple?

    You are a PM... So I guess Sharepoint is inferior to "Mobile Me"

    Curious what type of group do you manage? You mentioned copy and publication work. If you read my post you would have read that I mentioned a category for you called creative/design, but perhaps we can just leave you in a hybrid of "creative" and "idiot". haha Not too serious there bud.

    Seriously I would love to know what you do and what you use without virtualization. Any major company does not run on any mac based platforms. However they do use them on 24 and the Apprentice. Great product placement. Perhaps they photoshop Donald's hair with the mac or use Photo Booth to undistort Joan Rivers.

    WTF the point is dude that no one uses Macs in business, (Finance, Operations, Quants) and small businesses that I consult are pissed with their macs because they don't integrate with the rest of the business world.

    But if you sell cupcakes online you should be OK.

    And as far as Quick View... "Dude" please... Only good for pictures, like I said Macs are preferred for creative. However if you have a large volume of biz docs, dbs, logs, etc... Windows has a superior search that has just been released than spotlight.

    Dude, please tell us who exactly do you consult? And I guess when you check their "macs" you would say: "Dude OMGWTFBBQ dont open itunes on you mac dude use a PeeCee!!11!!one"
  • Reply 78 of 357
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig View Post

    And if your Mac doesn't do what you want?

    Which is great if you have unlimited budget. Nobody is arguing that that Macbook Pro isn't a much better machine, they're just arguing that not everybody would do well with a 17" screen needs that much notebook and Apple doesn't make a 17" whitebook.

    The fuel and the day you have to take off of work to drive a couple of hours to the nearest Apple isn't free. It would be a better point if Apple stores were located outside the super-metros. I don't think an Apple store exists in an area smaller than half a million people.

    What you get

    Valid point for Apple, however are these worth tripling your budget for the highest echelon of portable.

    Apple is trying to argue quality when the issue is choice. You cannot buy a quality entry level 17 from Apple because they don't make one. If Apple is so black and white what they don't see the difference in segment beyond screen size, we might have some problems in the not too distant future. They're trying to push a Bimmer-7 to the Camry crowd and thinking they're similar markets.

    Finally some one who is not biased... And I am sure you are not a "creative" or a mac developer. You are a merchant are you not?
  • Reply 79 of 357
    Originally Posted by zeasar View Post

    Dude, please tell us who exactly do you consult? And I guess when you check their "macs" you would say: "Dude OMGWTFBBQ dont open itunes on you mac dude use a PeeCee!!11!!one"

    Put the Xbox down, say goodnight to mum and go to your bed in your parent's basement. Facts over Flames fanboy.
  • Reply 80 of 357
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    The "rest of the business world" (I assume you're leaving out the Creative/Design industry out entirely, LOL), runs on a broken paradigm. IT departments are fueled by Windows being and remaining broken.

    The "rest of the business world" is unfortunately, wrong and in error. The very existence and robustness of the IT industry proves this. But as soon as a platform is pervasive enough due to cost and licensing, even if its is essentially broken and inefficient, it will still be used.

    Not making any friends here... No offense pal... Listen I love my mac. For the record all of you shitheads. Once again! MACS ARE GREAT FOR CREATIVE, I USE MY MAC FOR THIS.

    To your point I also feel that the architecture is superior but the business strategy is flawed. Not the b2b strategy but Apple's business strategy.

    Point is that they are not going for the business user. They are marginalizing XServe (I mean what would you use it for... There are few Mac only server apps that run major biz functions. They don't package VM's or XP/Vista. They don't aggressively approach Business software makers to use their platform.

    So right now your dream (and actually mine) is not going to happen. I don't give a shit for the fanboys... Flame away... It is a great alternative to thinking.
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