Apple responds to Microsoft ads: "a PC is no bargain"



  • Reply 201 of 357
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I personally think that the Microsoft ads suck and I won't discuss why any further. But one thing that does resonate with me when I see them is that Apple has huge holes in it's lineup and the lineup leaves much to be desired. What it boils down to is:

    - MacBooks: There should be a 15 and 17 inch model. Similar CPU speeds to the 13" model, and go ahead and use integrated graphics like the 9400M.

    - Desktops: they're not dead yet. There needs to be a model between the Mac mini and the Pro, priced accordingly. Period.

    /tired rant
  • Reply 202 of 357
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Quoted from "Macalicious" on Neowin:

    "Microsoft is facing a problem given that they are trying to compete against a vendor who uses the vertically integrated model rather than the horizontal model which Microsoft and the PC market uses. The result is that you have a poor integrated approach to marketing, hardware and software design where the experience is as much dictated by the hardware vendor as the quality of the operating system - both of which are developed by two separate companies with different goals over all in regards to their respective strategies."


    Very well said.
  • Reply 203 of 357
    wplj42wplj42 Posts: 439member
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    I personally think that the Microsoft ads suck and I won't discuss why any further. But one thing that does resonate with me when I see them is that Apple has huge holes in it's lineup and the lineup leaves much to be desired. What it boils down to is:

    - MacBooks: There should be a 15 and 17 inch model. Similar CPU speeds to the 13" model, and go ahead and use integrated graphics like the 9400M.

    - Desktops: they're not dead yet. There needs to be a model between the Mac mini and the Pro, priced accordingly. Period.

    /tired rant

    BINGO! I couldn't have said it better. Would have tried, but it would take 400 or more words.
  • Reply 204 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Yeah. Although, to be fair, 20 posts in a pretty lofty perch to dispense the judging from.

    I am impressed by "never seen anyone rage so hard on the internet" though, since this suggests a heretofore unknown rainbow internet with kittens.

    Here it is!

    yeah thats right, completely ignore the fact that you told me i did a bunch of rotten shit i really didnt do (but instead u built up in your mind) and point out my post count. that changes everything. i no longer think of you as an irrational jerk telling people off for things they didnt do.

    there's a reason articles like this draw in 200+ posts while nobody gives a shit about itune price changes. The article reflects too much arrogance to avoid discussion and thats not just on apples part (as ive said a few times now but clearly u didnt read my posts)

    You dont like to be pegged as a moronic apple fanboy blind to reason. i sense you dont like to be pegged at all. well here u are doing exactly the same to me. without even reading my posts you assert that ive come here to tell everyone a moron and that pc's are the greatest and blah blah blah, get over yourself.

    the next time you mouth off to someone and are shown why youre wrong to do so, try saying something like "sorry about that" rather than pointing out post counts as a way to ignore your fuckup.

    you definetly take things to a personal level over something so trivial.
  • Reply 205 of 357
    jazzgurujazzguru Posts: 6,435member
  • Reply 206 of 357
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    yeah thats right, completely ignore the fact that you told me i did a bunch of rotten shit i really didnt do (but instead u built up in your mind) and point out my post count. that changes everything. i no longer think of you as an irrational jerk telling people off for things they didnt do.

    there's a reason articles like this draw in 200+ posts while nobody gives a shit about itune price changes. The article reflects too much arrogance to avoid discussion and thats not just on apples part (as ive said a few times now but clearly u didnt read my posts)

    You dont like to be pegged as a moronic apple fanboy blind to reason. i sense you dont like to be pegged at all. well here u are doing exactly the same to me. without even reading my posts you assert that ive come here to tell everyone a moron and that pc's are the greatest and blah blah blah, get over yourself.

    the next time you mouth off to someone and are shown why youre wrong to do so, try saying something like "sorry about that" rather than pointing out post counts as a way to ignore your fuckup.

    you definetly take things to a personal level over something so trivial.

    Uh huh. Except you responded to a very general post I made by calling me a Nazi, then claiming you were kidding, then taking anything I had to say in general about a certain type of poster very, very personally indeed.

    Whereas, in fact, why would I care about you? I like smart people. Why, hello there ignore button.
  • Reply 207 of 357
    DISCLAIMER: I use PCs and Macs...

    What the article doesn't mention is that a PC with a low-res 17" display and missing a lot of the cool features in iLife is still "good enough" for most typical consumers, so for many people it's still a good 17" notebook alternative to the more capable MacBook Pro. If someone's on a budget, they're usually going to buy only what they need, not what they want. Apple makes amazing computers, but they aren't the best solution for everybody. I think even Apple would cede to that. As for me, personally, I'd take the 17" MacBook Pro long as I could afford it
  • Reply 208 of 357
    columbuscolumbus Posts: 282member
    Originally Posted by shodson View Post

    DISCLAIMER: I use PCs and Macs...

    What the article doesn't mention is that a PC with a low-res 17" display and missing a lot of the cool features in iLife is still "good enough" for most typical consumers, so for many people it's still a good 17" notebook alternative to the more capable MacBook Pro. If someone's on a budget, they're usually going to buy only what they need, not what they want. Apple makes amazing computers, but they aren't the best solution for everybody. I think even Apple would cede to that. As for me, personally, I'd take the 17" MacBook Pro long as I could afford it

    Exactly. This is a very good point and well worth making.

    The problem is many people mistakably suggest Apple is somehow under obligation to make these “good enough” machines whilst other people (even more mistakably) suggest that this would be a good strategic move for Apple and a worthwhile usage of its focus and resources.

    NOKIA (who own the market for phones outside the US and have huge market share) announced today their profits are in the toilet. Market-share isn't everything.
  • Reply 209 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Uh huh. Except you responded to a very general post I made by calling me a Nazi, then claiming you were kidding, then taking anything I had to say in general about a certain type of poster very, very personally indeed.

    Whereas, in fact, why would I care about you? I like smart people. Why, hello there ignore button.

    you like smart people because they make your arguments for u i guess.

    few things here genius:

    first, you really were acting like a jerk and i pointed out why, then the nazi comment was obviously a joke as i said not to send pc users off to ghetto parts of the internet.

    AND you werent talking about a certain type of poster u directed at me. being the smart guy i am, i made this assumption when i saw you using words like "YOU"

    go ahead and ignore me. one of the most immature things a moron like you (and yes, now i clearly am calling you a moron) is to pull the LAST WORD bs and then simply ignore the person who made u feel stupid.

    you like smart people, but did it ever occur to you they dont like you back? grow up kid. this is a discussion on computers and nothing more. learn to keep it there
  • Reply 210 of 357
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    SO, I wouldn't debate that your AVERAGE Mac user is smarter than your AVERAGE PC user, but to say that there are MORE educated mac users than PC users really is scary on more levels than you think.

    Being one of a handful of folks who use their Mac in a corporate, forced-to-use-Windows world environment, I would have to say that the majority of my fellow worker bees are, in fact, dumb as a bunch of rocks when it comes to anything technical. Corporate said "you must buy a Dell" and they said "OK!". As a contract independent my reply was "No thanks!" [the expletives were deleted for the sake of the kids who post here]. So, I concur with the first portion of the quote above.

    I'm not sure what to make of the second part. If the poster meant that more Mac folks know how to get things done without uploading five patches and two workarounds, then yes, they are often more educated in the proficient use of the system they use.

    I do live in both worlds, but not by choice. I do find it an odd stereotype that in my chosen 9 to 5 that I am constantly challenged on my overall computer knowledge simply because I use a Mac. This condition usually dissipates, like a proverbial Objective-C release statement, right up to the point that something terrible happens on the Windows side of things for the rest of the office, and I'm the only system left standing. However, within days after I managed to get all of THEIR systems back up and running (no, that's NOT my job - I just feel sorry for them), then the snide remarks about my Mac use start all over again. It's pathetic.

    This is perhaps the longest single post I have ever written here, but I felt I owed an explanation to Solipsism as to why my comments are often short and not so sweet.

    I goes like this... some of us actually have to work around here!
  • Reply 211 of 357
    citycity Posts: 522member
    Originally Posted by joe in miami View Post

    I tell my PC friends the same thing about cheap components and price of software and resolution, but they are happy with their cheap shit.

    It's like trying to get someone to go into a wine shop and select a $50 bottle of wine, when they are just as happy with a $10 bottle from the grocery store. It's just not worth the effort.

    For me it's the choice of "two buck chuck" or splurging for the $8 stuff.
  • Reply 212 of 357
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,906member
    To me a computer is a tool. There are well made tools and there are crappy tools. I prefer well made tools that work with me and not against me. I own a German made power saw. It works better than any other saw I have ever owned and does things other power saw have never even dreamed of. I own a Fluke Digital Multimeter instead of a $20 Radio Shack multi-tester. My Mac is a tool that works with me and enhances my work experience. PCs get the job done for sure (and I do use them), but not in the way I prefer.

    It's ll about choice isn't it?
  • Reply 213 of 357
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Being one of a handful of folks who use their Mac in a corporate, forced-to-use-Windows world environment, I would have to say that the majority of my fellow worker bees are, in fact, dumb as a bunch of rocks when it comes to anything technical. Corporate said "you must buy a Dell" and they said "OK!". As a contract independent my reply was "No thanks!" [the expletives were deleted for the sake of the kids who post here]. So, I concur with the first portion of the quote above.

    I'm not sure what to make of the second part. If the poster meant that more Mac folks know how to get things done without uploading five patches and two workarounds, then yes, they are often more educated in the proficient use of the system they use.

    I do live in both worlds, but not by choice. I do find it an odd stereotype that in my chosen 9 to 5 that I am constantly challenged on my overall computer knowledge simply because I use a Mac. This condition usually dissipates, like a proverbial Objective-C release statement, right up to the point that something terrible happens on the Windows side of things for the rest of the office, and I'm the only system left standing. However, within days after I managed to get all of THEIR systems back up and running (no, that's NOT my job - I just feel sorry for them), then the snide remarks about my Mac use start all over again. It's pathetic.

    This is perhaps the longest single post I have ever written here, but I felt I owed an explanation to Solipsism as to why my comments are often short and not so sweet.

    I goes like this... some of us actually have to work around here!

    My man I feel for you. All I can say is if you worked with me and I saw any of the pc geeks giving you the biz just because you prefer macs, I'd definitely take your side lol. It sucks that you go through that.

    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    To me a computer is a tool. There are well made tools and there are crappy tools. I prefer well made tools that work with me and not against me. I own a German made power saw. It works better than any other saw I have ever owned and does things other power saw have never even dreamed of. I own a Fluke Digital Multimeter instead of a $20 Radio Shack multi-tester. My Mac is a tool that works with me and enhances my work experience. PCs get the job done for sure (and I do use them), but not in the way I prefer.

    It's ll about choice isn't it?

    Yeah I made this exact kind of comparison a few posts back stating I wouldn't use a screw driver to loosen a bolt. I see it exactly the same way.
  • Reply 214 of 357
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    To me a computer is a tool. There are well made tools and there are crappy tools. I prefer well made tools that work with me and not against me. I own a German made power saw. It works better than any other saw I have ever owned and does things other power saw have never even dreamed of. I own a Fluke Digital Multimeter instead of a $20 Radio Shack multi-tester. My Mac is a tool that works with me and enhances my work experience. PCs get the job done for sure (and I do use them), but not in the way I prefer.

    It's ll about choice isn't it?

    That's pretty much how I feel about it. I always buy the best tool I can possibly afford, because I know that it will last longer and give me pleasure. Doing woodworking with good tools is fun and relaxing. Doing woodworking with cheap tools is exasperating and tiring.

    Yes, the cheap tool and the good tool "do the same thing", and I guess I could be accused of wasting my money, or being some kind of tool snob. For the people that don't understand the difference between how it feels to use a good and mediocre tool, no amount of explaining will ever help.
  • Reply 215 of 357
    artzyartzy Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    Hypothetically speaking, I need to use Macnification and Checkout.

    Find me the free PC equivalents... go, go, go!

    I notice how often PC software is compared to Mac software in a similar fashion to how the hardware is compared. Provided they tick the same feature boxes - they're the same. Only the Mac software is fewer in number and more expensive!

    Less tangible factors (but things that day-to-day make a world of difference) such ease of use, user enjoyment and experience, quality, fit and finish etc. never seem to factor.

    Who cares about how many titles there are, in any particular area you will typically only use one and in many cases now the Mac has the best options.

    Yeah, last time i looked the top ten most-used software titles for pee cees were in the troubleshooting and anti-virus categories
  • Reply 216 of 357
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by artzy View Post

    Yeah, last time i looked the top ten most-used software titles for pee cees were in the troubleshooting and anti-virus categories

    While is not neccesaarily an indicator of the entire market, 5 out of the top 20 spots for all Software, including OS X, is for for anti-virus and security for Windows OS. 25% is pretty high considering that the most of the others were tax software, which will fall off shortly and OS sales.
  • Reply 217 of 357
    cmf2cmf2 Posts: 1,427member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Doesn't Quicktime function in a similar manner? (serious question?) The PC version requires a PRO copy to do anything useful with it beyond simply playing movies right?

    Asking for $30 to turn quicktime from a fully functional media player to a media player and a video editing/encoding program isn't the same as asking for $99 to enable 5.1 sound on a blu-ray player.
  • Reply 218 of 357
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by cmf2 View Post

    Asking for $30 to turn quicktime from a fully functional media player to a media player and a video editing/encoding program isn't the same as asking for $99 to enable 5.1 sound on a blu-ray player.

    I hope Quicktime X gets editing features. For the price and ease of use it's ideal for most of my uses. The only real gaffe with Quicktime was requiring the Pro version to get full screen prior to Leopard.
  • Reply 219 of 357
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has responded to the new Microsoft ads promoting low-cost generic PCs as a cheaper alternative to the Mac, stating "A PC is no bargain when it doesn't do what you want....

    BTW, has anyone else noticed that the TV version of the Lauren ad has cut the scene where she walks into the Apple store? e.g.- The scene that makes it clear that she didn't do sh!t for the supposed comparison shopping because the same people are walking by.
  • Reply 220 of 357
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    A number of you hit on this, and these ads are going right after this too....

    You all know why people who have no money and continue to have no money...

    They lack the ability/discipline to save money...

    They can not objectively determine what is important

    They can not objectively determine what has value

    They can not objectively determine what has quality

    So most people's buying decision goes something like this...

    They decide they want/need something, they look at what they have in their wallet/left on the credit limit and look around and see what the least expensive thing they can buy and buy it. They do not care how long it lasts, whether it really does what they need or is worth what they just paid.

    So when it finally breaks they go out and do it all over again... Thus got nothing for their money other than instant gratification. It is not unusual for these people to do this over and over again.

    How many of you know a person who owns a PC after a year or so when the thing becomes slow for numerous reason or things start to fail go right out and buy another one and replace the old one.

    These MS ads are targeting these people and these people are in the majority which none of them are on this discussion.

    Personally I tend to save and get exactly what I want and need and will pay extra for quality. With that said, I still use my Titanium Powerbook which is now 8 yrs old running Tiger and works just as good today as when I first bought it. I also have in my house an original Imac 20" Flat Panel which is running Leopard and 2GB upgrade which is 6 yrs old, add to that a Imac G5 running Leopard which is 4 yrs old, and a MacBook which now 2.5 yrs old. Compared to most of my friends who still use PCs, they're are all less then 2 or 3 yrs old because it was cheaper to just go get a new one.

    I can tell you I spent far less on my 4 computers which everyone in my house has one, than people who I know who have bought PC's for their house, which they have replace at least 2 or 3 times and bought extras for the family.

    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, thus the reason PC year over year must get cheaper to buy, it is the death spiral to the bottom.

    Very well said, Maestro64. Very well said indeed.
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