Apple introduces 13-inch MacBook Pro, cheaper MacBook Airs



  • Reply 61 of 225
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by zanshin View Post

    In a capitalism-based society, nothing is over-priced if an acceptable percentage of the market will pay that price.

    This could be too savvy - and too dense - for some of the folks here who can never seem to understand free-market capitalism 101.
  • Reply 62 of 225
    rlr33rlr33 Posts: 2member

    On machines with multiple ports, they are still on the same bus so the only advantage of those additional ports is convenience, not performance. Adding an extra port would give no performance increase over daisy chaining or using a FW hub.

    And is it really impossible to do video editing with a FW hub or daisy chained?

    It isn't impossible but it costs me more money, and takes more time which is something I would prefer not to do after spending $2000 +.
  • Reply 63 of 225
    xyz001xyz001 Posts: 117member
    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    That's a pretty skewed perspective.

    What did they remove on the 15 besides the expresscard slot?

    They removed the 9600 GT card to make it cheaper. Instead of making it more awsome and keeping the price.

    Originally Posted by minderbinder View Post

    And the 13 gained firewire and SD slot, now up to 8 gigs max ram, longer battery life, and cheaper. And faster is faster, not "more or less same".

    Well a bump from 2.4 to 2.8 GHz in 9 months is hardly an event. Extra battery, and extra RAM limit is ok, but also hardly worth to mention. The fact is that today you can have DOUBLE or TRIPPLE as fast a machine for 3D applications and games by replacing the graphics card. Therefore it is the most important spec, even more important than the processor. Because it actually makes a difference.
  • Reply 64 of 225
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by xyz001 View Post

    Same speeds,

    same display resolutions,

    same RAM (almost noone needs 8 GB),

    only worse options, not better,

    less money for a worse product.

    It all seems like PC marketing to me. It is almost like you can feel Jobs has been away. Gone is the good old Apple "no-compromises and clear Line-ups"

    Hello to a "dell" style webpage

    (try for example to go to the store and customize a mac book pro 13": They are now hiding the graphics card!! WTF happened to clarity?

    The MB now has a higher quality display (didn?t say higher resolution).

    The MB now has a 2.26 or 2.53Ghz CPU over the previous 2.0 or 2.4Ghz options.

    The MB now has 4GB as default in upper tier 13? model.

    The MB now has a much longer battery life which allows it to have a FW800 port (though at the risk of losing the user-accessible battery and HDD).

    The MB prices are now $100 less for their respective tiers.

  • Reply 65 of 225
    probablyprobably Posts: 139member
    There is only one audio port on the 13" now. FYI.
  • Reply 66 of 225
    bsenkabsenka Posts: 801member
    Why does Apple always insist on taking important things away every time they add a feature that every other notebook at half the price already has?

    These new models have some great features that I and and a lot of others have been crying for. If all they did was add these features in, things would be great. That they dropped the price is even better. But, lo and behold, it's always a bait and switch with Apple. They have to take things away.

    Dropping a swappable battery and the expresscard slot on the 15" Macbook Pro turned what easily could have been a huge win into an epic fail.
  • Reply 67 of 225
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by xyz001 View Post

    They removed the 9600 GT card to make it cheaper. Instead of making it more awsome and keeping the price.

    Read the specs again. Only the cheapest configuration loses that card, the other configs all still have it.

    Originally Posted by xyz001 View Post

    Well a bump from 2.4 to 2.8 GHz in 9 months is hardly an event. Extra battery, and extra RAM limit is ok, but also hardly worth to mention. The fact is that today you can have DOUBLE or TRIPPLE as fast a machine for 3D applications and games by replacing the graphics card. Therefore it is the most important spec, even more important than the processor. Because it actually makes a difference.

    Well, at least now you're being honest and admitting the improvements exist. It just sounds like all you care about is the video card. See above, the 9600 is still there.
  • Reply 68 of 225
    probablyprobably Posts: 139member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    Why does Apple always insist on taking important things away every time they add a feature that every other notebook at half the price already has?

    These new models have some great features that I and and a lot of others have been crying for. If all they did was add these features in, things would be great. That they dropped the price is even better. But, lo and behold, it's always a bait and switch with Apple. They have to take things away.

    Dropping a swappable battery and the expresscard slot on the 15" Macbook Pro turned what easily could have been a huge win into an epic fail.

    It's an epic fail for anyone who needed to swap the battery: very few people relatively speaking.

    While the ExpressCard slot had obvious uses for pro hardware - the motivation may have been looking at the market and seeing that most 3G antennae are USB sticks anyway -- which was another minor customer base consideration.
  • Reply 69 of 225
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member
    Originally Posted by rlr33 View Post

    It isn't impossible but it costs me more money, and takes more time which is something I would prefer not to do after spending $2000 +.

    How does daisy chaining cost you more money or more time?
  • Reply 70 of 225
    kestralkestral Posts: 311member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The MB now has a higher quality display (didn?t say higher resolution).

    The MB now has a 2.26 or 2.53Ghz CPU over the previous 2.0 or 2.4Ghz options.

    The MB now has 4GB as default in upper tier 13? model.

    The MB now has a much longer battery life which allows it to have a FW800 port.

    The MB prices are now $100 less for their respective tiers.

    AMEN! This was the 13" MB I wanted the first time around. I placed my order for a 13" MBP as soon as the Apple Online Store opened. I have never done this before, ever. I've always bought refurb Macs or previous models, this is the first time I'm buying a brand spanking new machine and paying full pop (ok, close to full pop, I'm paying education price).

    The big thing for me was the lack of Firewire, now that the MBP 13" has it, I can use my Apogee Duet audio interface (I'm a musician).

    The improved screen is also nice, considering that I was never happy with my BlackBook's screen but loved the MacBook Air's.
  • Reply 71 of 225
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    ..... huge win into an epic fail.

    And, all those who are exulting in this forum about these changes must be uninformed morons?

    It is pretty arrogant on your part to think that your personal preferences should apply to all. (According to Phil Schiller, 99% of Apple users don't use the expresscard slot!).
  • Reply 72 of 225
    ptysellptysell Posts: 18member
    How about a frackin Blu-Ray player...
  • Reply 73 of 225
    xyz001xyz001 Posts: 117member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    The MB now has a higher quality display (didn’t say higher resolution).

    The MB now has a 2.26 or 2.53Ghz CPU over the previous 2.0 or 2.4Ghz options.

    The MB now has 4GB as default in upper tier 13” model.

    The MB now has a much longer battery life which allows it to have a FW800 port.

    The MB prices are now $100 less for their respective tiers.


    Yeah ok. I guess we will all feel the huge oopmh from the brand new 2.53 GHZ compared to last years 2.4 Ghz.

    A new graphics card like a 4570 or similar would have doubled the speed. Thats a fact.

    The 13" macbook is now twice as slow as the comparable sony 13" SR. Before it was considerably faster.

    Therefore this upgrade is at best hardly noticable, at worst making the macbook subpar.
  • Reply 74 of 225
    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Posts: 1,772member
    Those are some nice, solid updates. And the SSD (and faster processor) on the Air is only an extra $300? How times have changed.
  • Reply 76 of 225
    Do you think the shooter has an i phone?
  • Reply 77 of 225
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    There is only one audio port on the 13" now. FYI.

    I don?t think anyone guessed that but it was expected. The headphone jack on my late 2008 unibody MB also worked flawlessly with my Apple in-earphones. Not just the speaker and mic, but the cord controls, too. In retrospect, I guess it was a matter of time.

    Now we get here about how people?s current mic and phone set won?t work anymore. I doubt a simple adapter will fix that.
  • Reply 77 of 225
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    So, does this mean the MacBook line is about to expand with cheaper systems now that the 13" went pro?
  • Reply 79 of 225
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I bought the first intel Macbook Pro, no Firewire 800 - added in the revision after.

    I bought the first unibody Macbook, no Firewire - added in the revision after.

    I feel like a real asshole right now, apple stop slapping me in the face!

    And all those people I argued with where I said the Macbook should have it, and you told me I was crazy, dumb, a a whiner, too cheap, asking for the impossible, just trying to stir shit up, an Apple hater, holding onto old dead technology, etc. - Please line up to give me your apologies.

    Now I've got to sell my unibody Macbook and get the new one. *sigh*
  • Reply 80 of 225
    bonklersbonklers Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by DHKOsta View Post

    It's funny - the distinction that I really drew with the Pro line was that there were TWO graphics cards. Even if you don't run graphics-intensive software, having the discrete card would have tremendous implications for OpenCL, right? Or am I missing something?

    I totally agree. The 'pro' line up was originally aimed at the pro graphic designers and gamers. a macbook pro meant that you had a discrete graphics card, everything else (metal casing, luminated keyboard, gestures) were just extras. screen size was also diff but the graphics card was the overall distinguishing factor. i feel that adding 'pro' to the $1199 model is an advertising ploy.

    i'm only complaining about the use of the 'pro' name. As far as the lower prices and improved system specs, i'm really happy about that.

    i'm even more psyched about the $29 leopard to snow leopard upgrade, this will almost guarantee that all leopard users will buy the upgrade and very very very few will get pirated copies.
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