People simply want the iPhone. Demand for this device is crazy. People see real value in it and are willing to pay.
Comparing products based on load times or some other measure is pretty much like trying to compare cars using 0-60 mph times. It says nothing about the owning experience.
People want iPhones because it is better overall including the intangibles like a) does things it was supposed to do and doesn't do what it is not supposed to do (something most products miss), b) works intuitively, c) is more fun and functional, d) it is prettier, etc.
Pre can pretty much suck our collective arses.
Anybody remember a little phone called Android? Where is it now?
What I find most astounding are the application load times and boot times for the Palm Pre v. iPhone 3G with half the HW performance. Palm really should have had waited until after the summer to release the Pre with refinements and with a public SDK.
Launching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Sorry, but seeing is believing and real world tests over benchmarks prove everything.
The iPhone and iPhone 3GS lost two out of three in important factors:
Hit the link for video proof. The Pre p0wned iPhone.
Oh, yes! But wait! Some of us are using iPhones and had the chance to play with the Pre. I don't need a video proof to have an opinion. I compared the Pre agains my 3G iPhone - it was more often faster at loading web pages but slower at everything else. It felt somewhat sluggish when browsing pictures and overall not really responsive. It seemed to miss the swipe gesture now and then. I had hard time to believe that it runs on a 2x - 3x times faster processor. Ah, and the biggest problem: I could only compare a couple of apps, the rest are not available on the Pre. At the end of the day the 1st gen iPhone is still better value for me than the Pre.
Palm was, of course, smart not to wait, but to challenge the iphone, whose 3gs was not much of an innovation over the 3g, just a speed boost. To wait longer would have given apple a further lead in marketshare.
While I agree the 3G S is more evolution than revolution. I am really impressed with the voice control interface. If it works as well as advertised its a significant innovation. I've seen no other phone with with a video camera interface as simple to use.
All in all, I don't think it's a slam dunk for either phone. They both are great, they both have room for improvement. Fanboys from both sides love to claim victory. I think the real victor is the consumer, who gets increased innovation and lower price due to the REAL competition of the pre, and I hope that RIM and Android can step it up too.
How exactly do you describe a slam dunk? The point of both phones are to make a profit, as long as they do that they are successful.
I think Palm's biggest problem is the name: Pre. What the hell does it mean? It's just stupid. Pre-what? What will the next phone be called, Post? Pri?
Launching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Those numbers are geek stuff. You very different packages here. Few deal-breakers:
If you really want a hardware keyboard, iPhone is a no-go.
If you want anything but US keyboard, Pre is a no-go.
If you have one iPhone app you really like, Pre is a not an option.
If you want an established product you should consider iPhone against the Pre.
If you are on Sprint iPhone is not an option.
Palm engineers deserve a credit for their work on the Pre. But overall it can not compete against the iPhone IMO. Let's discuss this one year from now
Launching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Just did some quick and dirty tests?.
When it?s not opening up for the first time from a cold boot or running the iPod app in the background my iPhone 3G matches Anand?s times.
Regardless, With Palm?s bolstering, the use of a much new HW and a presumably lighter OS that is easier on the HW than OS X, I would have thought that even not being ideally optimized that the Pre would still beat the original iPhone and iPhone 3G, if not the iPhone 3GS.
Wanting to take signal strength out of the equation idealizes the situation, which just doesn't make much sense.
Depends on what you want to learn. If YOU work in that specific TV studio, then yes it is very important how well the iPhone does on 3G. Otherwise, that part of the test is totally meaningless. Removing the network from the equation tells you how fast the phones are. Then, you can decide for yourself if ATT works well in the places you go to every day. It's pretty well accepted that Sprint does not have the widest coverage area.
The Pre is *still* takeover bait. In light of what the iPhone continues to bring to the table, the pre is nothing special.
You are stunning...
The pre is nothing special, except it brings multitasking that really works to the world of cell phones, as well as very good notifications, much better than the iPhone's. Also, Synergy. Couldn't care less for Synergy, but I'm still waiting for multitasking on my 3G, and I definitely wouldn't spit on webOS' nifty, non-obtrusive notifications instead of iPhoneOS's
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
If Palm is a pioneer at anything, it's in sitting around on its collective ass, resting on its laurels
Dude... to rest on your laurels you need laurels in the first place. Palm was an innovator with its first PDAs, then they got lazy.
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
and then running around in a too-late frenzy like a chicken after Apple lopped off its head.
Wrong again, Palm didn't need Apple to be dying, they've been dying for 10 years here. If Apple did anything to Palm, it was show them a way to the light, and give them Rubinstein.
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
Palm and its shills will do and say anything at this point, especially after the Pre's lukewarm reception
Are you even reading your own posts?
Originally Posted by Quadra 610
And don't forget, Pre and iTunes syncing might very well never materialize.
The pre and itunes sync has already materialized, the question is whether it'll stay or whether Apple'll break it.
The Pre is *still* takeover bait. In light of what the iPhone continues to bring to the table, the pre is nothing special.
Palm is no innovator in handheld devices, anyway.That title goes to Apple, who introduced the PDA to the world with Newton. Palm is a derivative company; a follower, not an innovator. If Palm is a pioneer at anything, it's in sitting around on its collective ass, resting on its laurels, milking/screwing its cusotmers, and then running around in a too-late frenzy like a chicken after Apple lopped off its head.
Which sounds very much like another, much larger company that can't seem to get its act together.
Too little, too late.
Course you know that Palm INVENTED the touch screen with their Palm Pilots and owns all patents related to single-touch. Check your dates buddy.
HW specs are secondary are secondary to Apple. It was never mention in the keynote. Apps were the showcase. Intel is piling up cpu cores, they can barely pass 3.0 GHZ nowadays. due to MHZ limits, SW holds increasing significance.
That's very true. Apple has been shipipng with POS video cards for ages making games on a Mac completely useless (let alone the fact that they lost that battle to MS on the desktop).
Comparing products based on load times or some other measure is pretty much like trying to compare cars using 0-60 mph times. It says nothing about the owning experience.
People want iPhones because it is better overall including the intangibles like a) does things it was supposed to do and doesn't do what it is not supposed to do (something most products miss), b) works intuitively, c) is more fun and functional, d) it is prettier, etc.
Pre can pretty much suck our collective arses.
Anybody remember a little phone called Android? Where is it now?
I'm glad to see that you feel SOO threatened by the device. It proves that it's a real contender despite all the bashing. Coruse you're smart enough to know that no competition means that Apple will sell you their devices for a ridiculous price; but you are probably too cool-aid-ed to even think that way and are still gonna purchase the same iPod at 500$
Sorry, but seeing is believing and real world tests over benchmarks prove everything.
The iPhone and iPhone 3GS lost two out of three in important factors:
Hit the link for video proof. The Pre p0wned iPhone.
Yes, that proves everything
Especially that Sprint has better service in that studio than ATT. Woo! Not a very good test of the phone itself though.
People simply want the iPhone. Demand for this device is crazy. People see real value in it and are willing to pay.
Comparing products based on load times or some other measure is pretty much like trying to compare cars using 0-60 mph times. It says nothing about the owning experience.
People want iPhones because it is better overall including the intangibles like a) does things it was supposed to do and doesn't do what it is not supposed to do (something most products miss), b) works intuitively, c) is more fun and functional, d) it is prettier, etc.
Pre can pretty much suck our collective arses.
Anybody remember a little phone called Android? Where is it now?
What I find most astounding are the application load times and boot times for the Palm Pre v. iPhone 3G with half the HW performance. Palm really should have had waited until after the summer to release the Pre with refinements and with a public SDK.
Launching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Anybody remember a little phone called Android? Where is it now?
It's apprently supposed to be huge, or at least really, noticeably, palpably catching on.
I'm not really seeing it yet.
Sorry, but seeing is believing and real world tests over benchmarks prove everything.
The iPhone and iPhone 3GS lost two out of three in important factors:
Hit the link for video proof. The Pre p0wned iPhone.
Oh, yes! But wait! Some of us are using iPhones and had the chance to play with the Pre. I don't need a video proof to have an opinion. I compared the Pre agains my 3G iPhone - it was more often faster at loading web pages but slower at everything else. It felt somewhat sluggish when browsing pictures and overall not really responsive. It seemed to miss the swipe gesture now and then. I had hard time to believe that it runs on a 2x - 3x times faster processor. Ah, and the biggest problem: I could only compare a couple of apps, the rest are not available on the Pre. At the end of the day the 1st gen iPhone is still better value for me than the Pre.
Palm was, of course, smart not to wait, but to challenge the iphone, whose 3gs was not much of an innovation over the 3g, just a speed boost. To wait longer would have given apple a further lead in marketshare.
While I agree the 3G S is more evolution than revolution. I am really impressed with the voice control interface. If it works as well as advertised its a significant innovation. I've seen no other phone with with a video camera interface as simple to use.
All in all, I don't think it's a slam dunk for either phone. They both are great, they both have room for improvement. Fanboys from both sides love to claim victory. I think the real victor is the consumer, who gets increased innovation and lower price due to the REAL competition of the pre, and I hope that RIM and Android can step it up too.
How exactly do you describe a slam dunk? The point of both phones are to make a profit, as long as they do that they are successful.
Similarly, the only thing that will kill the iPod . . . is a better iPod.
It means "Pre-historic"
Either that or it means Pre-eminent.
I think Palm's biggest problem is the name: Pre. What the hell does it mean? It's just stupid. Pre-what? What will the next phone be called, Post? Pri?
It simply means Pre-8yakQlater
Launching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Those numbers are geek stuff. You very different packages here. Few deal-breakers:
- If you really want a hardware keyboard, iPhone is a no-go.
- If you want anything but US keyboard, Pre is a no-go.
- If you have one iPhone app you really like, Pre is a not an option.
- If you want an established product you should consider iPhone against the Pre.
- If you are on Sprint iPhone is not an option.
Palm engineers deserve a credit for their work on the Pre. But overall it can not compete against the iPhone IMO. Let's discuss this one year from nowLaunching and usable are two different things. There is no way in hell the Browser n the iPhone is usable within 1 second. If the pre takes 3s to launch the browser and it is usable then I would call that a wash when compared to the iPhone 3G. I'm skeptical about those iPhone numbers at this point, my iphone doesn't open any of those apps in those times.
Just did some quick and dirty tests?.
When it?s not opening up for the first time from a cold boot or running the iPod app in the background my iPhone 3G matches Anand?s times.
Regardless, With Palm?s bolstering, the use of a much new HW and a presumably lighter OS that is easier on the HW than OS X, I would have thought that even not being ideally optimized that the Pre would still beat the original iPhone and iPhone 3G, if not the iPhone 3GS.
Yes, vision must be poor when your head is so far up Jobs' ass?
Also-rans really aren't worth coming out for.
Wanting to take signal strength out of the equation idealizes the situation, which just doesn't make much sense.
Depends on what you want to learn. If YOU work in that specific TV studio, then yes it is very important how well the iPhone does on 3G. Otherwise, that part of the test is totally meaningless. Removing the network from the equation tells you how fast the phones are. Then, you can decide for yourself if ATT works well in the places you go to every day. It's pretty well accepted that Sprint does not have the widest coverage area.
The Pre is *still* takeover bait. In light of what the iPhone continues to bring to the table, the pre is nothing special.
You are stunning...
The pre is nothing special, except it brings multitasking that really works to the world of cell phones, as well as very good notifications, much better than the iPhone's. Also, Synergy. Couldn't care less for Synergy, but I'm still waiting for multitasking on my 3G, and I definitely wouldn't spit on webOS' nifty, non-obtrusive notifications instead of iPhoneOS's
If Palm is a pioneer at anything, it's in sitting around on its collective ass, resting on its laurels
Dude... to rest on your laurels you need laurels in the first place. Palm was an innovator with its first PDAs, then they got lazy.
and then running around in a too-late frenzy like a chicken after Apple lopped off its head.
Wrong again, Palm didn't need Apple to be dying, they've been dying for 10 years here. If Apple did anything to Palm, it was show them a way to the light, and give them Rubinstein.
Palm and its shills will do and say anything at this point, especially after the Pre's lukewarm reception
Are you even reading your own posts?
And don't forget, Pre and iTunes syncing might very well never materialize.
The pre and itunes sync has already materialized, the question is whether it'll stay or whether Apple'll break it.
The Pre is *still* takeover bait. In light of what the iPhone continues to bring to the table, the pre is nothing special.
Palm is no innovator in handheld devices, anyway.That title goes to Apple, who introduced the PDA to the world with Newton. Palm is a derivative company; a follower, not an innovator. If Palm is a pioneer at anything, it's in sitting around on its collective ass, resting on its laurels, milking/screwing its cusotmers, and then running around in a too-late frenzy like a chicken after Apple lopped off its head.
Which sounds very much like another, much larger company that can't seem to get its act together.
Too little, too late.
Course you know that Palm INVENTED the touch screen with their Palm Pilots and owns all patents related to single-touch. Check your dates buddy.
HW specs are secondary are secondary to Apple. It was never mention in the keynote. Apps were the showcase. Intel is piling up cpu cores, they can barely pass 3.0 GHZ nowadays. due to MHZ limits, SW holds increasing significance.
That's very true. Apple has been shipipng with POS video cards for ages making games on a Mac completely useless (let alone the fact that they lost that battle to MS on the desktop).
Course you know that Palm INVENTED the touch screen with their Palm Pilots and owns all patents related to single-touch. Check your dates buddy.
Apple Newton, released in 1993, touchscreen (stylus) with (very bad) handwriting recognition.
Palm Pilot 1000, released in March 1996
Sorry to say, you're wrong.
Comparing products based on load times or some other measure is pretty much like trying to compare cars using 0-60 mph times. It says nothing about the owning experience.
People want iPhones because it is better overall including the intangibles like a) does things it was supposed to do and doesn't do what it is not supposed to do (something most products miss), b) works intuitively, c) is more fun and functional, d) it is prettier, etc.
Pre can pretty much suck our collective arses.
Anybody remember a little phone called Android? Where is it now?
I'm glad to see that you feel SOO threatened by the device. It proves that it's a real contender despite all the bashing. Coruse you're smart enough to know that no competition means that Apple will sell you their devices for a ridiculous price; but you are probably too cool-aid-ed to even think that way and are still gonna purchase the same iPod at 500$