iTunes 9 with app management, LPs, more, unveiled by Apple



  • Reply 81 of 121
    Originally Posted by c4rlob View Post

    I don't like that the Shopping Cart was removed from the Store section in the main left column. This whole "Wish List" thing buried in the profile/account drop-down without any easy access or preferences to manage it is not cool. I'll get used to it, but such an unfriendly change wasn't necessary.

    100% agreed. There was no reason to remove the shopping cart.
  • Reply 82 of 121
    Streaming video from my iTunes server to a laptop, I love it. I used to have a web server for this.
  • Reply 83 of 121
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    they got rid of the browser option!!!

    i hate you iTunes!

    that perminent "Artists" window qas just one piece of a much larger, more useful aspect to finding music quickly...
  • Reply 84 of 121
    iphone 3.1 and itunes 9 got rid of about 16 gigs of music off my phone so it's resynching now [all purchased legally] and about a dozen apps i purchased through the app store on the phone, which were backed up in 8 are now GONE. GONE. yeah. thanks for that, what do i do, email apple my receipts and say give me my apps back... yeah, they should be able to clear that up for me in what? a few months or so...
  • Reply 85 of 121
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    iphone 3.1 and itunes 9 got rid of about 16 gigs of music off my phone so it's resynching now [all purchased legally] and about a dozen apps i purchased through the app store on the phone, which were backed up in 8 are now GONE. GONE. yeah. thanks for that, what do i do, email apple my receipts and say give me my apps back... yeah, they should be able to clear that up for me in what? a few months or so...

    If you contact Apple by phone and talk to a representative and tell them your story, they will usually give you one free pass and "reset" things for you (details depending upon what you are trying to re-download post-purchase.)
  • Reply 86 of 121
    The genius mixes is nice.
  • Reply 87 of 121
    In browser mode:

    Go to: View -> Grid View -> Show Header
  • Reply 88 of 121
    So, with genius off, equaliser off, the main app window closed, and any other CPU draining things not enabled, iTunes 9 has jumped CPU use from ~3% to ~10% on average.

    How do they manage to bloat iTunes with trivial features, still fail to allow broad format support, yet TRIPLE the CPU (and thus battery) load!!!???

    If that's what they can do on Snow Leopard, I hate to think what the new iTunes does in Windows machines...
  • Reply 89 of 121
    Originally Posted by irondoll View Post

    So, with genius off, equaliser off, the main app window closed, and any other CPU draining things not enabled, iTunes 9 has jumped CPU use from ~3% to ~10% on average.

    How do they manage to bloat iTunes with lots of trivial features, still fail to allow broad format support, yet TRIPLE its CPU (and thus battery) load!!!???

    If that's what they can do on Snow Leopard, I hate to think what the new iTunes does in Windows machines...

    I guess Apple's working hard to keep the WINAMP people in business.
  • Reply 90 of 121
    Originally Posted by infinitespecter View Post

    100% agreed. There was no reason to remove the shopping cart.

    Yeah, I was wondering where it went.

    The really bad thing about the "wish list" is that I only had albums in my cart, so these now show as wish list items, but only the whole album. I was used to going to my cart and clicking on the songs to hear the previews once in a while to sort of convince myself to buy them. Now I go to the wish list and there is just a picture of the album, period.

    I'm not going to then click on the album, taking me to the store and then click on the tracks one by one. I just want a simple list of the albums and the tracks they contain and I don't want to "leave" my cart and go to the store and have to come back again.

    I notice there are a lot of places in iTunes 9 where they have removed the list functionality in favour of simple pictures or icons. One doesn't have the flexibility of views in this version one had before in many areas.
  • Reply 91 of 121
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    I notice there are a lot of places in iTunes 9 where they have removed the list functionality in favour of simple pictures or icons. One doesn't have the flexibility of views in this version one had before in many areas.

    Like where? It looks to me that everywhere it was available before it?s still available. There is a List, Grid, Coverflow set of buttons next to Search at the top.
  • Reply 92 of 121
    Originally Posted by DyManic View Post

    Any idea where you buy the ringtones from?

    I am not seeing them in the store...

    I'd like to know this also. They implied we could buy ringtones from the store but I don't see any at all. Are they just talking that "make a ringtone from a song" junk?

    I want real, actual ringtones, not that.
  • Reply 93 of 121
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Like where? It looks to me that everywhere it was available before it?s still available. There is a List, Grid, Coverflow set of buttons next to Search at the top.

    I remember noting this earlier, but I can't find an example now except for the one I mentioned in the shopping cart that is now the "wish list," so maybe I'm wrong on that.

    I don't appear to have the ability to change the size of the tiles in icon-view when looking at my movies or TV shows though. I also can't sort them by genre. Was that removed completely? I don't see any options in views.
  • Reply 94 of 121
    Originally Posted by irondoll View Post

    So, with genius off, equaliser off, the main app window closed, and any other CPU draining things not enabled, iTunes 9 has jumped CPU use from ~3% to ~10% on average. ...

    I don't see the same numbers.

    Mine seems to jump back and forth between 1% and 40% like a ticking clock, once a second. But if I then close the main window like you did, the figures change to 0% and about 2%, with the same ticking effect.
  • Reply 95 of 121
    Assuming the copy file thing works I'm liking it. Would really prefer it though if they could turn the Mac Mini into a home server. Its fair enough that they don't want to let you just copy files between any computer through iTunes, (although I think it may be more about getting people to sign up to the iTunes Store) but I'd really like them to just bring out a home server that could manage all the syncing between my iMac, iBook and iPhone.
  • Reply 96 of 121
    Well now installed..


    1. Now an option to make the store take up the whole window. Excellent for my iBook as it never fitted on the screen.

    2. New top bar design. Sure it doesn't conform to Apples styling but nor has any other release, and Apple get to follow different rules remember.

    3. Home Share. Haven't actually tried it yet but all sign's point to it being good.


    1. The white! Really really hate the white. The black was stylish, the white though is just painful to look at. It's also looks like pure white which is just something you don't do in interface design as it gives people headaches!

    2. The Store. It's not bad I think what is making it worse though is the white again. There's a few bits where you can still see what the old store looked like (iTunes U and Audiobooks) and in comparison I prefer the old style. The new one has so many songs/movies etc on the screen at once they all blend into each other. No separation by Genera on home pages, to much to look at it all and no specific bit to go to.

    3. Separation of Genius from Playlists. Just why? Was their a need? It's just added clutter more than anything. Worse still I just dragged a Genius playlist into the playlist section and now I can't put it back, leaving a Genus heading with one thing under it?!? Seems very un-apple and more Real Player.

    4. Again the white, nothing could have annoyed me more. Im actually starting to like the fact MS give you skins. This had just left me with the choice of home share (which I really wanted) but a hideous design or nice design and stick to transferring songs manually. Apples approach of are way or nothing when it comes to interfaces can be good, but in this case its failed.
  • Reply 97 of 121
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by zenatek View Post

    In browser mode:

    Go to: View -> Grid View -> Show Header

    thanks for the tip. I use the browser so often it was really annoying to see they changed it like this. It reminds me of Microsoft. "Lets just mess with the things that didn't need messing with, then people will think it's new and improved but it's really the same crap just f**'d with".
  • Reply 98 of 121
    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    The verdict just reaffirmed the (stupid, sorry, shameless) state of the industry, where an independent third party can't offer that feature.

    It is unfortunate that the industry is so scared of any piracy that they feel the need to react in this way.

    I'm very strongly of the belief that this sort of thing does nothing to stop any real, serious pirates and that casual copying isn't necessarily the evil that it is made out to be. (That's not to say that I am endorsing it. If you feel that I said that, you have misunderstood what I wrote.)

    Originally Posted by Roc Ingersol View Post

    But that doesn't stop the industry and Apple from negotiating a blessed solution. (Which would almost certainly include a convenience charge for ripping/transcoding, in addition to having the result wrapped in fairplay)

    If they use my computer hardware and CPU to do the work, why should I pay beyond the cost of time and electricity to operate the computer? I'd be very reluctant to do that.

    What I'm hoping is that someday movie studios "see the light" as it were and offer movie downloads without DRM. I'm not holding my breath, though, it took at least nine years for the music industry to realize this and they needed a not insignificant amount of prodding.
  • Reply 99 of 121
    Originally Posted by UnexpectedBill View Post

    What I'm hoping is that someday movie studios "see the light" as it were and offer movie downloads without DRM. I'm not holding my breath, though, it took at least nine years for the music industry to realize this and they needed a not insignificant amount of prodding.

    With Steve's involvement in Disney I can't see it happening any time soon. After all the music industry didn't exactly "see the light". The change all started after EMI questioned why there music has to have DRM on it to be on iTunes. As they put it "Apple never asked us about removing DRM" making it a bit like years of Apple saying they had to have it because of the music labels without ever asking if they could remove it.

    Who really knows who's preventing it but I would say its likely a 50 50 thing. Studios want it to protect their art and Apple wants it to lock customers to their products.
  • Reply 100 of 121
    i too am experiencing what Porsupah described in his point (2) -- no window of my iPod touch's applications.

    my touch apps themselves show up in a list to the left side of the screen, but the right side of the screen (that should be devoted to the app management windows) is totally blank.

    i've quit, re-sync-ed, re-started, etc... nada.

    any ideas?


    Originally Posted by Porsupah View Post

    Hm. Like the new look, and the iPhone sync tabs are considerably improved, but.. (YMMV, as these may be bugs only affecting me, or everyone born on a certain day of the week, or I could be just being an idiot =

    (1) The green window button (top left of OS X windows) now only brings the mini-window up to normal size - it can't return it to that size. Clicking on it again just toggles between not-quite-fullscreen window and normal size. So shift-cmd-M is now the *only* way to enter mini-player size?

    (2) No iPhone pages in the applications sync tab? According to the site, I should see an iPhone display-sized pane to the right of the (now sortable) list of apps, but I'm only seeing the list of apps. Hopefully I'm just missing a step somewhere, as iTunes arrangement of apps is something I've been longing for.

    (3) The App Store pulldown of categories is missing some, including Music.

    (4) Slight downgrade in the Movies sync tab - previously, files that weren't compatible (codec unsupported on the device, too large a frame size (eg 720p), or unsupported options, like pyramidal B-frames in H.264) were grayed out, whereas now, they simply get skipped over in the sync process, if selected. So you only get to find out whether a file's iDevice-compatible after attempting to sync it.

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