iTunes 9.0.2 connects with Apple TV 3.0, kills Palm Pre sync



  • Reply 61 of 92
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Jon Rubinstein needs to grow up.

    Palm should write their own sync software using the published interface. Heck, if RIM can do it then anyone ought to be able to.
  • Reply 62 of 92
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by justbobf View Post

    Apple should just allow the Pre to sync with iTunes. This is just snotty of them. It is something I would expect of Microsoft, but not Apple.

    Tell you what.

    Why dont you start up a company invest billions creating a fan base and R&D.

    Then once its up and running me and a few of the other guys from this forum that dont like you very much will make a less efficient copy of your designated hardware from inside information and then bitch when you inevitably tell us to stop copying you..

    but we wont

    It may sound like im oversimplifying it but it seems that sometimes simple people need simple explanations.
  • Reply 63 of 92

    ...kills Palm Pre sync

    Forever shall the Pre be known as "Rubinstein's folly".
  • Reply 64 of 92
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    "iTunes 9.0.2 connects with Apple TV 3.0, kills Palm Pre sync!"

    Gotta love this Hatfield / McCoy feud... If anything, I bet it's increased Apple releases and "that's a good thing", according to Martha Stewart.

    I have a feeling a minor iTunes 9.0.3 update is already being worked on for when Palm hacks and syncs as a fake iPod once again!

    Two things:

    1) I know you are joking, but I am still amazed at how many gullible people are actually willing to take advice from a convicted felon (Stewart, Vick, etc., etc.). Sad.

    2) Hasn't Dennis Miller been paid rather handsomely over the years for his rants and "prophecies"? Just curious.
  • Reply 65 of 92
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    Just how is it cheating? My Logitech Squeezebox Duet syncs with iTunes. Is that cheating, too?

    Does your Logitech Squeezebox appear as an iPod in iTunes? That is how they are cheating. They are stealing the ID to make the Pre sync with iTunes because the idiots at Palm are so fucking stupid, they can't write their own software.
  • Reply 66 of 92
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Damn i was having Nam like flashbacks then... you weren't there weren't there..... techspuds in the trees man!!!

    "Meet him twice and survive and you will call him 'Mr. Nathanial (techspud) Victor'. "

    "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like...." friggin' burning flesh and diesel fuel!
  • Reply 67 of 92
    Originally Posted by justbobf View Post

    Apple should just allow the Pre to sync with iTunes. This is just snotty of them. It is something I would expect of Microsoft, but not Apple.

    "justbobf" ?

    Dude, that's pretty weak.

    Seriously, you can't come up with something a little more original?
  • Reply 68 of 92
    Originally Posted by jblenio View Post

    I see Apple as turning into the big company that once again wants to control everything. I don't like it. I don't like how they lock in iPhone consumers to ATT which has terrible service. I don't like how they lock out the ability of other handsets to sync with iTunes. Apple has a great product and could make a ton more money letting other handsets sync.

    It's a gut feeling right now, but I think Apple is getting too powerful and taking advantage of consumers and flexing its muscle with other companies unreasonably.


    Amazing how stupid you are. Lock in iPhone customers? None of the other carriers were willing to bet on Apple making a popular phone. AT&T agreed without even seeing the first design. If you were the only one to step up to the plate and take a risk, wouldn't you want that exclusive right? The other carriers are kicking themselves for missing out on that deal. (In case you are a Verizon lover, those assholes lock out half the features on a phone and make you pay for them, so they are no better than AT&T).

    The other handset makers should write their own software for their product. However, Palm can't write software for shit, and that goes back to their lousy Palm Desktop software.

    Apple is already making a ton of money, even in a recession. They don't need anyone's help.

    How do you feel about Microsoft and the Zune? The Zune is locked in with Microsoft products only. Apple is the only computer and electronics company making money, so their model obviously works, even if you don't like it.
  • Reply 69 of 92
    Originally Posted by hillstones View Post

    Does your Logitech Squeezebox appear as an iPod in iTunes? That is how they are cheating. They are stealing the ID to make the Pre sync with iTunes because the idiots at Palm are so fucking stupid, they can't write their own software.

    Not stupid, just it takes time and money, both Palm doesn't have, so they leach instead.

    Jon R. might appear as a savior to Palm and Sprint, but he really didn't invent the iPod, a engineer who failed at forming his own company using the "iPod" came to Apple with the device, (first taking a two week side trip at Real Networks).

    I forget the engineers name, because we keep hearing the "Jon Rubenstein created the iPod" misinformation all the time.
  • Reply 70 of 92
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    Not stupid, just it takes time and money, both Palm doesn't have, so they leach instead.

    Not a classy move but it's generated a lot of free press for the Pre. On top of that, I bet the people buying the Pre are likely have the same general feeling that some posters here have: that Apple is in the wrong. Sounds like a smart marketing move to me. If you can't beat 'em, cheat 'em.
  • Reply 71 of 92
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    This kind of behavior gives me less and less respect for Apple. Apple wants to be able to run their hardware on Windows and wants Windows to 'play nicely' with their software, but when the tables are turned and Palm wants to merely sync with iTunes, Apple cries like a child, takes its ball and goes home.

    You just don't get it.... Apple has provided a method for third party devices to connect to iTunes. Palm says "No!" we want to break the rules and connect exactly like the Apple device. If Apple allows this then they must provide support to Palm Pre customers on their own dime. Palm knows this.... The just don't care what anybody thinks even the USB-IF. They are desperate and soon they will be gone.
  • Reply 72 of 92
    Originally Posted by tundraBuggy View Post

    You just don't get it.... Apple has provided a method for third party devices to connect to iTunes. Palm says "No!" we want to break the rules and connect exactly like the Apple device. If Apple allows this then they must provide support to Palm Pre customers on their own dime. Palm knows this.... The just don't care what anybody thinks even the USB-IF. They are desperate and soon they will be gone.

    Granted if they allowed it officially then they would have to provide support. But they can also ignore what Palm is doing and refuse to offer support since they never officially allowed it. I think what the people representing Palm think is, why does Apple care in the first place? If they allow people to sync through their APIs in the first place, why should it bother them if someone happens to sync like an ipod. The functionality works both ways right? They can deny support to anyone who doesn't have an actual ipod right? So seriously what difference does it make how Palm syncs?

    I'd like to hear a proper argument as to why Apple even bothers to waste time and money blocking the Palm all the time. It seems to be what they want to deny is the extra convenience that comes with the built-in itunes syncing as opposed to the external way that they allow through the APIs. They want real ipod owners to have a syncing advantage over non-ipod owners. Palm says letting them sync like ipods doesn't harm ipod owners so since no one is harmed, and since at the end of the day everyone can achieve the full benefits of syncing through APIs anyway, why not go ahead and give their customers the ipod convenience, recognizing that that support falls upon them and not Apple. They probably think, hey look the ipods and iphones are already so much better anyway, what harm would it be to let us at least have the ipod syncing convenience. There is no need to stop that here other than flat out selfishness.
  • Reply 73 of 92
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by tundraBuggy View Post

    You just don't get it.... Apple has provided a method for third party devices to connect to iTunes. Palm says "No!" we want to break the rules and connect exactly like the Apple device. If Apple allows this then they must provide support to Palm Pre customers on their own dime. Palm knows this.... The just don't care what anybody thinks even the USB-IF. They are desperate and soon they will be gone.

    yo john doe the above post explains it

    Originally Posted by johndoe98 View Post


    I'd like to hear a proper argument as to why Apple even bothers to waste time and money blocking the Palm all the time. It seems to be what they want to deny is the extra convenience that comes with the built-in itunes syncing as opposed to the external way that they allow through the APIs. They want real ipod owners to have a syncing advantage over non-ipod owners. Palm says letting them sync like ipods doesn't ere is no need to stop that here other than flat out selfishness.

    Proper argument ??

    apple updates it itunes alot

    this update focused on apple TV 3

    every-time apple updates palm pre will sink >>are you saying apple should call palm on the phone and say watch out ???

    dude there is no direct device attack on palm pre >palm pre to stop its blockages needs to make a third party agreement with apple >> for yrs. palm does the opposite it goes out of its way to block

    Anything apple .

    This is the sixth palm pre dies on the vine article here.

    and we are all tired of explaining the obvious

    to end this boring tirade i will say i tunes is a multi billion dollar universe un concerned with tiny pre

    the third party iphone suppliers themselves dwarfs baby pre

    the iphone is so large that its bigger than many countries GNP'S

    the iphone is so far advanced than anything else that palm pre does even blip on apple radar

    the iphone will change everything

    peace 9
  • Reply 74 of 92
    Originally Posted by frugality View Post

    This kind of behavior gives me less and less respect for Apple. Apple wants to be able to run their hardware on Windows and wants Windows to 'play nicely' with their software, but when the tables are turned and Palm wants to merely sync with iTunes, Apple cries like a child, takes its ball and goes home.

    It makes Palm look pretty bad trying to glom onto the iTunes gravy train for free. It's like people who steal cable TV services, run an extension cord to a city light pole or pirate music and software.

    If Palm wants to include and advertise iTunes syncing, which DOES have considerable value, then they should negotiate a licensing fee with Apple and pay it. I believe BlackBerry made some kind of arrangement with Apple, why can't Palm?
  • Reply 75 of 92
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Sprint Loses $478M, 135,000 Subscribers in Quarter

    Guess the Pre isn?t helping.
  • Reply 76 of 92
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If you can't beat 'em, cheat 'em.

    I don't remember the saying going quite like that
  • Reply 77 of 92
    [QUOTE=sdbryan;1511351]I can't say for certain but I would bet that Logitech used the API for third party products to work with iTunes that I referenced in my other post. Palm has the option to do the same thing but prefers to play this odd game with their customers./QUOTE]

    We are on a Mac forum, and yes Apple does provide an extensive set of APIs to interface all sorts of things ... on the Mac platform but a significant portion lies on the Windows platform.

    Microsoft is hostile to anything non-MS, so while building a sync app on a Mac is downright trivial, esp. for poached Apple developers, it's a different story on the Windows platform.

    I still think Palm is so clearly in the wrong with regards to device spoofing.
  • Reply 78 of 92
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Sprint Loses $478M, 135,000 Subscribers in Quarter

    Guess the Pre isn?t helping.

    I saw Gruber's link to that, too.

    But if you wade through the press release, you'll see that the Pre is the only reason their results weren't much, much worse.
  • Reply 79 of 92
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by justbobf View Post

    Apple should just allow the Pre to sync with iTunes. This is just snotty of them. It is something I would expect of Microsoft, but not Apple.

    You should allow us all to live in your iTunes house. It's just snotty of you that only your family and friends are allowed in but everybody else is kept out by lock and key.

    It's not fair that none of us can come and go as they please, eat your food and watch your TV even though you're generous enough to provide food and TV when we ask for it.

    We've not paid the bills for keeping your place in order but if you keep changing the locks then we'll keep making new keys until you allow us to come and go as we please.
  • Reply 80 of 92
    Originally Posted by ChiA View Post

    You should allow us all to live in your iTunes house. It's just snotty of you that only your family and friends are allowed in but everybody else is kept out by lock and key.

    It's not fair that none of us can come and go as they please, eat your food and watch your TV even though you're generous enough to provide food and TV when we ask for it.

    We've not paid the bills for keeping your place in order but if you keep changing the locks then we'll keep making new keys until you allow us to come and go as we please.

    The sad part is, is that this is all obvious, common sense. Yet we have to use elaborate analogies to illustrate it.
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