Apple advertising guru says he's 'not going anywhere'



  • Reply 21 of 105
    the good the bad and the ugly, if that's what it takes so be it.
  • Reply 22 of 105
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    ... .... ..

    Attack ads never work even when Apple does them. There is no data to indicated that Apple ads work for anything.

    Apple doesn't need MS to do poorly for Apple to well. Thats that big myth that MS and Apple compete.

    The interesting thing about the stock drop is Apple reports record earning, intros new products and the stock drops 10%. Explain that one. Where is your link for that?

    I have never met a person that is so bitter over an in-animate object like computer software or hardware. Did someone in MS like run over your dog or something? Not sure where the anger comes from where you want to see a company fail so badly.

    If the only way Apple can do well is for MS to do poorly then they need to make some changes. Its also hard to understand why someone that doesnt even use MS products has such an issue with them. If MS goes under (which isnt going to happen) its not going to be because of Apple. History has already proven Apple can't harm MS. If MS when under its not like everyone is going to go flocking to Apple.

    Your thought process is one of a child.
  • Reply 23 of 105
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Gotta love how he ignores the fact that Apple is PC company but chooses to only compare the OS marketshare, as if that is relevant. Who does he think he?s fooling? Then e pretend to not know that Apple now sells more than 2x as many Macs as they prior to the ads emergence.

    Its not about ignoring anything. If you have some kind of data that shows Apple ads have directly contributed to sales then lets see it. Attack ads do not work they only make a company look weak and the #1 rule in advertising is never directly talk about your competitor it does notthing but give them free advertising.

    Only a mindless fool would make a major purchase based on something they see on tv.
  • Reply 24 of 105
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I think it would help if more people used DVRs. They are sanity protection devices. Far too many ads are overused, loud, overly busy or whatever, if you've already seen the ad, skip it. DVRs also free you from a fixed schedule if you want to follow a particular show, watch when you're ready, not whenever the network decides to play it.
  • Reply 25 of 105
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    ... ... ..

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    attack ads never work even when apple does them. There is no data to indicated that apple ads work for anything.

    in the presence of apple's record quarters, including record mac sales and history-making results, there exists no data suggesting apple should stop them, either. But hey, we'll all tke your word for it because apple is doing so poorly these days.

    Apple doesn't need ms to do poorly for apple to well. Thats that big myth that ms and apple compete.

    so? What are you trying to say?

    there interesting thing about the stock drop is apple reports record earning, intros new products and the stock drops 10%. Explain that one. Where is your link for that?

    motorola dropped, google dropped, palm dropped microsoft dropped . . . Nearly everyone was affected.

    i have never meet a person that is so bitter over an in-animate object like computer software or hardware. Did someone in ms like run over your dog or something? Not sure where the anger comes from where you want to see a company fail so badly.

    keep on topic. Not sure why you continue to camp an apple fansite despite getting nowhere, either. The emotionally-laden questioning can go both ways.

    if the only way apple can do well is for ms to do poorly then they need to make some changes.

    i'm not sure anyone here suggested that. Where are you getting that from?

    its also hard to understand why someone that doesnt even use ms products has such an issue with them.

    most of us here use ms crap every day. Many of us have switched. All of us have had to deal with ms one way or another throughout most of our lives. I was a windows user (home system) from may 2002 to april 2006, not that it matters. It's just one example of many. And windows is a pervasive presence in the workplace.

    Are you just about done now, or would you like to go on getting owned in this thread?

  • Reply 26 of 105
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its not about ignoring anything. If you have some kind of data that shows Apple ads have directly contributed to sales then lets see it. Attack ads do not work they only make a company look weak and the #1 rule in advertising is never directly talk about your competitor it does notthing but give them free advertising.

    Only a mindless fool would make a major purchase based on something they see on tv.

    1) You have to very thin skinned to use such a strong word as attacking if an ad compares itself favourably to other products.

    2) Not only does it work, and it?s very common in advertising. Even such phrases as ?the others don?t?.? when a company is trying to separate themselves from numerous competitors.

    3) MS has done the same thing with their PC hunter ads. Not as successful, but not bad ads either. The problem with them is that aren?t iconic, aren?t relatable and ultimately forgettable.

    4) As for free advertising, I don?t think they?ve mention MS by name. Also, they didn?t once mention Windows, only ?PC? until Vista launched as was such a marketing failure. Once that happened mentioning how you are better than your competition was a good move. Did they kick MS when they were down, sure, but it?s marketing, you take any and all opportunities you can.

    5) If Apple didn?t feel they were working do you think they would continue to use them? Of course not. They do market research. The terms "I?m a Mac" and "There?s an App for That? are well known now, even outside of the Apple forums and by non-iPhone/Touch users.

    6) Seeing a single ?Get A Mac" probably hasn?t made anyone jump on the net and order a Mac without further consideration, but that isn?t the point of the ad, especially one that doesn?t even show the product until the very last second. The point is to peak an interest. a grain of sand in an oyster, if you will. That is how successful advertising works. I have argued that the Apple Stores are the single most important move by Apple to obtain switchers as it allows for direct usage and testing of the HW and SW, and a chance to ask questions.

    7) If anyone here doesn?t understand why the most well known brands in the world still spend Billions on advertising then any discussion about marketing is moot until the fundamentals of how sales work is understood.
  • Reply 27 of 105
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    ... .. ..

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    its not about ignoring anything. If you have some kind of data that shows apple ads have directly contributed to sales then lets see it. Attack ads do not work they only make a company look weak and the #1 rule in advertising is never directly talk about your competitor it does notthing but give them free advertising.

    there's about a thousand similar news items abot that for your enjoyment and edification.

    So much for "weak."

    when you post, are you aware of what you're typing? Because it appears you're in some other reality where people have no contact with the world beyond a 2 foot radius.

    only a mindless fool would make a major purchase based on something they see on tv.

    again . . . Let's stop tv ads altogether because you claim they don't work. Oh wait, you claimed only "mindless fools" would make major purchases based on them. Better tell microsoft while you're at it. Actaully, you just might be right about their laptop losers campaign. It didn't work. Except maybe with "mindless fools."

  • Reply 28 of 105
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Actually attack ad poll very poorly. Dr Frank Luntz who has worked alot in polling has a pretty good book on this matter.

    Please read what I wrote. "Polling very poorly" (people getting sanctimonious) is not the same as "ineffective" (how they vote).

    There is a well-documented difference between 'saying' and 'doing.'
  • Reply 29 of 105
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I think it would help if more people used DVRs. They are sanity protection devices. Far too many ads are overused, loud, overly busy or whatever, if you've already seen the ad, skip it. DVRs also free you from a fixed schedule if you want to follow a particular show, watch when you're ready, not whenever the network decides to play it.

    Wouldn't we have the ultimate product if @TV could also act as a DVR...... c'mon Apple....
  • Reply 30 of 105
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Wouldn't we have the ultimate product if @TV could also act as a DVR...... c'mon Apple....

    As you know it?s more than adding the features we want. I would love, but I think that it would interfere with the ITS video rentals. It might be a problem for the studios and may even be in contracts that they won?t offer DVR capabilities to their products. I?d have that written up if it were my studio wanting to sell on iTS.
  • Reply 31 of 105
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    ... motorola dropped, google dropped, palm dropped microsoft dropped . . . Nearly everyone was affected. ..

    You're exactly right. Apple has dropped about 8% from peak in the past couple of weeks. This during a period when the NASDAQ itself has fallen by 6%. (Also, as I've mentioned elsewhere, Apple's stock seemed to be trading ahead of its fundamentals anyway, so this is perhaps some reversion to sanity).

    All that said, I am coming around to the view that it's pointless to confront some folks on this Forum with actual data or logic.
  • Reply 32 of 105
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Actually attack ad poll very poorly. Dr Frank Luntz who has worked alot in polling has a pretty good book on this matter.

    Apple Inc., who has worked a lot in breaking sales records, making financial history (in a recession), despite cheaper, allegedly "higher value" options, has a great deal of experience in this matter.

    Do you actually think the average consumer Apple targets feels insulted that Apple is trashing MS??? Do you think the average person feels sorry for *companies*, or that they'll find Apple's ads objectionable or ethically wrong??? Are you that out of touch? ROFL, Apple isn't attacking Roosevelt's dog Fala, or an actual *person*! Do you think people find attacks on MICROSOFT, one of the most hated companies in all of tech - a *convicted* monopoly abuser, responsible for so much data loss over the years it's not even quantifiable, due in part to their virus-ridden, blue-screening garbage operating systems, to be objectionable? They barely care about the good ones, so they're going to somehow waste even a second considering it when it comes to, of all companies, MS?? Only on fansites on the ass-end of the net. And in the grand scheme of things we don't amount to much.

    Who the hell on the couch during prime time TV is going to feel sorry for a company or stand up and object to tech-related attack ads?

    No one actually cares that much. Don't kid yourself. At worst, the viewer won't even pay attention to the ads. At best, they'll find them amusing, and perhaps amusing enough to get them into an Apple Store. That's more than enough reason to keep them running and squeeze every last penny out of them. Because the only one talking boldly about Windows - what most people use - is Apple.
  • Reply 33 of 105
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I would love, but I think that it would interfere with the ITS video rentals. It might be a problem for the studios and may even be in contracts that they won?t offer DVR capabilities to their product.

    Yet, cable companies seem to offer this service?
  • Reply 34 of 105
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    All that said, I am coming around to the view that it's pointless to confront some folks on this Forum with actual data or logic.

    Just the trolls, anant, just the trolls.
  • Reply 35 of 105
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    It is totally tired. Only was effective because Vista was part of the mix. They don't work anymore and look embarrassingly negative.

    to be honest, those first ads which would have Mac talk about iLife and how much Macs are more fun than PCs sold it for me and I switched. So you know what, from first hand experience, they work.

    Most non geek non mac users would find these ads work
  • Reply 36 of 105
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Yet, cable companies seem to offer this service?

    It’s a completely different business model with a completely different design.

    For starters, those DVR appliances from cable companies don’t allow you to offload the content. if you are going to do this, TiVo is much better and easier.

    Second, if you can record it on your Apple DVR then the average customer would also expect you to be able to move it between your Mac, and iDevices like you can with content had through iTS. Besides this simply not going to be allowed, most cable companies use MPEG-2, which no iDevice can play and which no Mac natively supports. Do they still that $20 MPEG-2 codec at the Apple Store for Macs?

    It would be cool, and if you want it with Mac OS X there are options, but there are just to many hurdles for a company like Apple. Don’t me wrong, they have the money and capability to do, but it doesn’t look advantageous for them to pursue it. Like Blu-ray, I’m sure Apple will never add it to the AppleTV.

    Then there is cost for a DVR with dual tuners than can take in 2x MPEG-2 HD streams while playing a third from the HDD or streaming from another source. And what if someone already has another DVR that they want to use. Apple would have to differentiate the line yet they want one simple internet appliance for the home theater.
  • Reply 37 of 105
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Actually attack ad poll very poorly. Dr Frank Luntz who has worked alot in polling has a pretty good book on this matter.

    For you yankies how about "where's the beef?"
  • Reply 38 of 105
    Originally Posted by samanjj View Post

    For you yankies how about "where's the beef?"

    Awesome, awesome, awesome. I'm only in my 20s and even I know that's from Wendy's. And yes, it did spark interest in trying a burger from Wendy's long ago.... ever since then I've preferred Wendy's to the golden arches.
  • Reply 39 of 105
    clexmanclexman Posts: 213member
    Originally Posted by samanjj View Post

    For you yankies how about "where's the beef?"

    RIP that grumpy old lady. One of the best ad campaigns ever!
  • Reply 40 of 105
    mactrippermactripper Posts: 1,328member
    thread moved
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