Nintendo admits 'dark' future if it can't differentiate from iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 133
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    It is amazing how many devices an iPod touch or iPhone can replace.



    point and shoot camera

    flip video camera

    DS or PSP


    digital voice recorder

    alarm clock

    satellite radio


    The amazing part is that "flashlight" is the only exaggeration on there.
  • Reply 42 of 133
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Increasingly Nintendo will be bumping up against the question "Do I buy a DS which can play games or an iPhone/iPod Touch which can play (much cheaper!) games and a do lot of other things?" I'd say most of the time the DS loses out. My son ditched his DS when he got the iPod Touch. Yeah it's anecdotal but I would venture that's been happening in lots of households.

    If Nintendo persists down the path of dedicated handheld game players they will be limited to a much smaller market of hard core gamers. On the other hand I doubt that they have the know how to build an iPod Touch competitor.

    Somebody suggested they should just write game software for iPhone. Agree. But they could probably keep a niche handheld hardware division going to cater to the hard-core no-compromise handheld gamers.
  • Reply 43 of 133
    If Apple could only put a 'phone' in their iPod Touch handheld game device...I think they would have a real winner and sell a lot of them!
  • Reply 44 of 133
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    The amazing part is that "flashlight" is the only exaggeration on there.

    Well some might argue phone.
  • Reply 45 of 133
    Nintendo's profits aren't high because consumers aren't going to keep buying the same hardware over and over again just because its a little thinner (see Gameboy to Game boy Pocket, Game boy Pocket to Game Boy Color, then switches to GBA to GBA SP, then DS to DSLite, DSLite to DSi. The DSi in my opinion was an awful idea, other than increases in RAM it was a really poor attempt at creating an "all in one" device, and consumers know it.

    They got away with it before simply because the competition couldn't produce the games or the battery life Nintendo could, and the upgrades at the time were relatively significant (GBP was WAY thinner and had better screen, GBP had the much wanted color, GBA SP had the backlight).That's beginning to change, and laptops are becoming more affordable and easy to game with and have (decent) battery life, though obviously not 10 - 15 hours.
  • Reply 46 of 133
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Originally, I have to assume the source was Mr. Iwata. I copied and pasted the quoted text into Google and came up with a WSJ articel form November 7th.

    Actually, you didn't have to go that far. The Wall Street Journal article is referenced, i.e., by clicking on the, "like the iPhone" link in Hughes' article.
  • Reply 47 of 133
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Well you guys are delusional as always but ill oblige you. Wall of text incoming but you should read it!

    1. The big N's numbers dropped because the Wii sales have fallen off TREMENDOUSLY, the rate at which people were buying the systems has dropped significantly but it has the highest market share for consoles, Apple has not cut into that deep into Nintendo like AI would like you to believe, but its Nintendo not able to sustain its explosive growth (to spin this, if iPhone sales plummet because they cant keep growth they are automatically f*cked? Get real.) DS sales have dropped because they dont have content that US/Euro users want currently, simple as that.

    2. Market Share and Distribution. We have to count the iphone with touch sales otherwise the platform is well behind Nintendo's 117 million DS sold as of October 09. Also where said pieces sold are a key piece. Japan is a huge player in the video game market, if you dont have this market support you will not be king simple as that (MS knows this, and they try hard as hell to appeal to the japanese market by creating content they want, and every gaming console/platform from overseas has a 100% rejection rate thus far, because japanese and western/european tastes are much different)

    3. Content. Funny AI decided to bring Madden and Metal Gear into the picture. Metal Gear for the touch and metal gear: peacewalker arent even remotely in the same category when it comes to quality (google search it, you can see first hand). As it stands, you get what you pay for 10 bucks vs 40 bucks is a huge leap, I mean this is the saying amongst Apple users no?

    4. Pricing. Like i said earlier the quality from 10 bucks vs 40 is a huge one. You wont see major full scale mobile games like on the DS or PSP until there is a market there to support it (blast me all you want, but people are all about the 99c apps, some may pay 4.99 for a GOOD one...this pricing disparity is a huge negative)

    5. Split. You think a publisher is gonna cut Apple 30% of sales? You must be delusional, no console gets those kinds of royalty rates, none have and none will. The average GOOD game sells about 1 million copies (great games go well above that...nintendogs for example already 22 million) and at about 29 bucks a pop (more for PSP games) that is money publishers will not give up unless Apple changes this to entice developers to move over, simple as that and its not an arguable point

    6. Sales. Apple is good at touting the number of games it has, but whats the best selling game? Whats the revenue/profits of these games? There is no doubt some will dabble in ipod/phone gaming...plenty of companies have well before the iphone/ipod since the cell gaming market is big, especially in japan. The way they sell these games as well is interesting, iTunes is unquestionably a success. How is Apple going to handle millions of downloads well over 1+ GB (assuming the game is decent content, not some shoddy homebrew you see a lot of currently) if they do happen to have a huge leap into the game industry? They struggle constantly all the time when a new iphone launches because their servers cant handle it...Also what about those who are old enough to buy games but dont have a credit/debit card and you have to be 18 to have an iTunes account iirc. Being able to physically purchase games is a huge advantage (well a plus), for the iphone this doesnt matter since you can get games on the go anywhere, but for the touch your nailed down to wifi to buy a game.

    7. Hardware. Apple doesnt have physical buttons...they need to add a peripheral for this, you can only do so much with an accelerometer and on screen controls. I have sonic on my girls iphone, its a decent game (would hope so for how old it is) the on screen controls work but i want ALL THE SCREEN to view the game.

    8. Market Health/Perception/Demographic. Everyone has been saying the handheld market is dying (of course this was before DS/PSP). Apple has a distinct advantage here. Gaming is huge no doubt, but if i walked out on campus and saw a grown ass man playing a DS im gonna probably say hes a nerd. DS has sold well because it works for a young audience as well as an older audience (in japan its nothing to see someone on a PSP/DS regardless of age, in the US its rare to see a person over 12 using a DS, and i rarely see PSPs at all, even though its for a more mature audience) Most adults will game on a true console be it Wii/PS3/360/PC.

    For Apple to be successful they need to hit a wide range for their audience, so mom/dad will buy one for their kid, (and it needs to be priced accordingly...199 for a Wii/360 or a iPod Touch?)They have the image to work for older gamers so this is a huge plus for Apple, since they wont be embarrassed to be seen playing a game on their Touch/Phone.

    Anyways these are things Apple needs to tackle if they are serious about taking on the game market. Analysts who are spouting Nintendos death are idiots, simple as that. Nintendo isnt going anywhere and Apple doesnt have the correct model currently to make a swath into true mobile gaming
  • Reply 48 of 133
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    What he is saying is there will be a dark future if they don't do something about it now. Which means they will do something about it. Do you honestly think a company like Nintendo is just going to roll over. Your dreaming.

    I'm sure Nintendo will try. What that entails remains to be seen.

    The "doing" part, however, doesn't always work out as planned, especially if you're "doing" against Apple.

    Do you honestly think a company like Microsoft is just going to roll over? You're dreaming.

    "There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share. No chance," said Ballmer. "It's a $500 subsidized item. They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I'd prefer to have our software in 60% or 70% or 80% of them, than I would to have 2% or 3%, which is what Apple might get."

    And now:

    Is WinMo even ON the charts anymore? Last month it was somewhere at Palm's level, if not lower. From dominant share two years ago to swirling in the bowl today. A decade of MS mobile work utterly demolished by Apple almost overnight. And it was done to MICROSOFT. Most resources, biggest R&D budget, corporate penetration.
  • Reply 49 of 133
    Originally Posted by tundraboy View Post

    Increasingly Nintendo will be bumping up against the question "Do I buy a DS which can play games or an iPhone/iPod Touch which can play (much cheaper!) games and a do lot of other things?"

  • Reply 50 of 133
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Is WinMo even ON the charts anymore? Last month it was somewhere at Palm's level, if not lower. From dominant share two years ago to swirling in the bowl today. A decade of MS mobile work utterly demolished by Apple almost overnight.

    I believe it was under "Other."
  • Reply 51 of 133
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I don't see anywhere in the article where Iwata says he is "scared" I do see this however.

    "Mr. Iwata says the company's hand-helds offer an experience that mobile phones—no matter how smart the phone—can't match."

    Nitendo has been on the ropes before and has always come out ahead.

    Nintendo is also great at doing this.

    "My job is to find the potential in something that others can not see, to secretly pour our resources into them and turn them into hits before anyone else catches on,"

    That last quote almost sounds like something Steve Jobs would say, funny part is when SJ says it he is being innovative yet when someone else says it they are scared.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    "except that apple is in nintendo's handheld space now. Entirely different ballgame"

    There have been several handhelds in Nitendos face before most of which you don't even hear about today. Sony is the only one left standing and they aren't doing very well.

    Knowing that its time to make changes doesn't mean you are scared it means you are smart. Its the company that doesn't realize it time to change thats in trouble. Sony is a good example.

    The reason the iPhone/ iPod Touch are doing well in gaming has to do with the price of games. Its hard to turn down a 4.99 game even if the technology is often 15 years.

    "because we know apple will deliver and we see apple delivering on these bold statements. When jobs dismisses the competition and make promises, we actually have something in our hands that illustrates his words."

    Apple is like every other company there are things they have delivered on and products that have failed. Apple Tv and the mac mini would be their current failures with the Macbook Air not far behind. Also trying to sell monitors at 5 times the cost of everyone else doesn't seem to be working out too well for them either.

    People talk about the tablet when we have no clue whats its going to offer.

    The iPod Touch is fun everyone in my family has one but I don't see it driving Nintendo out of business by any stretch.

    You seem to have this mental block that if companies fail competition and innovation also fail and all that hurts is the end user. Your blind love for Apple keeps you from that very simple fact.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    What he is saying is there will be a dark future if they don't do something about it now. Which means they will do something about it. Do you honestly think a company like Nintendo is just going to roll over. Your dreaming.

    Not sure if you read people's comments properly or just quickly hit the keyboard with furious passion thinking that majority of people speculating and generating good conversation are just wrong.

    Or has many have speculated you are a hidden 'closet' troll

    I just think you do not know how to measure people's comments and speculation and take them negatively and try to put people's opinions down.

    P.S. This has nothing to do with your comments for or against Apple, its just my general observation, you never have anything positive to say of substance.
  • Reply 52 of 133
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Fastest selling doesn't get you anywhere without other pieces fitting into place.

    Nintendo has sold 115 million DS in over 3 full years worldwide.

    Apple has sold over 60 million iPhone and iPod touch, in just over 2 years.

    The key differences, going forward, being:

    1. The DS does one thing. You can argue you this, but the DS does one thing. Play $34 games, some of which, are lower quality than a $0.99 iPhone games.

    2. The iPhone/iPod touch initial investment is much higher. This would be a downside, if people weren't speaking with their wallets. The sales numbers, compared with the difference in initial sales revenue, is staggering. Most analysts would say, from these data alone, that the iPhone OS is currently more successful.

    parents would rather buy a slightly more expensive product (ipod touch) then ANY other handheld because it DOES SO MUCH MORE and games are cheap, you know how kids are with games. they play them and move on, i'd rather pay $5 for a game then 35 and in two weeks what do you have

    the other brilliance of the ecosystem that is ipod touch is you don't lose game cartridges, if there is a problem you reload it from the store and don't have to pay for it twice.

    its the ideal system, no wasted stuff, things to get lost and your investment in games and software is safe. this will be the future of software distribution, text books etc.

    i bought my kid a touch, not a ds, or a sony this or that, people want multitasking do everything

    here my kid can IM me, internet for school, look up movies, its limitless

    the ds is just a box, with lost cartridges

    many handheld companies are scared.

    the side benefit is we all use the same charger and cable, sweet, i hate all those different cables which get lost.
  • Reply 53 of 133
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Analysts who are spouting Nintendos death are idiots, simple as that. Nintendo isnt going anywhere and Apple doesnt have the correct model currently to make a swath into true mobile gaming

    The original article* as referenced in the Wall Street Journal is not by an analyst but a journalist; as is Neil Hughes who wrote this story.

    Daisuke Wakabayashi, Reuters

    As chief correspondent in Seattle, Mr. Wakabayashi is responsible for the newswires? coverage out of the Pacific Northwest, which includes keeping watch on Microsoft.

  • Reply 54 of 133
    Originally Posted by ifail View Post

    Well you guys are delusional as always

    Yet proved correct every time, it really defies the laws of logic!

    All gaming platforms should be worried, just watch...
  • Reply 55 of 133
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Apple is like every other company

    Yeah. Sure they are. Just like HP and Dell, and Lenovo, too!

    Have you been away from the internets for the past decade? You see that company with the big Apple logo? Yeah, they're kind of redefning the entire industry.
  • Reply 56 of 133
    ifailifail Posts: 463member
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Yet proved correct every time, it really defies the laws of logic!

    All gaming platforms should be worried, just watch...

    Really, care to dispute some of my points then, or are they all spot on?

    Also idk what parents are buyings young kids ipod touches lol, a DSlite to DSi goes from 129-159. at a 199 premium (yeah its a premium) you have to evaluate the price amongst what else is out there like idk Xbox 360 (soon to be 99 for the holidays?) and a Nintendo Wii.

    When apple has world known developers making content for them like Hideo Kojima, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Shigeru Miyamoto or Clif Blezinki come talk to me again.

    Also, if Apple made a console it would fail more miserably than the Sega Dreamcast did
  • Reply 57 of 133
    Originally Posted by rogue27 View Post

    The Nintendo DS is the fastest selling gaming system of all time. Their handheld business is not going away anytime soon. Iwata said their future is dark if they cannot differentiate themselves from the iPhone. That means that they will find a way to do that.

    Also, don't underestimate the value of a d-pad and real buttons. For many types of games, these things are very important. Far more so than a higher screen resolution.

    Sell, sort of. The DS has been on the market for 5 years and they have sold 113 million of them.

    Apple's had 37 million iPhone/iPod touch users at the end of March 2009. They are projected to pass 113 million sometime next year, perhaps by the iPhone's 3rd anniversary. And and will pass Nintendo for number of handheld machines sold either next year or in 2012.

    There really isn't anything Nintendo can do to stop that either. Sure, real buttons are nice for some games, but are completely irrelevant for others. Don't underestimate the value of direct manipulation or the accelerometer for gaming control.

    The quotes tell me Nintendo has it wrong. They aren't going to beat the iPhone/iPod touch for a handheld gaming capable system. It's impossible. They can't compete on volume, they can't compete on price, they can't compete on functionality.

    What they can do, though, is reinvent themselves and bring their Nintendo software line to the iPhone. They would sell a ton of an iPhone version of MarioCart.
  • Reply 58 of 133
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    Yeah, they're kind of redefning the entire industry.

    I've never seen you so modest about Apple
  • Reply 59 of 133
    I suggest Nintendo to add a phone to the DS and then call it: NinPho

  • Reply 60 of 133
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by iphonedeveloperthailand View Post

    Imagine Apple didn't even plan for their device to compete in the portable arena. Nice problem to have.

    True, but I think Apple actually *did* plan for this, despite all that nonsense we've heard from John Carmack to that effect.

    iPod games were very very popular even before the iPhone and iPod touch. Lots of tech sites were publishing stories about the "unusual success" of casual gaming on the iPod before the iPhone was even a glint in Steve Jobs' eye. I know I downloaded a few.
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